at least dmg made an attempt to explain to me why i'm wrong. a pretty poor attempt, but at least he tried.
i'm genuinely curious as to why you think flat is better. i'd be fine switching to flat if you have a good reason why i should.
my post was pretty much a joke at an extremely nit picky post made by u, but since u want a serious answer
sacrificing lane dominance early on in ad lane is very bad because when it isn't noobs derping it comes down to both sides having barely any hp left during hard engages (if one is a aggressive support)
Also, even without hard engages it allows you to trade with GOOD opponents without losing the exchange often, with that in mind,
almost every bot lane combo has high early magic damage, like i stated earlier most ad carries max a magic damage spell first, but the one example out of 50 you listed does makes sense to use scaling, but you make it sound like you use scaling no matter what which I find problematic
I GUESS if you are a 'poon' you can sit back with your soraka duo q partner and farm all day, scaling mr works fine in that case ( i still think its bad because games often do not turn out that way even if you have a plan to passively win bot lane) but that is extremely unfun gameplay, and especially not ideal for solo Q because aggressively winning >>>>>> passively winning if you want to win more games
but you also have no manhood/ you are ****ing boring if you play like this, and you will earn a spot in my ***/ boring list of people
also, since it applies to like 5% of bot lanes, spending ip for another rune page for 5% of matchups SUX.
League is a game where because technical skill is 'lower' than other games that when you play actual good people its harder to outplay them, the little things start to matter a lot more
if i faced an all AD lane i'd probably use atk speed runes like dphat lol
also, you are especially wrong about alistar in terms of magic dmg, and for the other supports i still think that every little bit counts, hard engages bot lane often lead to one side barely winning