My BH2 set vs Hbox:
If you don't want to read the details of each match, search for asterisks (*) to read the summary of each match and after.
*First I'll talk about my mood; Going into the set, I was pretty bummed about how I was playing overall the whole weekend. As you guys may or may not have seen in my sets vs duck, Westballz, mattdotzeb, strongbad, Darkatma, W 1/8 vs SFAT, and vs Fly. I was really disappointed because there were many many openings that I couldn't take advantage of, and not because of my character, or decision-making or anything. Because of it I felt like I was trying to rely on pure jank and luck, which I hate doing more than most things. There was never a moment at the tourney (even in friendlies) where I played half-decent. I've also never gone through a whole tourney playing consistently bad (aside from No Johns in September where I actually played worse. Lol). Even at Apex, I played really well day 1, but day 3 was bad all day.*
With that being said, I thought in my mind that if I was able to play semi-decent that I could probably take a 3-1 or 3-0 vs hbox, especially because of my previous set with him at Impulse in WQF. IMO, he had combinations of getting really really lucky, and me just played horribly (and a bit unlucky with some cross up rest BS) and getting rested a lot for mistakes. There were some really predictable habits that I picked up on at Impulse, which I was punishing well game 1, but less so game 2. I wasn't surprised neither. Don't get me wrong though, he is a great player and all, and I am aware that I have some bad habits as well, but I didn't think he would catch on at all (which he did like once or twice only this time IIRC).
So yeah, because of my situation which I'm sure most people were aware of because of my annoying johning, I thought that either I would win 3-2 or lose 3-2. My #1 biggest fear, and common thing that seems to happen when I'm not using decent equipment is SDing. I was not afraid to fight him, but I was afraid to lose to myself.
*Game 1: the strike to Battlefield. I thought wasn't so bad. I have space to move and the platform/stage sizes allow for some decent combos. Same could be said for him. I wasn't concerned about recovering, but I think BF would allow me to edgeguard him better whether he goes high or low. There were some chances I messed up that could've helped me keep pace with him, and I also failed some edgeguards due to my main fear and I didn't bother taking the ledge, or trying to ledgehop b-air on his recovery attempts.
Anyways, the main game plan was to try to space around the b-air obviously. Whether it would be by going from the ground or the air. Preferably the ground though. If he backs off anytime that I am on the ground, then laser and just try not to approach at the edge. I do give up center stage a lot and try to make him come to me when I'm at the edge. It's risky, but I am very confident about my play when boxed at the edge of the stage (anti-gimp stuff, or reverse gimp vs.......not puff).
So yeah, specifics in the match: first stock, I think I was spacing too poorly on platforms and allowing him to land u-airs because of it. I then tried to keep it to the ground a little more, but then I was messing up my DD/SHFFL spacings really hard and either getting hit, or coming really close to getting hit. I then SD off the failed ledge WD, but I shouldn't have even gone for it that time. There was no need. So I come back and he was floating off of the stage, and this is where my previous exp came in; majority of the time when he was in a position like that, he would come down after using 3-4 jumps and throw out something laggy, like n-air and auto cancel it, or just try to go over me and b-air when I move. So my plan was, I'm gonna go to the left side of the right platform and u-air where he lands......and as much as I wanted it to happen...nope.
So then I have to try and cover up the mistake and re-position myself, and what I was thinking was: if he jumps, I will u-air, if he comes down, I will counterattack. If he retreats, more laser. So I stayed near the edge to try and keep myself away from the b-air. But also because I knew that he would try to go for some cheese, especially with being in the lead and some other stuff. I used it against him, but messed up the u-throw -> u-air (second hit only). That's why it looked like he SDI'd it properly (and most of the other ones).
So anyways, we go back to running around and then I caught his jump with my u-smash. I actually felt really proud hitting that because I wasn't throwing it out at random, hoping for it to hit. When he spawned, I made a really bad decision to jump onto the platform and attempt to avoid his attacks like that. So he caught me with the u-air and I thought I would lose a stock.....fortunately I didn't.
After that, I hit the n-air coming off the platform, and I wanted to u-tilt him coming down, but then I shielded by mistake. I was a little annoyed when that happened, but just tried to make up for it. Then he pressured me to the edge and I jumped like an idiot, but fortunately didn't get hit. When I did the second jump, I tried to waveland backwards, but I messed up, wavelanded in place and ate a b-air for it.
For the rest of the stock nothing interesting happens. We're running around trying to land hits, while I'm trying to force a kill/rack damage. Eventually he messes up with that f-smash and I kill him for it. Usually I hate getting stupid/lucky kills like that, but his play style is like basically based off that. So I didn't care.
So he spawns and were running around. He catches me for being sloppy and gets the kill. My next stock is really annoying. I'm missing platform drops and stuff, so that causes me to fail spacing. Then the most BS of BS things happen; I grab from behind and he grabs through my grab while he's facing backwards and gets the stock. That was exactly what I meant about him getting lucky all the time. Then the next stock when he crouched my grab by WDing backwards (which is highly unlikely to happen vs fox). Then grabbed me out of my WD back somehow, and he sealed the game.
*Game 2: the CP to FD
I personally think that FD is fox's best stage vs jiggs. I don't know why I didn't just CP it game 5. The stage having no platforms is great since jiggs can't use them as an umbrella. And also can't do her platform combos. If you DI the throw, you have more chances to not get rested. *The only problem is a few less recovery options and may or may not promote more camping.
The battle plan here was to try and hit him if he tries to land unsafely and pelt him with lasers until I could get a kill or a solid hit. Knowing when it is or isn't safe to go was one of the more important things to look for in this match. Also trying to get directly underneath him was another plan, but it is kind of tough to do vs someone of his caliber With no platforms around, I could also position better on the ground and just try not to jump unless I have to, or want to go for something big. I thought that if I don't get rested much, I should win by a lot.
Anyways, in the first stock I think I cornered him pretty well, but just didn't get the finishes I needed. Like I landed jabs and wouldn't go for anything risky. I failed another u-throw -> u-air (second hit only) so I didn't get the kill. At that moment, I realized that he wasn't SDIing the u-airs properly, and started contemplating whether I should jut go all in with the 2 hits of u-air, cuz it might work. Why would I put the extra effort in just to mess up?
So I eventually got the kill from random u-smash. Second stock, I see that he's really desperate for the cheese and is throwing in falling u-airs and trying to dash attack in between my lasers (which is what i was waiting for) Ofc I would want to use this to my advantage (cuz when he f-smashed, I knew he was trying to dash attack). He got me the first time with his dash attack, and then edgeguarded me, but I managed to recover with some hard DI. I was also pretty sure that I was going to gimp him, but I failed the WD to steal the ledge, and just tried to shine randomly to make up for it. At this point I could see lovage in my peripherals kind of raising his hands up and stuff. (I'm guessing he was thinking "what are you doing?!?" or something along those lines [and I did see lovage a lot in my peripherals throughout the set whenever he moved or was shocked. Lol]).
So anyways, I get my spacing down correctly and am able to avoid the dash attack while shooting lasers for the grab. But once again mis-space for the second hit u-air. Eventually I sealed the stock getting the falling u-air. Since I saw him commit to the u-tilt, then I just went for it. Oh yeah, somewhere in between he crouched my jab. That was kinda gay.
Next stock, I messed up a WD back an jumped right into his pound. Then he eventually had some poor spacing when trying to trap me at the edge and I net like 40% on that. (right then, I could see hbox getting frustrated in my peripherals, also grunting/moaning/kissing his teeth/etc) At that point, I was sure I had won the match. Since all he can do is rest, I was not going to give up the lead, unless I SD before taking his next stock. So I see hbox starts approaching more, which means he's mad desperate for some cheese. My plan was then to CC any f-air that he decides to throw out. He hit me with one, and I didn't CC it.....despite trying to. I got kind of annoyed. So he's throwing out moves an grabs, while I'm fishing for a grab, and eventually I got lucky when he rolled, cuz I just happened to be there and got the weak reverse b-air -> Upsmash.
So now I have a huge lead, and I know the job isn't over. I just need to consolidate a few hits, then I'm good. He can't rest me anymore. So I get a few trades in, and he crouches my jab AGAIN :/ and grabs me. *I come back and land a few more hits, and have him trapped at the edge. I failed many edgeguard attempts, but didn't put myself in danger. I also landed that cool drill -> shine -> shine, though that was kinda useless.....I definitely could've done something better than that. Later on, he starts Landing hits, while I'm also messing up and just throwing out kill moves as well to put it away. Eventually I land one after losing a stock. I was personally playing with the idea of letting him rest me, so that I could just get the match over with, but nah.
*Game 3: his first counterpick.
So he goes to dreamland, and I was thinking "are you insane?!?!". Though I did think he would CP it despite being blatantly camped, mostly because IMO he is bad at CP choices (see sets vs Armada, mango, PP, etc to understand why I would think that).
I guess he wanted the survivability that DL64 provides, to try and tire me out or wait for mistakes, but it's not like I ever really killed him at super low percents. If anything, IMO it could potentially serve the opposite. The right CP would've 100% been yoshi's, but meh. Especially as a player who relies on luck and cheese a lot.
The game plan here was basically do what I did on BF since the top platform is way higher. So less risk. I have more space to circle around him, and if he comes up to chase me, then he's over-committed for a free hit (unless the u-air beats my move or something). Going into the match, I thought I would win by 2-stock, low percent if things went well.
So onto the match: in the beginning, he seemed to be going hard aggro from above, trying to get a quick lead. But I didn't let myself get trapped at the edge, especially with the stage being so huge. I got my hits in, and then he started trying to feint approaches. Like coming close, then backing off. This gave me a lot of breathing room, and chances to put pressure and trap him in the middle/edge of the stage (as weird as that sounds). So eventually he did a drill on my shield, so I Upsmashed oos on it. I'm genuinely surprised that it didn't go through my happens quite often. Lol
Next stock. The and the b-air that I did on him was supposed to be the opposite moves that I used, but fortunately didnt let myself get rested for them. Hbox was also messing up a lot and I was Getting free hits for it. He was getting more frustrated externally as well as he started getting further behind. The stock was all just spacing and poking at each other. No real gimmicks or reads. I did mess up another u-throw -> u-air. But that's about it. I got the kill with b-air spam while keeping him cornered.
Next stock, I'm in danger, so to keep a solid lead, I just needed to rack about 40% without dieing. I did come close. He caught me mis-spacing the lasers when I was trying to bait the dash attack. After he kills me, I put him to 49% when he tried to get some cheese with that pound. I see that he's not trying to go for rest, so I got kind of complacent at that point. He was trying really hard to kill me without rest, so I figured he'll go for a dash attack at some point since it worked once for him recently. After some bad edgeguarding by me once again, I take the stock by punishing a dash attack. I then immediately side-b off, when trying to waveshine the opposite direction. Dunno how I would possibly side-b that way.
Next stock, he caught me for trying to take a bad risk and rested me, though it was a really bad move on his part. I land a few hits and then get punished for yet another accidental drill (was supposed to be n-air) and I lose a whole stock for it.
Next stock, we take a really long time before I end it. When I hit the weak b-air and did a shine after, I saw lovage again with a shocked expression. I know I should've u-smashed, but I thought he would CC the b-air. I should've reacted better. Anyways, still fighting on the stock. When I got him to 91%, I was fishing really hard for the grab while he was still in kill percent. If a Upsmash chance came up, then I would go for it. I missed one chance actually and did it too late. I knew not to throw it out randomly though, especially knowing that m2k has lost so many close sets by doing that (vs hbox, armada, etc). Once I got him to 108%, I decided to try and kill with something else since I was messing up so much, I probably wasn't going to hit the u-air at that percent even if I landed the grab. I went in and opened him up a bit, but missed edgeguards. I then camp the top platform to see if he'll come up after me. There were a few chances to attack, but I didn't risk it. Eventually I landed the "raynex" u-tilt to put away the match.
*Game 4: quick pick to FoD
We took off our jackets. Though I wasn't actually trying to show him up or anything. He reminded me that it's probably a good idea to take it off. There was some heavy stuff in my pockets so that was the best time to do so. He then quickly picked the stage without telling me.
This was the CP that I thought I was going to put away the set with. In fairly comfortable on the level, and he kind of got lucky last time we fought there. I was able to keep my composure really well, while hbox was really falling apart. Usually that would cost you a set, but not when you're jiggs.
The game plan here was to avoid getting knocked onto a platform for whatever reason and use them to vary my angles of attack. While avoiding his moves. Maybe even land some combos I otherwise couldn't.
So onto the match. The beginning wasn't very good for me. I was getting hit a lot, and that phantom shine caused most of the damage as well. I tried really hard to regain footing and hitting him with my recovery a lot. I figured he was starting to catch on, so I varied my recovery a bit. During this match it really occurred to me that I should jab -> u-smash more, since he doesn't deal with the jabs properly. It's a lesson for next time. Eventually hbox lands a solid edgeguard taking the first stock. We fight some more and I run into 2 b-airs. Clearly my plan to trade wasn't going to work so I back off. I then get that b-air -> grab on the shield and combo properly to end the stock.
Next stock, I land some quick hits, also failing a throw combo. He then takes back the lead with those u-airs, but fortunately didn't go for a rest when I missed those techs. Eventually we go back to fighting and I try to get a cheese kill with b-air because his DI sucks. Unfortunately, his percent was just too low. I then land a grab and mis-space the u-air. We run around some more and I miss a grab chance by doing a FH accidentally instead of JC grab. We exchange single hits, then I reacted to the roll, but mis-spaced the b-air and got a weak hit. I though he would DI it poorly and get killed. Afterwards, more poor edgeguarding by me. The crowd is disappointed, but I get the kill quickly.
Next stock, we move around an I land a few hits. He then catches me with a b-air and successfully edgeguards me. I wanted to angle lower to touch the wall, and maybe hit him from underneath, but I messed up. When I come back, I start messing up a lot more in general. Missed the combo chance when I hit that weak reverse b-air near the edge because I shielded by accident. He then catches me with the u-airs because I messed up the waveland on the top platform. Fortunately, it doesn't cause me to get rested. More mistakes happen, and then he almost edgeguarded me. But I managed to get the tech. No FF costs me the edgeguard and we proceed to fighting again. I land the Upsmash, catching his WD oos, but it barely didn't kill. He then fails another edgeguard by messing up this time, and then catches me for jumping oos. I was a little surprised that he finally learned. I come back and succeed my throw combo. Hbox was moaning and looked devastated at that point.
At that point I was one stock away for the win. He was definitely going to go hard for cheese. He lands some hits. I then land some hits. I accidentally did the shine after the n-air. I really wanted to hit d-tilt but I guess I missed the "A" button. He landed a grab but failed the combo. I then rack up some more damage and then decide to end it by CCing *insert aerial here* -> Upsmash. Then the most BS of BS things happen; he lands behind me without it even turning me around. From there the match gets ended by his u-air -> rest. Ofc he's celebrating the win. Despite the set not being over.
*Game 5: The foolish CP to stadium
I say foolish because I should've just taken him back to FD. I had plans going in on stadium but they just never worked out due to mistakes and bad luck. The game plan here was to keep to the ground and use the side of the stage to move around and laser. The backup was to use the platforms to vary different angles to attack, and also because they are so far into the stage, use them to trap him at the edge. I was hoping for the stage to transform into anything except water, but I lucked out and got rock twice. I figured I could handle him on any side of the stage, and **** him in the fox hole. Unfortunately on the second transformation, he got that super combo due to multiple shield stabs. Also preventing my kill when he drilled unsafely on my shield.
Anyways, to the final match. I had another bad start getting pounded twice. The second one was because of my shield not coming up for whatever reason. I mess up really frequently, netting him a lot of percent (missed wavelands, wavelanding in place by mistake, wrong move by mistake, FH f-air instead of grab, not moving unintentionally, jumping by accident, etc.). If I were to mention where I mess up, it would take forever. So I mess up a lot and fail to cover up the mistakes and stuff. To put away my stock, he caught me with another b-air as I mis-spaced an Upsmash, then he got a solid edgeguard. So he takes the lead.
I come back and we're on the rock stage. I landed that tech chase into Upsmash, but he hit the wall thingy and barely lived. When he came down, I tried to take the ledge before he did, and messed up badly (as you can see I didn't even get the ledge). I then start throwing out kill moves, but messed up the WD back when I did the u-air, so I ended up not going as far as I wanted and barely missed. He randomly falls off and I once again fail to take the ledge. Then I see him pound right into the stage and I try to input. I see the crowd getting disappointed because of the failed punishes. And I was annoyed that this was happening. We continue fighting and I *make sure not to let him WD - grab cuz he we fishing for it. Eventually I catch him with a b-air that kills due to bad DI.
He comes down and throws a lot of moves that combo into rest, trying to extend his lead. I start laser camping waiting for a chance to attack, but also messing movement up so much that I have to defend. Eventually I go for a grab and he gets that lucky frame where jiggs can crouch it AGAIN :/. So I lose my stock.
Next stock, I get some decent damage. Miss l-cancels, and I accidentally jump instead of u-tilt so that he gets a huge combo. I can see his face getting really happy at this point. So I continue making small mistakes which are adding up and messing up grabs even. Failing tech chases, etc. In retrospect, I should've done some jab -> Upsmashes, but that's a lesson for next time. If there is one. Moving on. The rock stage is coming up again, and hbox utters "****ing rock stage". Then I said "****ing jiggs" in response. Lol
The rock stage is where I thought I could make my comeback. But then everything that could've went wrong did. It started with that accidental illusion I did when going for the pressure to try and knock him down. Then web he got me in the fox hole and did that drill. I was gonna Upsmash oos after, but it poked through my shield and he got that "combo". I land then he did that reverse f-air into my shield which I was gonna Upsmash that, but once again goes through my shield. Then the wall jump by mistake and I had to reset positioning. More wall crap and a missed edgeguard. Then I finally get the kill with a Upsmash oos.
Next stock, i was sure i could make a comeback at this point. I run away a lot and just try not to get hit. Staying near the ground gradually racking up damage, but jumping if he's over-committed to net bigger damage with aerials. I get 43% before dieing so that was pretty good. Though i could've gotten more since i knew he was going to do that dash attack that i jumped over. But i weak hit by mistake. Anyways, I jumped at such a dumb time and he called me when he got the stock.
I come back and push him to the edge and edgeguard fairy well. The. I try to shine spike when he pounded at the edge, but no input came in. Everyone was disappointed. Fortunately, I made up for it and got the kill.
*Then the final stock. I knew he would desperately try to shield grab so I wanted to SH n-air off the platform and I double jumped by mistake. I knew it was gonna cost me unless I hit the tech. But I mis-timed it sadly. It was such a disappointing way to lose, especially when having the win in my grasp so many times. I feel like I let a lot of people down including myself. Feeling the crowd cheering for me. Singing O Canada, lol.
I actually did feel mentally tired towards the end of the set. Which is maybe the second or 3rd time ever for me. Maybe it was from getting so bored and wanting to win, plus the low amount of sleep from each night, and being frustrated for like a month and using unnecessary adrenaline all the time? Who knows?
I probably shouldn'tve shook his hand after he took so long with the showboating and I was just standing there looking like a fool. Ah well
My Facebook and twitter got blown up by people after the set. Just telling me good **** and stuff and friend invites/twitter followers, though I didn't even win. The moon even asked me for my phone number lol.
After I lost the set, mango came up to me and said "you shouldn'tve jumped". His girl then said "yeah, you jumped". Lol
I told him that I'm aware that I jumped too much as a defense, then asked him if he noticed anything else or if he could give me more advice. He said "nothing really. You had it, but you just ****ed up". I followed saying "yeah it really was that simple huh?". Then we just laughed pretty much.
Even now, I'm still pretty salty cuz of a combination of things, but I'll be gunnin for a rematch again once I can resolve some stuff. Normally when I'm really salty and thing that I can/should beat the player, I would mm them. But it wouldnt even be fun in this case so I guess maybe if I make it far enough in bracket to face him again, I'll try then.
- Unknown522
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