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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Is he supposed to be bursty or more sustained magic damage?
Xerath has a ton of damage and his W lets him land it from a longer range than most casters. His scaling looks average at first until you realize that his ult hits 3 separate times. His ult if you land every hit is probably the most damaging ult in the game once you start getting some AP (only 1 that could come close I think would be Karthus, but you can go past that too if you manage to hit a lot of them for full damage). It's also extremely versatile in that you don't have to blow all the damage upfront like most spells. You can pick and choose certain spots during a team fight, or save a hit to land another quick stun, or if you're in W mode and they go to leap on you back up and use it once they are away from you.

You can probably find a caster that does more damage lategame or should do more damage lategame like Karthus or Cass, but he's safer and potentially more dangerous than them (besides super lategame Karthus with a strong team backing him where he can dance on your bodies and you die).

Xerath damage is fine. Now if you take too long rushing AP or have some janky build like rushing Rylais then yeah he's gonna look weak. He's not a level 6 monster (only thing silly is that his stun gets super easy mode to land at 6). But his damage is certainly fine. In lane for example, only 85 mana rank 5 Q that can sweep the lane or poke pretty hard. With a Dring or two, you're poking them every waveish with it while also being able to farm with it WHILE having lots of range on it and not running out of mana. That's his laning, not going up to people's faces and blowing spells like Ryze Annie etc. Eventually with enough AP (not too hard to get there, Deathcap and Drings and maybe 1 more NLR) you can just walk up to people with E and burst them down like a reg caster if you wanted, or abuse his range and still do this lol.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Guys, I have a question.

I know that the current metagame usually involves Solo Top, Mid, Jungler, and 2 Bot. However, in Solo-Queue I run in to a lot of 2 top, 2 bot, 1 mid, no jungler situations.

I personally like solo-top the most. What should I do to adopt to the fact that I'm doing a 2v1 Solo Top? I normally use Akali, Tryn, or GP for top. Which team gains the advantage for this set-up?

For example as Akali, I normally run Boots and Pots Solo Top if I am doing 1v1. But if the enemy team doesn't have a jungler I find myself running Cloth Armor + Pots. Depending on who's on top I find it somewhat difficult to sustain and last hit creeps while taking poke damage.


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
Guys, I have a question.

I know that the current metagame usually involves Solo Top, Mid, Jungler, and 2 Bot. However, in Solo-Queue I run in to a lot of 2 top, 2 bot, 1 mid, no jungler situations.

I personally like solo-top the most. What should I do to adopt to the fact that I'm doing a 2v1 Solo Top? I normally use Akali, Tryn, or GP for top. Which team gains the advantage for this set-up?

For example as Akali, I normally run Boots and Pots Solo Top if I am doing 1v1. But if the enemy team doesn't have a jungler I find myself running Cloth Armor + Pots. Depending on who's on top I find it somewhat difficult to sustain and last hit creeps while taking poke damage.
1st off I'm not a great player, but I do find myself in this situation often enough. I think you have to start with picking a sustainable character. This can be hard to predict, however, because I've been in cases where the enemy team has 3 viable and common junglers, but nobody jungles. I think in most situations I find myself last hitting on the tower, because everyone at my normal elo still thinks pushing a lane is always good. But unfortunately the junglers are just about as good and usually just farm creeps for the firs 10+ mins. I really like Cho Gath because his abilities are aoe and I think he lanes vs 2 pretty well, just be sure to grab those last hits. Also gp works too because you can parley creeps o tower and hopefully make up some of the gold you lose to the tower. But your jungler should be ganking too, and that makes life a lot easier.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Yeah, I imagine sustain + last hitting creep waves on tower is key. I'm wondering what a good item build for Akali would be if I find myself in that situation.

I have the rune page setup so I get both her passives LVL 1 so Doran's Blade isn't necessary. Boots + Pots helps me to juke skill shots easier, but Cloth + Pots gives me the longest sustain.


Smash Lord
Dec 9, 2001
Queens/Stony Brook, NY
Unless it's an insanely stupid duo top with like a thousand stuns, do some sort of bursty AP top like Zilean, hit 5 while they're 3, then double bomb them for 3/4s of their hp and scare the living daylights out of them.

Not very practical advice, but THAT'S MY TWO CENTS.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I recall seeing the pros run 2 people top lane for the first few levels, then have top and bot back at the same time and switch.

I dont see any downside to this. I'm guessing you want this weird setup to take advantage of mini golems.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
It basically comes down to this imo.

If your solo against a 2v1, you want to farm what you can safely, but your main goal is to get ahead level wise. picking sustainy champs like Cho allow you to farm better at turret but most champs have ways to farm ok under turret.

if it's 2v2, you can either try to take all the farm cause you think you will benefit from it, or pick a champ who does well without that much farm since you will be splitting it.

if your 2 and your opponent is one. Remember denying experience is the way to win that lane. Immediately pushing to their turret constantly is usually a lose for you unless you have a ranged champ up there who can harass them at the turret and force them to back early.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
So basically what you guys are saying is Akali is ****ed if she's 2v1'd at Top.

Edit: I understand that Cho is great at a 2v1 situation, but I'm wondering what Akali/Tryn/GP can do to maximize their efficiency in that situation in regards to perhaps an item build or a strategy. I don't plan on using Cho.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
So basically what you guys are saying is Akali is ****ed if she's 2v1'd at Top.

Edit: I understand that Cho is great at a 2v1 situation, but I'm wondering what Akali/Tryn/GP can do to maximize their efficiency in that situation in regards to perhaps an item build or a strategy. I don't plan on using Cho.
Akali is rough because she's very squishy and you have to farm by your Q or whenever your shroud is up. If your up against range like cait you'll have a lot of trouble farming through the harass. But on the other hand if you do ok your very strong at 6 vs level 3-4s if you can keep up xp wise. Probably want to rush revolver for sustain.

Gp and Trynd should be fine, may want to start cloth 5 into wriggles if your up against a double AD lane or something you think you need wriggles for. Trynd especially since he has no method of ranged cs.

Just remember it's not about the farm 2v1. Ideally you want some, but if you get xp for everything your basically winning that lane. A lot of players try to farm like it's 1v1 and get killed constantly.

Edit: Going teleport also helps as it can help you survive early game a little bit better (I feel like giving up ignite on Akali for probably a gauranteed kill when you hit 6 and they are 3-4 is too much though). And wriggles is also nice for if they constantly push to your turret it gives you a free ward top to notify your mid whenever they try to gank.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
The only thing I've learned from this conversation is that 1v2 and 2v1 are the same thing


Jul 16, 2005
Xerath has a ton of damage and his W lets him land it from a longer range than most casters. His scaling looks average at first until you realize that his ult hits 3 separate times. His ult if you land every hit is probably the most damaging ult in the game once you start getting some AP (only 1 that could come close I think would be Karthus, but you can go past that too if you manage to hit a lot of them for full damage). It's also extremely versatile in that you don't have to blow all the damage upfront like most spells. You can pick and choose certain spots during a team fight, or save a hit to land another quick stun, or if you're in W mode and they go to leap on you back up and use it once they are away from you.

You can probably find a caster that does more damage lategame or should do more damage lategame like Karthus or Cass, but he's safer and potentially more dangerous than them (besides super lategame Karthus with a strong team backing him where he can dance on your bodies and you die).

Xerath damage is fine. Now if you take too long rushing AP or have some janky build like rushing Rylais then yeah he's gonna look weak. He's not a level 6 monster (only thing silly is that his stun gets super easy mode to land at 6). But his damage is certainly fine. In lane for example, only 85 mana rank 5 Q that can sweep the lane or poke pretty hard. With a Dring or two, you're poking them every waveish with it while also being able to farm with it WHILE having lots of range on it and not running out of mana. That's his laning, not going up to people's faces and blowing spells like Ryze Annie etc. Eventually with enough AP (not too hard to get there, Deathcap and Drings and maybe 1 more NLR) you can just walk up to people with E and burst them down like a reg caster if you wanted, or abuse his range and still do this lol.
This is good stuff.

I'm usually building dorans to start, then getting boots 1 and catalyst, then finishing either rod or boots depending on circumstances.
Then I've been building rylais before deathcap, and finishing based on circumstances.

Am I doing this right? Should I be taking that rylais in the middle or rushing cap? Should i be starting rod like I am?


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
You should probably rush Deathcap. Instead of Catalyst, do 2-3 Dring into Deathcap. I've tried Rod and Rylai's and even Will first on him, and it just doesn't feel as good at Deathcap/multi Dring. His AP scaling with his ult is so strong that you want to take advantage of that first and keep snowballing.



Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
So basically what you guys are saying is Akali is ****ed if she's 2v1'd at Top.
This probably doesn't apply anymore since I haven't done this lane since the EXP mastery was removed, but as long as they can't heal it off, continually poking them with unexploded Qs and eventually baiting them close enough to smack them when you hit 6 works well. You need to be really good about placing your shroud so you don't get zoned out of EXP, and a single jungle gank should net you a double kill.

After that you're snowballing so CS and buy whatever you want. And by whatever I mean buy Revolver.

As for starting items, I'd just go with Boots+ 3 pots. The only gold you'll get is under the tower, and Boots is the most valuable start item for Akali.



Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Hate garen? Go sivir top. If he swaps with mid (who's probably a caster), you still win


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
This probably doesn't apply anymore since I haven't done this lane since the EXP mastery was removed, but as long as they can't heal it off, continually poking them with unexploded Qs and eventually baiting them close enough to smack them when you hit 6 works well. You need to be really good about placing your shroud so you don't get zoned out of EXP, and a single jungle gank should net you a double kill.

After that you're snowballing so CS and buy whatever you want. And by whatever I mean buy Revolver.

As for starting items, I'd just go with Boots+ 3 pots. The only gold you'll get is under the tower, and Boots is the most valuable start item for Akali.

a well played 2v1 will absolutely destroy akali.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
a well played 2v1 will absolutely destroy akali.
Well yeah.
But if you're absolutely stuck in that lane, you can at least take one down with you if they don't have stacking CC.
>.> It is impossible to thrive 90% of the time.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
some ults do even more damage in most situations

kennen/morg/fiddle come to mind
If you want to be technical.. if xerath has the highest single target damage ult in game.. then since its AOE he would theoretically still have the most damage cause he can hit all 5 champions. Kennen ult only hits 10x (so 10x 210 = 2100 base damage) while xerath ult hits for (275x3=825*5(assuming he hit every champion)=4125). But the thing is xerath ult isn't limited to how many times it can hit a champion unlike kennen. If you're going to start theory crafting then please theory craft correctly.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Who are some great solo top champs that are also great junglers?

Udyr comes to mind. Any others?


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great

4v5 our Mao kai disconnected after a few min. He got one gank up top with me then left. Our mid lane lost their tower a few min later, our bot lane was dying constantly, there was a call to surrender every 2 min after the 20 min mark and STILL we won. holy ****ing **** I carried SO hard with Nasus. I just farmed my Q and didn't die. At one point after scoring an ace and we were taking their inhibitor, the enemy team start respawning again. 4 of them chased me out of the base while I was with Gragas, I had about half health so I was like **** it, turned back around and initiated. Killed three of them before the last guy ran away lmfao. My Q was doing around 700-750 damage every 2.4 secs. And I just kept withering the squishies and 2 hitting them. It took all five of them to kill me near the end and that was before I even bought glacial shroud or finished off randuins. I wish this was a ranked game hahaha

also I think I hit a new record for how much additional damage my Q was doing at the 20 min mark. 312, anyone beaten that before?


Smash Lord
Sep 3, 2008
Xerath: 275 * 3 * 5 = 4125
Kennen: 210 * 3 * 5 = 3150 (rank 3 has 15 bolts, can hit each champ up to 3 times)
Fiddlesticks: 325 * 5 * 5 = 8125
Morgana: 325 * 2 * 5 = 3250


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
@Omni - pretty much any good jungler can go top without any problem (except for some matchups being bad for them, of course). Lee Sin, Udyr, Skarner, Trundle, Jarvan, Malphite, etc.


Smash Master
May 13, 2008
Reidsville, NC (Not anywhere)
I'm seeing a lot of pro junglers run Skarner with no wriggles. How does he sustain? E? Philo?

Please someone shed some light.
I start Doran's Blade on Skarner jungle. You never have to B because the jungle is so weak. I don't get smite either as it's completely unnecessary on douchebag AoEs like Skarner and Udyr.

After that, I just get another Doran's, some boots, and rush sheen/gold per 10 item.

Also, I still think Skarner sucks balls at laning and his jungle is too good to waste.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to

4v5 our Mao kai disconnected after a few min. He got one gank up top with me then left. Our mid lane lost their tower a few min later, our bot lane was dying constantly, there was a call to surrender every 2 min after the 20 min mark and STILL we won. holy ****ing **** I carried SO hard with Nasus. I just farmed my Q and didn't die. At one point after scoring an ace and we were taking their inhibitor, the enemy team start respawning again. 4 of them chased me out of the base while I was with Gragas, I had about half health so I was like **** it, turned back around and initiated. Killed three of them before the last guy ran away lmfao. My Q was doing around 700-750 damage every 2.4 secs. And I just kept withering the squishies and 2 hitting them. It took all five of them to kill me near the end and that was before I even bought glacial shroud or finished off randuins. I wish this was a ranked game hahaha

also I think I hit a new record for how much additional damage my Q was doing at the 20 min mark. 312, anyone beaten that before?
yea, I've been at 300 somewhere around 15-18 minutes before.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Who are some great solo top champs that are also great junglers?

Udyr comes to mind. Any others?
Udyr, Nocturne, Trundle, Lee Sin, Riven, Gangplank, Skarner, Tryndamere, Moakai, Jarvan

Others are
Fiddle, Olaf, Karthus, Warwick, Nunu, Cho'Gath, but their jungling isn't as great as the one's above anymore.
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