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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Hey I have a quick question. I was looking at Chausters Ezreal and I noticed he goes AD EZ with SS boots. I'm confused why. Can anyone answer?
Sorc Shoes are stupid on Ez. He was probably just being a prick and trying to ult snipe all game.

I'm all about death kiting, but you're always going to have that player who gets caught out of position and gets initiated on by bladesurge or any other dive move. Then you have to try and salvage whatever you can while staying at a safe distance, but of course we lose the entire fight because we don't have the stats to fight them at full health.

Then when I'm the last one to left and not getting aced, you can expect "/all gg noob trist don't help"
yea, really not much you can do when your team is ******** and gets caught. your best bet is to convince them that 5 man roaming is a good idea early.

And regarding trist v irelia.. Idk what to do..

I lead with dblade, she leads with shield. My autoattack does like 40ish dmg to her. She has Dshield regen + hiten style. If I get in range to use my explosive shot, I will get bursted down HARD. And the higher level she gets it only gets worse. I can't deny her from farming.. What should I be doing to deal with that?
well, you're both opening poorly if you're both starting dorans :(. Irelia should be opening cloth + 5 Pot and you should be opening boots + 3 pot or go jiji style and open rejuv bead + an asston of pots. I mean, you have no lane staying power with d-blade, 1 mistake and you're zoned, GGNORE.

anyway, the dynamic of Ranged DPS with a blink vs. Irelia is really straight forward. Shoot her, when she bladesurges, blink away and then attack her more while bladesurge is on CD. With Trist, you just poke with Autos and Explosive Shot, Rocket Jump away when she jumps at you and keep shooting her. If she really wants to trade hits at mid, she'll have to end up overextended because she's Melee and you're ranged, hence you just need to make sure that if she's getting overaggressive about trading hits you call your jungler over to **** her day up (but you should end up ahead in these exchanges most of the time by jumping away anyway.

I usually see elementz run the following items [I forgot the order]

cdr boots

I think the other two are frozen mallet and atmas, I'm not sure, dependent on teams I suppose
order, iirc is cloth + 5 pot -> boots -> HoG -> CDR Boots -> Brutalizer -> Sunfire -> Ghostblade -> Randuin's

Hey guys.
If i'm playing dps mundo, i'm still kinda bad, so i usually get one health regen item.

is spirit visage better than force of nature?

my build right now is:

dagger + health pot
Beserker's greaves
[spirit visage or force of nature]
Phantom dancer

for fifth and sixth items, what would be good?
i'm thinking frozen mallet and black cleaver?
DPS Mundo is what we call a normal Mundo who builds Phantom Dancer or Starks. There is literally no reason to build more offensive items than just one of those. Mundo's innate regen on lane with a d-shield is pretty crazy, so your build should look something like this IMO:

spirit visage
merc treads
giant's belt
Warmog's or Sunfire

Spirit Visage is better bang for your buck on Mundo than FoN, but ideally you want both of them because they both synergize with his bull**** very well. And never open dagger. Ever. It is quite possibly the worst starting item on the game.

Masochism's +200 damage really appreciates crit and Mundo really loves movespeed. I know PD used to be awful, but atm I think it's the best DPS item on Mundo and is considerably better than Starks unless your team could all use the aura.


Apr 10, 2008
Masochism's +200 damage really appreciates crit and Mundo really loves movespeed. I know PD used to be awful, but atm I think it's the best DPS item on Mundo and is considerably better than Starks unless your team could all use the aura.
Yah, if your team really wouldn't benefit from the aura then there's really no reason to get it over other stuff. I haven't actually used the PD very much since it's buff. I imagine it would be pretty good on him for your reasons. :o

I think I'm still in the mindset of old stark's and aura hog sivir being top tier way back in the day lol.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Because merc treads are so much better lol
Spoken like a true man

There's not much point for Sorc Boots because the only thing it would affect would be his Q and his Ult. I'd rather have a corki with CC reduction + resistance against casters, than a corki who hits a tad harder on Q and Rockets. Less time under CC, more time to cast spells and attack and get away.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
so I got a triple kill with kennen yesterday because Swain Panth and Kat all tried to tower dive me at kennen and I popped my ult like right next to it and just ran circle around the tower

I think thats my second fav Kill in the game is when someone tower dive fails

First being KSing a KSer


yesterday I 4 man queued with my usual group and we got paired with a Xin who Immediately requested top. I was annie and I was laning with zilean my other friend was jungle trundle and the other one was anivia who went mid.

the game start and he gets cloth+pots and I'm like (ok I see you)

the man runs top and immediately into the brush where the enemy maokai was at and instead of just putting a lil damage on him he decides to GO IN...so Maokai cast exhaust on him halfway through them scraping and starts puttin in leet deeps and kills xin and not even a minute has passed yet.

after he gave up first blood i looked at his items and he only had one potions left...LMAO you know he was just mashing that 2 button hard as ****


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Mogwai that dog gif on the left is so freakin adorable XD.

I think I'm going to pick up Jungle Amumu as my next char to learn, since I have WW/Shaco as my dmg jungles, Malphite as my lane tank, Ezreal/Kennen/Anivia as my carries. Can anyone give me tips on where I can start, masteries, runes? I'm guessing my starter items are cloth, 5 pots, then I have no clue.

I would think cloth, 5 pots, madreds, boots -> tanky > eventually finish madreds as your one dmg item. I know when I originally jungled Rammus (hated Rammus though) I never got madreds so I may not need it for Amumu.

I definitely think I'm falling into the Jungle role the more I play. To me while the jungling part may be boring, I feel as a jungle you control the ebb and flow of the game the most. You create the 2v1, 3v1s, you have the most map awareness, etc. I feel it helps me pay attention to more detail in the game.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
amumu is a horrifically boring jungler. You open cloth + 5 pots, despair and go blue golem, and then just do a clean sweep from blue -> wolves -> wraiths -> red -> small gols with WEEQER -> R > E > W > Q. No madreds, he's a jungle tank, not a jungle dps, you turn that cloth in HoG and you try to get a 2nd HoG and just keep farming into appropriate tanking items, sunfire and banshee's being the best of them.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Back in my day, Morgana was naturally going to be on a team.

Btw, best team comp ever, and the people I play with it are currently undefeated.

Master Yi, Janna, Zilean, Kayle, Shen

No damage you say?

WRONG. More damage than anyone can poke a stick at.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Yah, if your team really wouldn't benefit from the aura then there's really no reason to get it over other stuff. I haven't actually used the PD very much since it's buff. I imagine it would be pretty good on him for your reasons. :o

I think I'm still in the mindset of old stark's and aura hog sivir being top tier way back in the day lol.
PD got a buff? Was that the same patch they removed dodge? What happened to it?
Back in my day, Morgana was naturally going to be on a team.

Btw, best team comp ever, and the people I play with it are currently undefeated.

Master Yi, Janna, Zilean, Kayle, Shen

No damage you say?

WRONG. More damage than anyone can poke a stick at.
I'm planning on putting Morg back in my rotation. She can push moderately well and she's still a strong pick AND Black Shield can help save some dummies. I'm actually thinking about going on a support champ kick - Morg, Janna, Karma, occasionally Lux; I figure I'll at least try it out for a few games


Nonnulli Laskowski praestant
Jun 27, 2006
Sunny Bromsgrove
Just ran into Iori in a random IP Farm game.

Hadn't seen that guy in forever. Was the only other one on the team that understood how to kill bots...


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
I'm surprised I don't see Morgana + Kayle + Hyper Carry more often in games. TBH itsssssssssssssss stupid.


(inb4 chogath, malzahar, blitz, and maybe kassadin)


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to

PD got a buff? Was that the same patch they removed dodge? What happened to it?

I'm planning on putting Morg back in my rotation. She can push moderately well and she's still a strong pick AND Black Shield can help save some dummies. I'm actually thinking about going on a support champ kick - Morg, Janna, Karma, occasionally Lux; I figure I'll at least try it out for a few games
they've been repeatedly lowering the cost and upping the stats on PD for awhile now. it's actually pretty damn efficient atm.

Morg is like Kennen in that the Zhonya's split really really hurt her. She can no longer function super well as an AP carry because she needs that active so bad, so she plays support, but as a support she needs a lot of farm still and then doesn't spend it on aura items... I still like Morgana a lot in a void, but I think she needs top and that sorta shakes up the whole team composition because of how awkward she is as an AP carry atm.

Mogwai all of those corgi gifs are so freakin adorable XD.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
they've been repeatedly lowering the cost and upping the stats on PD for awhile now. it's actually pretty damn efficient atm.

Morg is like Kennen in that the Zhonya's split really really hurt her. She can no longer function super well as an AP carry because she needs that active so bad, so she plays support, but as a support she needs a lot of farm still and then doesn't spend it on aura items... I still like Morgana a lot in a void, but I think she needs top and that sorta shakes up the whole team composition because of how awkward she is as an AP carry atm.

Intersting. Also, what are you opinions on an AP Janna? I've tried her with auras before to limited success, and I'm not sure if that's because I just needed more practice or if it was because it just doesn't work as well for the people I get matched with. For AP build, I was considering

Meki Pendant
Boots and Amp Tome
If team seems it will well enough build Tome into Mejai's
Otherwise build it into Fiendish Codex (built after Mejai's otherwise)
Boots 2 (Ionians or Mercs)
Finish Codex into Morello's Evil Tome
Shurelya's if didn't build Ionian boots, Deathcap otherwise

And of course a crap ton of wards. I was considering Morello's over DFG because of the superior cd; same reasoning for Shurelya's over Soul Shroud.


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
I'm trying to test some things out with my quintessences. I've been running AD quints for like ever. I kinda wanna tryout HP or movement speed quints on my AD Ezreal. How bad is sacrificing my AD early game going to be?

I run Armor Pen Reds, Mana Regen/Flat Armor yellows, and MR/Mana Regen blues.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
@Mogwai, Really... Banshee's on Amumu? Didn't think Banshee's was all that great on true tanks. I would assume FoN would be better later game, or even Abyssal Scepter.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
I'm trying to test some things out with my quintessences. I've been running AD quints for like ever. I kinda wanna tryout HP or movement speed quints on my AD Ezreal. How bad is sacrificing my AD early game going to be?

I run Armor Pen Reds, Mana Regen/Flat Armor yellows, and MR/Mana Regen blues.
From what Mogwai told me Arpen Quints are pretty good on Ezreal. Since it scales well.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Intersting. Also, what are you opinions on an AP Janna? I've tried her with auras before to limited success, and I'm not sure if that's because I just needed more practice or if it was because it just doesn't work as well for the people I get matched with. For AP build, I was considering

Meki Pendant
Boots and Amp Tome
If team seems it will well enough build Tome into Mejai's
Otherwise build it into Fiendish Codex (built after Mejai's otherwise)
Boots 2 (Ionians or Mercs)
Finish Codex into Morello's Evil Tome
Shurelya's if didn't build Ionian boots, Deathcap otherwise

And of course a crap ton of wards. I was considering Morello's over DFG because of the superior cd; same reasoning for Shurelya's over Soul Shroud.
well, I don't like encouraging AP Janna because it encourages bad habits, but it's perfectly viable for a really long time. AP Janna is just about 1 shooting creepwaves though, not about CDR, you go Tear of the Goddess -> Deathcap -> AA -> w/e iirc. You focus your Q and then you just run around and keep creep waves pushing everywhere while warding the whole map and hope that that's good enough to win your team the game. I think boots of mobility was standard on this build to maximize your map presence, since that's really what the build was about, and running some combination of ghost/flash/cleanse. But ultimately this is just wasting a ****ton of farm on a support champion and once the opposing teams get good enough to exploit this (honestly they won't until like 1700 level or so at the earliest), the strategy will feel really ****ing awful.

The real way to play janna is like any other support... run gold/10 quints, get an early philo stone + 1-2 other gold/10 items -> Aegis, and roam around giving your lanes support and ganks while placing wards. Ideally you'll end the game with < 30 cs every game and your score will be 0/Y/X, where Y is equal to the number of times you have to sacrifice yourself to make sure your carry lives (ideally 0, but **** happens, especially with reckless carry players).


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2008
Wilmington, NC
I'm trying to test some things out with my quintessences. I've been running AD quints for like ever. I kinda wanna tryout HP or movement speed quints on my AD Ezreal. How bad is sacrificing my AD early game going to be?

I run Armor Pen Reds, Mana Regen/Flat Armor yellows, and MR/Mana Regen blues.
Voyboy uses Move speed quints w/ the masteries as well. I don't play EZ but it was nice having a higher speed to dodge anivia Q's and ganks. otherwise he seems really slow.

I think HP quints are worthless honestly, especially after the nerf. I would much rather have an extra 4.5% move speed or 10 arm pen.


Monochrome Like A Panda
May 18, 2007
Fort Washington, MD.
From what Mogwai told me Arpen Quints are pretty good on Ezreal. Since it scales well.
But I already have armor pen reds. I'm pretty sure too much armor pen isn't always a good thing.

Voyboy uses Move speed quints w/ the masteries as well. I don't play EZ but it was nice having a higher speed to dodge anivia Q's and ganks. otherwise he seems really slow.

I think HP quints are worthless honestly, especially after the nerf. I would much rather have an extra 4.5% move speed or 10 arm pen.
Thank you for the response. I will take this in account.


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
Two questions:

Mogwai, why should Irelia open with cloth + 5 pots (other then staying power, so I guess what is that cloth being built into?) I've been opening with...saph crystal and a hp pot I think.

Also, I'm finally starting to get runes, I was thinking a defensive set can only HELP every champ I play, so what should I be grabbing? Was going to get flat health quints and that's as far as I got lulz.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
well, I don't like encouraging AP Janna because it encourages bad habits, but it's perfectly viable for a really long time. AP Janna is just about 1 shooting creepwaves though, not about CDR, you go Tear of the Goddess -> Deathcap -> AA -> w/e iirc. You focus your Q and then you just run around and keep creep waves pushing everywhere while warding the whole map and hope that that's good enough to win your team the game. I think boots of mobility was standard on this build to maximize your map presence, since that's really what the build was about, and running some combination of ghost/flash/cleanse. But ultimately this is just wasting a ****ton of farm on a support champion and once the opposing teams get good enough to exploit this (honestly they won't until like 1700 level or so at the earliest), the strategy will feel really ****ing awful.

The real way to play janna is like any other support... run gold/10 quints, get an early philo stone + 1-2 other gold/10 items -> Aegis, and roam around giving your lanes support and ganks while placing wards. Ideally you'll end the game with < 30 cs every game and your score will be 0/Y/X, where Y is equal to the number of times you have to sacrifice yourself to make sure your carry lives (ideally 0, but **** happens, especially with reckless carry players).
So you don't think the benefits of greater healing and stronger shields really pay off? I guess I'll take your word for it since you're better. Gold quints are super expensive though :(

@Spife: Flat m resist are very good for early game; scaling m resist don't catch up til level 13, iirc. Flat armor is as well. Dodge is good for late game (or at least they used to be, not sure about now).


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
I'm trying to test some things out with my quintessences. I've been running AD quints for like ever. I kinda wanna tryout HP or movement speed quints on my AD Ezreal. How bad is sacrificing my AD early game going to be?

I run Armor Pen Reds, Mana Regen/Flat Armor yellows, and MR/Mana Regen blues.
ArPen Quints are better than AD quints. AD is an easily acquired stat, whereas ArPen is pretty hard to come by. Ezreal's AD scaling isn't crazy enough for AD quints to really shine (unlike say old pantheon who had crazy scaling on HSS{even then I still ran ArPen though, again, just because of how hard ArPen is to come by and how easily you can make up for AD quints}). Really the only time I run AD quints is when I notice that a jungle path keeps leaving creeps with like 2 hp, then I just throw a single AD quint in to trim the number of attacks needed to kill that creep by 1.

Some people swear by movespeed, others think it's a waste, I think they are what you make of them. Movespeed quints are hard to use but they can be really strong if you have a good sense of spacing and zoning (for instance, TL EzPzLmnSqz runs MS quints on ranged carries and is easily one of the best laning carries I've ever seen).

Flat HP Regen > Flat HP right now. No one's being particularly talkative about this, but all the people who have compared the numbers know this is the case. That aside, you shouldn't be getting hit often enough with Ezreal for them to be really worthwhile IMHO. Same reason I just double up on mana regen rather than using MRes/Armor on Ez, I just don't really get hit very much.

@Mogwai, Really... Banshee's on Amumu? Didn't think Banshee's was all that great on true tanks. I would assume FoN would be better later game, or even Abyssal Scepter.
Banshee's is just straight up the best item in the game. Even on a "true tank" or whatever, having that bubble makes it that much harder for the opposing team to catch you out of position or stop you from initiating properly. Not to mention that that extra mana is a godsend when you have to start giving up blue to your AP carry.

Abyssal is one of the worst items in the game btw. Most situations where people used to buy it, it has been replaced by void staff and amumu is no different IMO. I mean, yea, sure, it has some MR on it, but really if you want MR you want Banshees and once you have that, you want FoN, Abyssal is just an item for poorly formed teams with too much Magic Damage playing against teams that don't recognize this and build enough MR that -20 isn't going to do a whole hell of a lot. It's the same problem that Starks as IMO, except even more so because at least starks increases pushing, dragon and baron speeds significantly.

Having a Void Staff as your 3rd major item is very intelligent on Amumu though IMHO. I run void staff 3rd on all Magic damage heavy tanks like Singed, Amumu, Malphite, Maokai, etc to keep my damage relevant throughout the game. I mean, I guess it's not always 3rd, the timing depends on the MR timings on the other team, but I'm just saying that since these characters rely on high base damage numbers, the 40% pen is simply the best way to keep their damage output high.

But I already have armor pen reds. I'm pretty sure too much armor pen isn't always a good thing.
Too much Armor Pen is a waste but it's pretty ****ing impossible to get too much... Like, with reds + quints, you hit 25 ArPen. Most characters, even mages and ranged DPS running 0 defensive and no armor runes, will have 25 or more armor by level 6, and having overkill for the first few levels isn't really that bad, especially when it becomes more and more valuable as they get their early levels. And especially with how popular cloth + 5 pots has become, it's just becoming rarer and rarer that you can justify not running the full ArPen rune setup.

Two questions:

Mogwai, why should Irelia open with cloth + 5 pots (other then staying power, so I guess what is that cloth being built into?) I've been opening with...saph crystal and a hp pot I think.

Also, I'm finally starting to get runes, I was thinking a defensive set can only HELP every champ I play, so what should I be grabbing? Was going to get flat health quints and that's as far as I got lulz.
cloth will build into HoG or GA (GA always for me, but some people still have a Randuin's fetish). Lane staying is really all you need with Irelia, your goal is to sit there until level 6, ult the wave at level 6 and then back and buy off of your absurdly high CS and nothing does this better than cloth armor. Literally the worst thing that can happen to irelia in a game is her being forced by bluepill before level 6, so just don't put yourself in a position where that can happen, open with 5 pots.

standard tanky runepage atm is Flat HP regen Quints, Armor Seals and MRes Glyphs. Marks are whatever Penetration stat helps you best or Attack speed if you're jungling or your character scales well off of AS (irelia, kog). Dodge seals are perferable if you run dodge masteries, but most setups only run 7-9 in the defensive tree for Strength of Spirit, so they're usually not worth it, but if you run 21 in defensive or run 9 on a non-mana user, dodge seals are perferable because of nimbleness and their later game scaling.

So you don't think the benefits of greater healing and stronger shields really pay off? I guess I'll take your word for it since you're better. Gold quints are super expensive though :(

@Spife: Flat m resist are very good for early game; scaling m resist don't catch up til level 13, iirc. Flat armor is as well. Dodge is good for late game (or at least they used to be, not sure about now).
it's about opportunity cost. stronger shields and heals and awkward CC nukes are certainly better than weaker ones, but that's farm that your carry could be getting to turn into items that would scale with their abilities for a much higher net effect than all that farm turning into AP on you does.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
@Vocal - CC bots and support heroes can do their job even with a level deficit and gold deficit due to their nature/kit. You want the DPS carries that are item reliant and the primary source of damage to get that level advantage and money for core items.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
@Mogwai, Really... Banshee's on Amumu? Didn't think Banshee's was all that great on true tanks. I would assume FoN would be better later game, or even Abyssal Scepter.
You and your fon. Not even cost effective. Imo if you need that much health regen, you're doing it wrong. The speed boost is nice though.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
You and your fon. Not even cost effective. Imo if you need that much health regen, you're doing it wrong. The speed boost is nice though.
FoN is great, it just suffers from existing in a game with Banshee's Veil.

Mogwai, what do you see Shens building for MR? Do they ever go Banshee's? or just stack two Negatron Cloaks...
2 negatrons -> FoN and *drumroll* Banshee's. Banshee's OP.

Sometimes a QSS if it's vs. like Vlad or something.


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
duo lanes where its like hey __ you can take all the CS is not a good idea!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 7, 2011
You and your fon. Not even cost effective. Imo if you need that much health regen, you're doing it wrong. The speed boost is nice though.
FoN has the most Magic Resist of any item in the game (76). I believe this is what he is referring to not the health regen.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
duo lanes where its like hey __ you can take all the CS is not a good idea!
I disagree with pretty much every fiber of my being. There are so many lanes where at most, you should be allowing the support early CS to get their Gold/10 items quicker and then allowing them to roam.

FoN has the most Magic Resist of any item in the game (76). I believe this is what he is referring to not the health regen.
Movespeed is great and the regen is significant enough to offset collateral damage in poking fights. FoN is very good, Banshee's is just imba.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
Told you qss is an ok item on him. Banshees looses it's awesomeness on him because he's a ninja. I typically don't go banhees or fon. Get that sunfire, grab a megatron cloak and go from there. Fon so expensive.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Just some numbers I saw once in a guide:

Force of Nature
2175 Gold for 76 MR
28.6 Gold / MR
Two Negatron Cloaks
1480 Gold for 96 MR
15.4 Gold / MR

Sunfire Cape
2610 Gold for 450 Health + 45 Armor
58 Gold / 10 Health & 1 Armor
Two Heart of Golds
1950 Gold for 400 Health + 52 Armor
37.5 Gold for 7.6 Health + 1 Armor


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Told you qss is an ok item on him. Banshees looses it's awesomeness on him because he's a ninja. I typically don't go banhees or fon. Get that sunfire, grab a megatron cloak and go from there. Fon so expensive.
tbh, at most I usually do

merc treads
giant's belt

for stacking MR. they have to be really stupid with their comp to make me want another MR item, but if you need more, Banshee's is typically the best. Shen really does like the Movespeed and Regen on FoN though, I think you're going a bit overboard with your bashing of it.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
I'm not bashing it it is a good item but it's not essential to his play style. With mr/lvl you are fine with just one megatron. Hopefully the other team doesn't go "shen doesn't have that much mr focus him"
If they do then the jokes on them.

I go:
Cloth arm
Hog(starting cloth =early hog)
Aegis grabbing null first

Obviously situational.

Zac was trying to tell me you can't play shen without fon. (3/4 I my shen games are wins on my match history and I don't have fon once)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2011
Summoner's Rift
well, I typically play Shen with heavy farm so I don't build HoG and instead rush my aegis + sunfire. but sometimes I take our clairvoyance and roam and in cases like that I open cloth and rush double HoG before my aegis.
Sounds smart. Might start roaming more and try that.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
well, personally I think Shen does best being the farm dependant champ bot, laning with like janna/taric/Alistar, but sometimes in solo you end up being forced to sorta be "support" when you have to lane with like Malphite/Singed/Galio and then I just throw my support page on and make lemonaid with the lemons solo queue has given me.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
Could you get madreds and Wit's end and just do Leet deeps on nigahz?

like does that magic damage really go in with the % of healt from madreds plus the 42 from wits?

also who even uses wits end...like what champ is that good on?
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