I like how you stop-juked my whole team under your double turrets. They bursted you down to 1/5 health then just backed off. Zzz.
ROFL, the CD wasn't even close to up there, that was the funniest part.
that game was so depressing though. ****ing kat mid and support kayle, and yet I'm the one who's getting *****ed at, despite still staying relatively even in CS while getting no ganks from my jungler while getting moderately frequent ganks from Xin when I'm already CPed in lane... really hate this community sometimes.
oh and I swear to god, verbatim quote from our Kayle, "wow, how do you get FBed by Xin?" Like, are you ****ting me? Xin is S-tier pre-6 ganker. He's on par with ****ing Shaco and Pantheon in terms of low level ganks, how is it surprising that he's able to body a Melee with literally no way to play safe and still get CS in lane?
Also, in a different game last night, I had my FP say "<INSERT LAST PICK'S NAME HERE>, gg, I'm going to random jungle, good luck carrying guys." So I assume he's just raging and that w/e, when people are actually faced with whether they want to flush elo down the toilet because they're mad or whether they'd like to try for a win, they'll actually try. So I'm 2nd pick and we're picking at the same time and skarnar's up, so I ask if anyone wants skarnar or if I should play him, everyone says I should just play him so I lock in skarnar before first pick has done anything, but he still goes random and still takes smite on Morg. Then 4th pick decides the answer is to have a 3rd smite on our team with Evelyn. So obviously we get in game and lose in like 13 minutes or something, but the whole time the Morg is talking about how me and eve are the ones who need to be reported. Like, wtf? Report the first picked jungle skarnar for trolling by taking jungle from some raging douchebag who fancies himself as the next saintvicious. Uhg, so stupid.