oh, that was our whole strat then, lmfao
yeah that makes sense, but if we can't use a chill gimmick then it's not really worth it, he can go someone more adept at laning with nunu
speaking of, i played with a gragas last night, gragas + nunu lane is ****ing hilarious...if they overstep, he ults them into my ult, ice ball + barrel covers retreat, sova baby
oh btw while i'm not really a noob i'm still not very knowledgeable of this game, so please bear with me...
do slows stack?
like, considering the team in question, if, as nunu, i used my ult in conjunction with anivia's ult, would they only take the effect from the greater of the two stuns, or would that somehow be combined?
i think it's the former, as i've laned with a trundle before as singed and with glue + pillar they didn't seem to be any worse for wear than with either separately