I'd appreciate some constructive criticism on these tournament matches. The more situation specific, the better.
Code: DKON-H1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBaWkVSuNZc (vs. Sion, Falco)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxoreF0hYso (vs. Dieslow's Fox/Falco/Sheik)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQJk3uZZs-4 (vs. Hitsugaya, Fox)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKaKrkIcWl4 (both of these sets vs. Blunted_Object10)
These are a fair gauge of how I play when I'm not too nervous.
I'll comment on the Dieslow Fox and Sheik matches.
0:22 - I'm not sure if you're aware that you could be fastfalling these ledgehop fairs just cause it's now the 2nd one I'm seeing without a fastfall, and it allows him to shield grab you here.
0:32 - I notice later on that he's pretty much always tech rolling these scenarios away, which is nice, but I think in general its cheating a bit to walk over/WD over and up tilt here. If you just short hop right below the middle of the platform you should be able to cover all tech options on reaction, plus if he still tech rolls away you just fair -> dair or fair fsmash him for a nice early edgeguard opportunity.
1:10 - 1:15 - I'm not sure how it works with Fsmash, if there is a possible timing here where you can connect, but I find dtilting out over the ledge area snuffs this type of recovery consistently, and if he chooses to go high you will be out of lag in time to follow up. Maybe you were worried about him firefoxing directly at you, which COULD hit you, but dtilt actually hits kinda of high, he needs to pretty much firefox straight at Marth's standing head level to get over the dtilt, hard to call but dtilt probably would have gotten you the KO safely here either time.
1:50 - 2:00 - pretty apparent at this point that he's going to let you do most of the approaching. I really like nair here to pressure his space, but I'm not sure about some of these follow ups. Nair to dash attack? I like nair to assist DD camping in their face. Nair to dash away. Or if they try to attack past your range after the nair, you can dash at them, run underneath them, and cross them up. In general from neutral position I think you're a little heavy on the dash attack approaches. One thing I have grown to hate about dash attack is that it's hitbox is actually pretty crappy. Takes so much precision and lags about as much as fsmash (well, the difference is negligble since both have enough lag to get you punished either way). I can see what you were seeing here with him camping too close to you, but if I decide the fox is napping and want to invade his space, I would go with nair -> WD fsmash. That would have gotten you the extra range you needed to hit him.
2:43 - Man, no Marth uses ftilt as well as you.
4:08 - Yea, again here with the platform tech chases. This time he switches it up (though he should have just tech'd in place since that tech roll is cut short and just gives you extra time to punish), and you react with a cross stage tipper. That's certainly ok, but not ideally what you're looking for.
4:39 - you seem a bit predictable coming up from the ledge. So far I've only seen ledge hop fair and nair really. It's not the best time to point it out really because at the high % you were at your ledge stand up and roll up are not great options, but I might have tried a ledge hop waveland in place right at the lip of the edge.
4:54 - omg I wanted to see a dash cancelled fsmash or a WD fsmash here. Would have been so beast. I don't blame you at all for going for the fair, though, I thought that would work as well.
5:52 - I like this dash attack here. Once you've pushed some type of frame advantage on them and you know they sense the danger, dash attack works out perfectly here. From pure neutral position, though, it's hurting you much more than it's helping. Even the ones you are landing at low %, he's good at being unpredictable in teching it, and you're not getting much out of it. Sometimes from neutral position you just have to really stubbornly camp and bait him for a grab.
6:04 - you could have regrabbed here. Might have just been a mistake.
6:31 - had an fsmash here instead of dropping off the platform with fair. Sorry if it seems nitpicky to point stuff like this out but I find that it helps to be conscious of how to improve these scenarios.
7:57 - Might have just been from just having fought his spacies for 2 matches but a full hop bair might have been better here. There was a small window where he could have counter attacked you or grabbed you but he didn't capitalize. Full hop bair -> fastfall on to the platform would allow you to pressure him as he came down or follow up further into a potential ken combo depending on his DI.
8:01 - I'm actually really surprised he didn't survive that dair. I feel like I see sheiks comfortably surviving dairs at that height/% all the time. *shrug*
8:23 - Throughout these matches I see him constantly trying to follow up in combos where he really doesn't have it and you fairing him away. Just be aware that he could easily have just stood there and baited this, then grabbed you or done whatever he wanted after. He got lucky to trade with you, but thats another problem. Trading with sheik is much worse than trading with fox.
9:10 - alright now if dash attack is ill-advised against fox, its downright awful against sheik. You really just can't even afford to be lagging like that against her at all, and the payoff on dash attacking sheik is not like it is on spacies. You're also kind of approaching her with fsmash a little bit too, which I really just would not do at all unless you're up against a sheik that is just kind of repeatedly full hop needling you at a distance. In my experience sheik has to be camped so so hard cause she has the defenses to snuff all of your approaches and the payoffs on risky approaches is so much lower than against spacies (typically you aren't going to get 3 ken combos per match, unfortunately).
9:15 - Hmm, I'm trying to think of a possible reason you up B'd to the stage here. Generally if you see sheik facing outwards on stage you can sweetspot up B very safely. The little dip down she did shouldn't really bait anything cause it doesn't change the fact that you're probably going to need to ledge tech a rising nair no matter how you up B. Maybe you just didn't realize she was at such low %.
9:50 - beautiful fair comboing here. I feel like Marth players underestimate how complicated fair comboing can be. Gotta know when to tip and not tip, when to fast fall, etc. Perfectly done. Bad DI always appreciated from sheik.
9:58 - man, spaced ftilts are a *****, aren't they? Clanks with fsmash and then, guess what, at 59% you can't even CC it. It knocks you down, giving sheik those lethal tech chase opportunities. I feel your pain.
10:30 - 10:38 - classic Marth vs Sheik campfest. You just said **** it and approached, though. In those spots Sheiks tend to love to play tricks right in front of that platform, either needling the middle ground from the platform or coming down with a fair and immediately retreating. If you can get a read on what the sheik will do, this is the best time to try to dash under her full hop needles, cross her up, and either grab or reverse fsmash depending on where her positioning is. Doesn't play out here but just saying it to say it I guess lol.
Hope at least some of that is helpful.