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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
by AS DPS builds, I just mean Wit's End + Madred's Bloodrazor for the most part (and malady on teemo). I mean, you'll still see a lot of top WWs throwing Wit's End into their build when it feels appropriate and this is typically between madred's razor and tanking out and then finishing BR later in the game.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
Lol sorry Mogwai Like unblack that second sentence

When I use Wits end and Madreds at the same time does the 42+ magic damage that wit's end gives me mesh with the %of magic damage that Madreds give me thus giving me crazy damage output on auto attacks

and whats a good item to mesh with black cleaver?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Lol sorry Mogwai Like unblack that second sentence

When I use Wits end and Madreds at the same time does the 42+ magic damage that wit's end gives me mesh with the %of magic damage that Madreds give me thus giving me crazy damage output on auto attacks

and whats a good item to mesh with black cleaver?
Jesus Christ... I'm so confused what you're thinking, :laugh:

Wit's End does 42 extra damage, no questions anymore, that's how it works +42 magic damage/attack, and if they have mana -42 mana on the attack. 42, not 42+, just... 42.

Madred's Bloodrazor does 4% of their Max health as Magic damage... How do you see these synergizing? like, I'm honestly confused? One does set damage, the other does damage based on their max health, they both trigger if you have both items, but they don't like, buff each other or something... again, I'm still not sure what you're asking...

like, ok, say a dude has 1000 HP

you'll do, your AD + 42 (wit's end) + 40 (bloodrazor)/attack. your AD will be reduced by armor, while the 2 procs off the other abilities will be reduced by magic resist. I hope I've somehow managed to answer the question here...

As for black cleaver, it synergizes best with other flat reduction/penetration vs. low armor targets. Brutalizer, Ghostblade, Stark's Fervor. It also is just generally a good way to win carry vs. carry fights after IE, as it will usually just let you **** their carry in 2-3 less hits, though LW is typically a better idea of carries since you spend most of your time running and kiting and killing whoever's chasing you which is usually the higher armor targets. BC shines on Melee DPS who chase down and kill opposing carries IMHO. Guys like Xin, Pantheon, Renek, who were building a ghostblade anyway.


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Wit's End can be pretty good on Jarvan if his other builds weren't so much more effective XD

I believe it should have an active that effects cooldowns or something so that it's not such a "niche, only bought when X player actually like the item and the opponents have less than 2 non-mana champs" item.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I honestly think there's potential for something like running 2 wit's ends on your team (on say... WW and Shen or like, your ranged DPS, just anyone with decent base AS who attacks a bunch in fights) to counter low mana tanks and render them completely ineffective. It's an item that works best when multiple people on your team have it IMO.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
hey guys this is gonna sound kinda dumb but

after playing TF a lot, i just couldn't find a build i liked for him--then out of nowhere, someone posted a pretty good build for him (on /v/ i think) and i tried it and loved it. i tried to save the image but it got corrupted and i can't remember what it had exactly, though i know that it had a bit more survivability than typical glass cannon builds

it was the build of some high ELO ranked player, considered one of the best TFs...i think his name started with a J...anyway, if i can find his name, i can look up his builds and get back to emulating him, hahah

any ideas?


Apr 10, 2008

I know he goes sword of the divine, zerker greaves, and infinity edge.


Jul 16, 2005
Jarvan is not that good. I don't buy into the hype. I think he's probably decent at high levels, and garbage at low levels. Which is a good place for a champ to be, I guess. Better that than relatively balanced at high ELO, and god mode in low ELO games.

I'm all about Urgot right now. I go mid. 0-9-21. Flash ghost. dorans shield to start.
Q-E-W-Q-Q-R, then Q > W > E > R. Yes, you heard me, ignore your ult after 1 point. Level it last.

Play passive and last hit until level 2. Then try to land an E on them and chase them down with Qs. Then just last hit and screw around. Get level 3. Then land your E, hit W first, then land Qs on the run. I often get kills at level 2 or 3 with this combo. It's common that I get 3-4 kills before 10 minutes are up.

First trip back should be for tier 1 boots, 1 ward, and like 5 red pots...however many you can get.
Ward the river bush on whatever side scares you, and keep comboing the **** out of their mid.

Rush a tear. Then finish your manamune before finishing boots, but consider buying the magic resist portion of your merc treads before finishing manamune if you're up against a good AP who dodges your E constantly.

Build is:
Merc treads
Brutalizer (finish it later)
BF Sword -> Bloodthirster (if you have low gold at first, you can buy the lifesteal first)
Then I build survival items. banshees is good to help you survive after ulting a carry to your team. I've been known to build randuins, frozen mallet, bloodthirsters, and all sorts of other stuff here. The key is to get an early Tear, spam Q to fill it, and get kills early

Your role is NOT a tank.

Even more importantly, you are not a carry. You are an anti-carry. your job is to deny their mid from getting farm and levels. Harass the **** out of him and frustrate him. they will call for ganks. be ready for htem. map awareness is huge. if you suck at map awareness, don't play urgot mid.
wards are HUGE. Buy one on EVERY trip back. Every single time.

late game, you are not a tank. you are not a carry. you are an anti-carry. land your E on the pack, if there's a good target in there. Otherwise, hit their carry on the outside, shield up with W, and then jam Q on them several times. They will die FAST if they stay, so they will usually run. Either chase them out and kill them, (EASY), or help your team win the 4v5 by ulting their physical carry out of the fight.

I'm averaging 8-3-10 or so in ranked games, and probably 12-3-10 in unranked.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
you know that feeling you get when you premake with a guy on your friends list's team ranked and nothing goes right and you are horribly out played?
having that feeling atm

also is anyone noticing higher CS's at the end of a game? i feel like i've been farming lanes more because they push so hard and getting like 250+ cs in a 35-40 minute game


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Oh, and my opinion of the whole "making games faster".

They buffed minions, which increases pushing.
But they decreased the death timer by too much...

To me, it feels like its impossible to actually push down a lane after winning a team fight... UNLESS the team fight was on top of the tower in question.

Let's say you had a big fight at dragon and win it. By the time you get to mid (not the outer turret, the one after), everyone on the enemy team is alive. Also due to the fact minions are stronger it takes that several more seconds to actually push down a lane forcefully (even though this may spark some nice usage of characters such as Sona/Galio to increase minion movement speed....).

I honestly feel like games are going longer at the moment.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
I find that the minions being so much more effective at downing towers makes things more defensive.
People seem to be less willing to leave a lane alone for as long as they once would to complete a team objective because it's easy to have minions take out a tower even if you're only gone for a couple of minutes.

At the same time though, you can push a tower to have like a +1 wave in your advantage and it can take out a tower on its own if the other team doesn't come to its defense.
So I guess it goes both ways, but it might just be because I'm not at a high level of players yet that people are just more defensive because of stronger minions.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
You can't leave a lane alone, if you do the minions pile up and just push down everything. It's silly because it's damn near impossible to turn a game around once two inhibs have been downed, especially w/ the new death timers.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
You can't leave a lane alone, if you do the minions pile up and just push down everything. It's silly because it's damn near impossible to turn a game around once two inhibs have been downed, especially w/ the new death timers.
I think that was their intention - quicker, more decisive victories ^_^ Still, for other reasons, I agree - minion changes blow


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I think that was their intention - quicker, more decisive victories ^_^ Still, for other reasons, I agree - minion changes blow
Imo, just something to get used to. I say give it a while and see what happens, that's what they are wanting to test anyway.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
These changes suck. They need to revert the death timer and reduce the changes on the creeps.

Seriously though... cash cow so much fun.

Teh Brettster

Smash Master
Nov 30, 2008
Denton, Texas (Dallas)
Man. Spell vamp on Vlad is soooo good when you're just pushing the other team back to their nexus turrets. Each time a creep wave comes out you can just heal yourself pretty much all the way because EVERY enemy unit on the map is right there and you're hitting them all with 4-stacked tides. I was also fed enough to 1v4 the enemies in their base and come out with a double kill and no death. Zhonya's hourglass is too damn good.

Also, I don't know why anyone rushes deathcap except like Karthus. I prioritize Abyssal and Zhonya so much earlier.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
Friend just started playing league from my computer science class. He just told me bout his awesome ashe build where hi first item as madreds blood razors rofl.

On another note was watching a hotshot stream and he was in lane against ez. His nidalee obviously rocked the ezreal. The ezreal backs and buys wriggles. Hotshot flips out because ez can just shrug off any harass by lifestealing the 500 damage procs from razors. Doesn't this seem kind of broken?? I understand how junglers need of but for manning the lifesteal when the razors proc is like a hp pot every time it procs. I never knew this.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
Friend just started playing league from my computer science class. He just told me bout his awesome ashe build where hi first item as madreds blood razors rofl.

On another note was watching a hotshot stream and he was in lane against ez. His nidalee obviously rocked the ezreal. The ezreal backs and buys wriggles. Hotshot flips out because ez can just shrug off any harass by lifestealing the 500 damage procs from razors. Doesn't this seem kind of broken?? I understand how junglers need of but for manning the lifesteal when the razors proc is like a hp pot every time it procs. I never knew this.
1stly the pros push minions waves
secondly healing debuffs <3 kat


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Friend just started playing league from my computer science class. He just told me bout his awesome ashe build where hi first item as madreds blood razors rofl.

On another note was watching a hotshot stream and he was in lane against ez. His nidalee obviously rocked the ezreal. The ezreal backs and buys wriggles. Hotshot flips out because ez can just shrug off any harass by lifestealing the 500 damage procs from razors. Doesn't this seem kind of broken?? I understand how junglers need of but for manning the lifesteal when the razors proc is like a hp pot every time it procs. I never knew this.
Yeah it's been like that for awhile. It's partly why you saw Panda advocate it on Pirate, because he not only gets lifesteal from any massive parrley crits, but parrley also applies the Wriggle Proc. Which makes laning and farming a lot easier. It also makes your harassment seem much more powerful since you can trade blows and heal quicker than the other guy.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
You should have seen the nidalee in the last game at the tourney. soaz spears won them the game lol


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Yes, I arrived just in time to hear Phreak talk about touching himself as well. Pro technical difficulties though since they are just sitting around chatting now. I'm kinda thinking about getting up early tomorrow to watch the finals.
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