Smash Master
Congrats. How'dja do it? I'm at gold 1 67 LP right now... slowly getting closer.
Playing renekton and vlad top lane. Covers most matchups. Renekton for the lane bullies that vlad can't hand like riven and such. Vlad beats the super sustainy stuff like singed zac shen.
I also really randomly have like a 64% winrate on sona in like 33 games played lol. I never want to support but if I have to then I play sona and apparently I win a lot. O_O
When I was gold 5 and stuck getting like no LP (win 3 games in a row, lose 1 - back to zero LP) I duo'd with a friend who was plat 3 at the time and we won a bunch of games and I got absolutely showered with MMR to the point where I was really cruising up gold thereafter. If anybody ever runs into this problem that's what I recommend you do (I was damn near ready to give up on my account).