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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
****ing too many posts.

Yeah cait's really good right now.
I said to ezreal at some point "Ez, you know what's going to happen once Cait becomes a strong ranged carry pick?"

Because honestly, cait absolutely DESTROYS anyone melee. She outdoes most ranged carries in lane as well. It's power creep at its finest. "Let's make a ranged carry who can't be touched!". And they kept buffing her until "can't be touched" turned into "can't be touched and ***** your ****".

Also I played with a xin/nunu duo queue the other day.
They did dragon at the 3 minute mark.

Don't know the runes, but Xin had ghost/heal, Nunu gave xin red buff early on. They duoed dragon with Xin starting off first, then retreating to have nunu take aggro - took it down in about 30 seconds.

It was nice having a needlessly large rod on malzahar at the 8 minute mark.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Im guessing... someone didn't pay hosting fees?


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
how viable is a/s cho?
3 different camps-

Hybrid (typically what you described,) Tank, and AP.

Hybrid v Tank:
Positives- you offer a lot of DPS, and have an "in" (Hextech)
you can tear down towers
fastest farm in the game
map control

Neutral- AoE CC
both have sustainability in lane, jungle, or poke wars
both mana hungry

Negatives- cooldowns will NOT be as low as tankier builds
*you can't cover your carry (physically, with your gigantic model) because you're a pseudo-*carry yourself
*tower diving capabilities are out the window as a hybrid

Hybrid v AP:
Positives- same as listed above

Neutral- same

Negatives- again, cooldowns
You are mana hungry, AP Cho is not
AP Cho pokes like a ****ing TRUCK
AP Cho's burst > Hybrid

Hybrid = fastest, safest jungler


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I've lost to so many tanky dps teams since they've buffed xin...

It's like they thought it was a good idea to now buff up an already high damage scaling (but weakish over all due to various issues) beefy dps and now I'm just seeing 4 man tanky dps with a xin + one other (usually ryze, karthus, ashe) that are pretty much impossible to kill, and xin does stupid amounts of damage while being extremely hard to finish/focus. Xin is now like... the guy who builds dps while still being stupidly tanky.

I'm not seeing any reason why you'd want to pick Shaco over xin now.
Xin's jungle is now safer, as fast, he has MUCH EASIER ganks. Only thing he doesn't have is the counter jungling/pseudo wards and easier time to do dragon (but hell, shaco can't jump into a dragon getting done and **** them... xin can), which generally takes ******** enemies to fall for.


Apr 10, 2008
So basically, you're one step closer to realizing Shaco isn't very good. :<


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Shaco is good, but has his limits.

Xin has most of the strengths and a significant reduction in the weaknesses.

Like, no joke, Shaco can do a lot of amazing things that not many other characters can, just in solo queue its becoming brutally honest that with the recent Xin buffs, Xin > Shaco.
Lol at making an assassin who's only weakness was having a bad jungle have one of the stronger ones like i don't give eh daamn


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
Dodge Yellows
Flat mana Blues
Crit % reds
Gold Quints

I have been runnng 7 crit damage reds and 1 mana/lvl
For blues a mix between flat Ap and arm/lvl.
2 dodge yellows and 7crit chance.
Quints: 1 flat hp 1 flat hp/5 and 1 gold/5
(I leave one slot in red open so my stats will be more round numbers which procs my hidden passive of course.)

"I take points in rally and smite even if im not going to use them"


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
I have been runnng 7 crit damage reds and 1 mana/lvl
For blues a mix between flat Ap and arm/lvl.
2 dodge yellows and 7crit chance.
Quints: 1 flat hp 1 flat hp/5 and 1 gold/5
(I leave one slot in red open so my stats will be more round numbers which procs my hidden passive of course.)

"I take points in rally and smite even if im not going to use them"



Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
Honestly McLaren #1 troll. Troll idle.

Just the way he says things: "Welcome to my first league of legends video guide"

"Good job Olaf"

"I do this because Fiddlesticks cant get any minion kills while he is attacking me"

"I head to mid to harrass fiddle by running up to him and placing a wall behind him... Now im going to run away"

Tbh though Jazriel is catching up.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
OK so lately...on all of the casters I play (except Kennen)

I build RoA -> Rylais

now with that and the end of the RoA 10 minute stack I have I think 1080 (or more) extra health thus making a tanky mage

but I feel like im wasting time doing that where I could be building RoA -> better slightly cheaper AP items

but the only reason I even do this is because whenever I don't i feel like I always end up getting F'd over in team fights by like some lucky stun this getting me killed in like 2 seconds.

so basically what I'm saying is...how do i learn how to zone better with my casters without feeling like I'm not contributing to the team fight.

(to be more specific Annie and Brand) with Kennen I just run in there pop ult -> zhonyas combo...then live...lol.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
whew, it was a long break from this thread, but I'm back

What makes wriggle's not Nunu stuff? Provides a bit of armor, better sustainability(paired with consume) in jungle, and helps push on proc right?
wriggle's is fine on Nunu, but it shifts him away from gay run-around-and-consume-on-every-CD and more towards honorable jungling, which frankly isn't something you really want.

TBH my standard build is Amp Tome + Health Pot, First Buy gets Boots/Mejais, Catalyst (go to either rod or veil depending on how well I'm doing and there team comp is) then go either defensive/APish depending on our team make up.
zzz, just open boots -> CDR boots and consume more often

1. ask a subjective question unrelated to facts
2. assert a strong claim with no backing information

do you even know what you're talking about?

yeah cait is good early game in lane but unfortunately the laning phase is really the only place where she outshines other ranged carries. late game she has neither the damage output nor the cc/utility that other top carries provide

if you objectively look at cait's skillset vs ashe corki or trist's, it's pretty obvious that she is a bit underwhelming.
plz do this objective analysis for us because to me it looks incredibly subjective.

why oh why do people say dodge yellows? are you running 9 in defense? if not then why aren't you using armor yellows instead? seriously, i never understood this, even though lots of pros use dodge yellows.

even if that was a troll post, i'd still like an answer to my question.
aside from the nimbleness proc (which is most of the reason to run them), dodge also has a lot of hidden super gay value in allowing scenarios like the following:

I am singed with dodge yellows. I am at 10 hp under my tower. Pantheon really wants to kill me. He uses flash -> auto-crit. I dodge it. I fling him. Yay, I'm skilled at this game!

it's like burst defense vs. sustained defense. Even if the sustained defense will do better on average over long periods of time, there's intangible value to randomly avoiding 100% of the damage coming your way.

on another note, i need to ask someone experienced wtf to do at this point. ive just lost 100 elo in this past day cuase of just ******** teammates. three ad tfs who have gone a combined 4-26 in 3 games.. irelia who solos top and doesnt know what anivias passive does.

it has actually made my game better, and i make fewer mistakes now in my game play, cuase i really dont want to give anyone excuse to say that i ***ked up. so:

1. how do you break these streaks? just take a break from lol, or play normals, or what? or is it possible

2. how do you communicate with teammates? some people want to type a lot in chat, and sometimes no one types at all.and when a person makes a mistake, do you say something or not? i usually just point out mistakes cause i like my mistakes being pointed out, but if youre a brazilian nasus who begs for mid solo over malzahar, you dont like people telling you you are dumb.

idk what to do at this point. i kinda want to ***ing quit, cause i lose every game i play, and the players are just getting dumber and more ***ing stupid every game
It's different at my elo because the player pool is so much smaller. If you're getting trolled up here, you simply have to take a break because chances are that if you queued up again, GingerBROWN's gonna be trollin' in the next game too.

Unlucky streaks happen, and you simply have to have a combination of patience and the mindset that any mistake on your part is unacceptable. Other people will suck, but you seriously have to have that swag that lets you expect the worst from your teammates and still expects to win because you are so awesome. Expect mistakes from your teammates and don't get discouraged when they happen (especially don't flame them, it makes people play worse), and simultaneously demand perfection from yourself. Eventually you'll just go into supercarry mode and you'll have the confidence to just 1v5 through sheer force of will by making the right calls and feeding off the ******** mistakes being made on the other side of Summoner's Rift (sometimes there will be more ******* on your team than theirs, but on average, there will be ******* everywhere).

I've lost to so many tanky dps teams since they've buffed xin...

It's like they thought it was a good idea to now buff up an already high damage scaling (but weakish over all due to various issues) beefy dps and now I'm just seeing 4 man tanky dps with a xin + one other (usually ryze, karthus, ashe) that are pretty much impossible to kill, and xin does stupid amounts of damage while being extremely hard to finish/focus. Xin is now like... the guy who builds dps while still being stupidly tanky.

I'm not seeing any reason why you'd want to pick Shaco over xin now.
Xin's jungle is now safer, as fast, he has MUCH EASIER ganks. Only thing he doesn't have is the counter jungling/pseudo wards and easier time to do dragon (but hell, shaco can't jump into a dragon getting done and **** them... xin can), which generally takes ******** enemies to fall for.
Shaco ganks way better way earlier. And can escape way better. And has bomb-*** dragon/baron/tower killing speed because of his ult. Meh, you're comparing apples to oranges here, stupid to compare a fighter to an assassin.

I just don't see what others are seeing about new Xin. Sure he jungles faster, but aside from that he doesn't seem much better from before imo.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2011
OK so lately...on all of the casters I play (except Kennen)

I build RoA -> Rylais

now with that and the end of the RoA 10 minute stack I have I think 1080 (or more) extra health thus making a tanky mage

but I feel like im wasting time doing that where I could be building RoA -> better slightly cheaper AP items

but the only reason I even do this is because whenever I don't i feel like I always end up getting F'd over in team fights by like some lucky stun this getting me killed in like 2 seconds.

so basically what I'm saying is...how do i learn how to zone better with my casters without feeling like I'm not contributing to the team fight.

(to be more specific Annie and Brand) with Kennen I just run in there pop ult -> zhonyas combo...then live...lol.
Positioning is HUGE for ranged. It took me way too long to get even slightly good at positioning myself - I still could use a lot of improvement.

Dastrn had a good general mentality he shared with me a while ago: think where you will be the safest in any given scenario and go from there. Starting from a mentality of caution usually nets good rewards - less feeding, more up-time, more contribution.

Next is engaging. I like to wait for my initiators/tank to get into the fight, and for a little damage to be tossed around before being in range. This allows the opponent to choose their focus as you are entering the fray. It doesn't guarantee they won't refocus to you, but it puts you at a unique advantage and placement. You'll be at the back of the fight, meaning they'll have to push through your melee/tank which is the prime kiting zone.

Timing your engagement right is really important and can be difficult in fights that are coming together and not a straight down-lane 5v5. Again, start with the foundation of caution. Where can you be that is far away from the fight to avoid being bursted outright, but in close enough range that you can enter just after initiation/focus. Being out of line of sight at the start is always a nice option, if available.

The last one I seriously struggle with is "flowing with the fight." As the fight moves towards or away from your safe "back row" position it is critical to continually assess your position. It is SO easy to find yourself in the middle of a moving fight you want to be on the outskirts of. I often lose my champ in the fray - focusing on my target and not on my position, which is a key indicator of my skill level with ranged champs. If I could maintain positioning throughout the flow of the fight I would cut my deaths in half.

Just some general principles that I've found to be helpful. I wish I practiced them consistently. :(


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
whew, it was a long break from this thread, but I'm back

wriggle's is fine on Nunu, but it shifts him away from gay run-around-and-consume-on-every-CD and more towards honorable jungling, which frankly isn't something you really want.
<3s you so much! I really appreciate the feedback!

I also noticed you play a lot of Jarvan. How good a champion do you feel he is because I'm looking to try to learn a tanky DPS and I think Jarvan would be a good choice.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Jarman IV is the best character in the game imho. He has good innate tankiness, good innate damage, good damage scaling, and excellent CC. He works in every lane and in the jungle and due to the flexibility in his design can play Melee AD Carry, Primary Tank, or anything in between.

Vlad is pretty fun IMO. I would recommend picking him up.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Jarman IV is the best character in the game imho. He has good innate tankiness, good innate damage, good damage scaling, and excellent CC. He works in every lane and in the jungle and due to the flexibility in his design can play Melee AD Carry, Primary Tank, or anything in between.

Vlad is pretty fun IMO. I would recommend picking him up.
Don't pick vlad if they have a mordekeiser.


Oh and iono about shaco's ganks being much better.
Xin has a pretty long range dash which coupled with a knock up (if they're under any cc at the time) is a crapton of cc, damage, and likely kill.
Xin imo is a lot better ganking lanes with flash because of all of this.

Xin got a boost to early game damage and also a buff to his attack speed buff remaining on while on cd.
An extra 5? or 6 damage or whatever it was on every auto attack is significant in all areas.

And because of the ult changes, as long as he has at least an okay amount of health he can be building mostly damage items because:
1. Xin doesn't lose to people 1 on 1
2. ***** the **** out of everyone because of hurrr uber armor/magic resist if he hits multiple champions on the enemy team.

He's now dealing great damage building dps while still retaining a lot of beefyness needed for team fights.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Yesh, Vlad is fun. And easy to build. If you get Zhonya and Flash, you'll piss people off hardcore too.

Just remember how sloowww he starts out. People always expect Vlad to be some laning monster at low levels, but it doesn't turn into that until you've leveled up and kept up with (or beaten) your opponent.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
I just don't see what others are seeing about new Xin. Sure he jungles faster, but aside from that he doesn't seem much better from before imo.
He's not much better. He still can't stick to a carry because of the Battle Cry nerf and CD increases. His jungling is strong and his ganks from jungle are strong but as long as he doesn't get kills he'll still be a nonfactor late game, even with the Battly Cry passive remaining. If your team stuns him the moment he charges in/uses Battle Cry, his utility is entirely shut down.

Also... if you're letting Xin hit 3 or more people with his ult you are doing it super wrong :\ That's the only way he gains "super tankiness" for free. If he hits two or less his ult is only as effective as it used to be.

Jarvan so broken.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Yesh, Vlad is fun. And easy to build. If you get Zhonya and Flash, you'll piss people off hardcore too.

Just remember how sloowww he starts out. People always expect Vlad to be some laning monster at low levels, but it doesn't turn into that until you've leveled up and kept up with (or beaten) your opponent.
that's not the easy build they were talking about (I think). just stack hextech revolvers, it's really stupid.

I currently do CDR boots -> revolver -> Spirit Visage -> revolver -> Deathcap, but I've seen people just stack 3 revolvers too. real dumb how much he gets back off a single Q with 60% spell vamp, zzz.


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
3 different camps-

Hybrid (typically what you described,) Tank, and AP.

Hybrid v Tank:
Positives- you offer a lot of DPS, and have an "in" (Hextech)
you can tear down towers
fastest farm in the game
map control

Neutral- AoE CC
both have sustainability in lane, jungle, or poke wars
both mana hungry

Negatives- cooldowns will NOT be as low as tankier builds
*you can't cover your carry (physically, with your gigantic model) because you're a pseudo-*carry yourself
*tower diving capabilities are out the window as a hybrid

Hybrid v AP:
Positives- same as listed above

Neutral- same

Negatives- again, cooldowns
You are mana hungry, AP Cho is not
AP Cho pokes like a ****ing TRUCK
AP Cho's burst > Hybrid

Hybrid = fastest, safest jungler
and what about attack speed cho? I find him a little slow to start out but once you get that 2.0 attacks per second your vorpal spikes are ruining stuff.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
that's not the easy build they were talking about (I think). just stack hextech revolvers, it's really stupid.

I currently do CDR boots -> revolver -> Spirit Visage -> revolver -> Deathcap, but I've seen people just stack 3 revolvers too. real dumb how much he gets back off a single Q with 60% spell vamp, zzz.
He'd probably get back more than Q damage in health (minus the health cost of Q).

GG riot?
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