Well, I feel like giving my $0.02 on like... a lot of things that were said since I last checked the thread...
HoN and DotA denying is a little different because they don't lose all the EXP for getting denied and they can deny back, so it's not an automatic "hahaha, **** you, you gotta lane all the way up at my tower for all of laning and p.s. I'll hit 6 way before you." I still think denying is generally a contrived and unfun mechanic though.
With Teemo's shrooms, there's actually a ton of intricate decision making involved in how to use them properly and setting up a dragon/baron/split push with excellent mushrooming is very rewarding for the teemo player, even if it sucks for the opponents.
Everyone plays Alistar differently, and I've seen at least 4 different styles of build work on him (AP, Triforce, Tank, Support). Aegis is good if you're playing tank or support Alistar.
AP TF is much better IMO. TF will lose every single lane in the game without maxing Q first, and maxed Q feels wasted on AD TF. He's also incredibly lackluster because his attack range is so pathetically small that even if he gets through laning alright, he doesn't function how you want your Ranged Carry to function (being able to safely poke towers with a creep wave.I bought TF cause I really enjoyed playing him. I learned how to pick cards while team fighting, most useful thing ever. Problem with TF is he's got to many downsides to make him worthwhile. I hear AD TF is currently better than AP TF these days.
Maybe if, while using the legendary skin, TF would get in a box and reappear elsewhere coming out of a box I would play him more. Just maybe![]()
The issue isn't about whether it sucks to get ***** by an ability, it's about whether the suckiness of getting ***** by that ability is greater than the feeling of being awesome you get from using it well. Denying takes no skill, the decision making in what to deny could be determined by a simple binary equation (is there a siege creep in this wave? yes: shoot it, no: shoot a melee creep). No one feels awesome about how they used deny, they just camp their tower, call for ganks and last hit as best they can. It's not really rewarding or awesome at all, it's just annoying and unfun.How so?
Your opponent strives to kill as many of your creeps between cooldowns as possible while letting your lane push to make you gankable. Meanwhile you attempt to farm as many creeps with Q as possible to maximize gold intake while also harassing when possible.
Maybe you meant playing against, but I like that style of gameplay. Are you implying that HoN is played at the expense of your opponent's fun?
And in that case, take out teemo's ****ing mushrooms.
HoN and DotA denying is a little different because they don't lose all the EXP for getting denied and they can deny back, so it's not an automatic "hahaha, **** you, you gotta lane all the way up at my tower for all of laning and p.s. I'll hit 6 way before you." I still think denying is generally a contrived and unfun mechanic though.
With Teemo's shrooms, there's actually a ton of intricate decision making involved in how to use them properly and setting up a dragon/baron/split push with excellent mushrooming is very rewarding for the teemo player, even if it sucks for the opponents.
they're stationary with fixed damage. I really don't think comparing teemo shrooms to stealthed champions makes any sense, especially since it's his ****ing ultimate. If having individually weak and preventable traps as your ultimate isn't a downside, then I don't know what is.His mushroom's do go against everything that Morello tries to implement. They are not only quite damaging and inhibiting (b/c of their slow) with no downside to Teemo when they are killed, but they are also stealthed.
He just AFK farms top for 15-20 minutes. If you're just trying to sit in lane and force a farmfest, maxing W makes sense. I still think his build sucks though.I don't get Wickd's Irelia build. He says the core is Wriggle's and Youmuu's/Wit's and to max W first. How can this be effective? You have no tankiness so you explode in a fight. You have little burst since you maxed your W before your E. How does this work?
It's just you. A good Ashe/Trist/Cait/Corki will beat or go even with most Melee DPS characters (maybe not Pantheon). The other thing though is that mid is easily gankable, and having 500 less range than your opponent means that forcing fights exposes you to getting futtbucked by the opposing jungler.is it just me, or do the squishy ranged champs who normally go mid get absolutely wrecked by irelia/xin/melee burst champs with gap closers? i see a lot of people on livestreams going mid with these guys and destroying the enemy ashe.
Most ranged carries can play safely mid and get their farm regardless. Either way, Ranged DPS need high CS and solo lanes are the best place to get that. But you'll notice that EU tends to run a tank and an AP carry in their solos with Ranged DPS + Support laning bottom, with the support letting the ranged DPS get all the last hits.^ so why is it common to send the ranged carry mid if they get beaten so easily by melee dps/burst champs?
also jarvan iv was announced, although the picture is kinda... mysterious lol
You're just speccing wrong. Teemo has the strongest low-level steroid in the game (toxic shot), so you just need to spec 100% for trading hits. I run 9/21/0, mpen/armor/mres/HPp5, and open D-Shield or cloth + 5 HP pots (vs. ranged carries) and I just trade hits like it's my job. You just need to learn how to position so that you take limited creep aggro and trade in favorable positions. For instance, Kass has nothing after null sphere, so you just run at him and attack as much as you can for the next 8 seconds to abuse his CD. Teemo is one of the hardest Kass lane counters in the game IMO.What do you do when you're Teemo and the enemy has stronger harass than you? This has happened to me twice. I faced Kass solo mid, and i couldn't even last hit because if i tried he'd silence me. If I tried to blind and auto attack back, i'd take more damage just because of creep aggro. I couldn't do anything, at least that's how it seemed. Then there was the duo lane. Irelia and I were against Malph and Poppy. Same thing - if I tried to harass, malph would shard me for more damage than I dealt, and it's not like I could auto attack because him and poppy were just waiting to beat on me. I've always seen Teemo as a strong laner but...he just feels so weak when he's against someone of similar/larger range![]()
Teemo's actually pretty good, you just need to actually utilize his map control in order to win with him.Teemo is terrible.
completely untrue. Teemo wins almost all harass trades.Teemo is pretty much only a good laner against anyone that doesn't have the means to harass him back.
W them and then mash Q is what I do.Alistar is harder than I expected him to be. I kept seeing Jpak do like a Q-W combo or maybe it was W-Q idk. Im talking about how you can reach your target really fast and still stun them; its w-q right? Is there timing to it?
Oh and Aegis is good on him right?
Everyone plays Alistar differently, and I've seen at least 4 different styles of build work on him (AP, Triforce, Tank, Support). Aegis is good if you're playing tank or support Alistar.
As I said, everyone plays him differently. For whatever it's worth, I rush 1 or 2 philostones + HoG then get boots and Aegis and then build Soul Shroud and finish Reverie. Reverie is currently the #1 underrated item in the game IMHO.I always rush Triforce on Alistar
but that's just me
Aegis is always OP. All of it's stats are always beneficial and the cost analysis of it when you're near your whole team is just straight up bonkers.Aegis is OP at lower levels where no one likes to get defensive items, lol.
I've seen him have good games and I've seen him have games that make me want to kill him.I hear The Rain Man plays a pretty mean Teemo.