advice on jarvan jungle?
i dont think jarvan is good top lane anymore (still good vs lots of people but not vs current fotm champs) and is more suited for the jungle
cloth +5 red pots --> wriggles, wits end/ sunfire,
or rejuv+1 red pot+ great leash at blue --> philo, hog, sunfire, wits end.. then next item based on who is fed/team dependent, either atmas or FoN .. or randuins?
wriggles path seems to make early game much more comfortable but seems to make ur mid/late game weaker while philo/hog path sets u up for a good mid/late game, which do u guys think is better and why?
or should i get claw only then hog/philo
I have a guide here:
Also, Conn0r's been talking on my wall about GP builds, and asked about mine, but I figure it's better to post it in the open rather than keep it on someone's profile wall just in case someone else cares about it.
I run a
0/21/9 spec with flash + ignite or a 1/21/8 spec if I took exhaust over ignite (mostly preference). My runepage gets tweaked all the time, but basically I'm looking to run Armor Pen Marks, a few Dodge Seals with the rest as Flat Armor Seals, and a mix of Flat and Scaling MRes on my Glyphs. Quints are largely preferential, with Flat AD, Armor Pen, Flat Armor, and Flat MRes being the top options.
I open boots + 3 hp pots in lane with Parrrley 1st, followed by E, then W, into a R > Q = E > W skill priority. I tend to prefer E over Q vs. Melee and Q over E vs. ranged. Once you hit level 2, you should probably just E -> Q -> run up and cut them until they flash -> zone them off creeps in most matchups because GP is so hilariously OP that he can almost always just do that (he can't vs. strong early level sustainers like udyr).
From here, your item build path has a few options. In most matchups, I just straight rush Triforce. The order for the items is preferential, but generally speaking phage is #1 because it combos with your passive for a wtfbbqhax slow that makes it almost impossible for your opponent to run. If you need higher damage parleys to trade at a range, sheen is your option, and zeal is generally my #2 if I didn't need the sheen for trading with my Q. In harder lanes where you can't just kill them, I'll grab philo + hog and just chill out and farm up a storm. If you're vs. a self healer who you think you can beat by limiting their heals, rush Executioner's Calling and remember to use the active all the time. It's on a 20 sec CD so you can push people around and limit their healing a lot with it. Even if I don't go EC, I'm still usually looking to grab a vamp scepter in lane because GP's base damage is straight up silly and eh autoattacks stuff and doesn't afraid of anything.
For boots, get zerker's greaves most of the time. Remove scurvy makes mercs less important and zerkers are extremely efficient. If I could rush triforce, after Triforce I'm just looking for whatever tanking items make sense. If you're farming well and it looks like a long game is inc, grab warmog's -> atma's -> FoN and roflstomp the opposing team in the balls, but frequently you'll be better off just grabbing stuff like Sunfire and Banshee's or hell, even just rushing a GA. If you didn't rush triforce, instead grab a phage 1st and then look to tank out. I really don't have set items for tanking out on GP, but in general he likes HP alongside his mitigation so I tend to like sunfire, banshee's and omen over other options unless I think I have time to get a warmog's. I've also recently been liking Wit's end a lot on him since it speeds up your attack animation of chasing down *****es with your built in red buff. It's not an all the time item, but if you need extra MRes and want to hit harder to boot, it seems like the best option.
I guess the tl;dr here is that GP's base damage is stupid enough that you don't have to go balls out for that IE because you're going to be rapestroying people anyway, so just make sure you live long enough to rapestroy them.