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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
50 Terranite? Really?
it's not possible to get a 57% win rate with 50 games.

i thought it was funny, but maybe that's just because i'm a geekass nerd.

p.s. swain is still good
Uh, I thought it was just saying you've used Karthus 50 games out of your total, and those 50 games represtent 57% of your total games played (which would be around 87-88 games)

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
To be fair to Slush, his internet is REALLY bad.
I can't stress how atrocious his connection is.

We're talking 90s-dial-up-bad, here.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
Sometimes this game is so infuriating. When I play with friends, we get matched with the most useless teammates. When I play by myself in normal queue I honestly have no problems with my teammates. My normal queue win ratio is +60 games so it's not like I have a low elo. I don't understand the matchmaking system. I've noticed this since I was level 1 on this account, but it was particularly noticeable today.

Had a mordekaiser who didn't know how his shield works. I walked out my lane with 6 kills, but it didn't matter because he was just that bad at the game. It was almost a 4v6.

Game before: we get two intentional feeders. Eve and twitch with revive. Awesome.

Game before: we get a gangplank who wants to solo the enemy by himself even though he was the least fed person on the map. He somehow brought us back from the clutches of victory.

Game before: we get two people who walk around the map together at all times and seem to think it's a 2v5 game. They initiated bizarre teamfights by themselves in the enemy jungle and never entered teamfights with us (they preferred to kill minions and ignore map objectives). Probably the most entertaining game because they seemed genuinely surprised each time they died in the enemy jungle.

Game before: we get two hilariously bad friends that fail and feed throughout the laning phase (maybe 12 deaths). They then refuse to surrender.

Game before: we get a garen who only buys stack items, a nasus who is plain terrible and a raging brand. The brand quit because he got so mad at garen and nasus.

Game before: we get a raging akali who decides our whole team is noobs and goes afk about 15 minutes in. Don't really know why, because she was a different lane to me. We were winning when she went afk.

I just want to play a decent match with my friends :c.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
lulz... Virg and I don't really get along when we play LoL, but I do love it when someone tries to challenge the guy on something math related. He's a freakin' ROCKET SCIENTIST and Jazriel is like "nuh-uh, outliers dude!" Yet another pseudo-intellectual troll-fail on Jazriel's part.

@InfernoOmni, good games today sir. About that time when I told you to get with the team and then TF ganked you. Yes, it was a bad idea for you to be underleveled and split from the team, but more importantly was that we had Nidalee/Ashe/Morde who could sustain a poke-push and I was playing TF so I could have pushed that lane and then ult'd over when it turned into a fight. With you over there I couldn't risk them jumping the others 5v3 so the power of a fed TF split-pushing was completely wasted. Good news though: when it just comes to plain old tactical-combat, you are better than a lot of Akalis I see in ranked games. Smart use of smoke-bomb and good focus!


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
just for the record it wasnt even a good reply.
jazriel has the eloquence of a brick and all virg did was take advantage of this and pick apart general statements for being too general

also he complained there was no evidence for jazriels opinion on something.... oooook
can we just accept jazriel is and angry and unskilled player and move on?
need to be ignoring him and paying more attention to abels thoughts

edit: also if u both use wikipedia links to cite terms that have nothing to do with the actual point youre trying to make, you get free entrance to the debate hall. and probably be revered as gods there too


Apr 10, 2008
what does spell vamp do?
It gives you a % of the magic damage dealt back as health. More health given back for single target damage- less for aoe.

Of course, there's always exceptions in this game.


Jul 16, 2005
virgy, would you say that it's realistic that a player could after 200-300 games still be as good as the average player 200-300 rating point above him? I'm curious. We don't have the matchmaking algorithms in front of us to know what the margin of error ought to be . We don't know the possible rating spread that the alg will allow. I've been in games where my team's total rating was 350 points lower than the other team's total, with all 5 players well below all 5 of theirs.

My point is that even when all the math theory in the world is in front of us, there is still room for some statistical outliers. you reference large numbers making the statistics easier to trust, but I don't believe that 200-300 games with a hidden matchmaking algorithm is anywhere close to a large sample number. Especially considering the rating scale change after your first 10-20 games.

All of us who have played ranked will agree that a 100 point swing is not uncommon in a day. All it takes is 6-7 games in a row where your team is markedly worse than their own, which happens often enough. So you would have to agree that a 100 point difference in rating is not enough to say that a player is better or worse than the next, correct? Your certainty that the higher rated player between two players rated only 100 points apart is the best player might only be 55-60%. I'm speculating wildly here, because I don't have the algorithms in front of me.

Even at Shaya's number of games played, there is still a big 100-200 point window that represents a sliding scale of what his strength is. There's more certainty at higher ratings and with more games played, but the whole middle range of 1000-1300 is a big blurry mess.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
I love how a whole ****storm started cause of one of my delicious posts.

Yeah, it's always the teammates and internet.
Not sure if sarcasm.
If it is...

And hell, while trying to type this post, it's turned off literally 4 times already.

To be fair to Slush, his internet is REALLY bad.
I can't stress how atrocious his connection is.

We're talking 90s-dial-up-bad, here.
And it's only getting worse.
The Mifi/Wireless Broadband won't charge anymore so it's broken, one of the USB broadbands also broke, so i'm left with one. For some odd reason the plan was switched from 5000 MB to 1000 MB each month... I'm now gonna be on the internet less.

He's crazy for trying to play anything online, lol.
When you've lived out another 20 miles AWAY from a country town (Bandera) since November of last year, you'd be desperate to do something with your time too. (Can't drive nor any car)

Besides, playing LoL doesn't eat away any MB which i'm glad it doesn't...
Are you seriously just NOW calling Slush crazy?
Sigging maybe.

most of the time it is, in my case.

must be nice getting carried and having expensive internet and not having a clue?
Which is odd, my internet usually kicks me 4-5 times every match. It only kicked me ONCE, and that was when everyone was loading the game... Can't believe for one whole hour it didn't turn off at all! Of course the internet trolls me and literally turns off after I type the two messages in my screenshot while I was actually thinking "i'm amazed it didn't turn off!"


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
virgy, would you say that it's realistic that a player could after 200-300 games still be as good as the average player 200-300 rating point above him? I'm curious. We don't have the matchmaking algorithms in front of us to know what the margin of error ought to be . We don't know the possible rating spread that the alg will allow. I've been in games where my team's total rating was 350 points lower than the other team's total, with all 5 players well below all 5 of theirs.

My point is that even when all the math theory in the world is in front of us, there is still room for some statistical outliers. you reference large numbers making the statistics easier to trust, but I don't believe that 200-300 games with a hidden matchmaking algorithm is anywhere close to a large sample number. Especially considering the rating scale change after your first 10-20 games.

All of us who have played ranked will agree that a 100 point swing is not uncommon in a day. All it takes is 6-7 games in a row where your team is markedly worse than their own, which happens often enough. So you would have to agree that a 100 point difference in rating is not enough to say that a player is better or worse than the next, correct? Your certainty that the higher rated player between two players rated only 100 points apart is the best player might only be 55-60%. I'm speculating wildly here, because I don't have the algorithms in front of me.

Even at Shaya's number of games played, there is still a big 100-200 point window that represents a sliding scale of what his strength is. There's more certainty at higher ratings and with more games played, but the whole middle range of 1000-1300 is a big blurry mess.
Thing is, 100 point swings are common in a day both up and down. For a game like this, with the amount of normal and ranked games played (wins and losses together is probably around 1000 for most, much higher for the Shaya's of the group), that sample size should be relatively accurate. There is variance in that you can't remain at the same position after a game, win or lose, but there are bands around your Elo you will likely remain at unless you become markedly better or worse over a short period of time (at which point the variance bands will just shift). Saying 'I'm a 1500 player because I can go up to there on good swings" is a bit erroneous, as that may be the proverbial lucky streak you get when in fact your baseline is 1350 or something like it.

Yes, we don't know their algorithms, but I feel some what safe in assuming they are decent at worst; rarely have I experienced a game where, even my team playing our best and on even accounts, have we completely dominated or been dominated. I've been in games where my pre-arranged 5s team averaged 100 below the other team, and we may have lost, but it wasn't entirely one sided. Because the increments used are relatively small (10-15 Elo per game over a spectrum from ~800 to ~2400), having a streak of 6 consecutive feeders on your team and none on theirs (which, assuming 15 Elo per loss) and assuming matchmaking is fair would be a little over 1.5% in terms of probability. That's assuming everything goes against you and for the other team. From my experience, this rarely happens (general case is both teams have feeders, but they capitalize on yours more than you do on theirs). Queuing with a competent friend would reduce the chance of a feeder slightly per game, but taken as a series would reduce the probability even further since the reduced term would be carried through each game.

But, to use essentially everyone as an example, people 'crawl' their way back up to their baseline. If you happen to get on a lucky streak and don't actually improve during it, you'll most likely slip back over time and barely recognize it. Thing is, we don't perceive it like that and we develop a bias. If some one dies a lot, they are a feeder. Not necessarily the case; their top Elo could get matched against your worst in a solo lane if you don't talk about it first. When I play with Mogwai in arranged 5s, we win much more when he takes solo top than when he jungles or lanes, simply because it's taking advantage of that gap if it exists during that game. However, many people enter the same mentality of "I'm in Elo hell and everyone here sucks' and want to put the solo lanes on their own shoulders and chaos ensues.

Back to the stats; yes, I think Elo is fairly accurate. I feel a lot of people try to hold onto the notion that they are 100 below where they should be but, until you hover around that mark and not just touch it before falling back down, you aren't there. Most have played enough games to have a large enough sample to be very accurate. The largest margin for error comes from the fact people improve, but that should cause you to move upwards in Elo, not down. Techincally, with the influx of players and the advance of max Elo, staying at the same spot actually means if there are a majority of ranked players above your Elo, you are moving down in percentile.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I keep getting lagged today.
Taunting someone is sooo hard when it happens. :(

Imma have to wait until everyone else here at home gets off the damn internet.


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
lulz... Virg and I don't really get along when we play LoL, but I do love it when someone tries to challenge the guy on something math related. He's a freakin' ROCKET SCIENTIST and Jazriel is like "nuh-uh, outliers dude!" Yet another pseudo-intellectual troll-fail on Jazriel's part.

You're implying that I think Virg is wrong. Not only are you implying that, but you're simply flaming me for the possibility that I might hold that opinion. You don't even know what my opinion is or the information I have, but because there's a possibility in your mind, you're attacking me again.

Grow up please.

As for Virg, it's quite clear he knows far more than I do about this topic, as well as having a superiour ability to communicate his knowledge. I will read and research his posts some more later, but for now I'll say that I was part wrong and also part inaccurate in my dialogue. Regardless, this is a topic for PM's.

Back to what this thread is for (Not for drama and flaming/trolling): Has anyone tried flat hp/5 quints on Leona? And it seems that the role Leona plays is simply inferiour to the role that would be played by many other heroes. Any higher ELO players care to comment on if they've seen Leona in a game and what she's done that was effective and successful?


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
I am getting my masters in astronautical engineering, but also have intense interests in math and philosophy.
from somewhere in tennessee?

thought u could only master in agricultural planning there..

maybe music compostiion as well


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
from somewhere in tennessee?

thought u could only master in agricultural planning there..

maybe music compostiion as well
Got my undergrad degree at University of Tennessee at Knoxville; BS in Aerospace Engineering. Moved to LA to get an MS in astronautical.

UT has a lot of slackers and people that want to drink and party their way through with C's and work in a cubicle which, if they really want to, is fine. But if you want a solid education, you can get one. Most of my professors were from UVA or GT or MIT and taught accordingly.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Jaz - Flat hp/5 are very strong on tank characters (with CC, in particular), especially if they also build Philo's. Makes your laning phase incredibly safe.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Are you sure?

The comment info in the patch preview said gangplank was getting nerfs.


"The latest Patch Preview is out and we can't wait to tell you what we have in store! While we are nerfing some of the deadliest champions like Gangplank and Corki in the coming update, we wanted to shed some light into our targeted changes, with big buffs to Galio and significant updates to Tryndamere, Kayle, and more! Take a look at the Patch Preview below!"


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2009
Speaking of Kayle, her "rework" seemed underwhelming, or an overall nerf. Thoughts?


Smash Ace
Sep 23, 2006
Belleville, ON
Jaz - Flat hp/5 are very strong on tank characters (with CC, in particular), especially if they also build Philo's. Makes your laning phase incredibly safe.
I'm strongly leaning towards using them, the only downside is they're 2k IP a piece. 6k IP could be spent on another rune page so I was looking for some input if it would be worth replacing my MS Quints with regen ones for Leona. She does move a little slow. Might as well try 'em out.
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