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I Love Karma.can it be "Everybody loves Teemo!"
cause seriously... who loves Karma.
I'm acting like a person who thinks they're something they're not but actually is that thing. Again, refer to the Chewbacca defense, this doesn't make any sense. w/e, I'm done, I just don't think anything that has just been said makes any sense. EDIT: and if you're going to keep going with this, can you explain how I act like someone who doesn't play in tournaments but acts like he does, but secretly plays in tournaments anyway?It makes perfect sense to me.
You're just acting like a person who thinks they're something they're not.
apparently this is drama, lol. I thought it was more just wasting time via arguing semantics.Mog, you're looking into it WAAAY too hard.
It doesn't matter if you really are, or aren't. Thio just thinks you're acting like it.
It's pretty easy if you just stop over analyzing every last detail.
And...this is drama?
I hate you too. Maybe I'll go to a NE tournament at some point. MAYBE...Mogwai I hate you. Stop being something your not and just come back into my life.
probably early afternoon at first and then they'll go back down and won't really be functioning until I get back from the bar tonight.Any ideas when the NA servers are coming back online?
Well, he always could, but it's probably a nice buff to his jungle. I'll see what I can do abusing early AD ratios and the new E CD when I get home from work, but I wouldn't get my hopes up since Pantheon has basically always had to start cloth armor and I don't think that'll change.yo from those buffs can panth jungle effectively now ?
My problem was getting people to play more than one champI'm taking a break from competitive LoL because the people literally drive me crazy with how unreliable they are, not to mention that no one listens when you point out innovative strategies because they go outside the norm (I suggested a draft strategy based around picking WW 1st because I suggested that he was the most flexible pick due to his crazy strong lane matchups MONTHS before anyone in 2K was willing to try lanewick, yet my team just laughed at me and trolled me for it, then herp de derp, 2 months later, lanewick OP). I need to find the right team, but since most of the 2K+ Elo bracket seems to hate me for absolutely no reason, I'm probably just going to say **** it and accept my role as a Solo Queue Superstar. But yea, w/e, you clearly don't know what you're talking about if you say I never played tournaments.
Nice to see ateam using different comps. They were going to win the game until Balis DC[yt]N-ZYbOMzbak[/yt]
Dat Janna!
The tornado at the end... I blew chunks.
EDIT: Related to PX: http://i.imgur.com/h49Ll.png
Dat Janna!
The tornado at the end... I blew chunks.
EDIT: Related to PX: http://i.imgur.com/h49Ll.png
i really didnt think the kennen buff was needed.. The panth one isnt in the slightest overkill now he will have some actual presence when a fight goes down -maybe its just me but he isnt too threatening-. What I'm really loving is that Nasus buff :DWhat do you guys think of this new patch?
I'm really liking the Kennen buff, his ap ratios have always been lacking. But isn't Panth getting.. overbuffed?
A friend of mine does jungle Panth quite often and starts with lsword + pot I believe. I wouldn't think it does too well either, but for the most part it has been pretty baller.Well, he always could, but it's probably a nice buff to his jungle. I'll see what I can do abusing early AD ratios and the new E CD when I get home from work, but I wouldn't get my hopes up since Pantheon has basically always had to start cloth armor and I don't think that'll change.
Actually, I have a fun Pantheon build for jungle! Never tried it in ranked or competitive games but it's fun as hell!Well, he always could, but it's probably a nice buff to his jungle. I'll see what I can do abusing early AD ratios and the new E CD when I get home from work, but I wouldn't get my hopes up since Pantheon has basically always had to start cloth armor and I don't think that'll change.
Pantheon gonna be banned all day every day.New pantheon heart seeker strike is going to be ri-****ing-diculous.
Oh man riot.
Oh man.
well, thanks for posting the build, but as I suspected it's pretty suboptimalActually, I have a fun Pantheon build for jungle! Never tried it in ranked or competitive games but it's fun as hell!
21/0/9 mastery w/ imp smite and inc buff duration
I use Full Armor pen quints 1 armor pen red, 8 flat AD red runes, flat armor yellows and full AS blues
I start with long sword and 1 pot w/ Q-E-W leveling in mind and
smite big wraith -> clear wolves -> finish wraith camp -> finish golem using smite on the first one... at this point you're level 3 so I go back and buy boots and gank a lane if not then I try to counter jungle... I get wriggles, AS boots, Brutalizer and then bloodthirsters then w/e
I think it's pretty baller and it's a good break from typical stuff
If I want to start counter jungle I get boots with 3 red pots and take enemy wraiths, clear wolves, clear your wraiths and clear golems. I pop first pot on my way back from clearing wraiths to walking to your own wolves. 2nd pot is popped after clearing wraiths and 3rd pot is popped while doing golems. I use smite on both enemy wraith and your own wraith... Then go b and get long sword and gank with Q-E-W
D: damn that sounds alot better than my jungle panth ahaha. That double buff gank sounds so boss, I think I'll try that out when the servers are up... and yeah Panth is definitely going to be much better in lane compared to junglewell, thanks for posting the build, but as I suspected it's pretty suboptimal. backing after 3 small camps which you clear with 2 smites is no good as a good jungler will typically have a blue buff + full small camp clear at this timing and will be able to continue to stay out in the jungle. the old route I used to use with Pantheon was pretty cheesy, but had a really strong gank at level 3 going blue (smite as soon as it spawns) -> wolves -> red with a cloth + 5 opening. The double buff gank at this timing was really weird and it would catch people all the time, but basically if you didn't get a kill from that gank, you were gimped the rest of the game and if you didn't get your blue you couldn't jungle efficiently because of mana concerns. basically you needed that gank because you needed the kill gold to get madreds faster than your opponent because Pantheon is a naturally slow and mana hungry jungler.
I'll play around with stuff with this patch and I'll let you know if I find any excitingly gay gank timings, but my suspicion is that Pantheon will just be better in lane atm.
Also, for the record, your rune setup is strictly inferior to 7 ArPen Marks, 2 AD Marks, and 3 AD Quints. The setup I just stated is the same amount of ArPen with 8.65 AD as opposed to your setup's 7.6 AD.
That would mean people know how to read. Which they don't.I'm hoping a lot of people are realizing that Pantheon's new ratios are scaling off of bonus attack damage now, and not total. They aren't that stupid...
How much money have you made playing LoL?yep, totally true. It's not like the entire first half of this year I was captaining one of the better teams on the North American Server. Totally not like that at all, thanks for telling me what's true.
when has riot ever changed the correct thing about a character to begin with?"Guys, people have complained that Garen fizzles out late game. Let's buff his early game."
Will this actually do anything to make GP less op?Grog Soaked Blade max stacks has been reduced to 3 from 4
He slows people slightly less and jungles slightly slower.Will this actually do anything to make GP less op?