No she is not new gay champ.
I don't like her. Her AP scaling is weak, and her base damage is weak compared to other champs. Her mana costs are pretty fair though, besides her Ult. They royally ****ed up with her ult: TIBBERS costs less and is 10x better move than her crap.
Her solid traits: mana costs are low, shield is pretty decent (good resistances given, but only gets more damage and resistance with ranks. No CD reduction), and she's not too bad at being a sandbag. Her leap in goes through minions and goes through champions.
Cons: Cannot choose when to explode shield like Sion. Very poor AP scaling (3 spells under .5, closer to .3 than .4 Ult gets like a .8 ratio). Her leap in has to hit a champ, and it only leaps to the last champion hit. Which is bullcrap. Her Q modifies her next attack to stun, no range at all on it. Her ult is a worse version of Mumu/Tibbers/etc. Damage wise it's bad, and mana cost is huge for some dumb reason. Her "low CD stun" is about the same as Sion's, but inherently worse in just about any way. I was expected a 7-6 CD .75/1 sec stun, but they basically give you the auto attack version of sion stun minus the scaling.
Melee range, has a LOT of trouble with kiting, is NOT a GTFO tank by any means, etc.
TL:DR I don't like her. While she is an ok laner, she just not is disruptive enough in teamfights for people to fear her over solid tanks. She doesn't have good enough scaling for you to build her tanky AP either. Her laning after a quick P stone is fairly solid. But not dominating by any means. Throw people with range against her, watch her bleed to death.
Her good combo is E -> Q -> Ult stun. She can guarantee chain stun someone in that manner, but she can't guarantee the ult hits anyone else at that point. And she has no guarantee on the leap in, requiring either good prediction or another team mate to set it up for you.
ALSO, when she throws her sword out, even if you get hit by it you can CC her out of the move before she leaps. So if in doubt, silence/stun/knockback her before the animation is over and you are safe. Since the sword has to go through you and travel ALL the way to the end before teleporting, you can get a fair chance at interrupting her.