I know Jiji does.Is there anyone that frequently streams rumble on solomid or clg?
@Abel, Both Phoenix and Tiger are equally good. One may work better against certain teamcomps than the other, but it doesn't really matter.
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I know Jiji does.Is there anyone that frequently streams rumble on solomid or clg?
how to win as lane udyrI hate sucking with a champ.
Bought trundle and finally learned how to jungle :D its so freakin fun! I even learned that when you just start jungling theirs 5 gay people who gank you out of no were :D
I wana main udyr but sadly dont know how the fk to use this guy. Do I need pheonix stance or tiger because i herre tiger is under powered but it gives insane attack speed >.>
I wish I could hold 7 items.how do u guys 1v1?
I usually get turtle up wenever to get that armor and then bear every 7 sec for the stun and fight with tiger all the time
I just trolled a team getting 6 bloodthirster with boots and used only turtle stance lol
I thought I was the only one.There's a reason I can no longer see Abel's posts.
$5 he doesn't get it..I thought I was the only one.
Why would u tell someone on your team that youre going to lose their lane?There's an ignore function on this site? Talk about a wonder that anyone can read my posts then. Close to unlocking Leona, but I've had horrible games. Why do people think that the 2-11 Vayne on their team is the worst player on the team when she has 17 assists and has triple to quadruple the cs of everyone else on the team.
Telling people their going to lose the game based on the lanes they've decided upon and then being right never seems to connect in the minds of some people. Sigh.
what about when you know match ups and they pick a bad one?Why would u tell someone on your team that youre going to lose their lane?
Do you also tell small children that they will never grow up to do anything meanigful in life?
Just give them a chance, you might be right, but you might also be wrong. You assume people know matchups and intelligently know how to use their champions.
Also you probably dont know every matchup as well as these same people might.
All you do is make them mad at you and cause them to play worse than they would.
REal noob
I feel your pain. 5 more minutes to go. -.-what in the?!?!?!?! 20 minute queue just to log on. FU Riot Games.
If I deem the kid to be unfit for acquiring a meaningful life, as well as being in the unfortunate situation where it is unlikely for their environment to provide them with the correct stimulus that will enable them to "mature," then yes, I will tell a child that his future is most likely the inevitable unfortunate future that is possible for him.Do you also tell small children that they will never grow up to do anything meanigful in life?
Agreed, it's all about compartmentalizing and not wearing your heart on your sleeve. I wish more people were like that, especially in LoL. In most games, since I know people can't handle criticism, I just play nice or shut up...but how I wish I could get results by opening my mouth.If I deem the kid to be unfit for acquiring a meaningful life, as well as being in the unfortunate situation where it is unlikely for their environment to provide them with the correct stimulus that will enable them to "mature," then yes, I will tell a child that his future is most likely the inevitable unfortunate future that is possible for him.
I don't really understand how some random person saying something can make someone mad. That's just pathetically immature. No matter how dumb, who, or how stupid a person might seem/be, I will -always- process and sort information that is told to me. If a person in a game says that you've ****ed up the game and that the lanes are going to be ********, sure, that guy might be an *******. But by the same logic that he might be wrong, you might be wrong.
Only the truth matters.
Thats why you gotta get a 2nd person, its better. Its sooo annoying though was 1150 then went on a 10 game losing streak of huehuehuehueTanked 300 elo over the past few nights. Back down to 1150.
I just can't account for four other people at all times.
EU ppl are invading NA servers =<what in the?!?!?!?! 20 minute queue just to log on. FU Riot Games.
Welcome to a profound metalogical concept that exists in MOBA's and the attempts of a novice game designer to tackle it.-How MOBA's work-
I started playing Tristana a couple weeks ago, she's a part of my rotation now. The truth is, she is excellent at her role, but she can't always pick up the slack when early game carries fail. For example, if that Brand on your team isn't dominating like he should, Vayne will be able to make up for it better than Tristana can.Welcome to a profound metalogical concept that exists in MOBA's and the attempts of a novice game designer to tackle it.
To be brutally honest, Riot is actually doing a decent job at it.
On another note; I realize today as I was laning Vayne vs Brand, that most of the "good" heroes nowadays are also the newer ones. Where are all the tristana's and MF's and Taric's? Where're the older tanks?
Is this just solo queue and me playing normals with bad people or has the general "power curve" been rising over time? Or is this more to do with heroes that get released, played, and nerfed, making room for the newer heroes that need tweaking?
what video?it didn't... say that. But from looking at the video it seems to have a really short knock up... yeah.