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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


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Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
What would help is if people in gaming communities weren't such couch napkins

Whoa a guy expressed a thought on the internet that reeks of inexperience I better become a douche and shove my throbbing gamer **** down his throat so he knows who the real alpha gamer is
there is only so many inexperienced things one can say before they get called out on it.

it's like if I was giving you a bunch of Melee frame data that was completely wrong knowing that I have done nothing to research it at all but people just kept letting me doing it so I felt I was right.

either way I'm not an "experienced" player but I definitely don't see the need to spout off every bull**** thought that comes into my head about league into this thread.

I hate half the champions in this game but just because I may have dominated a game or got dominated in a game does auto make a champ "OP"

Edit: Happy Bday Asdioh


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
Oh so guys I think I found a Varus bug but I'm not sure. I was doing a bot game last night and I went mid, (every other lane was taken). So blah blah blah I killed Annie bot and when she responded she already had blight stacks on her, so I was able to put blight stacks on the minions while she had some on her. That's not supposed to happen right?


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
lots of those picks are might be good for not losing a lane, but i wouldn't advertise that those are heros good at WINNING lanes

mostly talking about zilean yorick trundle. they're great heros that rarely lose but yorick doesn't get first blood unless his opponent is ********, zilean doesn't do lane-controling damage if they get a negatron cloak (if they get a relaxed early game you'll see it QUICK) and trundle ganks/jungle clear speed/ etc are kinda run-of-the-mill.

just cuz some heros don't have explicit counters doesn't mean they're good at winning,

like yea: please pick yorick vs. gp cuz that's a counter, or pick yorick if you have a vayne or cassio. don't pick him in blind pick, go 1-1-2 and wonder why you didn't really influence the game
GP vs. Yorick isn't that bad. GP vs. anyone isn't that bad. GP's bull****, he does fine vs. everyone because of the obscene mana efficiency of oranges.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
there is only so many inexperienced things one can say before they get called out on it.
First: no, not true. You always have a choice. Always. You can correct the guy, or ignore him, or just ignore it. There are lots of better choices!

If someone is constantly giving bad advice or attempting to pass off untrue information as true, I mean frequently, then it might be OK to step in and say something civil about it. But generally? That's not even what happens. It's usually passive aggressive **** like this:

LMFAO I love reading some of the posts in this thread makes my day.
The worst part? The best response to garbage like this from reasonable people should be to not give a **** what they think no matter how good or bad at the game they are, because let's face it: they aren't here to have a conversation they're here to pump air into their already massively inflated sense of self-worth. Instead though, people worship them, hoping that somehow their skill at the game will rub off.

I see this **** in competitive gaming scenes so often that I can't even be arsed to care about them anymore, and the worst part is that my viewpoint is so definitely the minority that by saying this I'm already preparing myself for the barbecue.


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Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
I mean. I see what you are saying and in a perfect world I think thats how things work. but I've seen the nice or "civil" approach to things and I've seen the more aggressive or passive aggressive approach to things. and while the latter is a little more harsh it does work.

I used to ask a **** ton of questions in here. just dumb stuff that I could probably type in google and get the same answer. it wasn't until Mogwai called me out on asking dumb question that I actually started to assess said post I was about to post before I actually posted it.

I mean that's just me tho. might be different for you and others.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
It's a two way problem. Some top players are *******s who give unhelpful advice. Some noobs are lazy and make sources repeat themselves rather than actually putting in some work to figure stuff out themselves.

I know I can be an *******, but I'm generally trying to be helpful when people are actually looking for help and understand what they're talking about. I just don't like feeling like I'm wasting my time.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Usually when I ask a question, it's because I couldn't find anything from searching or I was hoping for more personal advice >_>
Instead though, people worship them, hoping that somehow their skill at the game will rub off.
It's true, the amount of meatriding in this thread is horrifying. It's far worse than the high level players being ****s for no reason.


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
Rush lich bane > where my damage?

You have no AP sir, not a fizz player so don't know what he builds. Just lich bane is usually after dcap though cause you need AP before you can get good auto attack damage.

i used to say the same thing but lichbane first fizz is pretty legit lol (and a really common build)

but ya wits end first makes no sense


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
The worst part? The best response to garbage like this from reasonable people should be to not give a **** what they think no matter how good or bad at the game they are, because let's face it: they aren't here to have a conversation they're here to pump air into their already massively inflated sense of self-worth. Instead though, people worship them, hoping that somehow their skill at the game will rub off.

I see this **** in competitive gaming scenes so often that I can't even be arsed to care about them anymore, and the worst part is that my viewpoint is so definitely the minority that by saying this I'm already preparing myself for the barbecue.
How is that a garbage post? I'm sorry that I truly enjoy reading some of the posts in this thread. If you're making assumptions or reading my post with ill intent then you obviously don't know me. Please don't turn my post into some rude remark to the community. TBH I play with a fair amount of the people from the swf thread and enjoy many of them. I don't know why you have to come in here assuming I'm making fun of the community. I probably done more in this thread then you'll ever will. I help plenty of people in this threads, if a question (genuine question) is asked, I honestly answer it. I don't know why people get so hurt about one or two rude remarks when I post 100's of helpful posts. To be honest I'm a pretty humble guy, just responding to the same questions over and over gets repetitive and annoying. Anyways thanks for you opinion? Maybe you should of just stuck to your own advice and just ignore my posts if they irritate you.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
Usually when I ask a question, it's because I couldn't find anything from searching or I was hoping for more personal advice >_>.
If you want personal advice then you're better off PMing someone then addressing an entire community. Just PM a person you respect and you will most likely get an legitimate answer instead of asking the entire community. I just believe that if you ask a stupid question just expect a stupid answer.


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Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
So here's a question tho

when you are playing solo lane kayle. what do you max first?

I been switching back and forth between Q and E of course but I can't tell which one is worth it earlier in the game. I seem to be doing about the same as far as effectiveness goes.

itemizing for Kayle makes me mad too. sooo many paths she can take.


Smash Master
Mar 23, 2008
Planking Gnes While He Watches Invincible Youth
I find her Q better in lane phase since you're not going to get that many shots in with E and now that her Q scaled with AD I think it's the better spell to max first.
If I learned anything, burst spells are usually the spell you max first.
Anyways I see it like this, when you Q them you can probably get 3 hits in before the slow wears off.
So let's see what's greater: Lvl 1 Q + 3 normal attacks with maxed E or Lvl 5 Q + 3 normal attacks with lvl 1 E.
I'm assuming your base damage is 115 at Lvl 9 (assuming you have 2 d-blades + 18AD from rune page/mastery)
60(+38) + (3x(115+60)1.06)=654.5
And if you level Q first you get
260(+38) + (3x(115+20)1.1)=743.5
While the damage difference isn't that big, maxing Q first still does more damage.


Follow me on Twitter!
Aug 7, 2008
Nottingham, MD
word. I've also been trying out those Mixed Pen runes. I don't think they are the greatest reds to have but they aren't bad. I was running ATK spd runes before that.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Funky Town, Texas
I find her Q better in lane phase since you're not going to get that many shots in with E and now that her Q scaled with AD I think it's the better spell to max first.
If I learned anything, burst spells are usually the spell you max first.
Anyways I see it like this, when you Q them you can probably get 3 hits in before the slow wears off.
So let's see what's greater: Lvl 1 Q + 3 normal attacks with maxed E or Lvl 5 Q + 3 normal attacks with lvl 1 E.
I'm assuming your base damage is 115 at Lvl 9 (assuming you have 2 d-blades + 18AD from rune page/mastery)
60(+38) + (3x(115+60)1.06)=654.5
And if you level Q first you get
260(+38) + (3x(115+20)1.1)=704.1
While the damage difference isn't that big, maxing Q first still does more damage.
Andy PM me your battle.net email so we can play on Tuesday.



Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
i used to say the same thing but lichbane first fizz is pretty legit lol (and a really common build)

but ya wits end first makes no sense
I think just Sheen on Fizz and then DCap is better, but Lichbane is not bad either.
Yes I think Sheen first is better, but Lichbane might have been bad for me specifically because I don't have as many AP runes as most people do.

Why's Wit's End bad though? If you activate W, it gives bonus damage on hit, so combined with Wit's End's MR, attack speed, and on-hit damage you gain a lot of damage and survivability, I would think?

What are normally the first items on Fizz? Boots > 2x Rings > Sheen > Dcap?

And I seem to recall someone mentioning tanky Fizz, is it any good, or do you lose too much damage?


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
spending a lot of money on ****ty attack speed and survivability on an anti-carry who's goal is to 4 shot ppl, dunno doesn't makes sense to me lol

u can build a hero however you want but there'll always be best or better builds out there

Deleted member

don't like wits end on fizz considerings its 2150 gold that you can spend on more AP/dmg through sheen/ NLR/ dorans ring/ sorc boots

you want to burst **** people, but if you are going for tanky DPS build that is more constant damage its fine. But if you are going AP fizz it's n00b

lichbane first on fizz NOT BAD IMO


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Alright, makes sense. Are there any good Fizz players I should watch for? I couldn't find any. I'm going to keep playing him a lot because he's so damn fun. Feels like he's dependant on teamcomp sometimes though :x


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Yes I think Sheen first is better, but Lichbane might have been bad for me specifically because I don't have as many AP runes as most people do.

Why's Wit's End bad though? If you activate W, it gives bonus damage on hit, so combined with Wit's End's MR, attack speed, and on-hit damage you gain a lot of damage and survivability, I would think?

What are normally the first items on Fizz? Boots > 2x Rings > Sheen > Dcap?

And I seem to recall someone mentioning tanky Fizz, is it any good, or do you lose too much damage?
bruiser fizz loses burst damage for sustained damage. they just play really differently. I wouldn't go Wit's end if you're building AP stuff mid, but wriggle's + wit's + triforce + GA is sick on Fizz everyone.


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
LOL ^ truth. it's funny sometimes grouping heros as their item build makes a lot of sense. each lane will have like a handful of common builds you may experience, each better suit for a different group of heros. like johnny is barely a top lane main. he just plays abysal scepter + shurellias + FH characters and calls it a day LOL

Deleted member

Alright, makes sense. Are there any good Fizz players I should watch for? I couldn't find any. I'm going to keep playing him a lot because he's so damn fun. Feels like he's dependant on teamcomp sometimes though :x
fizz is good vs anyone that has projectiles that travel/ weak early on. He is one of Vlad's biggest counters IMO

when they shoot stuff at u E towards them, get 0 damage from projectiles, and **** their **** up

or tower dive, **** them --> E out so tower doesn't hit you

weaknesses seem to be NO SUSTAIN, and champs that instantly hit you/ immobilize you like Ryze's W.

Vlad can hit you right away with Q but he is weak early on so that you can **** him pretty bad regardless

if you want to go bonkers i think 19/11/0 is the best if you take both -2 creep/ -2 damage in addition to his passive so minions do very little damage when you go in

AP fizz is IMO very strong but fairly tough to use. But his ability to **** the **** out of people in lane --> drop people from 100 to 0 later on is too good. He's my current mid of choice when i'm forced to go Mid and even if I get my **** pushed in laning wise I roam and throw fishes and have other lanes win


Smash Hero
May 16, 2009
Lake Worth Florida
Oh so guys I think I found a Varus bug but I'm not sure. I was doing a bot game last night and I went mid, (every other lane was taken). So blah blah blah I killed Annie bot and when she responded she already had blight stacks on her, so I was able to put blight stacks on the minions while she had some on her. That's not supposed to happen right?
Continuing quoting until I get an answer because I really wanna know.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I used to ask a **** ton of questions in here. just dumb stuff that I could probably type in google and get the same answer. it wasn't until Mogwai called me out on asking dumb question that I actually started to assess said post I was about to post before I actually posted it.
Just out of curiosity: Why not "call people out" more? If someone posts something fallacious, then say, "Hey, that's not quite right, because of A, B, C." This passive agressive, looking down your nose at someone attitude is just as cancerous as the "noob posts."

Then again, it's just a game, so perhaps it's not worth the effort.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
A lot of the people that have been giving advice have been doing so for a good while now, and every so often there is an influx of new players to this thread that ask the same things again, so it can get irritating. Some people just handle it more maturely than others, but it is a game forum, it happens.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Dunno how much I'm going to play this game after the 15th, but it's been fun :). To the people I play with somewhat often thanks for teaching me tons of things and carrying me all the time lol.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
Don't ask a question about League in the League thread? o.o
you'd probably have better luck sending in a support ticket to riot, or posting on the league forums about it

since you're not really asking for advice, you're asking for bug testing, which can be time-consuming.

although i can say that respawning with blight stacks is almost certainly not intended by the designers


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
Don't ask a question about League in the League thread? o.o
just cuz there's high elo players here doesn't mean they know the answer to every miniscule, meaningless bug that you saw one time lol.

if u get ignored it means the question was bland/unimportant/no one cares so seriously take it somewhere else if you're DYING to know.
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