I was stating Symphonia isn't like Final Fantasy 7, because Final Fantasy was still a well known name before 7 came out; unlike Tales of. Tales hasn't really had it's FF7 moment.Well I did state that the circumstances were similar but that Llyod was way smaller. In fact you even reiterated my points as to why. Llyod opened the series to the west just like Cloud but yes you are right, it was to nowhere near the degree that Cloud did.
All true on the Yuri front expect the split. I don't know where you get that from. I'm a part of a very large amount of fan groups for Smash and most don't really talk Smash and if they do they say Llyod. Some bring up Yuri for popularity but their opinions are pretty similar to the Smash fan's reasonings.
I can see why they'd go for Yuri but I do think the chances are in favor of Llyod.
Though either one is fine with me.
And I pretty much hang out around all the Smash forums, and Lloyd is brought up 10x more often than Yuri.
But yeah, I'm fine with either.