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Grand Old Thread: League of Legends!


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
What would help is if people in gaming communities weren't such couch napkins

Whoa a guy expressed a thought on the internet that reeks of inexperience I better become a douche and shove my throbbing gamer **** down his throat so he knows who the real alpha gamer is
nah i mean

it's more like this

like.. im 2.1k elo. and i suck and know very little about this game

so then, if my knowledge about this game is very small

then how can anyone with less experience think that they know anything

and can say that soraka is not good in solo q

like what basis do you have

i dont go around telling people what anivia's good and bad matchups are because im not that good at anivia

so if you don't knwo much about the game... why you trying to tell people something like it's fact... when u honestly have no idea

and if u think you do know.. then you're doing the same thing as any other person who is full of themself whether they are 500 elo or 2.6k


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
for tk..
hybrid is interesting choice for kennen. go %pen for armor and magic in masteries and sacrifice points else where in the offense to allow this or other trees(would just sacrifice from offense). then you can build to how you think the lane weill go. if you try this, i would still put flat ad quints even if you are going ap path.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
AP fizz is IMO very strong but fairly tough to use. But his ability to **** the **** out of people in lane --> drop people from 100 to 0 later on is too good. He's my current mid of choice when i'm forced to go Mid and even if I get my **** pushed in laning wise I roam and throw fishes and have other lanes win
Yeah, a fed Fizz is still one of the scariest things I've seen while playing this game.

Dunno how much I'm going to play this game after the 15th, but it's been fun :). To the people I play with somewhat often thanks for teaching me tons of things and carrying me all the time lol.
Me too! I pretty much picked up LoL as something to do before D3 came out. Ended up enjoying it more than DotA.

Will probably still play a lot, as D3 is most likely going to be a nightmare to play until I get a new computer.

It's a client problem. Same bug as when you see people permanently ignited
I've been seeing this a lot lately, glad it's not just me.

edit: just went 18/1/10 Fizz top against Irelia, using those 19/11 masteries S2J suggested, seems legit :3
I also took Teleport, which I usually don't do, and holy **** it's so nice. Helped me get two early kills which helped me snowball.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
for tk..
hybrid is interesting choice for kennen. go %pen for armor and magic in masteries and sacrifice points else where in the offense to allow this or other trees(would just sacrifice from offense). then you can build to how you think the lane weill go. if you try this, i would still put flat ad quints even if you are going ap path.
hmm, I actually imagine AD Quints + Split Pen reds would outperform other Kennen setups in lane. Only other characters I even thought of them on (Jax, Kayle, Teemo) all seem to do better with other ****.


Apr 10, 2008
Just out of curiosity: Why not "call people out" more? If someone posts something fallacious, then say, "Hey, that's not quite right, because of A, B, C." This passive agressive, looking down your nose at someone attitude is just as cancerous as the "noob posts."

Then again, it's just a game, so perhaps it's not worth the effort.
So much **** in this game changes every couple months that giving an answer to one thing may not even apply later on. And opinions on things always differ depending on who you're talking to anyways- even the better players that browse this thread have big differences in their opinions.

I remember a while ago some people were saying Riven beats GP because she does really well against him if you can make it to 6, recall, and get back to lane not too far behind in cs/exp. Well, myself and some of the players I've watched on streams have said gp destroys her early well enough that you can push an advantage, given a couple factors. Well who's right? Well, Idgaf because they nerfed gp kinda hard, and then changed around Riven's damage output/ I don't care enough about top lane to play that matchup more often or do any math/ the Meta feels like it's moving more towards blah blah- it's different than it used to be.

So what I'm trying to get at, but am failing to wrap up in a cohesive manner, is that in order to give an accurate, worthwhile, logical answer I gotta type out a bunch of **** that isn't even going to be very relevant by the time ANOTHER guy joins this thread and asks the same goddamn question. There comes a point where you just don't care anymore- no offense.

I get a ton more out of talking to people in-game/client rather than asking questions/adding to discussion in here. Unless something is aimed at us specifically, we're a lot less inclined to answer.

And... that's my post for this month.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
So much **** in this game changes every couple months that giving an answer to one thing may not even apply later on. And opinions on things always differ depending on who you're talking to anyways- even the better players that browse this thread have big differences in their opinions.

I remember a while ago some people were saying Riven beats GP because she does really well against him if you can make it to 6, recall, and get back to lane not too far behind in cs/exp. Well, myself and some of the players I've watched on streams have said gp destroys her early well enough that you can push an advantage, given a couple factors. Well who's right? Well, Idgaf because they nerfed gp kinda hard, and then changed around Riven's damage output/ I don't care enough about top lane to play that matchup more often or do any math/ the Meta feels like it's moving more towards blah blah- it's different than it used to be.

So what I'm trying to get at, but am failing to wrap up in a cohesive manner, is that in order to give an accurate, worthwhile, logical answer I gotta type out a bunch of **** that isn't even going to be very relevant by the time ANOTHER guy joins this thread and asks the same goddamn question. There comes a point where you just don't care anymore- no offense.

I get a ton more out of talking to people in-game/client rather than asking questions/adding to discussion in here. Unless something is aimed at us specifically, we're a lot less inclined to answer.

And... that's my post for this month.


Zolga Owns

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Southeast PA
Would anyone care to critique my midlane play sometime? I can send replays and whatnot. It's my most played role and best one at that(I think? I also enjoy supporting).



Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Olaf is only ever DECENT when his ult and ghost are up. Even then, he still has to run at people and can take tons of free damage before he gets to the targets he has to hit (can easily take 50%+ of his health in damage before he even starts doing any himself if people are retreating and kiting appropriately). People can still dodge him w/ Flashes over walls as well. He is also only really tanky for the 6 seconds his ultimate are up.

He is good in laning against melee because he gets free Es while people try to last hit, but once that's no longer an issue he is literally deadweight.


Smash Master
May 30, 2002
I must throw in my two cents and disagree with Olaf being dead weight outside of laning phase.

What you say makes sense if Olaf is going in and attacking something by himself, but if people are sufficiently retreating and kiting appropriately the rest of Olaf's team should be making themselves useful and winning the teamfight.

Certainly Olaf shouldn't be running in first or acting like some sort of invincible cannonball (unless fed to hell, which is a very possible result from the laning phase), but I really don't see how a character that by your own description is countered by retreating can be considered dead weight.


Smash Hero
Apr 15, 2007
^ thats why olaf was an awful pick vs. corki w/ leona + naut support
wouldn't say he's dead weight outside laning phase tho, still a good asas hero

TSM team comp sux they only pick for lane


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
TSM team comp sux they only pick for lane
I wish I knew how to pick for teamfights then :| I keep winning my lane or helping my partner win lane, only for teamfight phase to completely push our **** in and it's horrible.

My last teamcomp looked like this:

GP jungle
Olaf top
Brand mid
Volibear support
Ezreal AD


Nocturne jungle
Teemo top
Mordekaiser mid
Alistar support
Ashe AD

I wanted to dodge but it was ranked, first ranked game I've played in days. Seemed to be going well at first but then once again, teamfight phase and gg we lose. I really need to figure out what champs to play to carry teamfights.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Because he's not forcing your team to get out of position or anything, just to back slowly. That is easy to do while still keeping your carry safe. And Olaf WILL have to go in eventually because he doesn't have very good poke, and he will be getting poked until a hard engage happens. Obviously if your team has someone else that can hard engage for you, Olaf will be a bit more useful, but not nearly as much as any other damaging tanky DPS that can actually close the distance on the priority targets.

S l o X

Smash Champion
Aug 17, 2009
bridgeport, ct
how do i build top cho? (general build)

trying to get back into the game. still good at last hitting but that's all really.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
I wish I knew how to pick for teamfights then :| I keep winning my lane or helping my partner win lane, only for teamfight phase to completely push our **** in and it's horrible.

My last teamcomp looked like this:

GP jungle
Olaf top
Brand mid
Volibear support
Ezreal AD


Nocturne jungle
Teemo top
Mordekaiser mid
Alistar support
Ashe AD

I wanted to dodge but it was ranked, first ranked game I've played in days. Seemed to be going well at first but then once again, teamfight phase and gg we lose. I really need to figure out what champs to play to carry teamfights.
I'd say the enemy team comp is worse than yours

first of all, teemo is not a teamfight champion, he is meant to stomp his lane and split push. unless extremely fed, mid-late game he is only there to add mild ranged damage and provide map control

GP's E synergizes with voli and olaf, letting them get to where they need to be quicker. You also have a pretty strong tank line. with GP ult and volibear you have good ability to catch people. brand ult and ezreal ult can terror a team if placed well.

on the other team, nocturne is their tank line, who will not be tanky until between mid and late game. they don't have strong split push because morde and ashe have no escapes, so that doesn't compliment teemo very well. the only thing i see going for them is initiate, ashe arrow with alistar and nocturne gonna be easy engages. But then again, anything with ashe arrow is an easy engage.

the fact that you lost all your teamfights means that the comp wasn't the issue. Either people got caught, someone got fed before the teamfights happened, someone played the teamfight poorly, someone on the other team played the teamfight extremely well, etc. Maybe you guys won lane, so you were tanking baron and turned to fight, but took more damage from baron than you expected, and you ended up losing the teamfight. details, bro

also, in solo queue, no game is lost at champ select. that mindset just makes you play worse, and if you comment on it, the rest of the team plays worse as well
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