holy **** jugfingers you're a huge ******
do you really think you're being sly when you link me using usmash oos against shiz? what does that prove? i used it exactly in the situations where i described it works (he dair'd my shield high while not fast falling) so i took advantage, it's STILL not a good strategy to rely on and if you try to make it the lynch pin in your falco game you're going to get demolished.
this is what everyone's been saying from the beginning, that it's a good tool to have, but it's incredibly risky and you're better off focusing on other things. but you've been too dense to acknowledge this simple fact and you keep linking youtube videos like it proves anything. which it does, it proves exactly what we've been saying since page 1, you're just too dense to realize it.
and yes, fox is the best character in the game, but if you can't see his weaknesses, and if you can't even TOY with falco's possible advantages in the matchup enough to even participate in a discussion because you're so sure fox is perfect, it shows that you really suck **** at this game.
lol man haterer more please, Im just laughing cause as soon as I mentioned usmash oos shield you and umbreon were like naw that only works on noobs you'll never get it off against good falcos lol I then I see you on battlefield ****ing spamming it against one of the top falcos in the game using it 3 times in the first two stocks.
its like why were you even arguing with me to begin with??
also if you had brought up a technique that was immediately shot down then you see the player that shot down your idea using that technique in the exact way you described later, don't tell me you wouldn't link a video and be like ha eat it *****. cause yea, thats just an obvious fun thing to do.
it's STILL not a good strategy to rely on and if you try to make it the lynch pin in your falco game you're going to get demolished.
I STILL never ever said this ever, did I ever say this?? no I didn't.
this is what everyone's been saying from the beginning, that it's a good tool to have
lol this is what I've been saying from the beginning
Upsmash OOS is viable in certain situations
this whole thing all started cause umbreon just replied to me bringing it up with "no thats a horrible idea",
and then you were like yea umbreons right guyss you shouldn't rely on it, an I was like wtf I never said rely on it what are you talking about,
then this whole argument ensued with me trying to prove the usmash oos is a viable move, when infact an argument should never have taken place
it should have gone more like, yea usmash oos is good vs falco, hooray free usmashes lets party.
also when did I ever say fox has no weakness?
of course their are weakness that fox has but my point is that if your fast enough these weakness's are not really practically exploitable
all I'm saying is that an anecdotal loss you took in tournament against shiz isn't foxes fault.
and yes, fox is the best character in the game, but if you can't see his weaknesses, and if you can't even TOY with falco's possible advantages in the matchup enough to even participate in a discussion because you're so sure fox is perfect, it shows that you really suck **** at this game.
actually from a theoretical standpoint that might indicate that I **** at this game, if I was so beast with fox that I didn't even realize that falco was a decent character.
obviously this isn't the case, but im just sayin your haterasaurus logic is flawed