What do you do when you're Teemo and the enemy has stronger harass than you? This has happened to me twice. I faced Kass solo mid, and i couldn't even last hit because if i tried he'd silence me. If I tried to blind and auto attack back, i'd take more damage just because of creep aggro. I couldn't do anything, at least that's how it seemed. Then there was the duo lane. Irelia and I were against Malph and Poppy. Same thing - if I tried to harass, malph would shard me for more damage than I dealt, and it's not like I could auto attack because him and poppy were just waiting to beat on me. I've always seen Teemo as a strong laner but...he just feels so weak when he's against someone of similar/larger range
I've been playing/watching a lot of Teemo in the last month or so. I've seen and found that a 8/21/1 AD build is ridiculous on him. Start with Dorans Shield and you can eat some harass if need be to pop a blind/poison harass very early. I've had good success with this vs Kass, eating his "purple ball of lols" and pushing him back with blind/autos. Doesn't take him long to get the picture, or die.
It might be worth mentioning that my runes are 21% AS with 13ArP/Mr. The AS is important because while you can handle some harass you still want to leave your opponent at lower hp and a poison tick as you back off to let your Doran's Regen tick. Slipping 2-3 autos in after a blinding dart will nearly guarantee this.
Best case scenario, they don't care that you're Beefmo and let you push two of these exchanges, but instead of backing out of the second or what would be your third pass you ghost/flash in close and either kill them or force them back to B. Worst case scenario, imo, is that they realize you are spec'd defensive and back off the early harass. Is that so bad though, really?
Go ahead, try it!