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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Apparently at level 2 Jarvan's flag+dash combo lets you 2-hit squishy champs like Annie. So he essentially forces them to take a Doran's item to start, unless they want to feed him first blood. Hotfix incoming!
I saw that thread; they figured out on like page 6 or something that there was a turret shot headed for Annie that the OP didn't notice, which led him to think all the damage came from his combo
Golden Rule applies here boys?
My guess is yes, people just have to get used to him and voila. This also marks the patch where I officially stop playing squishies, or rather I will only play them if I have a very specific reason. Prob gonna stick with Ryze, Irelia, and Amumu depending on which role I need to fill. Maybe pick Udyr back up for jungling with a tanky DPS.


Smash Master
Aug 22, 2007
Apparently at level 2 Jarvan's flag+dash combo lets you 2-hit squishy champs like Annie. So he essentially forces them to take a Doran's item to start, unless they want to feed him first blood. Hotfix incoming!
someone sounds mad

You guys complain if a champ sucks on realease, and complain if a champ is decent on release


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
so i just ran into mango, snap, mariabattleaxe and some others completely randomly in a 5v5 premade

they destroyed us pretty hard, lmfao

i dunno if you guys were playing your mains but we change around our team a lot, and someone over here was like "DUDE IF WE WERE OUR MAIN CHARACTERS WE'D DESTROY THEM :mad: "

which def. isn't true but i thought you guys would want to know, lol

btw i hate sion

Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
none of us were playing our mains :/

I main lux, Mango is to new to have a main, nite mains warwick, maria mains ashe, Smoke2joints mains a tank or something maybe rammus

But GGs all the same your jarven was so much better then me :/


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
none of us were playing our mains :/

I main lux, Mango is to new to have a main, nite mains warwick, maria mains ashe, Smoke2joints mains a tank or something maybe rammus

But GGs all the same your jarven was so much better then me :/
nite never plays with me



Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
mango plays league? oh man lol

so is karthus a good champ? i've always thought he has the highest DPS of any champ, but have never had the guts to shell out 6300 for him.
He's very good if you're talented with him, but I think he has the highest skill cap of any champion in the game (Anivia can't hold a candle). Everyone focuses on his ultimate, but what defines a good Karthus is his use of Lay Waste, Defile, and his wall, all of which require precise positioning and judgment


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I'm interested in trying out the Karma buffs - anyone up for queuing sometime to see if she can make a bigger impact now? Especially excited about the Mantra buffs - 1 every 15 seconds with 40% CD


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
He's very good if you're talented with him, but I think he has the highest skill cap of any champion in the game (Anivia can't hold a candle). Everyone focuses on his ultimate, but what defines a good Karthus is his use of Lay Waste, Defile, and his wall, all of which require precise positioning and judgment
my first game as karthus was... well, i went mid vs. annie and neither of us went back to base until level 13 (i had 4000 gold at this point). my first ult was at level 14 (none of the side lanes died either) and it scored a double kill. our shaco never ganked mid. their twitch went afk because his friend was dying and he had to take them to the hospital. all in all i'd say it was a fittingly depressing and somber game to be playing as a walking skeleton.

but yeah, holy **** karthus *****.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
This buff to Ezreal, now I think about it, is a lot better for Ezreal than I initially thought.

He can literally be a pusher now, not to the strength of Sivir, but competitive. He also has a global minion clearing ult as well.

Like Ult down mid clearing one entire creep wave (give or take) plus halving the health of another two, coupled with now stronger minions and a very spammable (arguably constant if you have blue buff) 40% AS buff for his team makes Ezreal a monster in a new way.

I think people will be starting to qq against Ezreal now. His abilities now have great synergy as an AD carry.

Now after writing this out, I may honestly come to the conclusion Ezreal is... better than Sivir now.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
This buff to Ezreal, now I think about it, is a lot better for Ezreal than I initially thought.

He can literally be a pusher now, not to the strength of Sivir, but competitive. He also has a global minion clearing ult as well.

Like Ult down mid clearing one entire creep wave (give or take) plus halving the health of another two, coupled with now stronger minions and a very spammable (arguably constant 40% AS buff for his team mates if you have blue buff) makes Ezreal a monster in a new way.

I think people will be starting to qq against Ezreal now. His abilities now have great synergy as an AD carry.

Now after writing this out, I may honestly come to the conclusion Ezreal is... better than Sivir now.
Refer to the post I made earlier :X


Banned via Warnings
Nov 7, 2010
played against one today

counter jungled him to death

jarvan not that good. gets low in jungle at low levels.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2011
i played nunu today with a jarvan on my team. every jarvan ult was basically two free kills LOL
I did the same, though our Jarvan was trash.

We rolled a game early yesterday and I Jarv'd (yes, that's a verb) for the first time to great effect. (8-2-14, iirc) Jarvan is a gangsta.

Evan, Virg, and myself all grabbed Sunfire capes. We would rush a fight and I would ult to trap 2-3 of them with us inside. Reminded me of this:



In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
I seriously dislike the minion changes in this patch. If your team has better pushers or more mobility its pretty easy to get all your lanes pushing and then force some kind of fight elsewhere and let the minions do the work for you. How many times last night did our creeps kill a tower when weren't anywhere near it? I mean, we manually split-push (no TPs/global ults) last night against a team and it worked fine because they couldn't trust a tower to defend itself for a little while. Ward, push, kite, repeat... win towers.


Smash Hero
May 22, 2006
They said they may have overdone it with the minions and they're "keeping an eye on it". I hear nothing but negative things about it from the general community though.

I really wish I knew why I read the forums but don't bother playing the game lol


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
what exactly is the minion change?

also what is irelia nerf?

she feels pretty weak as far as damage output goes I think...or it might have been just because I was playing against tanks but even with my full build I didn't feel like I was putting in 1337 D33P5 like I was a couple games before the nerf

also I need a good kennen build unless all kennen builds imply I need to rush Rylais (which I already do but)


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
Melee minion magic resist now increases 1.25 per 3 minutes (up from 0.5)
Ranged minion armor now increases 1.25 per 3 minutes (up from 0.5)
Cannon minion armor and magic resist now increase 3 per 3 minutes (up from 2)
After 20 minutes, cannon minions now spawn every 2 waves (up from every 3 waves)
Cannon minions and super minions now reduce turret damage by 65% (up from 50%)
Fixed a tooltip bug "This unit receive..." with cannon minions and super minions
Minions now deal about 50% more damage to turrets

too much imo

also they didn't nerf irelia at all this patch except the indirect one if you used spirit visage


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
what exactly is the minion change?

also what is irelia nerf?

she feels pretty weak as far as damage output goes I think...or it might have been just because I was playing against tanks but even with my full build I didn't feel like I was putting in 1337 D33P5 like I was a couple games before the nerf

also I need a good kennen build unless all kennen builds imply I need to rush Rylais (which I already do but)
The minions are now stronger over time. This combined with faster revive time from death (karthus revive is hilarious) results in faster paced games for sure. To me this means unless they lower item prices or raise minion gold it will be much harder to reach late game since it's much easier to push lanes.

I think Riot is trying to balance the minions so that teams can't just turtle up late game and get easy farm while also holding off pushes.

IDK about Irelia.

Kennen still involves rushing rylais then hourglass/deathcap followed by w/e you think you need. I think shield > boots > rylais > sorc/merc > hourglass > bv > deathcap > void is an ok build but better players probably have better builds than me.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
wow...that minion **** is gay...

and for kennen I've been building

boots+3 pots -> rylais -> sorc -> deathcap -> Abysal -> hourglass -> sell sorc for merc -> void staff


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
I kept hearing people say it was coming...Hmm...guess I was just off the other day

I mean I went like 4/3/10 the other day and usually its liek 10/2/3 or something like that...and I built the same thing I always built...but they had a malphite and a Jarvan on thier team so maybe it was just the bulkyness that made me feel weak.

I'lll just put in work today


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
or each game is different and you shouldn't expect a certain score because of all the various factors that impact it? not to mention that the 2 scores you posted are practically the same in my book except that you were focusing on last hitting champs with Q in the 10/2/3 game. The K + A and deaths were basically the same in both of them, and really that's what you should be looking at if you wanna look at KDA stats. And you're judging off of 1 game... O_O.

anyway, Irelia's really stupid and I have no idea why she wasn't nerfed. She needs to either be harder to farm with or less godly when farmed.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD

I played a couple of games but I just used one as a reference

I also didn't explain the game so I will do it now even though I already know it won't make a difference

late game I was bursting people down like buy myself with irelia in the 10/2/3 game where I would Q-> E-> W+ Ult

the W would have me doing leet deeps and the slow effect on the trifoce wa great and stuff

in this game where I went 4/3/10 I was doing the same combo and not getting nearly any of the same results and this was even against the weaker people on their team like ashe or sivir I couldn't kill them by myself with the combo (I mean I still got the kill in a 1v1 because my 40% cooldown was getting me Q and E in liek 3 seconds...lol)

now this is just without factoring items or anything and when I looked back at it the 4/3/10 game had alot of armor stacked people so that could have also been the reason (actually 100 percent the reason) but I just felt like my damage output wasn't as high as it usually is.

either way I still love the build im working with but I really gotta start using my actives...lol

is black cleaver good on irelia?
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