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Game & Watch Match-up Export Thread Directory


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Poor CF...G&W is everything he hates and then some (somewhat small, having a wall of very large hitboxes, and set ups to moves that KO)

Falcon only has movement speed really (and yet...G&W beats him at that in the air overall) and some tricks up close (Jabs are fun) that I can think of...

What does G&W have for his Dthrow? The norm for heavy weights?

Well he is still a better character as far as characters go then what G&W could ever be ^_^


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2008
Lexington, KY
Umm... any stage? Really, there's absolutely nothing Captain Falcon can do to GaW. GaW has massive, high priority hitboxes on all of his aerials, none of which CF's utilt, his longest range move, can break through. GaW's dtilt also (I think) outranges all of CF's moves besides the utilt. GaW can also interrupt Falcon's recovery well, while he can do next to nothing to GaW's. In addition to edgeguarding, GaW also has great setups to kill Falcon (dthrow -> dsmash anyone?). Overall, I'd say 85:15.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
Umm... any stage? Really, there's absolutely nothing Captain Falcon can do to GaW. GaW has massive, high priority hitboxes on all of his aerials, none of which CF's utilt, his longest range move, can break through. GaW's dtilt also (I think) outranges all of CF's moves besides the utilt. GaW can also interrupt Falcon's recovery well, while he can do next to nothing to GaW's. In addition to edgeguarding, GaW also has great setups to kill Falcon (dthrow -> dsmash anyone?). Overall, I'd say 85:15.
I don't think you can dthrow to dsmash CF. He's orange on http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=178326


Smash Champion
May 8, 2008
Canada, ON, St. catharines
K so in advance these are my numbers: 25:75

I'v played MANY G&W players in tournament, iunno if it's experience but the match-up isn't that hard if you get G&W to 100% then space with Utilt

Utilt is the only reason why it's 25:75 , it seriously has one of the largest hit-box's in the game, it's fast (IASA frames) and is freggin powerful

I faired up really well against NoJ on multiple occasions, iunno if he's on these boards or remembers.....(he better, he hot-boxed his car ****it!) but I put up a good match against him.

the reason why I did well against him is because he underestimated my range in general, like Fsmash and Utilt mainly.


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
K so in advance these are my numbers: 25:75

I'v played MANY G&W players in tournament, iunno if it's experience but the match-up isn't that hard if you get G&W to 100% then space with Utilt

Utilt is the only reason why it's 25:75 , it seriously has one of the largest hit-box's in the game, it's fast (IASA frames) and is freggin powerful

I faired up really well against NoJ on multiple occasions, iunno if he's on these boards or remembers.....(he better, he hot-boxed his car ****it!) but I put up a good match against him.

the reason why I did well against him is because he underestimated my range in general, like Fsmash and Utilt mainly.
Thought this was funny. CF lowers your standards for things like "doing well".

How public is the NoJ with his smoking? Good god, he would either have to tell you or show you for you to know something like that. Heh, funny character. Wish everyone had that kind of ball power.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I faired up really well against NoJ on multiple occasions, iunno if he's on these boards or remembers.....(he better, he hot-boxed his car ****it!) but I put up a good match against him.

the reason why I did well against him is because he underestimated my range in general, like Fsmash and Utilt mainly.
NoJ sux. Just kidding.

But seriously...F-smash is retardedly hard for Falcon to land even if you factor in the leanback, and unlike Ganon's it doesn't KO ridiculously early. G&W's landing B-air clanks with it.

Against the U-tilt, seriously, just space outside its range and Falcon will break his heel trying to hit you.

Like there are three attacks Falcon should hope for in this matchup. Jab, Falcon Kick, and U-air in order of diminishing effectiveness.

Amazing Ampharos

Balanced Brawl Designer
Writing Team
Jan 31, 2008
Kansas City, MO
I have pretty little Captain Falcon experience (like all of us?), but just treating him like a joke seems like a bad idea. His up aerial is kinda good to the point he could probably get it in even against Mr. Game & Watch, he's highly mobile, and he does have an air grab. I'm pretty sure the matchup is really easy, but just don't get to thinking that it's impossible for him to ever win or anything.

In terms of stages and tactics, I think our best bet is to look at him like a sucky Sonic with the difference that he doesn't have any particular problem with down tilt. The general idea is the same though. Try to set yourself up to defend well from any grounded approach he has, and you should be able to corner him into having to try aerial approaches at which point you can take the offense. Captain Falcon's ground game seems really bad other than Falcon Kick and jab which are not even that special so I doubt it's that hard.

As per stages, I personally would go with stages that limit horizontal mobility to devalue the best thing about Captain Falcon. Green Greens is great at forcing him to jump at you, and playing under the fin on Corneria can do the same thing. Stages like Norfair and Rainbow Cruise could be selected to just play to your strengths if you wanted; this is probably a case where any of the usual suspects are good choices.


Certified Lion Rider
Oct 16, 2004
Spencer, MA
Captain Falcon: (8/2)

General Matchup:
  • Captain falcon is one of the faster characters in the game, however he lacks a lot of priority, kill set ups, and recovery patterns.
  • His range is pretty bad, only really seeing anything useful in his uair, nair, uptilt, and a few other moves. Priority also lacks in a similar way.
  • KO potential is there, just difficult to use. Fsmash, knee, etc are decent kill moves, just probably too slow or difficult to land to be worth while. Its likely that they will have to make use of an up air or a bair at high percents to kill gw.
  • Captain falcon might be able to land a random aerial on you offstage, however its really risky. The usually quick hog to aerial is probably their only good option for edgeguarding.
  • To edgeguard falcon, a few hits with weak fairs can really put a damper in his up b. Also slowfall dairs work great to either stage spike him or set up for something else.
  • His combos are usually a few nairs/upairs stringed together, and im told there is a percent where his dair can combo into a knee, other than that though, he doesn't have too much combo potential.
  • Captain falcon is a heavy character, which helps and hurts you of course. He can buffer a roll to avoid the dsmash out of a dthrow, and has a decent roll. He's a semi-fastfaller and doesn't have amazing aerial speed, so up airs and nair will probably ruin his time in the air.

General Strategies:
  • Overall, this matchup is very very simple. Learn to play your spacing and he'll have a very hard time getting around it. Due to a lack or projectile, or any ranged attacks at all to zone you with, he'll basically have to trick you in order to land a hit on you, and even then it probably won't lead to much.

  • Any stage works fine, look for ways to hurt his recovery, and play where you usually feel comfortable.
  • Avoid norfair likely, thats the only stage that comes to mind that would maybe help captain.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
G&W ***** G&W...god it is by far the most broken match in the game...G&W has no chance in hell vs. G&W...

Oh sure...change it to Sonic then...

Recovery=God tier in both cases...
Killing=Always is a fun issue for Sonic...
Sonic=The best part about him...the blue blur=fun to play just because of that...of course its not like G&W is bad at punishment either...


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
^^^ wtf (lol 1337th post)

this match is hard yeah. btw for the love of god, please dont anyone (A2) give accounts on typical sonic playstyles unless youve actually played against a competent sonic main who at least visists these forums. If i see one comment about beating his uncharged, grounded spindash as his only approach im outa here...


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I'm pretty convinced G&W vs Sonic is at least 7/3 G&W. I've argued it a fair bit in the Sonic boards.

Sonic is basically a better version of Captain Falcon....in that he has better one-dimensional tools for punishing ending lag. That's pretty much it.

This is easily one of the gayest matchups in the entire game. Sonic is super gay....in that his entire strategy is run away and camp with dash attack/B attacks. His run speed is fast enough for him to punish your ending lag on various dumb things. However the fact of the matter is that Sonic can do nothing to you when you shieldcamp or edgecamp, whereas Sonic doesn't have the luxury of being completely safe from G&W's shield pressure.

He can't do anything if you B-air him while he's at the edge either. He doesn't have much KO power (and his Smashes are very easy to avoid if you play carefully), and you have a lot of it on a few attacks. Smashes, F-air, and occasionally D-air will KO him, all much earlier than he can KO you.

Sonic's recovery may be good in terms of distance, but if he ever recovers from below, he eats a Smash or a D-air.

All in all, this matchup takes a lot of patience, but it works out very well for G&W.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Ew, Sonic. Bleah, I hate campy Sonics, they make it no fun.

I think it's more like 6/4 actually, maybe 65/35 at the very worst with you edgecamping and being gay lol.

It's not 7/3 or worse, trust me.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
^^^ wtf (lol 1337th post)

this match is hard yeah. btw for the love of god, please dont anyone (A2) give accounts on typical sonic playstyles unless youve actually played against a competent sonic main who at least visists these forums. If i see one comment about beating his uncharged, grounded spindash as his only approach im outa here...
Sweet I'm leet...

Please G&W beats the hell out of Sonic's only approach...the uncharged, grounded Spindash

This is easily one of the gayest matchups in the entire game. Sonic is super gay....in that his entire strategy is run away and camp with dash attack/B attacks. His run speed is fast enough for him to punish your ending lag on various dumb things. However the fact of the matter is that Sonic can do nothing to you when you shieldcamp or edgecamp, whereas Sonic doesn't have the luxury of being completely safe from G&W's shield pressure.
Wait a second sorry my old friend...but I have to do this (I have needs) are you calling Sonic's playstyle gay and you play as G&W? Am I the only one who likes irony?

He can't do anything if you B-air him while he's at the edge either.
I'm pretty sure Sonic having an Uspecial that is like yours pretty much makes me disagree with this...


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Wait a second sorry my old friend...but I have to do this (I have needs) are you calling Sonic's playstyle gay and you play as G&W? Am I the only one who likes irony?
Being gay doesn't have anything to do with being a good character or a bad character. Sonic is gay and sucks ****. Both at the same time. G&W is homosexual, but awesome.

I'm pretty sure Sonic having an Uspecial that is like yours pretty much makes me disagree with this...
Here is how this works.

Sonic is standing at the edge. I B-air. He either rolls towards me and hopes I don't fake out and hit him anyway. He shields, and still gets hit as he is knocked off stage. The invul frames on his Up-B do not start up fast enough for him to escape from the B-air the way you mentioned.

Ew, Sonic. Bleah, I hate campy Sonics, they make it no fun.
I agree wholeheartedly

I think it's more like 6/4 actually, maybe 65/35 at the very worst with you edgecamping and being gay lol.
If you play extremely gay and shieldcamp, there are no situations in where Sonic can actually land ANY hits on G&W, whereas Sonic has situations where he can be hit even if he tries to camp. The shield counters Sonic completely in this matchup. Any approach he does on shield is screwed. It limits him to going through excessive means to fake G&W out for a dash grab, which leads to nothing but only does damage. As for Sonic's throws, you can DI all of them so that all of his followups are rendered useless.

It's not 7/3 or worse, trust me.
When you consider how perfectly G&W can camp Sonic, and how he's overall a much more solid character statistically, I don't think it's a winnable matchup for Sonic. 6/4 implies Sonic should be winning this matchup occasionally against good G&W players, but I don't see it this way at all.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
Wait, A2, why exactly are you talking about Sonic as though you know him? You don't main him as far as I know and I'd like to know one Sonic you've played in a tournament that anyone here would recognize.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I'm pretty convinced G&W vs Sonic is at least 7/3 G&W. I've argued it a fair bit in the Sonic boards.

Sonic is basically a better version of Captain Falcon....in that he has better one-dimensional tools for punishing ending lag. That's pretty much it.

This is easily one of the gayest matchups in the entire game. Sonic is super gay....in that his entire strategy is run away and camp with dash attack/B attacks. His run speed is fast enough for him to punish your ending lag on various dumb things. However the fact of the matter is that Sonic can do nothing to you when you shieldcamp or edgecamp, whereas Sonic doesn't have the luxury of being completely safe from G&W's shield pressure.

He can't do anything if you B-air him while he's at the edge either. He doesn't have much KO power (and his Smashes are very easy to avoid if you play carefully), and you have a lot of it on a few attacks. Smashes, F-air, and occasionally D-air will KO him, all much earlier than he can KO you.

Sonic's recovery may be good in terms of distance, but if he ever recovers from below, he eats a Smash or a D-air.

All in all, this matchup takes a lot of patience, but it works out very well for G&W.
I was actually going to contribute to this one, since I've played Hylian's GaW on more than several occasions and know a thing or two about the match up.

But as with the way of DJBrowny, I'm out of here.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
Ew, Sonic. Bleah, I hate campy Sonics, they make it no fun.

I think it's more like 6/4 actually, maybe 65/35 at the very worst with you edgecamping and being gay lol.

It's not 7/3 or worse, trust me.
This. Sonic's hard :/. So many mix-ups it gets really hard to react to thier approaches correctly.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Wait, A2, why exactly are you talking about Sonic as though you know him? You don't main him as far as I know and I'd like to know one Sonic you've played in a tournament that anyone here would recognize.
Hmmm, 14 inches of pain is really good with Sonic, but I've only used Mario against him.

But really, the shield and the few out of shield options that G&W has seriously shut down Sonic. Hard. If you deny this, you're crazy. If Sonic is in the air above you, N-air or Up-B out of shield. D-tilt stops him in his tracks a lot in general. If he uses tilts, B-air out of shield. If he's near the edge, B-air. If you're in doubt, edgecamp. Seriously this matchup is not hard at all if you're patient. It's just incredibly lame and one of the biggest campfests ever.

The only thing he can do is attempt to fake you out for a grab, which leads to nothing else.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Hmmm, 14 inches of pain is really good with Sonic, but I've only used Mario against him.

But really, the shield and the few out of shield options that G&W has seriously shut down Sonic. Hard. If you deny this, you're crazy. If Sonic is in the air above you, N-air or Up-B out of shield. D-tilt stops him in his tracks a lot in general. If he uses tilts, B-air out of shield. If he's near the edge, B-air. If you're in doubt, edgecamp. Seriously this matchup is not hard at all if you're patient. It's just incredibly lame and one of the biggest campfests ever.

The only thing he can do is attempt to fake you out for a grab, which leads to nothing else.
At very high % an Uthrow can KO...Sonic also has the 2nd best pummel damage per rate overall in the game...Sonic's Fthrow also puts G&W in a somewhat fun area...


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
Costa Rica
Hmmm, 14 inches of pain is really good with Sonic, but I've only used Mario against him.

But really, the shield and the few out of shield options that G&W has seriously shut down Sonic. Hard. If you deny this, you're crazy. If Sonic is in the air above you, N-air or Up-B out of shield. D-tilt stops him in his tracks a lot in general. If he uses tilts, B-air out of shield. If he's near the edge, B-air. If you're in doubt, edgecamp. Seriously this matchup is not hard at all if you're patient. It's just incredibly lame and one of the biggest campfests ever.

The only thing he can do is attempt to fake you out for a grab, which leads to nothing else.
If you think you can beat a good Sonic that way, then go ahead... :chuckle:.

On a side note, I'll play messiahfreak next week in my upcoming tourney. Dunno if he's an amazing Sonic, but I've heard he's actually pretty good.
I don't know either, but if he is a good one I'll give you one advice: If you don't investigate a little, you'll see a lot of rare stuff happening that could catch you off guard in the worst moments...

At very high % an Uthrow can KO...Sonic also has the 2nd best pummel damage per rate overall in the game...Sonic's Fthrow also puts G&W in a somewhat fun area...
Now you find something... Go on...

Sonic is hard. I clearly see that you guys don't have enough info and there's important stuff that you ignore. You let great sources go away in the previous page... Good Luck guys and seeya around! :)


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
At very high % an Uthrow can KO...Sonic also has the 2nd best pummel damage per rate overall in the game...Sonic's Fthrow also puts G&W in a somewhat fun area...
If Sonic is relying on Up-throw to KO G&W, wow is he getting *****. B-throw is much better, and still doesn't KO forever. DI towards him when he U-throws, he can't hit you with anything else. I don't care about Sonic's F-throw. D-throw, DI Up, all of his follow ups are dead.

If you think you can beat a good Sonic that way, then go ahead... :chuckle:.
Okay let me put it this way. Mario is a character who has the advantage against Sonic due to outcamping him and forcing the approach, and being more powerful. Many Sonics have narrowly beaten my Mario, but those Sonics get 2stocked by my G&W when I play the way I do.

I don't know either, but if he is a good one I'll give you one advice: If you don't investigate a little, you'll see a lot of rare stuff happening that could catch you off guard in the worst moments...
This is why you shieldcamp against Sonic. None of the stuff he has can work around your shield. Even if you mess up and he grabs you, nothing is stopping you from just camping some more since his throws lead to nothing.

See, one of the things about Sonic is his moves have CRAZY commitment. I mean March of the Penguins level commitment. Going in the air is a horrible option for Sonic when G&W can usually N-air indiscriminately to punish Sonic for trying to do anything fancy. D-tilt and F-smash reliably stop Sonic in his tracks on the ground, and even if it just clanks, Sonic can't do anything to punish G&W back anyway, and if he F-tilts G&W's shield, he eats a F-air. He has like one real mindgame into working around shields, and that is like spindash cancel shieldgrab (and his throws lead to nothing so w/e) and besides you can just stop Sonic's ground movement with a D-tilt or F-smash and he still can't punish you for doing that.

U-air, N-air, U-smash, and Up-B all make getting back to the ground safely a chore for Sonic when his aerial acceleration is garbage without committing to a spindash or something dumb, while Sonic doesn't have anything nearly as good in comparison to juggle G&W.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Now you find something... Go on...

Sonic is hard. I clearly see that you guys don't have enough info and there's important stuff that you ignore. You let great sources go away in the previous page... Good Luck guys and seeya around! :)
Hey...I just lurk here for fun...


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
^^^ wtf (lol 1337th post).
Too bad that was actually post no. 1173.

You're too slow to fix DJ lolol.

Ew, Sonic. Bleah, I hate campy Sonics, they make it no fun.

I think it's more like 6/4 actually, maybe 65/35 at the very worst with you edgecamping and being gay lol.

It's not 7/3 or worse, trust me.
What kind of Sonic have you played?

Sonic can't camp :/

He makes campers have to play differently though. :)

I also agree with this post.

His Up-B has invul frames in the middle. It doesn't mean much except as he recovers, but it won't save him from being D-air edgeguarded from above.
...This one not so much...

Just how often do you think Sonic will always have to recover from that low of an angle?

The answer : not often.

Usually just freefalling back towards the stage from a FFed Fair into an ASC to kill momentum will usualy be enough to recover... double jump optional.

This. Sonic's hard :/. So many mix-ups it gets really hard to react to thier approaches correctly.
I just love Sonic, seeing as how his worst matchups can be worked with to achieve a win.

Perhaps somebody besides A2 for this.

I mean no offense but since he's already gone over this matchup (with us... on our board.), I would just like to see what somebody else would have to say, and debating with him in particular serves no purpose since we just went over this sometime ago (as mentioned before).

Also what exactly do you look for when having matchups explained/preached to you, do you want us to be static with some samples from the OP or can we just wing it?


Smash Journeyman
Nov 19, 2007
Costa Rica
I'll clear stuff up for people who really wants to see how Sonic plays against G&W (Kinzer thnx to say that about A2, I don't wanted to post anything cuz of him, but I'll use waht he said to explain my self more clearly now...)

If Sonic is relying on Up-throw to KO G&W, wow is he getting *****. B-throw is much better, and still doesn't KO forever. DI towards him when he U-throws, he can't hit you with anything else. I don't care about Sonic's F-throw. D-throw, DI Up, all of his follow ups are dead.
Ok... UThrow deals 12% damage. Sonic can kill G&W at 150% with it (that without mention Sonic is made to rack up damage easily). BThrow isn't the best option as you think. DThrow G&W only out off stage. If you don't beware of FThrow you'll get mindgamed and punished (I pivot SD trough that cute turtle of yours, BTW I like it :)).

Okay let me put it this way. Mario is a character who has the advantage against Sonic due to outcamping him and forcing the approach, and being more powerful. Many Sonics have narrowly beaten my Mario, but those Sonics get 2stocked by my G&W when I play the way I do.
Mario is more powerful, I agree. But you can't outcamp Sonic (he is faster lol) with him or you'll get Spin Shotted in the face. Not to mention that the fireballs are easy to powershield (and then OoS stuff). Well, you are playing bad Sonics cuz I won 3/4 games against G&Ws 2 days ago.

This is why you shieldcamp against Sonic. None of the stuff he has can work around your shield. Even if you mess up and he grabs you, nothing is stopping you from just camping some more since his throws lead to nothing.
Super Wrong... If you are thinking Sonic will come spindashing/tilting/smashing like crazy to G&W and then you'll OoS him you're wrong and you'll get punished. If you shieldcamp, you'll get Bair spammed (no lag, 14%, disjointed hitbox, priority, pushes away), it can pass through things like Oli's USmash.

See, one of the things about Sonic is his moves have CRAZY commitment. I mean March of the Penguins level commitment. Going in the air is a horrible option for Sonic when G&W can usually N-air indiscriminately to punish Sonic for trying to do anything fancy.
DeDeDes marching?! :confused:. The only prob Nair can give Sonic is if you are bad Sonic and don't know how to spring barrier G&W properly to land safely.

D-tilt and F-smash reliably stop Sonic in his tracks on the ground, and even if it just clanks, Sonic can't do anything to punish G&W back anyway, and if he F-tilts G&W's shield, he eats a F-air. He has like one real mindgame into working around shields, and that is like spindash cancel shieldgrab (and his throws lead to nothing so w/e) and besides you can just stop Sonic's ground movement with a D-tilt or F-smash and he still can't punish you for doing that.
The torch, the chair, the hamemer, the helm... Are powershielded by Sonic 3/5 times (really!?!... yup...) and then you got grabbed/Dash attacked OoS/punished. DTilt is the only one that Sonic cannot powershield & punish cuz he gets hit (but usually you jump away to space). If dtilt clanks is cuz you SDRed into it (very stupid or rare situation, for a good Sonic...) and if G&W just dtilt he gets Spin Shotted/SCVJed to his doom (really!?!... yup...).

Just to close and to help the thread's nice guys here: DTilt don't stop Sonic at all. Throws set up mindgames. Shieldcamp = you get spammed. SD can pass through the tortoise (in some situations). FSmash = Powershield. SDR is the less thing Sonics use against G&W (You said it is and it isn't)... And I'm not mentioning the TONS of mindgames Sonic have or the useful ATs he have (specially good agaisnt the LCD dude)...

You don't have enough exp with Sonic (I main him and use G&W as well so...) and I recommend to investigate a little more or you'll pass a bad time against a powerful Sonic. And if you don't know what SD, SC, SDC, SDR, SDRJ, SDVJ, ASC, ASC cancel, SDP and SS are, go and find out what they are (too extence to explain...).

Its a Hard and close match 55/45 at your favor. I hope this helps :laugh::chuckle::laugh:


Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2008
I just wanted to point out (might be old lol) that the Lucas matchup is currently at a total of 110%

It might've been noticed before but yeah, just thought someone should know 75/35


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
What kind of Sonic have you played?

Sonic can't camp :/

He makes campers have to play differently though. :)

I also agree with this post.
Well by campy I mean they can sit in one spot, wait for you to approach or fake out an approach to make the opponent approach/react and then punish their reaction. Sonic's too good at that.

Trust me, he can camp harder than that though lol. If you have ever seen my vids with Wario, just do that with Sonic with running, Upb and airdodging (maybe some Dairs to get to the ground closer occasionally). That stuff makes it a lot more even for Sonic IMO.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
GaW has a good boards, but A2ZOMG speaking like he knows everything of both characters makes me want to vomit. As soon as you are seriously discussing members who actually know Sonic, A2 comes throw around Spindash **** and totally wrong statements. I don't want to discuss this matchup with him. It's like talking to a ******** 7 year old. You can NEVER prove him wrong.

Summary: 80-20 GaW cause you don't need Sonic input. B-air > Sonic.


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
Game and watch 's move lean towards a defensive game that relies on OOS options, the stuipd hitboxes of his aerials, and useage fo tilts. Now, any over aggressive player will get creamed by this im sure.

- uair beats out your dair, however, the spacing required to do so is IMO harder to consistantly do compard to GaW, just diar for u, we must space the second hit to be successful.

- A patient/ campy Sonic is an equal matchup due to GaW lack of "ill make you come to me"moves. The basic sonic game is movement, so the sonic can use movement to evade and pressure him while for the most part GaW is either trying to anticipate correct shiled usage or trying to slow sonic down with a well placed aerial. that said sonic needs to get in, which is difficult because the most consistant options against GaWs aerial spam is either to shield and punish, which kills the shiled after a few times, or to anticipate the jump and Up Smash.

- They will live to about the same %, if you factor DI and momentum cancelling techniques that they have, plus they both can't really gimp each other, maybe a slight edge to sonic. maybe.

- If the match is played by two really good smart players, the match will take a long time because it will be won on who controls the ground.

the match up is no more than 55:45 or 50:50. IMO

and if u want to know what good Gws I played against before i get falmed by anyone here for think
ng that the matcfhup is even, I play against Godismyrock often with my Sonic, and even when I lost, i considered it such.


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
How does Sonic deal with a ledgecamping G&W?
He grabs it, he can Upb and that spring is a pain, homing attack (you would be surprised).

Granted, those options are hard to work with, but he's not as helpless as, say Falco for example.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
A ledgecamping GaW is totally gay and make the matchups retardedly worse for Sonic. I'd just be patient and drop Springs on a ledgecamping GaW. HA will totally not work. HA is the most ********, unviable move there is, outprioritized and stupid lag. However, we have side-B invincibility frames to go trough some attacks and hit you out of it. We can also Spinshot just over you to B-air you.

*Ends information spreading before A2ZOMG makes ******** statements*
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