Sorc Shoes are stupid on Ez. He was probably just being a prick and trying to ult snipe all game.Hey I have a quick question. I was looking at Chausters Ezreal and I noticed he goes AD EZ with SS boots. I'm confused why. Can anyone answer?
yea, really not much you can do when your team is ******** and gets caught. your best bet is to convince them that 5 man roaming is a good idea early.I'm all about death kiting, but you're always going to have that player who gets caught out of position and gets initiated on by bladesurge or any other dive move. Then you have to try and salvage whatever you can while staying at a safe distance, but of course we lose the entire fight because we don't have the stats to fight them at full health.
Then when I'm the last one to left and not getting aced, you can expect "/all gg noob trist don't help"
well, you're both opening poorly if you're both starting doransAnd regarding trist v irelia.. Idk what to do..
I lead with dblade, she leads with shield. My autoattack does like 40ish dmg to her. She has Dshield regen + hiten style. If I get in range to use my explosive shot, I will get bursted down HARD. And the higher level she gets it only gets worse. I can't deny her from farming.. What should I be doing to deal with that?
anyway, the dynamic of Ranged DPS with a blink vs. Irelia is really straight forward. Shoot her, when she bladesurges, blink away and then attack her more while bladesurge is on CD. With Trist, you just poke with Autos and Explosive Shot, Rocket Jump away when she jumps at you and keep shooting her. If she really wants to trade hits at mid, she'll have to end up overextended because she's Melee and you're ranged, hence you just need to make sure that if she's getting overaggressive about trading hits you call your jungler over to **** her day up (but you should end up ahead in these exchanges most of the time by jumping away anyway.
order, iirc is cloth + 5 pot -> boots -> HoG -> CDR Boots -> Brutalizer -> Sunfire -> Ghostblade -> Randuin'sI usually see elementz run the following items [I forgot the order]
cdr boots
I think the other two are frozen mallet and atmas, I'm not sure, dependent on teams I suppose
DPS Mundo is what we call a normal Mundo who builds Phantom Dancer or Starks. There is literally no reason to build more offensive items than just one of those. Mundo's innate regen on lane with a d-shield is pretty crazy, so your build should look something like this IMO:Hey guys.
If i'm playing dps mundo, i'm still kinda bad, so i usually get one health regen item.
is spirit visage better than force of nature?
my build right now is:
dagger + health pot
Beserker's greaves
[spirit visage or force of nature]
Phantom dancer
for fifth and sixth items, what would be good?
i'm thinking frozen mallet and black cleaver?
spirit visage
merc treads
giant's belt
Warmog's or Sunfire
Spirit Visage is better bang for your buck on Mundo than FoN, but ideally you want both of them because they both synergize with his bull**** very well. And never open dagger. Ever. It is quite possibly the worst starting item on the game.
Masochism's +200 damage really appreciates crit and Mundo really loves movespeed. I know PD used to be awful, but atm I think it's the best DPS item on Mundo and is considerably better than Starks unless your team could all use the aura.^staaaaaarks.