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Game & Watch Match-up Export Thread Directory

lil cj

Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
When does Lucas's bthrow kill G&W? I know Ness has the strongest bthrow, with Lucas close behind. I'm not sure if its a viable kill move in this matchup though.
At the edge of the stage bthrow will KO at about 107 %
and in the middle of the stage about 150%...its definitely not as strong as Ness' bthrow
But Lucas' dthrow is much better it has a vertical KO at about 125 %

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
So....you...basically just admitted to have never playing a good Lucas player. >_>
Uh... no? I said the one good Lucas who I would play regularly decided to make his secondary his main. He still uses Lucas, but I more often than not play his Jigglypuff.


the moon
Jul 20, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
Lucas's Bthrow isn't a good KO option. His Dthrow's better, though they both can be DI'd to an extreme degree. Also, his fsmash comes out in 3 more frames and has similar range to his grab, so it's usually just better to fsmash for the KO.

Aurion Team

Smash Rookie
Nov 16, 2008
GnW is like 70:30 with lucas
well thats my opinion because gnw can easly kill lucas with 65% and use the bucket to avoid PK fire spam
also GnW's grab game pwns lucas XD,Tech chase,hammers


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Off topic: I'm just gonna say, this matchup is retardedly hard for G&W on wifi lag. Not that it means anything, but in an environment where it is much harder for G&W to Bucket or Shield or space on reaction, the matchup isn't bad at all for Lucas.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
Melbourne, FL
lol, what the hell, I was just comparing them because their play styles are fairly similar, and they lack in the same areas. Stop being a smart ***.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
lol, what the hell, I was just comparing them because their play styles are fairly similar, and they lack in the same areas. Stop being a smart ***.
I'm pretty sure I play Lucas differently then what I do with Ness...but whatever

Plus I'm also sure Lucas' recovery isn't as gimpable as Ness' is...and so on...


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
I'll go find one bad post by one ness user and talk crap.

Lol, just ignore wrongness sometimes, it happens to the best of us. Lets keep discussing this.
You'll be hard pressed to find that lol!

View Post
If Ness is 7/3, should Lucas be 75/25, or 7/3?
You are clearly implying that they are similar.

lol, what the hell, I was just comparing them because their play styles are fairly similar, and they lack in the same areas. Stop being a smart ***.
Their playstyles are incredibly different! Fairly similar? Do your research.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
Hey PKNintendo, shut up.
Seriously, this isn't the Ness matchup, stop hijacking this thread because some people are making little quips about them being similar. They ARE similar. Ness is clearly better, but they obviously share common traits in areas.

You can wait for our matchup revisions when we finish all the characters to discuss Ness.
If you actually play Lucas and have matchup specific input, by all means, share it with us. Otherwise, it's sorta not helping things go by any quicker or smoother.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
Melbourne, FL
Did you just come in here to bash, I mean I was just giving out an idea, :/.
Lucas and Ness have similar movesets, and they work the same in the match-up.

  • Ness - Fair (to punish bair)
  • Lucas - Bair (to punish bair)

  • Ness - Dair
  • Lucas - Dair

  • Ness - Uair
  • Lucas - Uair

  • Ness - Bair
  • Lucas - Fair
  • Comparable dtilts, fsmash's, PKT, PK magnets, grabs, etc.
And its not so much they operate alike in their playstyle, but that they're used, and punished the same way against G&W.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
Hey PKNintendo, shut up.
Seriously, this isn't the Ness matchup, stop hijacking this thread because some people are making little quips about them being similar. They ARE similar. Ness is clearly better, but they obviously share common traits in areas.

You can wait for our matchup revisions when we finish all the characters to discuss Ness.
If you actually play Lucas and have matchup specific input, by all means, share it with us. Otherwise, it's sorta not helping things go by any quicker or smoother.
Im not hijacking the thread, im just stopping incorrect info? Do I want to redo the matchup? Not really no. And if you think they're similar, than MK and Marth are similar. MK is clearly better, but they obviously share common traits in areas.

* Ness - Fair (to punish bair)
* Lucas - Bair (to punish bair)

* Ness - Dair
* Lucas - Dair

* Ness - Uair
* Lucas - Uair

* Ness - Bair
* Lucas - Fair
Lol. The same can be applied to pretty much any character.


See my point? Listing aerials isn't going to do anything worthwhile.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Neb, Ness and Lucas are completely different, but both terrible characters.

Lucas is about spacing and camping. Ness is more about following up. They both have subpar recoveries and don't have enough range or defensive options to be good.

Neither can safely deal with G&W's spacing, and they usually get ***** offstage.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
Im not hijacking the thread, im just stopping incorrect info? Do I want to redo the matchup? Not really no. And if you think they're similar, than MK and Marth are similar. MK is clearly better, but they obviously share common traits in areas.
They actually do. They both have long ranged Dtilts that have IASA frames at the end, reversal upB's that work wonderfully OoS, and they also have a sword!!!

Seriously, Ness and Lucas are more similar than Marth and MK.
And this IS hijacking. I don't see you correcting any incorrect info, as people are right to say they are similar.

Also, your response to Neb is pretty bad. I don't see how Ness' and Mario's Bair really compare.

So shut up if you arent talking about the matchup or being constructive.


Smash Lord
Apr 19, 2008
Melbourne, FL
Lol. The same can be applied to pretty much any character.


See my point? Listing aerials isn't going to do anything worthwhile.
And that's why they're hard countered, :p. They're played the same against G&W, Lucas has more disadvantages than Ness, so why wouldn't the ratio go up a few points in G&W's favor, basing off the current match-up ranking? What is your point? I said their playstyles against G&W are the same, then you disagreed, and now you agree.

Neb, Ness and Lucas are completely different, but both terrible characters.

Lucas is about spacing and camping. Ness is more about following up. They both have subpar recoveries and don't have enough range or defensive options to be good.

Neither can safely deal with G&W's spacing, and they usually get ***** offstage.
I know. But against Game & Watch, they are played the same, they make use of the attacks in their moveset that are similar when fighting G&W.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
They actually do. They both have long ranged Dtilts that have IASA frames at the end, reversal upB's that work wonderfully OoS, and they also have a sword!!!

Seriously, Ness and Lucas are more similar than Marth and MK.
And this IS hijacking. I don't see you correcting any incorrect info, as people are right to say they are similar.

Also, your response to Neb is pretty bad. I don't see how Ness' and Mario's Bair really compare.

So shut up if you arent talking about the matchup or being constructive.
I was mocking the logic.

Alright, you want an honest opinion for this mathcup? Using my (limited) knowledge of Lucas, this is a bad matchup for him. Outspaced, out gunned, and G&W is a ***** to approach. Lucas has next to nothing going for him. (G&W weight being the only factor)

There, happy?

I know. But against Game & Watch, they are played the same, they make use of the attacks in their moveset that are similar when fighting G&W.
Wait until they redo the Ness matchup. Im tired of arguing with you.


the moon
Jul 20, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
Disregarding the fact that I have a lower opinion of the people who made pointless and pretty much incorrect claims on the last page, NOTHING worthwhile has been posted.

Is discussion gonna continue on any front for lucas, or should I just not come back here?

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
If Ness and Lucas play the same against Mr. Game & Watch, those would have to be some pretty awful players, probably the Ness players playing badly (Ness's forward aerial changes everything; it's so good!). Really, Ness and Lucas are very, very different. I don't want to get in a war with anyone over how good Ness and Lucas are so I'll try to focus mostly on what they do against Mr. Game & Watch.

Anyway, Lucas is pretty easy to beat, but he's not ridiculously easy or anything. Lucas has a VERY good down aerial which isn't especially effective against Mr. Game & Watch but is a big thing to look out for regardless. Lucas will use it to rack huge damage if you leave yourself open to it. Moving past Lucas's ace in the hole move, Lucas is mostly going to focus on answering what you do and being careful while trying to exploit his general high level of power. Lucas has a pretty solid pivot grab that he can kinda camp with to make spacing him tricky, and his shieldgrab with the long range tether makes him more difficult than average to shield pressure. His tilts are all pretty decent, and you always have to be careful of that fsmash which kills low. His down smash is something that's interesting if nothing else. It's not actually that good, but it hits in a really odd way that forces you to alter what you do defensively in front of him a bit to accommodate. Lucas can also use his nair kinda like Mr. Game & Watch uses his. It's a lot worse, but it's kinda fast and hurts if he snares you in it.

A lot of Lucas players make him look bad by focusing on bad offensive moves like up smash, Pk Fire, and Pk Freeze (all of Lucas's specials are bad except for recovery and energy projectile absorption actually). The general way Lucas goes about it, in short, is camping with his grab and safe jab/tilts while punishing with his strong fsmash and using the times he happens to be in the air to try to snare you with a few high damage moves. The fact that Mr. Game & Watch has a lot of flat out superior tools to prevent Lucas from taking the battle to the air really does limit him a lot (Lucas at least has pretty good aerial mobility so he can get down when the situation calls for it), but Lucas isn't particularly easier to beat than most other low tiers. All around he's probably 65/35*.

*HOWEVER, I should point out that it would be a total joke to ever give Lucas a better score than Ness; Ness is simply a radically bigger threat than Lucas could ever be. Lucas is indeed very different from Ness, but a lot of the reason is that in a lot of moveslots Ness either has a radically superior version of the move (uair, bair, bthrow, Pk Thunder) or a move really fundamentally different that's actually functional while Lucas's move in that place is either awful or just really limited (usmash, dash grab, fair). It really just lets Ness do a lot more to Mr. Game & Watch than Lucas can, especially in terms of being able to actually apply pressure instead of having to play mostly reactively. Lucas has a few things that are better, but they don't save him from being "the bad Ness" any more than Fox's stuff like that saves him from being "the bad Falco" (having a tether grab is really the only advantage Lucas has that is a big help against Mr. Game & Watch, though his ridiculously good recovery is nice too). Really, Ness should be 60-40, but since this isn't about Ness, I don't really want to lay out the case now. I'm not sure what I suggest putting in for Lucas's score actually, but whatever it is, it definitely needs to be a worse number than Ness has.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
Disregarding the fact that I have a lower opinion of the people who made pointless and pretty much incorrect claims on the last page, NOTHING worthwhile has been posted.

Is discussion gonna continue on any front for lucas, or should I just not come back here?

There you go. Problem with us is that while we don't know jack - **** about the mother boys, it won't stop us from posting. Don't mean to offend =[

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
To clarify, that Ness was very bad. He seemed to forget that Ness had a down aerial or Pk Thunder (the one time he used Pk Thunder as an attack he did a very bad job of steering it), and even more importantly, he forgot that spacing is an important thing to focus on to win at this game. Maybe he just didn't know the matchup at all and fell apart but is better in general, but just judging off that video, you were simply showing a decently strong player railroading a very weak player.


Smash Apprentice
May 25, 2008
staten island
omg no offense but whomever that ness is was a horrible ness. ugh. but yeah ness is way better than lucas tho. but as g&w`s we can over come them easily. all u really gotta do is watch out with ness`s fair and fsmash.
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