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Q&A -Fox Advice/Questions Topic-


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2005
Fremont, CA
nair vs dair, which approach do u like better and when (% and character, situation) -- this is strictly from a neutral position

seems like in general nair is better for higher% and dair is better for lower%, but vs falcon nair is almost always better. and vs marth/ICs dair is almost always better.



Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
At low percent nair is mainly for stuffing jumps IMO

Unless you can hit a nair near the bottom of your jump on a character who lacks a relevant frame 5 crouch punish (which is doable but requires either a bit of planning or a good reaction)

Dair is obviously good vs opponents that like to stay on the ground


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2005
Fremont, CA
At low percent nair is mainly for stuffing jumps IMO
yeahhh i think thats why i like it vs falcon cuz it feels like you can nair him on reaction upon seeing him start a nair

Unless you can hit a nair near the bottom of your jump on a character who lacks a relevant frame 5 crouch punish (which is doable but requires either a bit of planning or a good reaction)
or space the nair? works vs some punishes I think

Dair is obviously good vs opponents that like to stay on the ground
that makes sense


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
You can space the nair vs characters with craptastic range I guess but generally the safety of Fox's attack at low percent vs the good characters (Marth, Sheik, other Foxes, so forth) will be dependent on whether you get the shine out before they can counterattack you or not.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2005
Fremont, CA
forgive me for not knowing the frames but is it not possible to late nair -> shine a peach who is trying to CC dsmash at 0%? i had always thought it worked from experience but maybe my peach friends are not smashing down on the cstick hard enough


Smash Master
Jan 7, 2009
Irvine, SoCal
Out of curiosity. Any good amines to watch nowadays? I'm really outdated. Besides SAO

Robotics;notes is this season and very good (scifi)

steins;gate also ***** if u haven't seen that already (scifi)

hyouka is very good, gosick too (mysteries)

working! season 1 and 2 (comedy)

mirai nikki was good (assuming you haven't watched it already or read the manga already) (action)

sakamichi no apollon (music)

uhhh, angel beats? (idk how outdated you are)

also all the stuff i listed fits into other genres as well


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
forgive me for not knowing the frames but is it not possible to late nair -> shine a peach who is trying to CC dsmash at 0%? i had always thought it worked from experience but maybe my peach friends are not smashing down on the cstick hard enough
TBH I'm not 100% sure.

If you're frame perfect you only need the nair to do 3 frames of net stun at ground level because your l-cancel is 7 and her d-smash comes out on 5. You can do the math from there. That said, in practice I find odd behaviours occur in circumstances like that. For instance: if your timing is ever so slightly off slightly then the d-smash can actually rip through your shine and keep going and **** you depending on the staleness of each. If you happen to push her out of the shine's reach as a result of her DI, a fade on your aerial, or slope of the stage then that can also lead to ludicrous amounts of pain. So I can't say I'm a fan.

That's part of why I added the note of, "Does not possess a relevant frame 5 or less crouch punish." I probably wouldn't try this vs Doc either. Not at straight 0. Nor would I attempt it vs Falco.

For Peach specifically I'd probably just advise you try to dair or grab her. Or space bair. Whichever. But you probably already knew that.


Master of QWOP
Nov 4, 2012
Walnut Creek, CA / Chicago
Any tips for Thunder's Combo? I can do it out of a walk or a run because momentum but I can't seem to get it out of a sh dair.

Also is uair always the best punish out of thunder's combo?


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Haha random page about anime <_<

I find that spacing Bair on Peach at 0 often gets me Dsmashed anyway .... mad annoying

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Any tips for Thunder's Combo? I can do it out of a walk or a run because momentum but I can't seem to get it out of a sh dair.
Practice getting longer wavedashes. Sometimes it's just really hard because of opponents SDI'ing you D-air or shine. Just practice on unplugged Falco while standing still. Just practice getting longer and longer wavedashes. After that do it after a D-air, and after that you just have to apply it in matches.
Also is uair always the best punish out of thunder's combo?
No. But it's got the best stylishness-to-effectiveness ratio. U-air makes for easier follow-ups than U-throw and U-smash IMO because U-throw is easily DI'd (behind you) which makes follow-ups quite hard. U-smash is good, but has a very long lag after hitting it. U-air does the same thing as U-smash but you can L-cancel and instantly move after it to follow them, so it takes my preference often (not always, sometimes you can just F-smash them off stage or something like that).

Also, regarding Peach, learn to jump in with a shine at a 45 degree angle on their shield, then jump away to the top platform. Camp top platform, wait for them to make a move and then just drop a D-air on their head and then proceed to do shinestuff. You have to love D-air and top platform in order to kill Peach.


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
DI'ing uthrow behind doesn't do ****. Regrab is pretty easy, especially if they're not at 0% (which they aren't if you're talking about thunders combo followups)

edit: btw unknown fwiw I think stab's anime list is great

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
I know, U-throw is probably the ideal option on open ground, but when there's a platform above me, I still prefer U-air. Even on open ground, I usually opt for U-air, because as I said, it's got the best stylishness-to-effectiveness ratio to me, that Uthrow lacks lacks ;D

[2:01:52] Jim Morrison: Hey Jim, thanks for doing this interview for the Disco Room, I'll just ask you a few questions that were proposed by fellow members of the Disco Room, you just try to answer them as well as you can, okay?
[2:03:08] Jim Morrison: sure, no problem, hit me with your best shot
[2:03:38] Jim Morrison: Ok, first question, asked by Xiivi: "Is John2kawaii4u?"
[2:04:38] Jim Morrison: lol xiivi. yeah john is a little kawaii in the face, but he'll never be 2 kawaii 5 me
[2:05:54] Jim Morrison: Hehe, okay, the next questions are by Teran, he asks 5 questions, I'll just label them, okay?
[2:06:35] Jim Morrison: 1. How does it feel to claw your way back out of the dark chasm of irrelevance?
2. Why are are the Dutch so arrogant when they have no reason to be?
3. What is your favourite cheese?
4. Have you ever fired a gun?
5. What's it like for you not being an adolescent anymore?

[2:06:51] Jim Morrison: finally some serious questions lel
[2:07:46] Jim Morrison: 1. It feels good knowing that the things I say hold a bit more value now, I enjoy that.
[2:10:11] Jim Morrison: 2. There's actually a pretty logical answer to that. It's got to do with the size of The Netherlands. Look at how small the country is, yet during the Golden Age, we were the richest in Europe, we are now one of the bigger economies in the world, are good at sports relative to our size, and all other things you can think of size related, not in the least that we are the tallest people in general. This gives us a sense of "Look at us, we're so cool and good coming from a small progressive country!" while in reality no one -really- likes the Dutch on the internet. Wew what a wall
[2:11:17] Jim Morrison: 3. Young Gouda cheese.
[2:11:25] Jim Morrison: 4. Not a legit gun.
[2:11:44] Jim Morrison: 5. im still an adolescent m8
[2:14:06] Jim Morrison: The Legend killer wants to know "How many licks does it take to get the center of a toostiepop?"

[2:14:27] Jim Morrison: ask an american
[2:15:15] Jim Morrison: Xireoy wants to know
1. What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
2. Can I have $5.00?
3. Why does Mitt hate trap cards?

[2:15:27] Jim Morrison: 1. ask a ****ing american i dont have this candy LOL
[2:15:46] Jim Morrison: 2. if you ever come visit me i'll even give you 5 euros which is like 20 dollars
[2:17:39] Jim Morrison: 3. bczu mitt romeny is a puppet of the illimunati and the countermovement invented yguaioh and trap cards were specififcaly impelemented 2 counter iliminuti players so every1 who plays trap card against mit romeny automaticly upsets him a swell
Two questions from Tacket:
1. What is your favorite song/album from the legendary Jim Morrison/The Doors?
2. Who are some of your other favorite psychedelic artists?

[11:16:55] Jim Morrison: 1. It's probably a tie between Break on Through and the Soft Parade. My favourite Doors album is the first one, The Doors.
[11:19:41] Jim Morrison: 2. Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix and the Grateful Dead
[11:20:17] Jim Morrison: Kawaii Neko Jungle asks: "do you like butts"
[11:20:54] Jim Morrison: yeah i like butts but if this is a trick question to make me admit i like butts more than boobs, you're not gonna get it
[11:21:40 | Edited 11:22:04] Jim Morrison: DJ Taco wants to know: "How good are you at doing this dance" (http://i.imgur.com/C36R1.gif)
[11:22:58] Jim Morrison: if you'd ever see my hips go like that, taco. ooohhh boy
[11:23:36] Jim Morrison: Following the past 2 questions: "Were Teczero and Tacket being serious?"
[11:24:01] Jim Morrison: tec was, tacket was trying to make fun of me :mad:
[11:26:18] Jim Morrison: Masquerain figured this was his "ask Helpful Betty from your weekly column" and he has asked fourteen questions:
Why did you decide on the username "Jim Morrison"?

1. Any advice to newbie writers wanting to enter the next WWYP?
2. Do you prefer writing or drawing?
3. What is one talent you wish you had?
4. Favorite song?
5. Favorite instrument to listen to?
6. Top 5 favorite Pokemon?
7. Top 5 least favorite Pokemon?
8. Touhou? :D
9. Favorite TV Show?
10. One image that describes yourself.
11. One image that describes Xiivi.
12. Two images that you consider beautiful paintings/sculptures/etc.
13. Two images that you consider beautiful scenery/landscapes/etc.

[13:39:09] Jim Morrison: about time some -good- questions were asked
[13:40:30] Jim Morrison: 1. Just enter and write something. If you think it's ****, just keep revising it until you think it's a little better than ****. It's honestly not hard, just try to think of situations you are at least familiar with and there you go, something to write about. Oh, and always get someone to proof-read it for you if you're not an English speaker...
[13:40:53] Jim Morrison: 2. Writing, I literally have no drawing talent to make a serious attempt at that. I like drawing, but only making bad stuff in MS paint.
[13:41:19] Jim Morrison: 3. A good singing voice
[13:41:28] Jim Morrison: 4. La Tortura by Shakira ;))))
[13:44:12] Jim Morrison: 5. Bass guitar or the Hang
[13:48:09] Jim Morrison: 6. Keeping it simple for myself, I'll just stick to the first 151 for these.
Blastoise, Snorlax, Sentret (**** the rules), Drowzee, Pidgeot
[13:49:47] Jim Morrison: 7. Poliwrath, Omastar, Zubat, Gardevoir (**** that one), Tauros
[13:49:54] Jim Morrison: 8. lel no
[13:50:02] Jim Morrison: 9. Community
[13:50:45] Jim Morrison: 10. http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/291725_160810650680511_270009092_n.jpg
[13:51:13] Jim Morrison: 11. http://www.beautyandthebib.com/shopimages/sections/normal/DSC_0493.jpg
[13:56:53] Jim Morrison: 12. http://www.logosfoundation.org/kunstgeschiedenis/nike.jpg The Nike of Samotrace
I like Greek sculpting.
[14:08:15] Jim Morrison: 13. http://lh4.ggpht.com/abramsv/SMA7Lbc2oUI/AAAAAAAAc-c/zFuQFxzAaRA/s720/34y67e5rgdfgs.jpg
[14:11:14] Jim Morrison: oh and i picked the name jim morrison because i liked him and was in need of a new name, so i stole his.
Jim Morrison
[14:12:02] Jim Morrison: Thanks for that wall of text. Next up is Gatlin, asking "If you could live in any video game/anime/etc universe, and could acquire any power/abilities which exist there, which would you live in?"
[17:23:21] Jim Morrison: Thanks for that interesting question, it took me a week to find a good answer, but I guess I have to say I want to live in a world where I can manipulate time. No idea what universe that would be, but my power would be time-pro.
[17:24:00] Jim Morrison: Isatis has a very personal question for you: "Why won't you Brawl me?"
[17:24:28] Jim Morrison: I'll Brawl you if you send me a message on Skype, Bewarned, I'm still amazing after 2 years of not playing.
[17:24:54] Jim Morrison: "Considering how inactive Jim can be idk if it was the best idea for him to do this. I might have to take over." - Tacket, 2012
[17:24:57] Jim Morrison: LEL
[17:25:25] Jim Morrison: LEL, next up is Composer, with a -great- question. What is your relationship/passion with Shakira Shakira?
[17:27:07] Jim Morrison: It all started in summer 2010, when I was just a young boy with too much spare time and one single Shakira song. While deciding what to do for a whole summer, I turned on her song (hint: it was La Tortura) and then it dawned to me that I should learn Spanish. Next thing I know, I download 2 Spanish albums and translate them, and from there on out I learn the language. She helped me learn Spanish and she is smoking hot so that is how my passion for SHAKIRA SHAKIRAAA came to be.
[17:27:56] Jim Morrison: What a coincidence I love Shakira as well. Anyway, next up is Wiscus: "What is your personal favourite of things you have written? (I'm hoping for you to have it in a handy text file, yes)"
[17:35:16] Jim Morrison: Wiscus, my favourite writing is probably The Abstract Castle, which you can read here
But you already read that, and you were probably looking for some obscure Dutch writing, but my Dutch writings are horrible. My WWYP entry is a close 2nd btw.
[17:37:22] Jim Morrison: "Do you believe it's not butter?" - Sol Diviner, 2012
[17:37:35] Jim Morrison: stop asking me questions about American commercials, I don't understand them lel.
[17:38:22] Jim Morrison: Kawaii Vinyl was interested in a few things, here's his 3 questions:
"1.Favorite music from daft punk?

2. How does it feel to have an orange name?

3. What was your reaction when you got it?"

[17:39:02] Jim Morrison: 1. Probably Crescendolls or Aerodynamic
[17:39:28] Jim Morrison: 2. Feels pretty good, Vinyl, feels pretty darn good. It feels like it grants me unwarranted authority.
[17:40:16] Jim Morrison: 3. #YOLOswag, but also not all -that- deserved, because the top 3 in WWYP got the name, but there were only like 5 entries, SO EVERYONE ENTER THE NEXT WWYP SO THE WINNERS ACTUALLY EARN IT INSTEAD OF BEING BETTER THAN 50%
[17:40:52] Jim Morrison: Teran confused me when he asked "What's the point of living if you can't feel alive?

Is that a family motto, or did you learn it from your old friend Renard?".
How about you?

[17:42:34] Jim Morrison: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLYW2UgSJq8
[17:43:31] Jim Morrison: shoutout to redfeatherraven for asking today's most disappointing question: "How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?"
[17:45:56] Jim Morrison: http://theboard.byu.edu/questions/19899/
[17:46:13] Jim Morrison: To reach the center on one side: Avg licks: 74 Minimum was 63, Maximum 86
To reach the center all around: Avg licks: 359 Minimum 310, Max 402
[17:47:09] Jim Morrison: Morrigan came with the classic question "who was phone"
[17:49:39] Jim Morrison: Jesus probably was phone because we are all God (AKA Jesus)'s children.
[17:50:33] Jim Morrison: Sol Diviner decided to finally start asking -good- questions, 3 of them:
1. Who is your favorite SWF member?

2. Do/did you have a crush on anyone in the DR?

3. What is the square root of the 37 sandwiches Billy has plus the 932 degrees of pie Mindy has cubed?

[17:50:52] Jim Morrison: 1. Probably myself.
[17:51:10] Jim Morrison: 2. I used to crush on Wiscus, but Jonkky crushed my dreams.
[17:57:05] Jim Morrison: 3. 7,8, this was a hard one. Since pi is only 180 degrees, it means Mindy has roughly 5 pies. 5 cubed is 25. Now just the sqrt of 37+25, so sqrt 62 = 7,8 cubed sandwich-pies.
[17:57:28] Jim Morrison: Tracket is inquiring about your musical tastes:
[17:57:42] Jim Morrison: 1. What did you think of the album L.A. Woman?

2. What do you think of the 60's psychedelic band The Zombies?

3. Who was your favorite band coming out of the 60's British Invasion and why?

[17:58:15] Jim Morrison: 1. It's a good album, I really liked the blues-direction that they decided to take the album. It sounds nice.
[17:58:25] Jim Morrison: 2. Never listened to them, so no opinion
[17:59:39] Jim Morrison: 3. Probably Donovan, since I absolutely love The Season of the Witch. Also Tom Jones and the Rolling Stones.
[18:00:38] Jim Morrison: Alright, thanks Jim, that concludes our interview now, thanks for answering all the questions to the best of your abilities, and don't forget, you're a handsome devil.
[18:00:43] Jim Morrison: Thanks Jim, you too!


Smash Master
May 28, 2008
San Jose
I know, U-throw is probably the ideal option on open ground, but when there's a platform above me, I still prefer U-air. Even on open ground, I usually opt for U-air, because as I said, it's got the best stylishness-to-effectiveness ratio to me, that Uthrow lacks lacks ;D
Oh yeah, don't get me wrong I agree 100% lol, I do the same ****.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Yo just now on the subway train, I saw a Korean guy who looks almost exactly like leffen

Edit: oh yeah Apasher, I watched your vid to give advice. I am at a loss for words. Sometimes you make some really good decisions. Other times, I'm not sure whether you are severely messing up tech skill, or of these are the things you want to do. So I can't give real advice.

Either you need more tech skill, or you need to re-evaluate your concept of spacing. I really can't tell which.



Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2011
Body City, BO
Since people keep recommending dair, is it non cc-punishable?

I'm pretty awful against floaties in general, looking for general advice vs floaties:
-I should probably try to space bair/space better in general. What should I be looking for in terms of spacing aerials?
-anti-cc-punish: allegedly dair, space bair. How should I set up grabs against, say, Peach/Samus/Sheik?
-Besides after an aerial, I don't see how to really set up shine combos. What should I be looking for to set up a shine combo? Running shine?

Gonna watch some videos later zzz

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Since people keep recommending dair, is it non cc-punishable?
Yup, you can't CC D-air if L-canceled right (I really hope I'm right on this, in practice I'm right at least).
I'm pretty awful against floaties in general, looking for general advice vs floaties:
-I should probably try to space bair/space better in general. What should I be looking for in terms of spacing aerials?
Move around them more if you seem to have bad spacing. Fox is all about moving around. Feel like you're in a bad spot on the ground? Move up a platform. Don't like how you're closed in on the edge? Find a way to get back to the center of the stage.
I really suggest you don't focus so much on spacing against floaties, since they are usually a lot better than you at it. Instead, try to bait out their moves and punish them for it, I find that a lot more succesful.
all opinions expressed here are from my own personal playstyle. Jim Morrison® does not take responsibilities in any failures resulting from taking my advice
-anti-cc-punish: allegedly dair, space bair. How should I set up grabs against, say, Peach/Samus/Sheik?
Find the answer to this yourself, it's really easy if you just take a moment to think about it. My opponent keeps doing the same thing to me and it's working because I commit to something punishable, how do I stop them from hitting me?
-Besides after an aerial, I don't see how to really set up shine combos. What should I be looking for to set up a shine combo? Running shine?
No idea, I rarely set up shine combos on floaties in any other way than D-air. On a rare occassion I can get something like a ledgedash into shine combo off, but that's mostly situational, don't even focus on shine combos against floaties.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Edit: oh yeah Apasher, I watched your vid to give advice. I am at a loss for words. Sometimes you make some really good decisions. Other times, I'm not sure whether you are severely messing up tech skill, or of these are the things you want to do. So I can't give real advice.

Either you need more tech skill, or you need to re-evaluate your concept of spacing. I really can't tell which.

There's no "either". He needs more tech skill. His movement sucks. And he's basing his first hit game largely around u-smash, which is silly because grab is so much better.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
yo how viable is up throw double jump bair on battle field vs puff at lower % 15-high 20?

against the cpu it looks like I may be able to up throw when i am just a little bit away from either side of top platform and then claw a double jump bair onto the top platform. This auto cancels, and then I can follow up with an upsmash or another grab which can potentially lead to an upthrow up air.



Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2011
Body City, BO
Kd- you're trolling right?

Nope. Funny story, I'm bad and looking for advice. What makes sense to you or others doesn't to me at this point in time =/ Maybe I'm just really bad at explaining what I'm bad at and what I need/want to know

Yup, you can't CC D-air if L-canceled right (I really hope I'm right on this, in practice I'm right at least).
Alright good to know
Move around them more if you seem to have bad spacing. Fox is all about moving around. Feel like you're in a bad spot on the ground? Move up a platform. Don't like how you're closed in on the edge? Find a way to get back to the center of the stage.
I really suggest you don't focus so much on spacing against floaties, since they are usually a lot better than you at it. Instead, try to bait out their moves and punish them for it, I find that a lot more succesful.
At times it seems like my punish game is great (relatively), and others it seems like I have a hard time getting in or recognizing situations when I can get in. I seem to run into hits.

Find the answer to this yourself, it's really easy if you just take a moment to think about it. My opponent keeps doing the same thing to me and it's working because I commit to something punishable, how do I stop them from hitting me?
It's my thinking game that really kinda sucks, I sorta mind **** myself I guess? When I try to think about what's going on and what I should do my tech skill goes from bad to worse or I just kind of sit around and do nothing and get hit anyway. My defensive game is really bad; my mind seems to slow down thinking of things to do to avoid getting hit/put myself in a good situation and the game speeds up and I just get hit anyway. I usually get hit in a large variety of ways:
-throwing out moves?
-getting caught in wavedash animation?
-cc punished
-bad spacing (too close, too far)

In terms of spacing it's like, maybe they move forward while I'm moving forward so instead of hitting them with the foot of my nair I'm directly on them and then I get cc-punished. Maybe I'm not anticipating opponent's moves? I'm aiming to hit with with the balls of my feet so I can't get grabbed. While I'm spacing myself to the opponent, my opponent is spacing him/her to me and so the opponent's spacing is just better? What can/should I be looking for? You can say it's not that complicated, but I guess to me it is.

Edit: There's things like "oh he's wd back, I should overshoot" which is a concrete explaination; it's something I can visualize in my head how it works and why. When people throw out 'space bair' I understand the base concept but not necessarily the application. Maybe I can't actually get general advice and need specifics.
It's kinda like all Fox advice boils down to 'Be better', but I'm not truly sure how to be better or what I'm looking for in being better. When I asked for advice on what to do attacking a shield as Marth, PP replied giving me detailed explanations of why uair and bair have good chances of success, what to do when those hit and how to utilize those options. I can see visually what my options are, and how/why I use them, unlike usual Fox advice.

No idea, I rarely set up shine combos on floaties in any other way than D-air. On a rare occassion I can get something like a ledgedash into shine combo off, but that's mostly situational, don't even focus on shine combos against floaties.
I don't know, waveshine -> upsmash against Peach/Samus/Sheik and waveshine->grab against Marth/Marios seems really integral or at least helpful and really isn't a strong part of my repertoire. Working a more effective shine into my game I think would really help me a lot.

Overall it's like multiple facets of my game is weak and I'm just winning games because "I'm that much better than the opponent." or because I can get away with Fox shenanigans. I struggle with beating anyone who I'd consider on my level, anyone above that is impossible, and anyone below me I don't normally crush through who I should probably breeze through (not that it's important, it's just a sign). I realize it's pretty hard without a recent singles match to show but there's large "good player" chunks that are missing in my game, and I'm not sure what.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
@ Vorheese

Having trouble picturing exactly what you're talking about because I'm caffeinated to high hell but if she's that close after landing on the platform then I'd probably fish for another aerial (maybe SHFFL nair for the low KB & super low lag for following up), grab, or u-tilt. Since the damage from u-smash isn't going to kill her I generally prioritize consistency and I feel the follows off the aerial are generally better than the raw damage you get from u-smash because you can leverage a better advantage since the aerial keeps her closer to you, which is generally good for Fox vs Puff at low percents. And if you can hit u-tilt at low percent during a combo or as an anti-combo break vs Puff, you should generally do it; u-tilt combos into **** at low percents on Puff in general and I hold it in higher regard than throw when you can get clean ones for a variety of reasons.

@ Jim

Fox's u-throw is super fast (as fast as Puff's vs Fox) so they can sometimes miss DI just off that. It's also (imo) less obvious when Fox is gonna grab Puff than vice versa so the preparation DI strategies are less effective for her. Furthermore, you can hit Puff going up just by fading into her when you jump & DJ so if she DIs behind or slight DIs behind I can still see this kind of setup working out although the percents might change a bit. If they DI in front of you I have nothing though.


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
What about landing a grab after it to dthrow? It is on a platform and her tech options are relatively slow so perhaps I could follow up with a slightly charged upsmash (after extra % even ofc)?

so I was thinking if they miss di'd the upthrow how would they DI the bair? if it is straight up It is much easier to follow up with aerials/uptitls as you were talking about KK, if they DI away I can grab them lot easier and go for an upthrow up air or a dthrow tech chase on the platform yeah?

also i tried it at higher % and no doubt they will have survival DI on the bair right? Well because the bair auto cancels and I am on top platform I can follow the bair up with an upair and hope this miss DI it looks like. At leas the 1st part of the uair will hit, and maybe I can even time it so only the 2nd part hits?

important notes after messing around more:
1. in order for this to work we need to makes sure we hit puff b4 she lands on top platform
2. As I am sure we all know we have to jump out then in with the bair to make sure she goes towards top platform


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
What about landing a grab after it to dthrow? It is on a platform and her tech options are relatively slow so perhaps I could follow up with a slightly charged upsmash (after extra % even ofc)?
If they're horrible and let you do that because they tech d-throw willingly on platforms then sure but if they know how to hold a direction to the side and not tech then Purin just slips off the platform because of the momentum from the d-throw on her soft, rubbery body and edgecancels to safety.

You might as well just u-throw into something. You've grabbed a floaty with dash jump room. You don't need to mindgame or be fancy at this point. Enjoy your free 20%+ and positional advantage. As you get better, you'll realize just how amazing that actually is (and why the consistency of it is beautiful).

So you guys r talking advice from a shiek main O_o No offense to KK I'm just saying

I dunno, maybe they're listening 'cuz I have a good grasp of this game especially in regards to punishment, which is what a lot of this discussion has centered on?

I'm pretty comfortable vs Puff with Fox too FWIW. You can ask the Puff boards about that if you really want. I go Sheik 'cuz my Sheik is a bazillion times better than my Fox but I've played this MU a lot and thought about it a lot >.>

the real jman

Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2012
Lmaoooooo yea your right Jim my advice blows

Everything I do only work for me it's the weed I'm tellin you XD

So on that note go on wit your advice KK LOL


Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Lmaoooooo yea your right Jim my advice blows

Everything I do only work for me it's the weed I'm tellin you XD

So on that note go on wit your advice KK LOL

Teach me how to play while high, because last time I tried, I got thoroughly wrecked, even though at the time I thought I did well LOL. It even was recorded and made me look terrible :c

the real jman

Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2012
It's just comes i just let my fingers do what ever they plz lmaoooo. when u do it all day every day even at touneys u just get use to playin like that the same way I got use to playin witha new controller every time

Best advice I can give is just play have fun keep smoking and playing and it will come in no time
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