Please, teach me more about how to play GP. Being one of the two top rated GP players, I have no idea how he works, so thank you for your insight kind sir. Clearly we both must be wrong about PD being Pirate's best item, because IE is undoubtedly better for every character that does physical damage.
While you impart your clearly vast knowledge upon me, could you please enlighten me on how you're able to stay alive as a squishy melee DPS that rushed all damage with no survivability? Can you teach me how to hit max CDR ~15 minutes into the game? Could you possibly spare the time to teach me why the MS boost from PD doesn't help?
While a little extra life + mr, CDR on GP seem nice, it still isn't better than IE+LW.
I understand that I don't have the ELO in LoL yet to really justify anything I say but I have been playing Dota/HoN for several years. When I actually played HoN seriously I was 1970psr, which is equivalent to 2k+ in LoL. I know how to play the genre, and soon I will play ranked in LoL (after I move), hopefully get past all of the terribads and get to play with the top players. But while we're on the subject, HotshotGG and Locodoco did mention your GP build while streaming one night when Feel No Fear was in there game; they made fun of it and said it was terrible while making fun of Feel No Fears build as well. Maybe their "vast knowledge" has some merit.
If you're talking about Feel no Fear, he is made fun of by almost every single high elo in the game for his ******** build and people generally dislike having him on their team because he is mediocre. It's extremely painful to watch his stream.
Stay alive? Stay alive the same way every other carry does; not suck. Good farm ESPECIALLY with Gangplank you can have your core two items buy 25ish minutes then build a BV.
PD is regarded by 99.9% of people that know what they are talking about to be terrible, and is only put into a build for luxury after core+bv. So I don't know where you're coming from with that one lol. SV is decent, actually on paper it's a good item for Gangplank but it's also good on a lot of champions, but guess what? They still don't get it.
Meh, I could go on but suffice to say you clearly haven't thought very long about WHY I get the items I get. Go ahead and rush IE on GP, like every other GP player out there. When you feel like building GP in a way that actually works, I'll help you out then.
A mediocre build for an mediocre rating. No one said it doesn't work, it's just not as good as other builds which have been theory crafted thousands of times. I mean there are Warmog stacking + Atma Sivirs and Mundos in 1400-1600 that I've seen.
Oh my god... I take back what I said about Feel a Fear... his build is honestly just a silly, solo-queue lolololol, type of build. All he does is stack massive amounts of crit with no CDR, no HP, no lifesteal, etc. My guess as to his ELO is probably attributable to running crit runes and starting with Brawler's Gloves; chances are you'll crit them once or twice (usually) which will lead you to win the lane. Win your lane with GP and you pretty much just snowball.
Maybe I'm wrong. I'll watch a game of his sometime. If I'm right though, I'm ashamed to have let him overtake me with such a silly build.
Yes most people say he was carried extremely bad. I've watched his stream a lot, he knows how to play in certain aspects. He is good at farming, aware of the map for ults, and generally knows what to do in situations, he just has an extremely terrible build, offers very little to team fights and doesn't do anything except farm and throw ults until about 40 minutes and only useful at hitting squishies because he crits for about 300 to anyone with armor.
His current build is crit reds + quints (lol) mana seals + glyphs
Chalice > 3x Rice blades (lol) > crit cape > IE > PD.
Aka he does absolutely no damage to anyone but carries.
There's the "best" Gangplank for you.