FF7 had a PC port like a year after launch, it was never exclusive. The franchise itself has been largely multiplatform since, between a bunch of remakes and ports that made it into the DS, the main releases on Xbox, and let alone the many, many spinoffs.
Persona 5, on the other hand, has been fully exclusive, which is what makes it more seemingly impossible. Its entire mainline series has been exclusive to one company besides the late-90s PC port of the first entry(which must’ve been a trend in that era). Joker was an especially recent character, too, which added to the shock.
And, well, on the support point, I’m not sure what more I can say. I’ve been seeing a ****-ton of genuine support for Lloyd this past year, especially in this thread.
And on the TGA point, Persona... well, it’s not exactly mainstream here, it’s not exactly super-niche, either, especially on PS. Hell, it was even nominated for GOTY the year prior, so a TGA reveal for it made perfect sense.