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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
Remember guys, how you farm with a ranged carry is really the player itself rather than the champion. Ashe can farm just as well as MF if the Ashe player is PR0, assuming they have the same lane matchups. Sure its easier to last hit with MF, but if you're good with Ashe then it's just the same work EZPZ.


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
@Mogwai: dat moss gif

So I suck garbage at this game still. Uh, can some one explain to me how roamers work? Where do they get their xp? Who can roam? I've seen alistar annnd taric, and I think eve. How do I learn to do this?


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Tom, here's my excellent Teemo Shroom Map: http://i.imgur.com/9GZ7f.jpg

For "Only Blue Team" shrooms, that indicates you are pushing out as blue team and spending time on their side of the map. If instead you are defending more as blue team (purple is in your jungle), use the "Only Purple Team" shroom setup instead.

Also, it's almost always worth it to leave your lane with 3 shrooms and protect another lane (after you setup yours of course).

If you are playing against Eve, Twitch, or Shaco then you'll have to add some more shrooms in your lane. I'm sure you can figure out how to properly defend against those characters. Just imagine how they plan to avoid your shrooms.
dude amazing. strong delivery by zac from an almost passive question from tom. win so hard i thought u would just forget.

I'm too lazy to do that, sir.

Also, if anyone in here decides to ever make a premade or inhouse, this is me asking for an invitation. I wanna be as good as the cool kids. :l
friend me bro.

Hi guys, I think the next topic of discussion should be Odincore's instant-lock Teemo.
Discuss your hopefully amazing experiences with his Teemo, and what you learned.

Tom, do you have any experiences with Odincore's Teemo that you could share with me?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
@Mogwai: dat moss gif

So I suck garbage at this game still. Uh, can some one explain to me how roamers work? Where do they get their xp? Who can roam? I've seen alistar annnd taric, and I think eve. How do I learn to do this?
they get very little xp. they mostly just sit around on lanes and soak exp while zoning or just do so when they realize they're getting too far behind. Eve, Janna, Alistar, Blitz and Taric are considered the top 5 roamers, but you'll see all sorts of whacky people roaming sometimes (I've seen at least Maokai, Poppy, Garen, Shen, Gragas, Twitch and Nunu in addition to those 5). It's hard to explain what you're supposed to do, but you should basically just understand that your prime directive is to **** with solo lanes and the jungle to get your solos and jungler ahead (at the expense of bot lane getting denied).


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I get all my xp on eve from kills mostly

I'm usually 2-3 levels behind my team, but as long as I'm getting kills, its nbd


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
ok then

can we all agree mf outfarms ash mid game

just because of sheer damage output

if you buy bloodthirster by 16 mins and our stil laning, you can get a 100 attack damage item very very quickly

not very very but fast

cost is better than ie

if you have time to farm it, better than ie (i you dont die i know, but it should be situational anyways)

ashe has built in crit and doesnt have farm speed to make use of bloodthrister as a rush item imo

bloodthirster just works with the character. w/e situational ok ok
I mean yes she can take advantage of pure AD because of her ult, but I'd probably just get IE on her. IE is an item you WOULD want on her optimally, and delaying that/last whisper for Blood Thirster is a bit slow imo. Blood Thirster, IE, Last Whisper, around 10k for those 3 items and more for boots/elixers/wards. I mean if the game gets to that point, you could do both or work on Banshee and ****. But if you're not sure if the game will last 20 min or 35+ min, I'd probably run IE over Bloodthirster.

If you die, even occasionally, with blood thirster, it will end up worse than IE. Even if it's just 1-2 times. It HAS to be farmed to be competing with IE, especially after they rebuffed IE.

Remember guys, how you farm with a ranged carry is really the player itself rather than the champion. Ashe can farm just as well as MF if the Ashe player is PR0, assuming they have the same lane matchups. Sure its easier to last hit with MF, but if you're good with Ashe then it's just the same work EZPZ.
Unless your name is Corki.

Farms like a little ****** compared to other carries once he gets on a roll.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
I have been in 3 Jason-instalock-teemo games. They aren't that bad. Sometimes he plays well. His biggest problem is positioning in team fights. That's kind of already hard enough with teemo.



Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
I have been in 3 Jason-instalock-teemo games. They aren't that bad. Sometimes he plays well. His biggest problem is positioning in team fights. That's kind of already hard enough with teemo.

His teemo is #1 safe teemo, turret hugger champ #1.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
as much as I do advocate IE, I think BC doesn't get enough love. That item is so crazy strong if you rush it vs. someone with low armor.
No armor targets, Corki with Black Cleaver/Starks... get ****ING *****
May 3, 2009
cait being in the top 3 ranged ad carries is laughable at best

here let me give you three reason why cait sucks. ashe corki and trist

most of her "buffs" were ****ty trivial changes like more range on her ult (lol what a joke)

Q starts sucking harder and harder later into the game and by the time teamfights are big, you'll be better off just autoattacking since Q is a channeled ability, takes away from your autoattack time, and leaves you vulnerable since you can't movel

not to mention the utility cait adds to a team is a ****ing joke as welll


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Aight. Modify that to top 4. Corki Ashe unfair comparison, they better than anyone even on a bad day lol.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
cait being in the top 3 ranged ad carries is laughable at best

here let me give you three reason why cait sucks. ashe corki and trist

most of her "buffs" were ****ty trivial changes like more range on her ult (lol what a joke)

Q starts sucking harder and harder later into the game and by the time teamfights are big, you'll be better off just autoattacking since Q is a channeled ability, takes away from your autoattack time, and leaves you vulnerable since you can't movel

not to mention the utility cait adds to a team is a ****ing joke as welll
well I'm 1900 elo and you're not so I must be right and you must be wrong :p. Seriously though, when I talk to my peers right now, Cait is always the 3rd name to come up after Ashe and Corki when talking about best ranged carries.
Ace in the Hole
  • Projectile speed increased to 3200 from 2200
  • Range increased to 1600/1900/2200 from 1400/1800/2200
  • Initial cast time leading up to the channeling time has been significantly decreased
Headshot now requires 8/7/6 attacks to trigger at level 1/7/13 respectively from 8 attacks at all levels
Attack speed per level increased to 3 from 2.6
Yordle Snap Trap max trap count increased to 3 from 2
Yordle Snap Trap
  • Activation range increased to 150 from 125
  • Mana cost reduced to 50 from 60
  • 90 Caliber Net mana cost reduced to 75 from 90
Ace In The Hole
  • Mana cost reduced to 100 from 150.
  • Range increased at early levels to 1900/2050/2200 from 1600/1900/2200

4 of the last 5 patches have had buffs to her, and frankly, they've all been felt. She's really good and you're just not seeing good caitlyn players if you actually think it's laughable to say she's the #3 ranged carry atm.

Aight. Modify that to top 4. Corki Ashe unfair comparison, they better than anyone even on a bad day lol.
nope, top 3, no doubt in my mind. And she is a lot closer to Ashe and Corki than you're giving her credit for.


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
So, I was going through smasher match up history and I noticed that Dphat ran Wriggles on Nunu. I was wondering, how helpful do you all think of it on Nunu? Wouldn't it make Nunu a better tower pusher?

*eagerly awaiting thoughts*


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I watched Hotshot solo bot 1v2 with caitlyn against singed/soraka. He pooped on them. I was confused, but at the same time it made me really want to play caitlyn. Oh hey Tom!
May 3, 2009
lol 4/5 of the patches were buffs to her ult

oh **** let me just channel for like 3 seconds, not moving, not autoattacking, so I can attack somebody for an attack that can be blocked and doesn't go through resistances since it's magic damage! yes SUCH a good ult, so comparable to ashe corki and trists' ults.

sorry and the buffs to her trap make her harder to gank in lane but you still can only have two of them out at a time. after the laning phase you can have fun laying 100% visible traps and hoping people will herpderp walk on to them.

she can't even hope to compare to trist, who has a 90% AS steroid, a healing debuff, an AOE slow/escape/gap closer, and an interrupting ult? This is all ignoring the fact that Trist outranges Cait lategame, making her even ****tier than she already was. Trist also has some of the most insane burst in the game, making her a dominant laning force as well.

Please don't even joke about Cait being good compared to the top 3


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
lol 4/5 of the patches were buffs to her ult

oh **** let me just channel for like 3 seconds, not moving, not autoattacking, so I can attack somebody for an attack that can be blocked and doesn't go through resistances since it's magic damage! yes SUCH a good ult, so comparable to ashe corki and trists' ults.

sorry and the buffs to her trap make her harder to gank in lane but you still can only have two of them out at a time. after the laning phase you can have fun laying 100% visible traps and hoping people will herpderp walk on to them.

she can't even hope to compare to trist, who has a 90% AS steroid, a healing debuff, an AOE slow/escape/gap closer, and an interrupting ult? This is all ignoring the fact that Trist outranges Cait lategame, making her even ****tier than she already was. Trist also has some of the most insane burst in the game, making her a dominant laning force as well.

Please don't even joke about Cait being good compared to the top 3
Why ult when you can just keep autoattacking? If you can no longer auto attack, you ult. Derp. Her ult gives her lane dominance, reminds me of garens ult.

You can have three traps, not two. And they are really good late game. Your Caits must be using them wrong.
May 3, 2009
if you can no longer autoattack as cait, then that means one of two things

you're dead

the other team is dead and somebody is running (from cait) meaning you already won the teamfight.

compared to other ranged carries whose ults actually benefit the fight while it's happening

also traps have close to zero utility other than laying them in the middle of a teamfight (lol)


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Trist doesn't have burst... she has to sit there and autoattack you b/c that's all she has.

Cait has some infinitely more burst than Trist in her Peacemaker and her Ult.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
lol 4/5 of the patches were buffs to her ult

oh **** let me just channel for like 3 seconds, not moving, not autoattacking, so I can attack somebody for an attack that can be blocked and doesn't go through resistances since it's magic damage! yes SUCH a good ult, so comparable to ashe corki and trists' ults.

sorry and the buffs to her trap make her harder to gank in lane but you still can only have two of them out at a time. after the laning phase you can have fun laying 100% visible traps and hoping people will herpderp walk on to them.

she can't even hope to compare to trist, who has a 90% AS steroid, a healing debuff, an AOE slow/escape/gap closer, and an interrupting ult? This is all ignoring the fact that Trist outranges Cait lategame, making her even ****tier than she already was. Trist also has some of the most insane burst in the game, making her a dominant laning force as well.

Please don't even joke about Cait being good compared to the top 3
That's why I said modify that to top 4. Her ult is a bit iffy compared to others. Although... every other carry has an ult that does Magic damage rofl. Arrow, Missile, MF Ult, Trist shot, etc. Ult being magic damage isn't necessarily that bad.

I don't think she's amazing, but you give her too little credit.

wtf is AitH?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
jesus, slow down champ.

lol 4/5 of the patches were buffs to her ult
2/4 affected her ult and 1/2 that affected her ult also did other stuff to her.

oh **** let me just channel for like 3 seconds, not moving, not autoattacking, so I can attack somebody for an attack that can be blocked and doesn't go through resistances since it's magic damage! yes SUCH a good ult, so comparable to ashe corki and trists' ults.
it's physical damage. how ya doin'?

p.s. it's pretty good right now. yes, there are a lot of problems with the stupid ability, but compare right now to when she was released and it's a really big difference.

sorry and the buffs to her trap make her harder to gank in lane but you still can only have two of them out at a time. after the laning phase you can have fun laying 100% visible traps and hoping people will herpderp walk on to them.
what's today's date? are you typing from the past or something? you can have 3 of them out at a time. go do it in a practice game. and they're still very useful for controlling the opponent's possible pathing, especially with their increased snap radius. You really aren't giving them enough credit.

she can't even hope to compare to trist, who has a 90% AS steroid, a healing debuff, an AOE slow/escape/gap closer, and an interrupting ult? This is all ignoring the fact that Trist outranges Cait lategame, making her even ****tier than she already was. Trist also has some of the most insane burst in the game, making her a dominant laning force as well.
Trist is an all-star right clicker, but her lack of other sources of physical damage output hold her back. Yes, she has scarier burst in lane, but I want Cait on my team over Trist every time unless it's Locodoco's Trist, based almost purely on Caitlyn's Q (1300 range poke vs. Trist's 712 Auto-Attack range).

Please don't even joke about Cait being good compared to the top 3
I'm not joking at all.
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