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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Upload your replays and I'll take a loo-- oh wait. :(

Imo, it's not so much about not being bad than it is about being good enough to carry more games than you don't carry. And as a temporary fix I suppose you could try to learn the champs that make it easier for you to take advantage of everyone's mistakes like Shaco, Pantheon, Nidalee, etc.
I do know how to play Shaco, maybe I should bring him out more often. I also just got panth the other day; i should learn him for when he's not banned.

8 game losing streak...man, this has been my worst day in weeks
Vlad mirrors are amusing as well.
If by amusing you mean whoever has the stronger rune page wins, then yes, very amusing.


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
If you outplay your opponent, you'll beat them, so long as you don't have an empty rune page/0 masteries.
I can believe this about character dittos with skill shots (Ashe, Sivir, Nidalee, etc) but when it comes to targeted spells I'm a bit leery to admit it. If both players are smart (not extending too far into the lane, not drawing too much minion aggro, etc.) then it's mostly a contest of who's jungler gets there first, ya know? That said, if one player is more aggressive than the other, he'll probably lose the lane, at least that's my experience.

Also, Fro, add meh; I don't think you're on my friend's list yet


In the Game of Thrones, You Morph or You Die
Jun 3, 2003
Angel Grove
Avast me hearties! The saltiest Gangplank on the seven seas be I! SamuraiPanda is a scurvy dog compared to me piratey ways. Shiver me timbers! Gentlemen of fortune may try to match me, but I be sendin dem all to Davey Jone's Locker!


Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of... rum!


Justice Man
Jun 25, 2008
Albuquerque, NM
Avast me hearties! The saltiest Gangplank on the seven seas be I! SamuraiPanda is a scurvy dog compared to me piratey ways. Shiver me timbers! Gentlemen of fortune may try to match me, but I be sendin dem all to Davey Jone's Locker!


Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of... rum!
God I hate you J.


Apr 10, 2008

O_O I picked her up recently because I feel like she takes a ton of skill to play well. Why do think she does so well in solo queue?
It's because she's SO FUN that you feel SUPER motivated to LEARN EVERYTHING and get REALLY good with her.

But seriously, there's a lot of reasons.

1. She's played so seldom that a lot of inexperienced players just don't know what exactly to do against her during the laning phase if you spam heal and autoattack harass all day and pwn people when you hit 6. It's not very difficult to learn how to do it pre-6, either, and that early harass will carry you past level 6 and win you the lane. Beyond that, flash is so good at assisting in killing people that underestimate the range of pounce+flash into takedown->swipe->human-form autoattack->spear. It's pretty overwhelming if you're not used to it, and don't accommodate.

2. Newbie Nidalee players often times level spear>heal, and get magic pen>armor pen for epic spear damage and so some people are used Nidalee being easy to lane against pre-6. >_> But she's actually quite good at it with the right setup.

3. If you can get top lane, you can push and be more accessible to your team for dragon fights. At low levels, people in top lane rarely go help out at dragon if their lane is getting pushed hard. Nidalee can very safely push to the tower if you rush merc treads, and then quickly go help out at dragon at the right times. You'll win a ton of games just doing that.

4. At low levels there's just less organized teamfights = good for Nidalee. It's more about skirmishes in unorganized play.

5. If you can win top lane and farm a bunch (which will happen if you're the better player and understand your lane matchup better 90% of the time), you can buy Mercs and Guinsoo's Rageblade fairly early and freely roam the top half of the jungle and get away from most ganks and whatnot if you know good ward placement, how to juke through brush, jump over walls, and kite and poke while doing it. It basically forces the other team to have at least 2 people in the top half of the map if they don't want their towers to fall/buffs & jungle creeps stolen, giving the other lanes an easier time, and setting up for dragon and ganks fairly well.

6. She's one of those champs that does REALLY well with red/blue so taking those in soloqueue games makes a huge difference, and often times guarantees you the win.

7. Elementz said so lul. /kid

Fyi, that's just at low levels if you can get good at her. I don't know what it's like at higher levels, but I hear similar things. By low I mean what I'm at, atm, like around 1300-1400.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Do you want to have fun or ****?

**** = Top tier carry

Have fun = someone requiring thought to play as


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Welcome aboard!

Your new main is Captain Teemo


Smash Hero
May 21, 2010
Behind the music
Teemo makes me rage. The only characters that make me angrier are not-bad Heimers and well-played Kayles (GOD DAMN YOU BUBBLE).

If you're really looking for fun, you should play Lux. Every 24 seconds IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZORS!!!!!!
what's your ign?
Oh ya ^_^;


Juno McGrath

Smash Hero
Mar 28, 2009
Raleigh, NC.
Heimer makes me hit stuff.

No matter how bad you make him that character will be annoying. Forever. haha.

I was in a game and a heimer (post buff) was tower hugging middle outer tower it was at half health when he put his turrets right in front of it, he healed it all the way back up to full health

also have you guys noticed that if you attack a heimer turret get it down to one hit and he changes it to like, ice type or something it goes right to full health?

wtf is that?

Dekar make me good at this gameeee


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Heimer makes me hit stuff.

No matter how bad you make him that character will be annoying. Forever. haha.

I was in a game and a heimer (post buff) was tower hugging middle outer tower it was at half health when he put his turrets right in front of it, he healed it all the way back up to full health

also have you guys noticed that if you attack a heimer turret get it down to one hit and he changes it to like, ice type or something it goes right to full health?

wtf is that?

Dekar make me good at this gameeee

His ult gives current turrets full health back, and gives them ice shots. However, to be honest you have to have some timing to make sure his ult goes off before the turret dies if you are trying to maximize turret damage. There's a small, but noticeable casting time for his Ult that will **** you over hard if you do it too late and the turret/s die.

Playing with Dekar... you don't understand what has to be done. You must prepare your body.

thats apart of his ultimate... making his turrets go to full health....

aafasfdasdgadsdfdsadfafafasfafdasdfasd gasdffffffffffffff
Heimerdinger's not much different after the latest buff. Being able to drop 2 turrets quickly in a fight isn't that strong: admittedly if you could drop 3 turrets like this it would be utter BS lol. The only other thing that went his favor was the change to creep AI: you can do buffs and dragon much easier because they will focus your turrets if you aren't around and let you freely hit them without losing life.

Besides that, he's still the same lackluster Heimer of yesterday.


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
You know what I like doing as jungle shaco in solo queue?

Grabbing mejais.

There's nothing better, and easier, than getting 10-20 stacks through your own merits (Shaco + red buff early on can pretty much kill anything anyway) + deceiving into someone about to die and thowing a shiv for an assist.
Also spamming boxes gives you assists.

Also then you get a bloodthirster and a death cap and **** baron.
True story.

Nothings better than having a 700 damage shiv nuke which applies backstab's 20% passive for some epic kill steals.
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