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FL Social Thread:You Mad, You Lose.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
Spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=thqcGYzO3z1ppMS6nVTRjFw
List of tournaments I used: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dgfz5qk7_0tjm57dft
Notes: The "OOS" is the number of notable OOS players the player has beaten (whether in FL or out of FL). Tournaments that affected this number were WHOBO, Panhandle Smash, APEX, Genesis, Gigabits March, Gigabits July, and an OR tournament (for me, lol). I don't know who else beat Bloodcross besides GDX though at Gigabits July so I haven't given someone his points for that. Also, the "Tie" column was created to account for Fusion Gaming where grand finals were not played out properly.

What the list should be IMO:
1. Seibrik (MK)
2. CO18 (DDD)
3. Afro (Snake/Wario)
4. HRNut (Snake/Marth/MK)
5. Nick Riddle (ZSS)
6. Hungrybox (DDD/Jigglypuff)
7. Chaz (Marth/MK)
8. ESAM (Pikachu)
9. Gmoney (Wario/Snake)
10. GDX (Diddy Kong)

I put Afro over HRNut because it was very close and I felt that HRNut's points were slightly higher due to the GameZone/Gathering Place tournaments. I put GDX over Mampam because GDX went to more tournaments overall and beat an OOS player (Bloodcross) so I felt like he was a better representative for FL.

I don't get this?? i do believe that afro should probably be above me, but those statements don't make sense, its like you mean to say you put me over afro because my points were slightly higher or vice versa??


I need it....
Aug 2, 2008
I calculated out approximately what the PRs should be using 22 different FL tournament results after 2/25 by giving points based on placement (1st = 10, 2nd = 7, top4 = 4, top8 = 1) and giving bonus points for beating good OOS players. I wonder if anyone's interested in seeing the results/the spreadsheet :/

edit: wow this list I made is like 100% accurate
Doing it this way could work but you gotta take into consideration who actually attends which tournament and what kind of requirements tournaments should have to be recognized for this. Like I could go and **** a bunch of scrubs at a Pnt and consistently place first which scores me 10 points every time but that doesn't mean I'm the best in FL even though my points would technically say I am.

I'm curious as to who 11 - 20 where on your spread sheet though if you got em.


I need it....
Aug 2, 2008
I only counted tournaments if at least 1 player on the current PRs attended. I know that weighting small (ie: GameZone) and large (ie: March Gigabits) tournaments the same is a mistake but I couldn't think of a better way to do it since not all tournaments give full results/number of attendees.
You didn't count Pnt #6.

This is pretty good though, my only issue with it is that imo with a PR you should also be discussing who beat who. For example if random player #X beats Seibrik and sends him to losers, even though he wins the event there should be some kind of "penalty" if you wanna call it that in comparison to say a player like Chaz or HRnut who only lost to PR members ranked above him...etc. That would be hard to maintain on a spreadsheet since a lot of tournaments don't post brackets but it would be something to take into consideration.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
dang i was looking at this junk like "WTF i didn't own anyone from out of state......." then i was like "OH....... i did own the junk out of BigLou (<3 lounis)"


funny list

imo why am i on this??? LOLOLOL


my wario is so badddddddddddd

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye
Just updated the first post with Masky's link.

Its nothing major if not a little sidenote for people to keep track of things if they like.

I'll keep it as updated as Masky keeps me.


Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2005
your link on the front page doesnt work but masky's worked
edit: masky beat me to it >_>

one thing i didnt understand very much was the "total" score. Explain? My best guess is that it means out of total tournaments? I'm not sure but then again seibrik couldnt of attended 176 tournies so yea I dont get it lol.


I need it....
Aug 2, 2008
Cool, thanks for putting it in the first post :D

btw, the link you put in the first post is broken cause it got messed up when you copy/pasted it
I fixed it.

i cant figure out how to do it

any tips?
1st place = 10 point
2nd place = 7 point
3rd - 4th places = 4 point
5th - 8th = 1 point

Then an additional 1 point to any player that beats a good OoS player? That seems like pretty much everything.

When I went to NY/NJ I beat a couple good ppl OoS in tourney, can I get free points? lol
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