Holy ****, just had the weirdest game I've had in a long time. 4v5 wins, their team was twitch xin yorick brand. Apparently brand's ulti can kill 3 people, one of which is FoN malphite. Twitch is apparently OP as ****, and has a passive +xp% since he outleveld my nidalee which is running xp quints. And yorick's ult is still beyond broken. Create a free xin clone that has pdancer and cleaver, how is that fair?
I don't understand how that game just happened or how any of it happened. Brand ulti kills 3 heroes from full health with his combo. Twitch can apparently kill a full health hero from level 1 with no summoners just by attacking them 6 times (which is a nid with heal and opening dorans ring) and can be 20 cs behind me but still outlevel me with my +11% xp gain.
That game made no sense at all. Then again I had a tiamat/DFG jax.
[Edit] Below 1200 now, gogo solo queue lottery.