I start Doran's Blade on Skarner jungle. You never have to B because the jungle is so weak. I don't get smite either as it's completely unnecessary on douchebag AoEs like Skarner and Udyr.
After that, I just get another Doran's, some boots, and rush sheen/gold per 10 item.
Also, I still think Skarner sucks balls at laning and his jungle is too good to waste.
Yeah this sounds awful .... just everything you wrote is awful. Dblade skarner start? You know skarner benefits more off attack speed then anything else right? Why not regrowth and rush philo by 4 minutes? You sound like an awful jungler.
This is my skarner start, I spec 0-21-9 (Like i do with udyr since skarner benefits off movement speed and tankiness).
Skill order is the following : Q - W - E - Q (then you max Q first, w next and e last also grab a point into ult whenever you can).
I start Wolves>Blue>Wraiths>Wolves>Red>Mini Golems (Back and buy philo by then, jungle should be cleared by 4:05-4:15 and you should be 4)
Find a lane to gank or rush to 6 (if you rush six by jungling only you should be 6 by 5:30-40)
My item order is the following:
Regrowth+1 Health Pot > Philo > boots > then either Heart of Gold or start working on wit's end (if you're doing well you should have wit's end by 12 minutes thats my average time), then build accordingly to their team after that.