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Florida Gaming's first SSB Tournament - Feb. 28 Melee and Brawl Kissimmee, FL


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
im going to completely wipe my brain of all the tactics ive been using since obviously i picked up a virus.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Lol queen you still suck in singles anyway :p

JK, good ****, you seem to be doing better in singles. Also, in doubles that **** was stupid. ****ing falcon's up-b to rest...wtf.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
same **** different day, hungrybox you knew you were done, next time you wont get a gay counterpick to run off with a win.
my sheik is getting sexier as we speak. im still playing ganon for some matchups though. heh fox vs sheik is so fun dash attack>dash attack>utilt>sweet spot usmash.


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
D-torr: You did great man, and good choice of color on your yoshie and plushie man!
D-torr - Holy crap your yoshi is ****ing beast. I was scared out my mind on frigate, a u-smash or u-air would've killed me. Good ****.
Thanks for the shoutouts.

As for my shoutouts...

Vericz, Todd, and the rest of the FG staff - Great job hosting this tourny. It was really fun.

Kyon & Legion - Good job getting 3rd in Brawl dubs. You're too good. Also, thanks, Legion, for the greatest gift ever, the Yoshi plush. I can't thank you enough.

ESAM - Our set was really good. Probably the most funnest set I've ever had in a tourny. Mad props to your Pikachu. I'll get you next time.

Rx- - We are too good as a team. We need to team some time soon. Diddy & MK get @ us.

H1roshi - Props for getting F-Zero to play again. Also, you're not the worst Brawler in history anymore. JK, keep getting better with Kirby.

Mampam - Friendlies were awesome. Yo, where was your brother? He should've been there.

HRNut - Our friendlies were awesome as well. And thanks for the advice and help too.

Acorn - Your Chun-Li and Cammy are too nastee. I need to play SF4 more, or else I'm gonna still suck at that game.

Nick.Riddle - Your ZSS is really good. I wish I could have played in friendlies

Seibrik - You win too much! Nah, JK. I would like to play you in friendlies too.

Fearless & Loto - Thanks for the friendlies. I'm sorry for my douchebagness on that one match, I'm not like that. I don't know why I stepped in that match and ruined the honarable 1v1. Oh well karma got me since Loto destroyed me with spikes. Also, Fearless, play more Olimar (when you do play Brawl) and your melee Fox looks really good.

Ryo - Great Ike, best one I've ever played against. Jab cancel FTW!!!

Action B@stard - Good job in Brawl singles, keep getting better!!!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008


get it X3?


Alright so there are alot of people that I need to shout at...Wato priority!!!

Kyon: You and Legion are nasteh in brawl, but don't quit melee <3. you're pro there too
Legion: Yea, shes Kyon's successor.
H-box: Too broken as always
Zoro: Good stuff as always gah
Marin: Fight another day, don't quit ^^ good stuff
Bluray: Sorry if we din't picked up >.>
AT@T: Let's work on calling strategies. I call you while you play so you'll play professionaly well X3. na your nasteh as it is.
Action B.: Your lucas is still nasteh...your wario too.
hiroshi: yea he won rounds at brawl <3
Vricz: The event was awsome man. Can't wait for the next one
UUAA: your still broken :p
Nick: F-0 returns!!!! that guy is pro ;p

Lougue people

Mars: Yea, I want to learn alot from you man..your pit still nasty though <3.
D-torr: I like how my name was not in the shout :p. Na, your cool as ice, wonderful job too
Dare: Your Rob still broken. Fix it.
A-town: sorry if i din't see you earlier man
big D: good to see ya there gah.
STFU: good stuff!
Carlos: you forgot to mention me on your shouts too ;p and yea, this kid dr. mario owns peoples life.
blaze: Yea, he still broken.

i think that it, my bad if i skip a few people

Brawlers and meleers

Galeon: I really need to see you again man! hope your doing great at school!
venom: Your snake and kirby was alright, keep working on it lad.
that one DK,luigi, lucario: Best match i ever had on the tourney, would play ya again! :D
Ryo: Your ike still broken
linguini: you still owe me a Ggah session ;p
sabrik: good stuff <3
Afro Thunday: Where are ya at O.o i don't think i seen ya
Acorn: Will play you at SF4 next time cuz that was fun.
hrnuts: nasty stuff man.
fearless: Why did you have to go snake D;...your olimar still nasty though.
loto: sorry if we din't team up in melee...melee gigs maybe?
Riddle: Would like to see your bowser vs Mooney's bowser...oh and your zero suit samus is nasteh.
Lio: Yea buy some chocolate X3 great stuff.
lampchops: your soo pro X3.

and...i think that it..peace ;p


Smash Rookie
Mar 28, 2008
Kissimmee, Fl
Guess Ill do some shoutouts now.

D-Torr: good *** job. wish i could of played u at the tournament.
Vericz: So thats how you host turneys?! Ill be seein more of this. Hell I better be.
Stafu: Quick *** marth, too bad we didnt get to play that day. So you can feel the Ike.
Nickalicious: Your status made me play even harder. I love to play people that are a challenge. Remember falcon.
Zoro: dont feel sad. youll get it back man.
AT&T:"Falcon punch anywhere and it will always land!" funny stuff
Blaze: My rival. Unbeatable marth
Action *******: Ill c you in school...
Hiroshi: I wish I didnt get eliminated, then I could of got the chance to fight you...
ESAM: Chain grab...
Kyon: Low tier power!
UUAA: Good to see you there. who was those 2 beotches walkin around with note book paper?
JP: Good rob. Ill c u in school as well.
Legion: Great job on third place. I knew you had it in you...
Ryo: Ill try to train even harder so my Ike can be on a god level, without the jab canceling.
DC: Fun matches
And anyone else I forgot. Great stuff. Ill become the best Captian Falcon in florida one way or another! Im also lookin at your spot too Ryo...


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2008
Soon to be Miami??????
Too Lazy to Make Shout-Outs XP

I had sooooooooo much fun that day. I didn't expect to get third, but Kyon and I are just too good. This was soooooooooo wonderful and want to join another tournament. Everyone I played were challenging and I always love a challenge, soooo I want to play everyone again. **** GDX and HRNUT!! I wanted to play you guys, but there is always next time.

Dtorr...you're welcome lol

Hope everyone loved this tourny, florida gaming did an awesome job. Thanks Guys. ^^

Another thing,

Though Brawl is fun and all I'm going to continue my training in melee. I was doing some melee friendlies and missed its competitiveness and missed the technicality (No Gaygaygay change grab sh*t because it's "supa effective"). Though Peach is a stereotypical girl character I want to train, and I might wanna try Fox too. Brawl singles might or might not happen, but I will never abandon Kyon and continue to team with him in Brawl.

YEAH!!! -holds meta knight and Toon Link plushies-

I love uuaa


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2006
Probably waveshining really fast somewhere, K-town

If you wanna see pics from the Tournament i made a photobucket for them so... HERE!!!!


quick shout outs!

lady legion- i love you. good stuff getting 3rd with kyon. melee.

dtorr- im glad you liked the yoshi. i saw a black one today too!!

mars- i saw a pit at megacon xD

Hungrybox- good playing you in teams.. i guess x.x anyways, ...dead baby jokes >.> lol

Hiroshi- ....you take your foot off its head. xD

qdvs- i told you i was gunna do good in teams xP i'll own your marth next time..but probably get owned by your luigi

HarriettheGUY- indeed we did play. JYES!

lambchops- i dont mind angrychops lol good playing you again.

ESAM!!!!!!!!!!- good **** in teams. you r too good. i truly DONT KNOW ESAM lol. want to team with you again and thanks for the comment on my fox lol.

Linguini- Your sheik owned me. didnt wanna go falco cuz u probably wouldve went ganon. didnt want that lol. good playing you.

Seibrik- Didnt know u had a secret grudge against me since LTEC2 lol jkjk good playing you in teams and in singles. idk why u went jiggs. i really liked your sheik.

Kyon- good stuff with christine in dubs. myehmyehmyehmyehhhh lol... gary...that FFFAT patty cake looking dog lmao.

Atown- good seeing you too at the place. those girls btw are the Florida Gaming Girls lol.

Zoro- cant believe you threw out your brawl disc out the window...actually i take that back you would lol. No such thing as a virus. you r just in your plateau right now. give it time ik it is frustrating. i was in the same place too.

Lio- your toon link is too good. glad my plushy gave you toon link powers lol.

Todd- good job with the tourny. will attend the next one cause i need too lol.

Vericz- too good. i'll help you in the next one more. Show sum "loyalty" right? :)

Everyone else- good seeing you and show up in the next one again.

gah...lonng weekend. im tired.


- Hiros..... nah xP

- uuaa

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye

to be honest, melee started round 7-8, and ended round 9-10, doubles and singles.

it went pretty fast but i guess if there were more people it might have taken longer, but we did have access setups, so who knows.


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
the only shoutout i had is to golden corral and everyone who went with me :laugh:


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
stomp to falcon punch or drill rest or any random combo into tornado is a win

edit: hellz yea GDX for the random FEAST!!!! All that STEAK and ice cream. Sugar coated Steak. unfortunately i may have racked up 3-5 pounds immediately after this trip... not to mention all the bathrooms i may have destroyed... Which reminds me, I need to make a list of bathrooms i've wrecked throughout my tourney travels


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
i had steak with a side of steak. i should've had a sugersteak for dessert :(


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yeah plz have melee first next time. :] That way I could be out earlier, due to my parents worrying about me and such.
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