Game 1:
In the first 25 or so seconds you get him off the stage around 3-4 times; every single time, you give up almost complete stage control and let him get back. I'm not saying you should be jumping off stage and doing risky edgeguards, but puff can't really do much in terms of getting back to the stage with fox's bair in the way. When he comes up from the edge, look for trades: upsmash trade with bair/fair/nair, bair trade, and uptilt (which I didn't see you use the entire set, but works similar to bair in the sense of abusing high priority etc).
After you come back down from dying, you shoot some lasers kind of arbitrarily; be more aware of where jiggs is. You full jump laser straight into hbox's nair >_> This was sort of something that was evident throughout the entire set... you're not really paying attention to where jiggs is when picking your moves. This is true with lasers, some of your full jump nairs, to name a few. I'll point out other instances as they come up.
At 0:40 hbox pounds you; make it completely routine in this matchup to abuse jiggs slow speed when teching. Had you teched left/back hbox would have had 0 chance of following it up. Teching back towards the middle, on the other hand, gave hbox the chance to hit you (but he messed up, luckily). Immediately afterwards, look at your move choice: upair slightly in front of jiggs --> jab her shield. I'm not sure if you meant to go farther to the right with the upair, but either way the risk/reward is pretty bad on that. Upair can be beaten out with any priority from below (had you meant to move farther right), and lacks a good horizontal hitbox. Not say falling upair shouldn't be used, but in a situation where you could die from any one hit (grab/uptilt etc) you really don't want to put yourself in the ideal position to be hit by those things. After you whiff, you jab his shield, then run straight into him (probably for a grab?). Once again, awful risk/reward; to keep the upair safe you probably could have buffered a roll backwards (which I find amazingly useful vs. puff in general, to keep things safe without pushing forward), then after the jab you could have not moved forward, which I’m 90% sure I saw fox do... though I could be wrong. The upair thing is also a matter of not wanting to stay on the same horizontal (or vertical for that matter, though that’s not applicable here) plane as jigglypuff; it's good practice to try to avoid that, as that's where her she shines in the air, and on the ground it means you can get grabbed >_>
Game 2:
Lasers at the beginning are fine, but you're unaware of hbox's AC nair towards you immediately at the beginning and run into it (either that, or it was a mistimed punish of it). If you meant to punish, good job seeing it; it at least seemed like you ran into it though, so I'll have to say that was easily a free upthrow-->anything.
At 1:08 I see what you were going for with the dash attack, but a turn around uptilt or an upsmash would have been better. You honestly even could have shined, and gone for a followup from there (the shine would easily have the potential to lead into a grab --> uair). Uh, watch your DI on the rest as well. I think m2k always claims its 12% from the middle of FD that you can't live an upthrow rest, and you were a bit to the side, so I'm going to assume you could have survived. If you couldn't have, or don't think you can, you should simply commit to DI'ing down+away and getting back asap; it’s definitely something you should constantly be aware of, so that you can react appropriately to getting rested and know whether to try to live or punish.
At 1:22 you go for another falling upair; this is another case of needing to pay more attention to hbox. Had you been aware that he hadn't stayed in place (a good jiggs like hbox definitely will avoid staying grounded, particularly in his shield, in one place at any cost) for the upair, you could have baired which would likely have led to a grab or something else useful. Immediately afterwards, you laser while hbox is in relatively close proximity. It wasn't quite in punishable range, but fox definitely has the ability to play the close up game vs. jiggs; there's no reason you should be lasering unless hbox is clearly around half the stage or more away. It's just too risky to do otherwise, not to mention it'll force awareness of what sort of "mode" you should be going into. Lasers are a nice tool to tack on extra %, and to force jiggs to approach; from seeing you laser, I get the sense that you're doing it just because it’s one of those things that fox is supposed to do in the matchup but you're not really sure of where/how.
When you get upthrow, you DI behind him; I can't remember for certain (it's been too long since I’ve fought puff) but I want to say DI'ing in front of puff on her upthrow is harder for her to follow up. That's something worth testing out, but I'm somewhat confident in saying that it is indeed the case. Regardless, after you finally get out of all the followups etc, you end up shielding around 1:30. WD OoS is a very strong tool, defensively, particularly vs. jiggs. You probably could have WD'd back and immediately escaped, rather than staying in long enough for hbox to call a jump OoS with a bair.
When you side-b back to the stage, and you spot dodge after landing, you could have shined afterwards. I think you could have shined before hbox's jab, but you certainly could have CC shined his jab afterwards. 1:35 you start shooting lasers again; against jiggs you should almost always be full hop triple lasering. Because you should force yourself to only laser when jiggs is a minimum distance away, you're guaranteeing that full hop triple lasers will never be punishable (so the issue of full jump being unsafe while short hop is easy to move around with is gone) and you will be hitting jiggs far more often. Jiggs isn't going to approach by running; she's going to be in the air. Even if full hop triple laser isn't the standard you're using for the matchup, you should have paid more attention to hbox; you can *see* him jumping over them, but you just keep shooting SHLs.
At 1:51 you full jump nair at him... for unknown reasons hbox decides to just sit there and shield. He could have easily punished it by WD'ing out of the way-->jiggs nonsense. I point this out just because it’s another example of needing to be more aware of jiggs position. Full hop nair is good to catch jiggs while she's doing a move (like bair or something) and you can fall on top of her as she's already committed to the aerial. When jiggs is grounded, fox has very little reason to commit to anything like full hop nair directly where she's standing. It's okay to approach, but in those types of situations it’s better to go with something like full jumping a bit *past* them and using a bair or something; essentially the idea would be to put out an aerial so that they can't simply WD backwards-->grab, because you're covering the WD back, and hitting their current location. Not to mention bair is also way better in this matchup in general.
At 2:04... drop shield, walk forward, jab??? I mean, I understand it was a difficult situation, and hbox could have potentially read any option you chose to escape the corner... but I do have to say that I don't think walk forward jab was the best choice >_>
The next sequence you hit hbox a lot xD While that's great, you should look for kill setups more often vs. jiggs: between 2:17 and 2:23 hbox uses falling nair *twice*. The first time you're too busy shooting lasers to notice, and the second time you bair it (which is a bit more understandable). Either way, jiggs is roughly in kill % for upthrow uair around what... 55% on FD (arbitrary approximation). You could have almost certainly have landed a kill during that sequence, rather than just putting him at 73%.
After that sequence and you bair him off, once again you give him the *entire* stage to come back to. Not only that, but afterwards you approach with a full jump nair while hbox sits there shielding, once again. I'm not saying you shouldn't have done it, but there's really no reason not to bair in that particular situation; be aware of where your opponent is positioned, he was even *behind* you as you fell. At 2:34 hbox shows why full jump nair directly *on top of* jiggs (or anyone in any matchup, really) isn't that great an idea. As I said, there's nothing wrong with approaching like that, but you don't want to be directly on the same horizontal or vertical plane as jiggs.
2:37 cried aloud for an upsmash OoS T_T
2:48: nair turn around jab? Once again, uptilt would have been great there.
Andddd last stock you finally switch over to full hop triple lasers, but once again you're unaware of how he's moving around the lasers, or his positioning relative to you. Not only do you literally miss every single laser, but you also don't do what I recommended earlier about switching modes when jiggs gets X distance away from you. You end up lasering too close, and getting essentially 0-deathed, but hbox messes up again.
When he misses the rest, a few less lasers and an earlier charged upsmash probably could have won it for you.
At 3:13 you trade with his fair using your nair. Go for upsmash for trades if jiggs is falling at you with an aerial, and is at kill %. Right afterwards hbox does another falling nair that you don't really notice, that could have led to his death.
At 3:22 we get the whole full hop nair at him situation again. For the third out of 4 times this match, he shields. Not only could have you positioned yourself not directly on top of him (just in case, as I've explained) but you also could be watching for this by the 4th time it happens. If you committed with your jump a bit later, you could have noticed how he's shielding in response to that general spacing as much as he's shielding in response to your jump; that could have easily been abused, perhaps as directly as grabbing him, perhaps something a bit less direct. Either way, hbox could have died.
Not too long afterwards, another full hop nair (which gets punished by falling uair again). If you'd caught on, you might have been able to punish it somehow. You also keep jabbing his shield every time you land behind it (in the above paragraph where you naired his shield, you also jabbed it); at first that’s fine, but now you should have switched it up to either immediately grabbing, shine grabbing, calling a WD OoS/roll... anything, really.
At 3:35 you give up complete stage control once again, and you can watch in slow motion as for the 5th or 6th time hbox randomly falling nairs to accomplish essentially nothing. At 3:40 you try to hit his nair but you're a bit too slow; once again, if you're trying to hit puff out of stuff, just upsmash it. You could also probably abuse crouching to make yourself harder to hit/dodge the aerial before doing so. 3:46, another falling nair; the random laser you shot probably wasn't going to do much when jiggs was at around 150 anyway, not to mention it’s another instance of giving up stage control, rather than keeping at least a bit of pressure on.
Unfortunate SD at the end, you definitely could have won that match =/
Everything I said is based on what you actually *did* in these matches, so here are a couple things to add to your play vs. jiggs:
More bair, more uptilt. Fox can abuse priority like crazy in this matchup too, not just jiggs. I also think a bit more platform camping would be useful; don't necessarily just run away on them, but they can be useful for mobility, and coming down from angles that jiggs can't do much about. Did I mention bair and uptilt? Sooooooo good. CC'ing is amazing in this matchup, which is something pretty much no one abuses. You can CC half her stuff at low %s and get followups; remember, if you take 10% and give her 10% back, she's 1/5 dead already. Go for grabs/dash dance a bit more; every time you grab her she's 1/3 of the way to cheap. Don't *just* fish for grab setups around kill %, but you could do a bit more of it. Jiggs shouldn't be living to high % every single stock. Grab the edge a bit more and do some ledge hop bairs; full hop bair near the edge. Edgeguarding can be good. I mentioned giving up stage control being a bad idea, but I didn't really emphasize that edgeguarding can get you those earlier kills, simply by nature of being closer to the blastzone when you hit her.
There's probably more I've forgotten, but oh well; hope this helps you (and anyone else who isn’t ****** jiggs for being bad yet =D)