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Florida Gaming's first SSB Tournament - Feb. 28 Melee and Brawl Kissimmee, FL


Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th
CONGRATS to florida gaming for a huge tourney.

FAIL to me for sucking so bad. i am horrible. i didnt have fun at this at all while i was playing. I only had fun going out to eat at BK with georgia and big D and the rest of the peepz and the dennys trip afterwards. Thats it. i was just pissed the whole time. fvcking smash frustrates me.



Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th

yea seriously people watch gs to gents

my boy dirrty aka baron got this **** in da bag

im changing my vote to gentlemen's club
so you can change your vote to gentleman's club, which is a completely different answer, but we cant change our votes from "the dirty south" to "da dirty souf" which is the same answer just a different spelling?

LOL I guess some of u guys never been to the gentlemen's club. *sigh*
no, most of us havent. half the people who voted for it are just picking it so they don't get "da durty souf"

I think dirty south and Da dirty souf should be combined and since da dirty souf has the most that would be the main name for the combined one.

If not frames can you change my vote to DA DIRTY SOUF!!
i agree, and respect his vote change.

Frames can you change my vote to Da Dirty Souf as well? THANKS
respect his vote change too.
Yea, I need to change the vote as well...I sort of click the wrong vote...

one vote for da dirty souf

cuz C. bison says so ;p
respect his vote change too.

before an argument occurs as far as "oh if they can change their vote, then anybody can", we are STILL PICKING THE SAME NAME!!! we were just unsure of how we wanted to spell it. Splitting it was tricky, and now all of us who all agreed on some sort of durty south, are now FORCED to split their votes cuz of this poll, even though we all want the same thing.

yeaaaaa about that all votes are final

sry not my fault u cant read

listen, again, you gotta see where we're coming from though, we're not even technically changing our votes, we want the same, name, but your gonna split our votes up cuz we havent decided on a spelling yet? that seems very unfair IMHO.

WOULD YOU MAKE AN OPTION FOR GENTLEMANS CLUB AND GENTS CLUB? or would you just decide on how you wanted to spell it as it came down to actually chaning the name?

they can't read? im not sure what you mean by this. at 1st, i thought you were saying something about their being rules on votes are final, but i dont see anything stating that. And then i figured you meant, that since they were saying they wanna change, and that action ******* clicked the wrong one, that they should have read the options more carefully, but again, our votes were unfairly split in half.

WE NEVER ASKED FOR TWO OPTIONS THERE, AND IF ANYTHING, YOU SHOULD HAVE ATLEAST ASKED, WHAT WE WANTED AS OUR FINAL OPTION FOR THE POLL. and mike g, you put both down as two diff options, and your not even one of the supporters of the dirty south, so you should def have asked us 1st want we want for the poll. Cuz IF WE KNEW OUR VOTES WOULD BE CUT IN HALF, EVEN THOUGH WE ALL WANT THE SAME THING, we would have just picked one.

i dont watch it for a reason.

That show is ********!!! Nonetheless, it's a dumb name
the show is a really dumb show. i watched 2 episodes. sooooo bad.

frames nobody asked u to make 2 options for the dirty south!!!!!!!!!!

again, like i said earlier, we didn't ask for two options of THE SAME NAME, just so we could have our votes unjustly cut in half. That should have been debated with the "dirty south" supporters.

LOL combine that's funny

anyhoo ya gentlemens club is too good we will see if it wins tho dirty souf is catching up
i don't know how thats funny, we have very serious arguments as to why they should be combined. i pretty much addressed them earlier in this post. but i'll repeat it again.

WE ALL AGREE ON THE DIRTY SOUTH, WE JUST WERENT SURE OF THE SPELLING. but now that we are all leaning toward the "DA DIRTY SOUF" we agree that that is the way we want to spell it. so why do the people who picked the dirty south, but still want the forum to be called "durty souf" get punished by not having theri votes counted? 3 of them in a row stated they wanted to change to da dirty souf, after realizing that splitting up out votes would hurt us evcen though they agreed on our overall name.

I PERSONALLY, WAS GOING TO PICK THE DIRTY SOUTH, BUT IF I REALIZED THAT THE MAJORITY WAS GOING WITH DA DIRTY SOUF, I WOULD HAVE INSTANTLY AND GLADLY PICK THAT, WHICH IS THE SAME NAME I WANT, JUST A DIFF SPELLING. and the mportant thing is, the people who picked the dirty south, would want the durty souf over gents club. Luckily, i decided that da durty souf sounded more extreme. so i picked it and my vote wasnt wasted. but if i did pick dirty south, and then realized i needed to pick durty souf to win, i would have been pissed that i couldnt change, even though i would want either version of "the dirty south" to win. Splitting it up like that is confusing and unfairly splitting our votes.

yesss da dirty soup is too pro
dirty soup is ********.

You guys both liked dirty south and da dirth souf so we put them up. Oh and I hope that only peeps from the atlanic south are voting because this is all being done for you guys.
we liked both, BECAUSE THEY ARE BOTH THE SAME THING. we we just debating on spelling. you should have asked us which one we want for the poll, cuz we obviously wouldnt want our votes split in half becuz of this. and you just went on a whim and put both down when you werent even a supporter of the dirty south. Should have asked the supporters first to see what we wanted.

are you kidding me, thats not fair, and then gonna say its laughable when we want to combine the votes? come on now. its obvious that we would be DOMINATING if we had one option, cuz combined we have like 36 votes. to gents club like 23.

plz, do something to rectify the situation. They should honestly be combined, im still trying to figure out how we're getting our votes split because of spelling.




Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I give you a super 1+, you took the words out of my mouth, and I was afraid to say it myself. Plus there were no rules stating that one couldn't change votes... :/


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
You got my vote gah :p

ohhhh!!! btw, i wanted to go to BK with you Hiro...but i sort of busy playing to get better >.>

AND STOP LIENG!!! you won TWO match in Brawl man...be happy that you din't get Fearless or that DK,luigi, and lucario guy. >.>

There's always next time man...your still pro ^_^
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