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Q&A -Fox Advice/Questions Topic-


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2002
Northern Virginia
do yall use x/y or up to jump when you short hop aerials out of shield?

using up lets you do the aerial immediately, but gives you less horizontal movement in the air. i think im gonna learn to use both situationally


Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
I pretty much use X for everything except shine OoS when I don't want to leave the ground, and double lasers. I have noticed I can shinegrab faster when using up on the stick though.


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
I've always rolled my thumb from X to A.. but yeah like you said I lose a bit of time when I do Uair (I use the Cstick for uair... obviously)


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Unknown knows what's up. I always have the end of my thumb on Y, and the middle joint on A. It lets you do any combination of jumping and attacking you could think of with minimal movement.

I don't C-stick rising aerials ever though...


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2010
St. Pete, FL
anyone who doesn't use z for fast aerials is ****in up

thats not even my opinion, its just fact that you can't get things out frame one consistently without z

well MAAAAAAybe you can if you do much work at it but its sooo much easier to just get used to z


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
I can get aerials out on frame 1 consistently and easily with A... Plus if you mess up with Z, you grab. If you mess up with A, you just SH meaning you could repress A, DJ away, or w/e.

Z sucks.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Lol. Yeah. For my set with bam and nintendude we were playing in the recording setup, but apparently Juggleguy uploaded all he has......

And hbox didn't want to record vs me :/

Edit: apparently they got recorded on a cam.



Smash Master
Dec 22, 2007
Decatur, IN
Basically my 2 biggest problems right now are knowing when to approach/how to. Like I am technical, so all I lack now is the knowledge.
Little england was telling me about how doing an aerial late is better on shield because it gives u a lot more time to shine with out getting punished.

I find myself now going for a late aerial too much now. I will get grabbed out of the air for example. I am trying to do the aerials more reactive now. Like jump towards them, if they don't move I suspect a grab because they expect me to do a late aerial I will stick one out faster. If they move away I will try to jump to platform or something, and if they just flat out shield I will TRY to go for a late aerial (hoping they don't grab oos early, I have gotten baited by that too). Now when I see you do shield pressure it is like ur aerials work like they are late and come out like they are early...is that just fear? or is it like in the middle? Do you wait a split second then do an aerial/ff it?

Also I try to just move around and bait moves, but I get super scared when people just inch forward, I end up staying out of the range I want to bait, but sacrifice space. I try to punish approaches with just better spacing or just rushing them down because they don't expect it

any advice on keeping ground while still baiting outside their position would be helpful, as well as any info you think I may be missing when it comes to shield pressure and just tips on it
I try to mix up what I do once I hit their shield, like shine grab, double shine grab (to cover spot dodge), sit in shine for just a split second to see if they spot dodge then upsmash out of my shine, double late aerial -> shine, late aerial to shine -> fast fade away aerial, late aerial -> shine -> full hop dair as fast as i can (non fast falled) to go over their shield I know most if not all of the options, I just find myself being "read" to much on my shield pressure. Especially when it is me trying to do 2 late aerials in the pressure, they will grab me b4 the 2nd late aerial comes out. it may be me giving people 2 much credit and it's just them mashing grab. idk, any advice would be nice thx

^ message I sent to mango asking for advice. Any thoughts? Also I kind of feel like I need to just not do the FF 1st at all on approach now because I lose horizontal movement and therefor have a higher chance of getting ***** for it. I am thinking about just delaying the aerial and then fast falling when approaching and do them really late by FF them 1st on shields only (when I know it is gonna hit a shield). thoughts?


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Why didn't Hbox want to record vs you?
I dunno. He was constantly trying to rush the tournament throughout the day. Being pushy and stuff.

There was another set going on the recording setup first and he didn't want to wait. The stream was for brawl at that time as well. So that was also a no-go



Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
hey I got a set in Japan recorded of me playing at what I think is roughly my best, anyone wanna watch or criticize?


edit: btw yeah I know I forgot I had an up-B to recover lol. in my defense side-B was working really really well
It didn't seem like you were taking it very seriously... If you were, then you have a lot of bad fancy habits. Random things I noticed:

- Shine bair/fair/dair from the ledge is awful, especially vs. Falcon, especially when he's at low %s.
- You tech in place almost every time (you shined immediately after most of the time, so I assume you were trying to do it almost every time).
- You never combo with utilt or uair. I'm not an expert at Fox vs. Falcon, but I've always though simple uthrow -> utilt -> uair was great and relatively inescapable.
- You miss a lot of shortens.
- Even when it's kind of obvious he will shield, you don't grab. I also though a lot of your usmashes could have been exchanged with grabs to make it much easier to rack up % and force him off stage.
- You constantly let him hit you after respawn because you're doing tech skill stuff.

I honestly couldn't believe you lost. I kept expecting you to sort of get rid of all of the weird things you were doing and go into serious mode with textbook punishes, but it never happened.
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