@Evanms, boots + 3 pots -> if farming is going well i get philostone if not i skip it -> merc -> catalyst/banshee -> reverie(if i got stone) -> sheen
Banshee and merc are pretty important on him and you want boots early so you can get the ganks. Sheen is pretty important too to increase your damage output. I go 0/9/21, 3 in the hp regen for defensive tree. 21 in utility because he needs his summoners up to be effective, really dependent on it. I go HP quints, mana regen seals/glyphs, armor marks. These are what runes I would use, but when im on MasterAuru its mpen quints/marks, mregen seals/glyphs, 0/6/21 I heard a lot of people max Q, but I just max heal with one level of Q and W because I am there to support and not deal damage :\. Get a level of Q and W first then max heal, get heal earlier if you are getting harassed hard. Roam a lot, ward a lot, gank the lane travis is in because the opponent is always superconfident/overextended in it
@Odin, yes she is only strong early game and a little bit of midgame then she's not much of a problem.