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FAST 1 - Florida's Awesome Summer Tourney - July 17-20, 2008 (Register Online NOW!!!)

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Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
*insert chicken noises here*

man, remember when people did that like 20 years ago and it was considered moderately cool to do that?



Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2005
Naples, FL.
Thanks Otru for the compliment. Yeah my brothers and I are pretty much going to this now. It's going to be nice seeing everybody again.

Sensei Seibrik

Smash Hero
Jan 19, 2006
My Mind's Eye

You betta not be commin just for the melee, i wanna see ur brawl skillzz

And Gimpy, if u go, check out my Kirby plz and let the rest of the states out there know whats to come :)

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
....and some were impending accidents

kiwiii: Daytona beach is my choice...it's less than 2 hours away. Cocoa is closest...they're all good. I mean, it's freakin FL.

Please don't book any flights or anything at this point. Remember, this is still in planning stages, and as such, it may be moved or whatever...so please don't spend your money yet. We will do our best to keep all of you updated on it.

Venue is becoming an increasing worry to us...We understand that you are all being patient...and we appreciate it. Again, we'll do everything in our power to update all of you on any change...including Venue choice. Thanks to everybody for all the interest in this tourney.

<3 you all.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Gimps goofy *** is comin? xD

My friend worships u dude, since he mained Bowzer in melee an hes maining Bowzer in Brawl.

Cool to have someone like you come down herrr. Why dont u get them DBR foos down here to since they live in Cali. Maybe they might get shown up by some Floridians...untill kings jiggs an germs link.....then theres zelgadis...an die..****, well maybe not ownt but Floridians will put a **** good challenge up xD.

for me, ive lost my melee. Im all about lame brawl now xD


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
I just realized my birthday is on the day of Melee Singles!

I think, as a birthday present to me, you should all let me win. Just a suggestion.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2003
wassup ppl....

Ok... so i havent been to Florida in like 2 yrs and i wouldnt mind coming back and enjoying a nice smash tournament w/ sum rigged pots and rigged brackets(FL is famous for that). I really dont mind seriously. but if you want to make this so big that your trying to SUBSTITUTE for FC being canceled then you have to change a couple things around.

Let me rephrase...you dont HAVE TO, but it'll definetly help bring more ppl in. lets face it ppl, even though there are countless complaints about brawl, MELEE is done. U wanna keep playing it...sure watever, ur choice, BUT DONT MAKE IT THE MAIN ATTRACTION. SWITCH the days of melee and brawl and i really think u 'll get more ppl to show. cuz sunday and monday is tough for ppl who work. Wii is the new console and brawl is the new smash, let that be the focus, then you can hold ur little side melee tournament. whatever. Also... Show some generosity and Hold an OUT OF STATE POT in the ballpark of lets say $500. that's a good amount for FLORIDA'S AWESOME TOURNAMENT! lol.

I promise you, you make these 2 changes to this tournament, D.A. will definetly be there.

Im gonna go ahead and post this on the other thread of yours.


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
I just realized my birthday is on the day of Melee Singles!

I think, as a birthday present to me, you should all let me win. Just a suggestion.
Not gonna let you win; but if it's really your birthday I guess I could throw a free entry your way, we'll see. :colorful:


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2007
wow if melee becomes some ****ty small side tourney behind brawl, **** it, not worth the 14 hours.

yea it's unfortunate that the average brawl match takes 7 min, and would require 72 hours in order to complete a 60-man tourney

and thanks for the beach references :D
i was in tampa last summer and it was humid as hell. would i have any luck w/ dry heat in daytona and/or cocoa beaches?


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2003
wow if melee becomes some ****ty small side tourney behind brawl, **** it, not worth the 14 hours.

yea it's unfortunate that the average brawl match takes 7 min, and would require 72 hours in order to complete a 100-man tourney
lol. wow.... if it seriously takes you that long to kill sum1 in brawl then u havent played the game long enough. U'll definetly be sure to lose. I promise you just like in Melee... Florida will have alot to learn from New York in Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2007
i don't play brawl. i was just making fun of it because it's a campy *** slow mundane game

it'd be awesome if DA decided to attend, im not saying anything against that. but how sure of a promise is that? it's not like DA ever goes out of state for any tournaments. at least, not the entire or majority of the crew


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
Ok... so i havent been to Florida in like 2 yrs and i wouldnt mind coming back and enjoying a nice smash tournament w/ sum rigged pots and rigged brackets(FL is famous for that). I really dont mind seriously. but if you want to make this so big that your trying to SUBSTITUTE for FC being canceled then you have to change a couple things around.

Let me rephrase...you dont HAVE TO, but it'll definetly help bring more ppl in. lets face it ppl, even though there are countless complaints about brawl, MELEE is done. U wanna keep playing it...sure watever, ur choice, BUT DONT MAKE IT THE MAIN ATTRACTION. SWITCH the days of melee and brawl and i really think u 'll get more ppl to show. cuz sunday and monday is tough for ppl who work. Wii is the new console and brawl is the new smash, let that be the focus, then you can hold ur little side melee tournament. whatever. Also... Show some generosity and Hold an OUT OF STATE POT in the ballpark of lets say $500. that's a good amount for FLORIDA'S AWESOME TOURNAMENT! lol.

I promise you, you make these 2 changes to this tournament, D.A. will definetly be there.

Im gonna go ahead and post this on the other thread of yours.
I already posted this response in the other thread, but since you felt like posting again, so will I.

While you may not be playing melee anymore, that doesn't mean people aren't, a lot of people in florida and in the nation still play melee as well as brawl. I'm not giving one preference over the other, both games have an equal amount of time for play, and are meant to be side by side, not one main game and then a little side thing. The only thing on the side will be 64 tourneys run by Sheer and anyone else.

Now that brawls out, melee tournaments aren't happening nearly as much. Offering melee tournaments, especially large-scale ones like these, will help bring in the crowds from far away, we already have a lot of west coast people who show interest, and it's not just because of brawl, it's the melee. The tournaments that still offer melee and brawl will be the ones that draw in the biggest crowds, because some people just refuse to play brawl and vice versa. FL alone could get 200 just for brawl, we want to attract OOS players and for that, we need melee. Plus it's awesome.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2007
hey kiwi if we both end up going...

bowser vs sheik
loser has to buy the winner chipotle

hell yeah haha let's do it :] hope to see ya there !

and play my fox. take vengeance on all the scrub bowsers i ***** him with haha :D


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Yah man FL could easily get a 200+ man brawl tourney without any OOS at all. FL brawl is no doubt the biggest scene in the country from what I've seen. We had 2 130 person tourneys last month alone. (both of those tourneys had to turn away/refund 30-40 people too)

Im pritty sure melee is what is attracting the OOS people, not brawl. So we really shouldn't change anything.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
The one part was answered fairly well by Frames and others... but just to touch on the other parts of Raffa's post...

there will be no rigged pot or bracket at this tournament. None of the tournament directors are named Rockcrock or maverick

<3 them

Also, to offer an OOS bonus would be out of pocket for us...and since we don't have enough money to front that, I'd say it probably won't happen. The only way we could hold something like that is if we make more on door fees than the room costs, but we were already planning on spending that for foodstuffs and such.

Like, personally, I'd rather get a bunch of pizza for everybody attending than give a bonus to a single person...or even several people.

Idk, man... to ask us to front $500 is kinda ridiculous, when we don't exactly roll in money. Sure, it'd be a nice treat for OOS, but there is a limit to what we can do. And usually, an OOS bonus is used to attract OOS...which, from the looks of it, we're already doing. So I don't see any reason for it, unless we just have extra money floating around.


also, to kiwiii...so we don't ignore your post... I hate to tell you, but FL is really humid a lot of the time. I'm not really sure you can get away from it. the beach seems pretty nice, still, but yeah, it's a bit sticky. sorrys.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2007
Holla at me if you need to hire a teams partner. I
most pros are going for melee. most noobs are going for brawl an example of a noob is hiroshi am i right?

yea im going mostly for melee and brawl for the fun of it. there alot more noobs than pros so you know whyt brawl will be big or ths tourney will be big ya dig
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