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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Riot is getting my account back to me.
:3 Thanks for the account to use in the meantime Zac, sorry about all the accumulated losses, and you're welcome for those [2] wins. ;D


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
I don't ever want to play anything but arranged 5s (preferably ranked) ever again. There are just too many donkeys out there to have fun playing solo.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I don't ever want to play anything but arranged 5s (preferably ranked) ever again. There are just too many donkeys out there to have fun playing solo.
I've been trying to explain to my two friends who stopped playing league why I still enjoy it. They don't like the game because they feel SO BAD when they lose after playing 40min cause of other people. It's not them, it's other people.

And that's the problem... there will ALWAYS be bad players on your team. You cannot escape this. Think about an average game, how many mistakes are made in that game? There's always a bunch, it's unavoidable. There's no way people can play perfect or sync up with you most of the time, it just doesn't happen.

Wanna know how I endured it through 1800 elo? I just accepted the fact that I would lose. Cause, realistically, there's no way possible I'm going to avoid bad players / trolls every game. I'm gonna get one eventually. So instead of focusing really hard on winning in those games, I focus on self accomplishments. Can I land all of my skills shots when I need to? Do I build the correct items to "counter" th opponents. Can I last hit in lane while avoiding ganks on myself with wards? Those games I consider a win, even though I technically lose.

TL;DR Well that's my 2 cents anyway. I was really adamant about posting this so I wrote it all in like 1.5min lol, read it =S


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010

Are you so sure on this philosophy? I've thought of it for a while in terms of opportunity costs. The sooner that you farm one wave of creeps, the sooner you can clear your jungle camps, and the sooner you can move on to another lane to farm that upcoming wave as well. If you farm faster, you have more time available to do more things, including more farm. Perhaps I'm overestimating the worth of those extra moments.
if you clear a wave really fast its not like youll get more minions coming to you faster, may be by like a few seconds in which case youre pushed up pretty far.

I thought when people said "so and so farms better" that meant "so and so farm more quickly."

Like when people say Alistar and poppy have a hard time farming. It was because they killed minions extremely slowly- not because it's more difficult to last-hit with them, which it isn't.
these r melee champs, im taking about ranged ad carries.

I've been trying to explain to my two friends who stopped playing league why I still enjoy it. They don't like the game because they feel SO BAD when they lose after playing 40min cause of other people. It's not them, it's other people.

And that's the problem... there will ALWAYS be bad players on your team. You cannot escape this. Think about an average game, how many mistakes are made in that game? There's always a bunch, it's unavoidable. There's no way people can play perfect or sync up with you most of the time, it just doesn't happen.

Wanna know how I endured it through 1800 elo? I just accepted the fact that I would lose. Cause, realistically, there's no way possible I'm going to avoid bad players / trolls every game. I'm gonna get one eventually. So instead of focusing really hard on winning in those games, I focus on self accomplishments. Can I land all of my skills shots when I need to? Do I build the correct items to "counter" th opponents. Can I last hit in lane while avoiding ganks on myself with wards? Those games I consider a win, even though I technically lose.

TL;DR Well that's my 2 cents anyway. I was really adamant about posting this so I wrote it all in like 1.5min lol, read it =S
you escape it by playing with 4 others who are hopefully equally skilled or better than you. that way games are hopefully not lost due to someone feeding in the laning phase and setting ur team back by a considerable amount. or because your team has disagreement with picks and lanes and all that. instead games will hopefully be lost in organized team fights.


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
I don't ever want to play anything but arranged 5s (preferably ranked) ever again. There are just too many donkeys out there to have fun playing solo.
Same, but from a competitive standpoint, not from an enjoyment one. It's kind of silly to base rank on such random chance. I'm sure we've all had good games and bad. I went 8/1/5 on shaco recently within the first 15 mins (and bought a soto because of this) cause the other team was garbage. I can't help but think that I could have been on that team had I hit play so many units of time earlier or later from when I did.

Reminds me of another time, doing lone wolves in halo 3 (for some bad reason). Odd ball, some one spawns right next to over shield, gets a bubble and the oddball, and scores half the necessary points on his first life because of where he spawned.

Anyway, to agree with UTDZac, I don't think there are such a thing as good or bad games (unless it's premade 5's) because you will always get matched up with an amount of stupid. All you can try to do is play well and hope your other teamates are too.

And to make this even more tl;dr, not that I play ranked still, but I know every game of mine isn't the same tryhard. I get more sloppy later in the night cause I'm tired and have played past my limit by then.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
you escape it by playing with 4 others who are hopefully equally skilled or better than you. that way games are hopefully not lost due to someone feeding in the laning phase and setting ur team back by a considerable amount. or because your team has disagreement with picks and lanes and all that. instead games will hopefully be lost in organized team fights.
That's the point though, you shouldn't care about losing because of other people's mistake (even when playing with friends).


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
That's the point though, you shouldn't care about losing because of other people's mistake (even when playing with friends).
ok so thats just playing to play. odincore wants to win and he feels he has very little control in doing that when its solo queue but has a better chance to win when its arranged. if ure happy whit just winning or going even in your lane and you consider that a win despite losing in the end, its not really true since you win as a team. you can go 18/6 and attempt to carry your team but be unsuccessful because its a team game.


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
what ever happened to playing to get better

man this could turn into some bad reality show where everyone has a different reason for playing the game

and they all play lol..


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Here's the thing Zac: I'm not a total boss at this or any other video game. I'm a team player. I'm a role player. I fill in gaps. I communicate well. My strengths are almost entirely made up of team oriented play. I never placed top 8 in singles in a Melee event, but I was often picked up as a partner by pros who were missing their normal partners. I know how to plan a strategy and execute it. I'm Cyclops, not Wolverine.

So yeah, I can try to just focus on personal goals and improve by myself, but that doesn't lead to a lot of success for me, nor does it result in a lot of fun for me. For that matter, I'm not a college kid with dozens of hours to play the game, so grinding through unenjoyable content to get to stuff I like just isn't a good value for my time. When I have an hour to squeeze in a game, I don't want to spend it with a bunch of donkeys.

Solo queue is probably fine for some people, but I literally have nothing to gain from playing it anymore. My skill set isn't valuable in low ELO ranked games and I don't have the time to grind my way out. That's why I'd rather play nothing but arranged 5s. I can contribute and have a good time whether I want to tryhard or just have fun with friends.


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
soooo playing eve on smurf, full stacking majais and getting 801 ap, pretty baller, I was like, 2-3 shotting their viegar lulz


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Ok, I think I've got Sona down now. lol :laugh: I bought some avarice quints and took the greed mastery, resulting in 4g/10s, or 24 gold per minute. I use that to buy an early Philo Stone resulting in 54 g/m, and then another resulting in 85 g/m. That's some crazy passive gold generation :awesome: Made life a heck of a lot easier, before I was like "WHY CAN'T I AFFORD NICE THINGS!?!"


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Ok, I think I've got Sona down now. lol :laugh: I bought some avarice quints and took the greed mastery, resulting in 4g/10s, or 24 gold per minute. I use that to buy an early Philo Stone resulting in 54 g/m, and then another resulting in 85 g/m. That's some crazy passive gold generation :awesome: Made life a heck of a lot easier, before I was like "WHY CAN'T I AFFORD NICE THINGS!?!"
maybe it's just me, but I find that building sona as an AP carry works a lot better than building as support. You have some mean burst harass in lane and mean burst healing mid-late game. This is for solo queue tho.

Meki > Chalice > Sorc Shoes/CDR Boots (depends) > Deathcap.

Runes are MPen and Mana regen.
May 3, 2009
as ranged carry, you often have no choice but to focus down the tank. especially if someone like jarvan or xin is tanking

if you go for the people behind the tank you run the risk of just getting annihilated


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Characters like Corki can clear minion waves so quickly that he's never "pushing" directly.
The creeps will go up to the enemy tower and be killed before the the next wave comes, resetting it to middle of the lane. Rinse, repeat.
Of course a player can stand somewhere and take minion aggro avoid having the tower kill them all to get that reset. But then they're opening themselves up for harassment.

Also that video of eve is obviously low level pub stomping.
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