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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
This buff to Ezreal, now I think about it, is a lot better for Ezreal than I initially thought.

He can literally be a pusher now, not to the strength of Sivir, but competitive. He also has a global minion clearing ult as well.

Like Ult down mid clearing one entire creep wave (give or take) plus halving the health of another two, coupled with now stronger minions and a very spammable (arguably constant if you have blue buff) 40% AS buff for his team makes Ezreal a monster in a new way.

I think people will be starting to qq against Ezreal now. His abilities now have great synergy as an AD carry.

Now after writing this out, I may honestly come to the conclusion Ezreal is... better than Sivir now.

Like Ezreal feels sooooo much more powerful. Like it was funny. The enemy Jarvan ulted me with his Vlad being next to me. I arcaned out and trueshoted them both with a bloodrazer killing one of em with 2 MS after the TS and then cleaning up the other one up with an ignite exhaust combo.

Thanks for the double kill.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
I went 9/9/18 with ezreal the other day....my ezreal is *** dude...lmao

he's kinda hard to play becaues I don't Know how to go in and stay safe at the same time.


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
Lol yeah dude, its all about practice and understanding situations IMO. Don't just jump in and expect to **** in a teamfight. Poking is cute. I started playing Ezreal like my 2nd week of playing LoL and haven't stopped since. I love everything about this guy.

Ezreal = anime character


He voice is the American voice actor for Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho. I died laughing the second I heard his voice.


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Irelia negates harass too easily. If they reduced her self heal in the early levels so you could effectively harass her out of lane, she would be a less viable solo laner, which would reduce her farm by a lot. I think they also need to remove the CDR on Q when she last hits with it. It lets her safely dash for a last hit, move away, dash back, etc. So she can farm really effectively, ignore harass and then jump on her opponent who can't negate harass quite so easily.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
boots + pots -> dblade if you cant afford to get bf on your trips back(up to 3) -> cleaver -> trinity -> banshee -> thirster you can probably switch the order of a few of these items, i like cleaver first though. 15/0/15


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
no i try to go back to base when i have enough but if im low and i have to go back and im missing ~200 ill sell the dblade to get the bf. dblade with the extra damage and hp is good :)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
anyway, Irelia's really stupid and I have no idea why she wasn't nerfed. She needs to either be harder to farm with or less godly when farmed.
Yea it's so dumb evn if you push her to tower she can get every last hit with 0 effort or skill involved.

@Tkbro builds are situational really depends on other team. Obviously if they are hard focusing you and you can't stop them, you would want hourglass before deathcap.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
yea on kennen I just get that needlessly large rod and then depending on what happened during the time i was saving money to get hourglass or deathcap I get one or the other

but in a long game I'm sure to have both by the end of it.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Irelia negates harass too easily. If they reduced her self heal in the early levels so you could effectively harass her out of lane, she would be a less viable solo laner, which would reduce her farm by a lot. I think they also need to remove the CDR on Q when she last hits with it. It lets her safely dash for a last hit, move away, dash back, etc. So she can farm really effectively, ignore harass and then jump on her opponent who can't negate harass quite so easily.
i hope they do not change the CDR on Q. it is incredibly fun.

reducing the self heal in the early levels would be my best choice of nerf


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
well you can still 2v1 F**K her if you have the right champs and she even just the slightest overextends...EQ strike can only save you but so much.

although I will say that Q dashing is not at all broken. she can close gaps extremely well with the right set up but that doesnt make it broken...


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
i hope they do not change the CDR on Q. it is incredibly fun.

reducing the self heal in the early levels would be my best choice of nerf
meh, I think you guys overestimate how much the self heal is really necessary. I mean, I'll just come to lane with cloth + 5 hp pots, farm until sheen + vamp scepter and you'll still have a hell of a time harassing me off before then, and once I have sheen + vamp, I have a 50 point heal on 0 second CD because of how stupid they bothinteract with Q. The only nerf I know is needed is CD on ult needs to go up... other than that, it's tricky because it's hard to keep her flavor while making any of the necessary changes (namely axing the CD refresh on Q, I actually agree with M3D on that one, even though it's the most interesting part of her character, it's also what makes her too good by making her a ****ing cheater at last hitting).


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Irelia problems? People need to start looking at characters such as Nasus.
She's a high/top tier character. However, just like old ezreal, people picked characters that made his life pretty darn awkward.

A beefy tank like nasus with life steal + mixed damage while your carries are kiting and Irelia is qqing at being slowed for a reasonable length (still) and not hitting much with her ult...



Nasus/Singed. Believe it.

Malzahar and traditional Warwick's suppression is the 'goodz' too. Malzahar is already being seen as the best mage in the game, and the fact he can shut down irelia is a plus.
(Actually I'm not sure if what I was seeing was right... but can Irelia actually still throw out her ult projectiles while she's in cc? I think she can... that's stupid)


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I think this is finally the patch where I get good with Sion. With the changes to minions, pushers are more effective than before so being able to clear a wave quickly is a great feature to have. Tanky DPS are also in a good spot right now, making pushers like Trist and Sivir inferior, at least from my point of view. This led me to Sion, who's both moderately tanky and godly at pushing. Let's hope I'm right about this


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Do any of you think their is an issue with ranged carries slowly being phased out do to too mainly blink attacking or gap closer melees?

I'm not good enough to tell. But I have seen this impression on forums a bit.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Do any of you think their is an issue with ranged carries slowly being phased out do to too mainly blink attacking or gap closer melees?

I'm not good enough to tell. But I have seen this impression on forums a bit.
High elo play is largely unchanged. Teams still try to fall into AP Carry Top, Ranged AD Carry Mid, Tank + Support Bot and Strong Early game jungler. I still think a team with a good Ashe or Corki will tend to beat on a team without a ranged carry.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
High elo play is largely unchanged. Teams still try to fall into AP Carry Top, Ranged AD Carry Mid, Tank + Support Bot and Strong Early game jungler. I still think a team with a good Ashe or Corki will tend to beat on a team without a ranged carry.
I don't think this is true for people who aren't at least mid ELO. At those levels, people know to keep enemies off of the squishy, but where I'm at (dead even w/l ratio), for instance, people don't understand that this is their job. This leads to playing a squishy not paying off due to people not protecting you and you being blown up in 2 seconds flat. This is also probably why tanky DPS seem so strong to me right now - no one bothers to get them off of me so I can actually fight


Apr 10, 2008
As long as Janna remains amazing at keeping melee off of your ranged carry the role will still be very prevalent. :)


I think for Irelia they need to bump the scaling on her stats down- not change any of the fun mechanics of her spells.

For example, her E does 55 more damage every time you rank it up. That's a ton of damage for how much utility it has. I mean, just look at these numbers overall: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/champions/39/irelia_the_will_of_the_blades

That said, I've always been meaning to try AP Irelia out as a fun build. Equilibrium Strike has 1:1 scaling. Transcendent Blades has 0.4:1 per blade. Assuming you land all your blades it goes up to 1.6:1.

Maybe Charlie Sheen->Guinsoo's/Deathcap->lichbane or something? I dunno.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Do any of you think their is an issue with ranged carries slowly being phased out do to too mainly blink attacking or gap closer melees?.

At average player level, I REALLY think so.

Most teams now consist of about 3-4 tanky melee chars that seem to have ridiculous stats and they just stomp the lanes to a point where there's no coming back. Jarvan, Xin, Irelia, Udyr, Fiddlesticks/Kennen/Karthus/Malzahar is a pretty dumb team comp I've been seeing the past 2 days

also Tristana vs Irelia mid is not fun T_T


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to

At average player level, I REALLY think so.

Most teams now consist of about 3-4 tanky melee chars that seem to have ridiculous stats and they just stomp the lanes to a point where there's no coming back. Jarvan, Xin, Irelia, Udyr, Fiddlesticks/Kennen/Karthus/Malzahar is a pretty dumb team comp I've been seeing the past 2 days
jeez, it's like a whole different game down there... that comp would get dumped on by something like Annie + Ashe + Janna + Singed + Nunu. You'd just get kited to death.

also Tristana vs Irelia mid is not fun T_T
Trist should give her the business at mid. At least in theory.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
yea, a lot of my elo climbing was done with Garen back when he was good because of the general lack of focus and purpose in lower level play.
Hence why my beloved Ashe is no longer safe for me to play :( She's the only one I can ALMOST tolerate just because of how much I love her - playing any other ranged carry is like stabbing myself in the groin repeatedly. Maybe Trist wouldn't be too bad due to being able to keep her distance from the fight, but I haven't played Trist in a while so I wouldn't know
As long as Janna remains amazing at keeping melee off of your ranged carry the role will still be very prevalent. :)


I think for Irelia they need to bump the scaling on her stats down- not change any of the fun mechanics of her spells.

For example, her E does 55 more damage every time you rank it up. That's a ton of damage for how much utility it has. I mean, just look at these numbers overall: http://www.leagueoflegends.com/champions/39/irelia_the_will_of_the_blades

That said, I've always been meaning to try AP Irelia out as a fun build. Equilibrium Strike has 1:1 scaling. Transcendent Blades has 0.4:1 per blade. Assuming you land all your blades it goes up to 1.6:1.

Maybe Charlie Sheen->Guinsoo's/Deathcap->lichbane or something? I dunno.
But no one plays Janna at this level :( That's another thing - no one likes to fill the support role at this level, making it even more dangerous to be a squishy

As for Irelia, iirc the reds have said that they want to lower her base numbers a bit, so maybe we'll see that next patch. I think there was a lot of pressure on them this patch to leave her untouched, which would explain why they didn't roll out the changes.

At average player level, I REALLY think so.

Most teams now consist of about 3-4 tanky melee chars that seem to have ridiculous stats and they just stomp the lanes to a point where there's no coming back. Jarvan, Xin, Irelia, Udyr, Fiddlesticks/Kennen/Karthus/Malzahar is a pretty dumb team comp I've been seeing the past 2 days

also Tristana vs Irelia mid is not fun T_T
Doesn't have a legit tank. Try this comp on for size: Mordekaiser, Xin, Amumu, Cho'Gath, Lux. One squishy on that whole team and you are NEVER going to reach her. Yea, tanky DPS are ruling this level :(
jeez, it's like a whole different game down there... that comp would get dumped on by something like Annie + Ashe + Janna + Singed + Nunu. You'd just get kited to death.

Trist should give her the business at mid. At least in theory.
People don't kite much sadly. They also don't know how to count numbers before fights or stop running into team fights when we're losing them. I might lack knowledge about more the more subtle points of game strategy but at least I know that much.
People QQ'ing about Irelia reminds me of how everyone thought Kennen was fair and balanced in lane.
Kennen was and still is a beast in lane. His ratios aren't that high though, meaning that while he could dominate mid game he'd fall off a bit late game; this is even more evident now that the Zhonya's active isn't paired with the passive anymore.

I'm going to try Karma in solo queue now. Wish me luck guys


Apr 10, 2008
Lol, so apparently dodging attacks as teemo doesn't interrupt him going in stealth with his passive, so if someone like jax or xin is chasing you and jumps on you to close distance, you can just blind him and go invis while he misses his autoattacks. xD


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Lol, so apparently dodging attacks as teemo doesn't interrupt him going in stealth with his passive, so if someone like jax or xin is chasing you and jumps on you to close distance, you can just blind him and go invis while he misses his autoattacks. xD
LOL that just made my day


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
Sion Alistar is even meaner. If you have under like 800 HP at level 2, you're ****ing dead.
oh wow, that makes sense

you sacrifice a tank with a stun that can heal that can't kill for a tank with a stun that can heal that CAN kill

how incredibly stupid

my friend and i are gonna try nunu + anivia soon, that seems it'd be really hot...how's it work in practice? i stay up front and lane/last hit/deny with ice blast, she sits back and last hits with range, if i get an ice blast she does whatever the hell that icicle thing is, does more damage when chilled

yes yes?


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
Marquette, Michigan
oh wow, that makes sense

you sacrifice a tank with a stun that can heal that can't kill for a tank with a stun that can heal that CAN kill

how incredibly stupid

my friend and i are gonna try nunu + anivia soon, that seems it'd be really hot...how's it work in practice? i stay up front and lane/last hit/deny with ice blast, she sits back and last hits with range, if i get an ice blast she does whatever the hell that icicle thing is, does more damage when chilled

yes yes?
99% certain that the chill from nunu doesn't work with anivia's E
however if you use nunus ice ball to slow them for anivia's QE then it gets pretty painful


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
oh wow, that makes sense

you sacrifice a tank with a stun that can heal that can't kill for a tank with a stun that can heal that CAN kill

how incredibly stupid

my friend and i are gonna try nunu + anivia soon, that seems it'd be really hot...how's it work in practice? i stay up front and lane/last hit/deny with ice blast, she sits back and last hits with range, if i get an ice blast she does whatever the hell that icicle thing is, does more damage when chilled

yes yes?
sidelane anivia makes me wanna stab a baby. she needs levels people :(. I ****ing had a sidelane anivia the other day and she *****ed that we failed when she was level 7 and the solos were 11... like, what do you expect? you're play a level-dependent solo on a sidelane *hangs self*


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
99% certain that the chill from nunu doesn't work with anivia's E
however if you use nunus ice ball to slow them for anivia's QE then it gets pretty painful
oh, that was our whole strat then, lmfao

yeah that makes sense, but if we can't use a chill gimmick then it's not really worth it, he can go someone more adept at laning with nunu

speaking of, i played with a gragas last night, gragas + nunu lane is ****ing hilarious...if they overstep, he ults them into my ult, ice ball + barrel covers retreat, sova baby

sidelane anivia makes me wanna stab a baby. she needs levels people :(. I ****ing had a sidelane anivia the other day and she *****ed that we failed when she was level 7 and the solos were 11... like, what do you expect? you're play a level-dependent solo on a sidelane *hangs self*
oh btw while i'm not really a noob i'm still not very knowledgeable of this game, so please bear with me...

do slows stack?

like, considering the team in question, if, as nunu, i used my ult in conjunction with anivia's ult, would they only take the effect from the greater of the two stuns, or would that somehow be combined?

i think it's the former, as i've laned with a trundle before as singed and with glue + pillar they didn't seem to be any worse for wear than with either separately


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
I hate hate HATE the meta game right now. It's ALL being tanky and pushing. That's literally IT. 4 tanky DPS and one optional long range squishy. God help you if you have 2 or more squishies on your team because you're going to lose every single team fight after 25-30 minutes. Kiting won't help you when they're pushing one of your towers. You can't push against them without an obscene amount of wards.

There are so many other things I could go on about that makes this an absolutely unenjoyable time, but I dont even want to think about it right now. Right now, I hate the hell out of what wins normals, to the point that I don't even want to play anymore.

And one more thing. MORDEKAISER'S DAMAGE IS NOT IGNORABLE AND MADRED'S DOES NOT HARD COUNTER HIM. I don't care what anyone says, Morderkaiser is one of the most frustrating champions right now, at this level I guess. So what if he doesn't have cc - everyone else will bring it for him.

I just hate this game's meta so much right now. I don't think I even want to play until they do something to change this. I don't WANT to play a tanky DPS or tank character every single game just to compete...

edit@Coney: Slows do stack, but there is diminishing returns. The highest ratio slow is given full effect but other slows weaker than it are diminshed.


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
i'm so excited to try out AD TF tonight

i use him literally as nothing but a tool to piss off the enemy--teleport + destiny makes it so i can go wherever i want at any time, push lanes like CRAZY and run/destiny away if they show up

he's so gay, and now with the new minion buffs in terms of pushing, i'm so excited!


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I hate hate HATE the meta game right now. It's ALL being tanky and pushing. That's literally IT. 4 tanky DPS and one optional long range squishy. God help you if you have 2 or more squishies on your team because you're going to lose every single team fight after 25-30 minutes. Kiting won't help you when they're pushing one of your towers. You can't push against them without an obscene amount of wards.

There are so many other things I could go on about that makes this an absolutely unenjoyable time, but I dont even want to think about it right now. Right now, I hate the hell out of what wins normals, to the point that I don't even want to play anymore.

And one more thing. MORDEKAISER'S DAMAGE IS NOT IGNORABLE AND MADRED'S DOES NOT HARD COUNTER HIM. I don't care what anyone says, Morderkaiser is one of the most frustrating champions right now, at this level I guess. So what if he doesn't have cc - everyone else will bring it for him.

I just hate this game's meta so much right now. I don't think I even want to play until they do something to change this. I don't WANT to play a tanky DPS or tank character every single game just to compete...

edit@Coney: Slows do stack, but there is diminishing returns. The highest ratio slow is given full effect but other slows weaker than it are diminshed.
you need to calm down
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