Monochrome Like A Panda
This.This buff to Ezreal, now I think about it, is a lot better for Ezreal than I initially thought.
He can literally be a pusher now, not to the strength of Sivir, but competitive. He also has a global minion clearing ult as well.
Like Ult down mid clearing one entire creep wave (give or take) plus halving the health of another two, coupled with now stronger minions and a very spammable (arguably constant if you have blue buff) 40% AS buff for his team makes Ezreal a monster in a new way.
I think people will be starting to qq against Ezreal now. His abilities now have great synergy as an AD carry.
Now after writing this out, I may honestly come to the conclusion Ezreal is... better than Sivir now.
Like Ezreal feels sooooo much more powerful. Like it was funny. The enemy Jarvan ulted me with his Vlad being next to me. I arcaned out and trueshoted them both with a bloodrazer killing one of em with 2 MS after the TS and then cleaning up the other one up with an ignite exhaust combo.
Thanks for the double kill.