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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Shaya you used Shaco and Lee Sin as examples, but they're not ADCs, or hard-carry types like Nasus who can just facetank 3 people and get a triple. I've always thought melee assassins have a high skill cap.

I'm not saying that melee ADCs are easy to play and are free wins (although they pretty much are in Bronze). I just think that they're easier to play and easier to reach maximum potential with than marksmen. They certainly have a much lower skill floor, because they have better stats and their safety mechanics like revives or invincibility are so easy to use.

Positioning is obviously important, but I think it's more important for ranged because getting dived on is bigger deal for ranged than melee due to their inferior stats and harded mechanics. Also a ranged ADC still needs to position really well even when they're fed, whereas something like a Nasus or Aatrox can just facetank a team and get a quadra when they're fed.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Shaco has the single highest scaling single target steroid in the game doe ><

All those mechanical skills still are required even if you're nasus. Getting kited is hard to get around. Maximising damage as melee and avoiding damage is still required. If the enemy has a well balanced team, melee's are destined to get ****ed over.

Almost every champion fed can wreck face. Can't tell you how many quadras or better I've gotten as an Ezreal with double buffs. The best part is that you don't get hit. Ever. Oh I'm playing AP Kog'Maw and I just hit level 16, I'm killing you at 2000 range and also never getting hit. Ever. etc etc etc


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
personally i've always hated champions like ahri (at release) more.

regardless of their bad laning, positioning and map awareness, they will always pull off their full spell rotation and damage in a fight and have a good chance of walking away alive. and one good team fight is all they need to begin snowballing (assuming the rest of their team hasn't failed already).


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
I don't understand why people stopped playing AP Kogmaw
I feel like Kog is pretty damn butts as an ADC when you can just be playing hyper carries like Jinx or Tristana but holy girls is AP Kogmaw dumb if he survives the laning phase.
I mean, I guess if you're going to suck hard in lane and win the game anyways because you have your ultimate + and a stacked Tear you might just be better off as Kass because having 34.561 flashes is even more BS than having raining down 500+ damage aoe nukes on a 1 second cooldown at 1750 range...


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
yasuo is really strong tbh

hes just incredibly difficult to play and his item build is really weird its taken a while for people to figure him out but he will be played in lcs if he doesnt get nerfed


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Master Yi has a really good late game still, pretty fast at making picks off. Team fighting not his strong point though unless he can facetank them. Like only champs he can't pick off are like Tryndamere and Kayle..


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
His laning is kinda awesome.

No character bar Riven-*****-**** can avoid being hit by E. And then they explode!
only if you dont get ganked and die 40 horrible deaths before 6 though

... at least his build is cheap. I usually go athenes/tear/void staff/rylais/boots/another tear


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2011
Fiora has always seemed really stupid to me. She's so strong for how low her skill ceiling is, or how few champ-specific mechanics she has. She's basically just really good stats with 3 steroids, 2 of which cost no resources and one of those being permanent, and a targeted AOE nuke that makes her invincible.

I think melee ADCs are just poorly designed in general, that's why they're the most hated champs in the game. If you look at all the champs that are universally hated with the exception of Teemo, they're all melee ADCs (Trynd, Yi, Fiora) or at least melee carry types ( eg.Nasus, Riven). I think the reason they're hated so much is because they have lower skill ceilings. They normally have really good stats plus some really brainless mechanic like a revive or invincibility takes very little skill to use.

I think people don't hate marksmen that much because they still take mechanics to use when they're fed, whereas fed melee carries can just facetank 3-4 people and get a quadra just be clicking R and using one of their easy mechanics.

mentioning skill ceilings

comparing riven and fiora

i can't even contain this laughter

edit: warwick is not good top lane. it isn't some conspiracy gambit was just making fun of how bad na is.

wtf who looks at swain's ratios? you build him tanky and do tons of aoe. don't 1v1 people as swain, get fed and tell your team to group around you. take a tower. if they engage kite back and poke whoever tried to engage on you. if he isn't dead, keep kiting away from tower as swain while you automatically win.

you have no idea what swain even is. he isn't about burst damage, he isn't about catching an adc and he isn't about farming. swain is about rod of ages, archangels, zhonyas, spirit visage. go look at his spell vamp. he's ********. he is a broken champion that hasn't been nerfed yet because rito is clueless and pros haven't played the **** out of him because pros are more clueless than rito


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
I don't understand why people stopped playing AP Kogmaw
I feel like Kog is pretty damn butts as an ADC when you can just be playing hyper carries like Jinx or Tristana but holy girls is AP Kogmaw dumb if he survives the laning phase.
I mean, I guess if you're going to suck hard in lane and win the game anyways because you have your ultimate + and a stacked Tear you might just be better off as Kass because having 34.561 flashes is even more BS than having raining down 500+ damage aoe nukes on a 1 second cooldown at 1750 range...
they nerfed the damage too much
before that it was decent


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
mentioning skill ceilings

comparing riven and fiora

i can't even contain this laughter

edit: warwick is not good top lane. it isn't some conspiracy gambit was just making fun of how bad na is.

wtf who looks at swain's ratios? you build him tanky and do tons of aoe. don't 1v1 people as swain, get fed and tell your team to group around you. take a tower. if they engage kite back and poke whoever tried to engage on you. if he isn't dead, keep kiting away from tower as swain while you automatically win.

you have no idea what swain even is. he isn't about burst damage, he isn't about catching an adc and he isn't about farming. swain is about rod of ages, archangels, zhonyas, spirit visage. go look at his spell vamp. he's ********. he is a broken champion that hasn't been nerfed yet because rito is clueless and pros haven't played the **** out of him because pros are more clueless than rito
Riven is highly mechanical and has a very high skill ceiling but people are deluding themselves if they think you need to be Faker to stomp with her. She still has an inherently toxic design. She has good stats, about a million dashes, and a low cd shield which scales off her offensive stat, and all of this costs no resources. I've had my spells entirely negated at level 1 by her shield, which is on a lower cd than my spell, and didn't cost any resources whereas mine did. That to me is just poor design. There is like no consequence to just brainlessly spamming her abilities. She has mechanics but you don't need to be a mechanical genius to wreck with her due to her design.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Riven's skill ceiling is pretty damn high but her skill floor is arguably even lower than Fiora's.
It's really not hard to build Hydra + Last Whisper and hit all the buttons, and at all but high levels of play that's basically all you need to do to do well as Riven.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
Riven is highly mechanical and has a very high skill ceiling but people are deluding themselves if they think you need to be Faker to stomp with her. She still has an inherently toxic design. She has good stats, about a million dashes, and a low cd shield which scales off her offensive stat, and all of this costs no resources. I've had my spells entirely negated at level 1 by her shield, which is on a lower cd than my spell, and didn't cost any resources whereas mine did. That to me is just poor design. There is like no consequence to just brainlessly spamming her abilities. She has mechanics but you don't need to be a mechanical genius to wreck with her due to her design.
I mean, Riven still has terrible match ups and can get stomped by any of these champs: Renekton, Garren, Kayle, Jayce, Teemo, Malphite, Nasus, Olaf. And to trade effectively you can't just mash Q/W/E and hope you win, you have to make sure you AA after every spell or you're wasting damage. She's not as lol face roll as you are saying. And if she sheild's your spell then she's countering your champion, and she wasted her lvl 1 burst just to dodge a skill so I don't really see the point of that part. Yeah she has no resources but her CD at low levels are pri bad. I mean it's hard to believe your trading spell has a 10 CD at lvl 1 with no CDR, because that's how much her dash has.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Varist people would probably be apt to take you more seriously if you didn't try and sound like the most condescending person on the boards when you posted... maybe you just need a hug bro :seuss:


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2011
Riven is highly mechanical and has a very high skill ceiling but people are deluding themselves if they think you need to be Faker to stomp with her. She still has an inherently toxic design. She has good stats, about a million dashes, and a low cd shield which scales off her offensive stat, and all of this costs no resources. I've had my spells entirely negated at level 1 by her shield, which is on a lower cd than my spell, and didn't cost any resources whereas mine did. That to me is just poor design. There is like no consequence to just brainlessly spamming her abilities. She has mechanics but you don't need to be a mechanical genius to wreck with her due to her design.
You're calling her design toxic because you don't realize most other champions' designs are just ****.

I think "a melee champion that can do nothing to you outside of 300 range" is a pretty fair concept. "Short, repeatable gap closers for a kind of erratic, false movement speed buff" is an interesting band-aid to fix that limitation that can be used in creative ways.

A riven loses all of her damage if she has to gap close on you with Q. So the only way to 100-0 people is if they walk in range of your E. What's broken on Riven is flash, because it gives her access to both your character and all of her moves at the same time. That's why her damage output is ridiculous. Riven without flash cannot kill you unless you physically let her.

People losing to Riven are examples of people who don't respect champion power spikes. Riven's power spikes are level 1, level 2, level 6 and level 9. As a Riven player, I wait until these values and if I have flash, I am going to all-in.

You have to be mechanically sound to even compete with her. I don't know if you're bronze or what but without good mechanics and excellent animation canceling you will lose trades to champions like Fiora, Irelia, Jax, Nasus, and Renekton every time.

Peoples' misunderstanding of Riven comes from her classification. She's a fighter, who can potentially be an assassin. Because of her shield she beats other assassins. Because of her steroids and small little CCs she can potentially out-attrition a fighter. But if she falls behind she can do none of that.

Riot doesn't understand what makes Riven powerful and neither do you. The way to fix Riven was bad scaling on her E with AD, but increased base shield. Then buying full damage items doesn't make her both more damaging AND more tanky (the concept of getting tankier while building damage is what causes snowball problems because you double dip on your stats).

Riven's only way to scale is to build straight damage. This limits her in pretty much every scenario that isn't a 1v1. But she has aoe damage, so she can pull out 1v2 outplays.

The game right now is lots of tanky champions who can't trade through her shield and just get whittled down or denied, or stupid broken mages like ziggs and syndra who can honestly CS perfectly fine, they just don't want to fight her.

Riven isn't broken, she is strong. And the reason she is strong now is because people learned how to play her better. She's one of the only champions in the game who isn't new where you can just say "well people got better". Because she's one of the only challenging champions to play in this whole easy game and she's getting treated this way because of the tension that exists between easy champions and difficult champions.

That tension is essentially, "do we balance the difficult champion around people who are the best with her, and then compare it to the point and click champions' raw numbers? Or do we balance the difficult champion around sort of mid-tier play and let people who are good with her be better than other champions and people who are worse at her be useless against point and click champions?"

It's like the Lee Sin speculation that was going on before, except I don't think Lee Sin is actually a difficult champion.

Riven has already had her numbers nerfed twice before in dramatic ways. At this point, her damage is not even competitive. It's her mobility that's getting her far, and it's why we saw the shift from maxing Q + W toward Q + E, the mobility skills.

Now they're nerfing both her Q and her E, pushing her toward either maxing W to compensate for the TREMENDOUS amount of lost damage on Q, or maxing E and killing her ranged champion matchups with the lower shield duration and losing the damage she needs to kill people and be a threat in lane.

Riot's design philosophy is backwards and stupid. They're nerfing the scaling on her damage and the usefulness of her shield, when all they needed to do was nerf the scaling on her shield and the usefulness of damage items.

If I could build Spirit Visage and Randuins on my Riven and not think it was inefficient I would. But you just can't with Riven because she barely has enough damage to finish her all-ins in the first place.

Think of the changes that have occurred leading Riven to the place she is now. The Q was changed from a knockback to a knock up. This made her trades undeniably worse, but her all-ins exceptionally better. Her Q can go over walls. That was the largest buff she's seen in forever and suddenly she's being played midlane. It allowed her to do what most mids should be able to and that's easy access to wraith camp. It was the piece that enabled people to get back the AD mids that had been repeatedly nerfed since the Black Cleaver era.

Just because Riven is Faker's favorite champion doesn't mean that champion needs to be gutted out of existence.

The biggest problem with nerfing her damage is it throws all of the Riven players off. To play Riven you need to know how much damage you can do to X champion at X level with a rough estimation of their armor value. If you can get them to a certain health range and think "Now I can kill them as long as I limit myself to one missed Q for the gap closing assistance" you were doing it right, and you could only make calculations like that if you had learned the match-ups and knew the rough numbers.

Not only does this nerf neuter her early power and late power, it takes all the Riven knowledge people had and throws it in the garbage. If my Riven has to build full damage to win early, but is bad in team fights, and you nerf both her early and late, what do you get? An average champion in lane who gets abused harder by ranged with a worse shield and a ****ty champion mid and late.

These changes are the death of Riven in high elos and the only time I'll get to play her are against Bronze and Silver players who will get in range of me without me forcing the issue and let me snowball.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Riot's done this to every high skill cap champion ever.

Realistically, the amount of distance she can cover and cc applied in 1v1s is her problem She's a super stupidly better version of AP Sion with similar play patterns (i.e. easy) but with harder mechanics. Having bad match ups doesn't mean they're fair/balanced (Singed, every single time).

She has more cc, better gap close, better lock down and significantly better scaling then say, Xin Zhao. To top it off she's resourceless and is close to impossible to gank her. Having her damage kicked off will (potentially) relegate her to not-seen-again tier purely because of her 5s weakness outshadowing her currently ******** snowbally/assassin abilities. Her design, like many others in league, are pretty much impossible to balance, and you should know this.

And this is why you don't main champions who are good pre-6 ever. Gotta pick that sneaky weak but manageable 1-5er that turns into a god from level 11 or so onwards that only gets nerfed once every year or two (unless you're Irelia).


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
Sadly my favorite champions fall into two categories: champs with limited mobility, or a design that promotes little counterplay and as such relegates itself to either being too strong or too weak.

Udyr, Olaf, Skarner, Nunu etc... it's not the lack of mobility that makes me like them, it's just coincidence, but kind of funny that most of my favorites lack mobility outside of maybe a speed boost.
Then you have champs like Talon, Graves, Alistar, and Gangplank that are either too strong or crappy because of their designs. Of them, I wish Graves was better the most. He's the most fun ADC in the game as far as I'm concerned, but I'll admit his design is pretty binary. Either he's good enough to burst down targets in lane and snowball from there, or he's not. Looking at his patch history is straight up depressing... aside from a buff to W compensating its past nerfs he's had nothing but nerfs. Q alone hit four times, and every other ability including his passive hit once. On top of that his attack range and base attack speed were nerfed. Basically hit again and again until he stopped being playable, and the sad part of it all is that he would still be strong enough if Barrier wasn't a thing.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I just want to clarify that when I say something is toxic that doesn't necessarily mean I think it's OP.

Toxic to me is just poor design. A good example would be Teemo's shrooms. They're not OP but they are poorly designed because they do a lot of damage and there is no real counterplay to it. I don't necessarily think Riven is OP, but I think she is poorly designed because low cds and no resource management is silly, Also, because the only champion to have a shield that scales off your offensive stat is also silly.

It's the same with melee adcs. I don't think they're op, because being melee is a pretty big weakness against coordinated teams who know how to kite and cc appropriately. But I still think they're poorly designed because once they're fed they can just smash the keyboard and there is little counter-play to it


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
I want Elise nerfs more than anything she still feels insanely strong to me.

Oh, so, Fiora players I have a question this has been bugging me. When I dive people with Fiora ulti for kills (wave is pushed up so minions are there for tower aggro) at times when I come out of the ulti I don't have tower aggro and at other times I do. Now I'm positive that in all instances the opponent is dying directly to Fiora ulti and not like a last auto after the ulti or anything like that. How can I know when I will come out of ulti with aggro or not? Does it have to do with maybe the LAST tick of ulti killing?I I'm very confused by this and it effects things a lot.

Also Ghost vs Flash? I can't decide.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2001
Queens/Stony Brook, NY
I want Elise nerfs more than anything she still feels insanely strong to me.

Oh, so, Fiora players I have a question this has been bugging me. When I dive people with Fiora ulti for kills (wave is pushed up so minions are there for tower aggro) at times when I come out of the ulti I don't have tower aggro and at other times I do. Now I'm positive that in all instances the opponent is dying directly to Fiora ulti and not like a last auto after the ulti or anything like that. How can I know when I will come out of ulti with aggro or not? Does it have to do with maybe the LAST tick of ulti killing?I I'm very confused by this and it effects things a lot.

Also Ghost vs Flash? I can't decide.

Fiora's ult causes her to lose/gain tower aggro over and over due to the nature of her popping in and out, but I don't remember any instance where I finished it without having aggro on me at the end (maybe you ended barely out of tower range after some of them?). She appears immediately after the final attack, so the tower should be targeting you regardless of if minions are there in any case.

And you should be getting flash, your E already gives you any movespeed you need and flash allows you to make more plays.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2011
Louisiana Tech
I just want to clarify that when I say something is toxic that doesn't necessarily mean I think it's OP.

Toxic to me is just poor design. A good example would be Teemo's shrooms. They're not OP but they are poorly designed because they do a lot of damage and there is no real counterplay to it. I don't necessarily think Riven is OP, but I think she is poorly designed because low cds and no resource management is silly, Also, because the only champion to have a shield that scales off your offensive stat is also silly.

It's the same with melee adcs. I don't think they're op, because being melee is a pretty big weakness against coordinated teams who know how to kite and cc appropriately. But I still think they're poorly designed because once they're fed they can just smash the keyboard and there is little counter-play to it

all shields scale off offensive stats (except for like j4's), but yea the ratio or the cooldown should be nerfed 4 sure.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Well most character's don't have shields scaling off their primary (in Riven's case: ONLY) desired stat. AP mages obviously do (Lux is probably the only notable one though), supports do but aren't focussing on AP, and most other tanky deeps have them scaling off of AP, which means only Baron Buff + Sheen is their only seen increase of those. J4, Malphite, Vi don't offensively scale I believe.

Malphite and maybe Vi's don't scale with CDR either.

Oh, if I could gut Riven in the right way I would -
Longer CD between individual Qs, hitting an enemy reduces that time monstrously.
Shield decays over time / something about scaling based on enemies present. Maybe Riven dealing damage reduces your shield.
A slightly longer cast time on ult, maybe. If it became a channel instead of a cast, for the rest of time I'll be able to laugh maniacally as you cockblock Riven from bending you over with well timed counterplay.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Malphite's and Vi's shield scale off HP. J4's shield has no scaling :/

With fiddle fear and rammus taunt nerfed, Lulu has the longest point and click CC now right?


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
j4s shield is op what

its like 500+ with only like 3 enemies nearby

zilean has always had the longest point and click cc


It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
I want Elise nerfs more than anything she still feels insanely strong to me.

Oh, so, Fiora players I have a question this has been bugging me. When I dive people with Fiora ulti for kills (wave is pushed up so minions are there for tower aggro) at times when I come out of the ulti I don't have tower aggro and at other times I do. Now I'm positive that in all instances the opponent is dying directly to Fiora ulti and not like a last auto after the ulti or anything like that. How can I know when I will come out of ulti with aggro or not? Does it have to do with maybe the LAST tick of ulti killing?I I'm very confused by this and it effects things a lot.

Also Ghost vs Flash? I can't decide.
Yeah I'm not sure about this. I need to sit down and test it thoroughly one day. I assume that the last hit of Blade Waltz gives you aggro because it would be silly for you to be able to ult a living target under tower and not receive aggro at the end.

Flash. Always Flash.

Flash is so important for flashing onto badly positioned squishies

Enemy ADC in front of team? Flash > Q is 1050 units long, then use your whole rotation (botrk, hydra, ignite) press R and q to them if they somehow live through that.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
So I wasn't really sure where to put this, I guess this is fine?

I got a set of cool little weapons from League for Christmas. I don't really know what I'm gonna do with them, so I'm gonna sell them for ~$10 or highest bidder. I'm posting it here since I imagine SOME OF YOU will be at APEX and that'll be the best way for us to meet, otherwise you gotta pay shipping.

Here's the whole set:

And here's one (WITH MY HAND!!!) for reference (keeping this one since J4 is my dude)

Right now here's what's still available:

LoL Logo (in Chinese)
Katarina's Dagger
Riven's Sword (FULL)
Yi's Blade
Ashe's Bow

Anyone interested?


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
So I wasn't really sure where to put this, I guess this is fine?

I got a set of cool little weapons from League for Christmas. I don't really know what I'm gonna do with them, so I'm gonna sell them for ~$10 or highest bidder. I'm posting it here since I imagine SOME OF YOU will be at APEX and that'll be the best way for us to meet, otherwise you gotta pay shipping.

Here's the whole set:

And here's one (WITH MY HAND!!!) for reference (keeping this one since J4 is my dude)

Right now here's what's still available:

LoL Logo (in Chinese)
Katarina's Dagger
Riven's Sword (FULL)
Yi's Blade
Ashe's Bow

Anyone interested?

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Maybe it's the alcohol talking, but I just realized that fact.
Pretty scummy to do that, y'know.:applejack:


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2011
Well most character's don't have shields scaling off their primary (in Riven's case: ONLY) desired stat. AP mages obviously do (Lux is probably the only notable one though), supports do but aren't focussing on AP, and most other tanky deeps have them scaling off of AP, which means only Baron Buff + Sheen is their only seen increase of those. J4, Malphite, Vi don't offensively scale I believe.

Malphite and maybe Vi's don't scale with CDR either.

Oh, if I could gut Riven in the right way I would -
Longer CD between individual Qs, hitting an enemy reduces that time monstrously.
Shield decays over time / something about scaling based on enemies present. Maybe Riven dealing damage reduces your shield.
A slightly longer cast time on ult, maybe. If it became a channel instead of a cast, for the rest of time I'll be able to laugh maniacally as you cockblock Riven from bending you over with well timed counterplay.
And this is why you aren't on the balance team. Those changes are even worse than Riot's. There's no way to gut a champion in the "right way" if that champion doesn't need to be gutted in the first place. All that needs to happen is a worse shield. A longer time on individual Qs would destroy her ability to gap close and escape. The riven dealing damage reducing her shield is hilarious, what kind of baby could even conceive of something that stupid?

Making her animations clunky? Your design philosophy is literally "let's destroy the smooth playstyle she used to have and make her clunkier, that's good balance hurr"

I bet you thought the Zed missile speed change was good. Holy **** I'm glad I've got arms because if I wasn't holding my sides right now they would explode all over the walls around me

These are the worst suggestions I've ever read.

It's hilarious how you identified the real problem as "she has a shield that scales with her primary offensive stat" but then went on to suggest changes that have literally nothing to do with that problem.

and just for posterity, Lux is not the only champion with a shield that scales off of her offensive stat: Orianna, Diana, Karma, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Rumble, and Sion (who is now primarily played as AP) have these. I would include Udyr but since the rework no one has played him as AP, and Shen but although building him AP is viable it isn't what people normally pick Shen for.

Riven buffs: nerfs to fidd and rammus CC that make Merc treads less useful and Cooldown boots more favorable, jumping over walls, the nerf cycle on assassins and the splitpushers

Riven nerfs: less base damage on all three Qs, worse scaling on all of her Qs, a worse shield, 10% CDR taken off Spirit Visage, 10% reduced CDR on blue buff

How to fix Riven? Make her cooldowns slightly longer (no more than one second on any of them), reduce the scaling on her shield and increase its base amount. If they think it's not enough take away the ability they gave her to jump walls because that honestly makes more of a difference than they thought it would.

There is a ******** stigma attatched to the idea that if a champion is seen in competitive play it is now "viable" and if it's seen a lot it is now "OP". There is nothing bad about seeing Rivens being played competitively, like suddenly they're not allowed to be played and if they are being played it's because they're some "disease that was left unchecked" and need to be gutted so that they aren't seen again.

That is what Riot literally does to champions. Riven was good for the competitive scene because even half of the pros playing her weren't playing her close to what her potential was. Their mechanics sucked ass.

The pro scene has spent too long just "not making mistakes" and "doing the right thing and minimizing loss".

No pro is comfortable 2v1ing a jungle gank because it's a risk. No pro is comfortable attempting an outplay. The way competitive games work is you 2 or 3 man dive someone helpless under their tower for a guaranteed gold advantage and then you don't attempt any "outplays" until someone has made a mistake and you just hope it wasn't your team that made it. Then you do progressively riskier things as the game goes on because it doesn't matter if your play was smart or not, you have a gold lead, you can play worse than the enemy team from that point on and still be fine.

Champions like Riven, Lee Sin, Orianna, Cassiopeia, and Anivia were good for the competitive scene. Currently the best support in the game is literally the most zero brains point and click cancerous garbage in existence, Annie. Easy champions like Shyvana, and holy ****ing what, Mundo, are being played. Because the difficult champions have had their numbers gutted, just like what's about to happen to Riven. And we're defaulting to these bland as **** no-room-for-error point and click champions. It makes professional games less entertaining. The skill cap in this game is honestly lower than any other esport out there.

There is a good reason people outside of the League of Legends scene call this game "easy". It is by far the easiest game to be good at. What stops people from flocking in and taking their free money, if it is as easy as I claim, is because it is a huge knowledge burden and time sink. Most of the top laners who play this game have been around since the early life of the game and the reason they can stay on top is literally because top lane is just rote memorization of match-up knowledge. The rest of league of legends is the same way. This leads into further problems down the line for the game, some which have already happened and some which will inevitably happen.
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