I'm always amazed at the types of players I run into.
I don't just mean bad kids.
I just had a game where I was mid with xerath. first time xerath, but his kit isn't all that hard, you know? So I'm beating the vlad I'm up against. Malphite is solo top getting owned, but he's berating all of us. He stole blue buff from me while i was taking it. Said "you die too much" when i complained . At that point I was 1-1-2. He had 3 deaths.
I got triple ganked at mid and got out alive because my team showed up. Everyone except malphite. We killed 2 lost 2 when malph finally ran in, after the fight had dissipated. he ulted alone into 3 of them and died. So he types "WTF no mia calls on that? noob team."
we were all like "is kid serious?"
Super troll.
But then out of nowhere, he's wrecking with malphite. He keeps getting kills. he's still doing the most ******** things, but he always wins fights. Like, we killed 4 of them at dragon without dying at all. this is 40 minutes in. We can win the game right there by pushing the inhib turret at mid and moving in. Instead, he dragons solo while we all push mid and we can't get anything done without him. then as we all back off mid when we can't win it, he tower dives solo, kills vlad, and then runs back out and survives. No tower won. just some dragon gold and a solo kill.
But at the end of it all, we have 2 inhibs down and the other team fails in team fights and we are able to push back and win the whole game. Troll malph went like 15-7-23 or something. Trolling the whole way, making the worst decisions ever, but always winning fights.
Such an interesting game. It's hard for me to understand how someone can strategically be that bad, but in skirmishes always do whats right.
I'm not sure if I like xerath or not yet. His kit seems fun, but I always felt like, even with high AP, that i wasn't doing much damage. I peaked out at like 700 AP that game. Did ok damage I guess, but I was just thinking about how badly I'd **** on people if I had that much AP as annie or orianna. Didn't seem to compare.
I suppose my team was to dumb to play poke-wars, and that's probably where xerath stands out over annie.