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Q&A -Fox Advice/Questions Topic-

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
yea if i get tooo used to doing it without hitlag i get ****ed when im nair shine nairing shields.

control stick is most consistent for me

t webb you should try to remove x from your gameplay as much as possible, y is way more practically positioned especially as fox since you cant slide off B unless you're in shine, because you'll press A but when you're in shine it doesnt matter cause you cant do A attacks

Y just feels weird like a virgins first time in the back of a pickup.....its just nasty but I hear ppl sayin that's its almost a must for foxes so I guess its time to man up and learn this accursed button

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
Is there anyway to practice nair shines on a shield when playin a cpu or setup a handicap that simulates u hittin a shield

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
I'm pretty sure invincibility has the same hitlag as shield, so go into training mode and let the cpu get a starman and then practice it like that. Only really works for nair if you use the c-stick for other aerials, though.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
I'm pretty sure invincibility has the same hitlag as shield, so go into training mode and let the cpu get a starman and then practice it like that. Only really works for nair if you use the c-stick for other aerials, though.
I'm under the impression that the hitstun is the same for the attacker in both hitting a person and a shield, the only difference in stun is the shielder.

What makes it different imo is where you hit, I believe shields make your attack hit earlier which is what throws me off I think.

If you have AR you can Infinite shield and play with those.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
how does handicap and damage ratio imitate shield hitlag
It imitates it because there is no difference. Hitlag is the same regardless for the attacker. The only different is when you hit, which is earlier since the shield is out further than the defender's body.

So the handicap just prevents them from moving so you can spam more.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
i thought hitlag on a character is different then it is on a shield?

so you're saying its just because the shield protrudes outis why the lag is differnet?



Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
i thought hitlag on a character is different then it is on a shield?

so you're saying its just because the shield protrudes outis why the lag is differnet?

The lag of hitstun is the same, location is different (unless your right on top of them I would guess). Shieldstun on the opponent however is different (as it is added to the hitstun).

This is my understanding of it.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
shield hitlag is longer than regular hitlag.
You have to have the timings down for hitting a shield and for hitting a character cause they're different.

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
Now when u hit a shield do u fastfall after u hit the sheild or at the peak of ur jump......


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
shield hitlag is longer than regular hitlag.
You have to have the timings down for hitting a shield and for hitting a character cause they're different.
The timing is different yes, but I don't think it's the lag that makes it different. Does anyone who has AR able to confirm if the hitlag is the same or different for the attacker?

Now when u hit a shield do u fastfall after u hit the sheild or at the peak of ur jump......
Completely character, moveset, and spacing dependent.


Banned ( ∫x, δx Points)
Jul 19, 2006
Boston, MA
Oh wow umm I was think fox nair that's the only 1 I can't get oddly enuff
It really depends on where you hit them. For Example, if you sh and they shield you may delay your nair till the last possible moment, in that case you would fastfall before the aerial.

If you sh nair into someone immediately you will have to fast fall after the hit.

I believe ideally you want to fastfall before the hitstun, but not necessarily before the aerial.


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
heres how you decide when to fastfall.
if you think they're going to shieldgrab you after your shine, nair asap, but it isn't safe onshield unless you're very fast(you have 3 or 4 frames to **** up and still be ungrabbable)
if you think they're going to shield grab after your nair, nair later (you can be grabbed before the nair comes out, though. however they can't do this based off of watching you, it's a guessing game)
or you can be REALLY fast and just do whatever
also you should be nairing before you fastfall, fastfall ASAP

And I'm almost positive shield stun has more lag on you than hitstun does in terms of timing your fastfall.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
Shield stun doesn't affect the attacker. Hitlag is the same no matter what you're hitting.

Also, Falco can always be grabbed out of shield pressure with proper timing.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2009
Toronto, Canada
I need help with counterpicks the ones off the top of my head are

vs Puff
CP: Stadium? If banned then what?
Ban: Battlefield?

vs Falco
CP: Yoshis? if banned stadium?

vs sheik
No clue

vs Marth
CP: Stadium, if banned then?
Ban: BF?

vs Peach
CP: Stadium, if banned then?
Ban: no clue

vs falco
CP: uhhhh
ban: FD?

vs Falcon
CP: FoD / Stadium?
Ban: Yoshis?

vs ICs
ummm halp


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
vs Puff
CP:Yoshi's story, stadium.
Ban: Battlefield, dl64, brinstar, kongo jungle if you hate it enough
vs Falco
CP:fd, stadium, yoshi's
vs sheik
CP:yoshi's, stadium
ban:fd (I would actually counterpick to FD but i assume most fox's wouldn't do that), fod
vs Marth
CP: Stadium, dl64
Ban: fd, bf
vs Peach
CP: bf, yoshi's
Ban: fd, mute, dl64, brinstar
vs Falcon
CP: stadium, yoshi's, fd
Ban: dl64, kongo
vs ICs


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
That depends on how fast you are, but I would say 2-4 frames probably. That's just a ballpark guess. If you're fast and WD far enough you can turn around waveshine utilt combo on falcon.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
I need help with counterpicks the ones off the top of my head are

vs Puff
CP: Stadium? If banned then what?
Ban: Battlefield?

vs Falco
CP: Yoshis? if banned stadium?

vs sheik
No clue

vs Marth
CP: Stadium, if banned then?
Ban: BF?

vs Peach
CP: Stadium, if banned then?
Ban: no clue

vs falco
CP: uhhhh
ban: FD?

vs Falcon
CP: FoD / Stadium?
Ban: Yoshis?

vs ICs
ummm halp
vs Puff
CP: Stadium/FD
Ban: Battlefield/Brinstar

vs Falco
CP: Yoshi's/stadium/FD (most people will tell you this, though I don't really think it's good for fox at all)/FoD
ban: anything you don't like

vs sheik
CP: DL64/FD/Stadium (I personally CP FoD vs sheik sometimes)
Ban: BF

vs Marth
CP: Stadium/DL64
Ban: FD

vs Peach
CP: Stadium/BF/YS/DL (I'll take them to FOD)
Ban: FD/brinstar

vs Falcon
Ban: DL64/BF

vs ICs
CP: anywhere other than FD (YS is your best bet, or you can be gay and pick brinstar or rainbow cruise)
Ban: FD


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
well, ganon is rough because he counters fox but
ban yoshi's story or dl64
i take them to fd or fod

okay so I've been thinking about the falcon matchup and I figure I'd write up some advice for fox players who aren't named raynex, lovage, jman, or silent wolf and may be having trouble with good/top falcons, because I know I am. I played bigd kind of recently and he ran the train on me, and when I played nesn00b at jab2 the same thing happened. Falcon is one of my best matchups but I find myself helpless against top falcons.
also I plan on becoming more active at being useful in this thread because raynex gave me hella advice when I was in the key "newb becoming decent" phase so I figure I'd give back to him/the community by helping people worse than me so great players don't have to keep answering the same questions.

dash dancing-falcon's dd is insane. approaching him is very scary, especially against great falcons, and if he has a little room to run around then you're gunna find yourself getting grabbed and owned. I have found that in this matchup I shoot lasers more than any other matchup except for puff because I cannot come close to beating falcon unless he is approaching me. if you do approach him, nair/dair **** him, but make sure you push him to the brink of the ledge before you leave the ground otherwise he'll run out of range and punish you. if you whiff your aerial and he's coming in buffer a spot dodge until he catches onto it. unpunished spot dodge=free shine.
also I find that shine is a top approach. another mix up you can do is empty short hop to waveland. if they start bairing you when they run from your approaches, start shield approaching or getting close to them and backing off and lasering.
if he's approaching you, beat his nair with your nair or run and backair, or jump and waveland on a platform above you then drop onto him and punish. falcon approaching you is almost always in your advantage. if they're over shooting you and grabbing you rather than approaching with nair/knee/uair, then you should bair as you're running away and take the free hit. this is way easier said than done on small maps like yoshi's. also, if you shield his approach, usmash oos is almost always a free hit unless he's approached you with a low hitting uair or knee. wait for the gentleman before you usmash, or wd oos/fullhop waveland on a plat if he dashes away from you
platform play when falcon is above you-beware of stomps, they can poke you through low platforms and beat you if you're rising up. I don't think upair is a good choice in this situation. I have found that bair/nair work really well. so does shine under the plat, then waveland off the plat. you can follow up if it hit them and you can be safe if it hits their shield. one of my favorite ways to kill falcon, especially on yoshi's, is to uthrow at high % to a platform, waveland, and usmash where he techs. if you're fast enough it's inescapable unless he misses the tech and slides off the plat from momentum. rising dair is also nice, it leads to grab or shine. If you always aim it for a straight up tech or missed tech, it l cancels fast enough against falcon's roll that if he techs a direction you can jc grab him. the only way it can fail is if you're too slow or if they sdi really well out of the dair.
platform play when falcon is below you-this can be pretty scary. his uair has good priority and will beat or trade with your dair. if you're teching on a plat and he's near you, it's best to light shield and wait for his attack to hit you. if they waveland, you should spotdodge or wd oos asap and slide off the plat. if he hits your shield with a uair/stomp/knee, you should wd oos or dair oos if he landed on the plat with you. try to be smart about how you tech on a platform. if he combos you onto a plat and does a running short hop with spacing that makes his uair hit the front half of the plat but not the back half, tech away, etc. never let your teching become instinct, always think about it.
if you got grabbed-if you get out of it with your stock, consider yourself lucky. never let your teching become instinct, always think about it. NEVER LET YOUR TECHING BECOME INSTINCT. Seriously. You'll get fro'd every time. Here's a basic run-down of how falcon tech chasing works. If you tech away or towards he can regrab you off of reaction time. If you tech up he can still regrab out of reaction but it is very hard. Not teching is almost always the safest choice but if it becomes predictable it is a terrible choice. if you manage to get out of the tech chase, you've only done half the battle. a lot of times falcon can misread your tech and still punish you. this is where you need to decide if you should buffer a roll, buffer a spotdodge, jump, or dash. This is entirely depending on where he is in relation to you. for instance, if he guessed tech away and you teched towards, you're pretty much safe. dash away and if he comes after you shffl a retreating bair. if he guessed tech in place and you teched a direction, he may be fast enough to get you again. buffer a spotdodge until he begins reading it, then usmash after your tech or jump and waveland and get out of there. you can even utilt (it ***** falcon, by the way. utilt beats his everything) if you can, read for what the falcon is reading you for and mindgame him. For instance, if he guessed tech in place 2 times prior and you never did, it's usually a safe bet to tech in place the third time. Contrastingly, if he just regrabbed you because you teched a direction, it's probably a safe bet he's expecting you to tech straight up the next throw. if you didn't and he regrabbed you again, it's almost a positive bet he's going to guess that you will tech straight up this third time unless he is really in your head. teching is a swirling vortex of mindgames.
edge guarding-this is why fox has the advantage in the matchup. you OWN falcon off the ledge. if you can, grab the ledge. if he's recovering from below you, use your ledge invincibility and ledge hop nair until he either dies or is in a position where you know you can bair him or shine spike him. if you're not on the ledge and he recovers high, you need to put your back to him and go out and bair him. make sure you wait until he's close enough and committed enough where you can land on the stage after you bair. if you missed early in his up b you can land, auto cancel the bair into a dsmash, and cover the ledge. if he recovers high and you're on the ledge, get up. if he recovers past you, jump up and bair him. if he's setting up to sweetspot the ledge or land just in front of the ledge, get away from the ledge a tiny bit and forward tilt angled towards the ledge, this will punish whichever choice he made if you time it right and sets up a far easier edge guard the next time.
recovering-avoid using your side b. it's a free stomp to knee, and anything out prioritizes it. it's almost never smart to side b through somebody. side b to sweetspot the ledge or short side b to fake him out and grab the ledge. up b angles can be tricky. it's usually safest to downward angle into the ledge but his ftilt can beat this, as can him grabbing the ledge. if you recover low, angle your up b hard into the stage to avoid his utilt. ledge tech when possible. you can also up b straight up if you aren't hugging the wall to get around his move and then grab the ledge.

I hope this helped.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
As for levels, would it be a good idea to take falco to FoD? I took dr pp there at the last tournament in finals and I had way more success against him there than I did on other levels. I also don't really like the level and don't know how to play on it very well, yet I still did better. It seems like it limits his laser game which is one of the main things that makes the matchup difficult.

Also, against peach, if you want to play super campy, dreamland and kongo jungle 64 are really good. If you just run around and laser she can't really catch you on those levels. Kongo jungle 64 seems terrible, especially. I think it's almost impossible for her to catch you if you stand on one of the top platforms and run away with lasers when she tries to come after you. She can't get to those top platforms with her second jump so she has to use the middle platforms to get up, I think.


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
As for levels, would it be a good idea to take falco to FoD? I took dr pp there at the last tournament in finals and I had way more success against him there than I did on other levels. I also don't really like the level and don't know how to play on it very well, yet I still did better. It seems like it limits his laser game which is one of the main things that makes the matchup difficult.

Also, against peach, if you want to play super campy, dreamland and kongo jungle 64 are really good. If you just run around and laser she can't really catch you on those levels. Kongo jungle 64 seems terrible, especially. I think it's almost impossible for her to catch you if you stand on one of the top platforms and run away with lasers when she tries to come after you. She can't get to those top platforms with her second jump so she has to use the middle platforms to get up, I think.
FoD has the advantage of low platforms disable SHL at times; but it has the disadvantage of breaking your combos and screwing up your uthrows whereas falco can still pillar/ shine waveland onto plats with ease. it can even set up dair poke from above to dropping dair onto you, both of which hitting. it also has the highest ceiling of a neutral besides DL64, meaning you take longer to kill up. It really depends on your playstyle; if you kill with ledgeguards more often than uairs/usmashes and can deal with the platforms then it's a solid map for fox v falco.
and yes that is true. dl64 I think is better for peach, but kongo if you're willing to play gay she seriously cannot touch you if you camp the top platform. her double rises soooo slowly and are you really gunna get hit by a turnip way up there? if you do then...i'm not sure you should be playing smash brothers

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
It just seems to me that the lasers are really the only thing that makes that matchup hard, so anything that helps with the lasers is more important than affecting how much payoff either character gets from a hit.

However, I suck at dealing with lasers. Any advice?


Smash Master
Sep 10, 2007
Central IL
imo you must be able to powershield to beat good falcos. one of my favorite things to do is powershield approach to usmash oos or nair or grab.
you must also learn how to effectively utilize platforms to beat good falcos. lasers are far less effective when you are not on ground level, and at this point you're free to run from platform to plat looking for an opening. bair is your only answer to falco in terms of range and priority, so using platforms to set up fullhop bairs/dropping bairs is a key aspect you will need to have down. also shffling a nair off of a platform as he SHLs will put you over his laser and into his dome.
if he's cross map, shine his lasers back. if he comes at you without lasering jump out of your shine. wd oos in between lasers to advance slowly, try to powershield with each successive laser as you advance in this manner. if you can get close enough to him, it won't be safe for him to laser anymore and this is when you should really pounce. This is what you want. however, dair out prioritizes everythign you have so you have to choose your battles wisely. pretty much you will never beat falco's aerials, your nair will trade with his nair but that's about it, you have to advance and make him uncomfortable and then make him fight on your terms in order to secure the first hit.
a cool thing you can do is wd oos from a laser about 2 ftilt lengths away from him, then pivot powershield his next laser, putting your back to him. you can now wd oos again and utilt if he tries to laser one more time (assuming he doesn't retreat), or bair oos if he approaches, which is your only shot at beating his dair. whether you fullhop or sh this bair is up to you and depends on plats and the situation.
usmash oos if he lasers and comes at you in close quarters.
if he's laser grabbing you, buffer spotdodge after the laser and shine/usmash to punish the whiffed grab


Smash Journeyman
Nov 1, 2009
California, B.C.
^what's the reasoning behind taking Falco to FD?

a shine with falco vs falco/fox on fd is basically a stock
i haven't been chain grabbed to death more than shine combo'd to death

i like to use platforms against falco


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
^what's the reasoning behind taking Falco to FD?

a shine with falco vs falco/fox on fd is basically a stock
i haven't been chain grabbed to death more than shine combo'd to death

i like to use platforms against falco
Learn to DI and Falco can only guarantee roughly 40% from 0. Even less if you're good at smash DI.

Fox on the other hand runs faster than Falco's tech speed, and FD is better suited for Fox's grab game, giving Fox literally guaranteed zero to deaths on Falco from a single grab at 0%.

Also Foxes who can running power shield to **** will especially love this stage.

Dreamland is probably Foxes second best bet versus Falco. The high platforms are problematic for falcos who like to camp under the side platforms, whilst also being the absolute perfect height for Fox to be able to easily navigate throughout the stage, whilst weakening Falco's game.
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