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Enemies of the Crown: King Dedede Matchup Thread (SERIN IS IN CHARGE NOW NOT GATES)

Dream Land Works

Smash Journeyman
Mar 11, 2008
QSTN: Does the kings B swallow Jiggly's overB roll attack? It swallows sonic like no tomorrow (who I noticed was missing from the matchup list).
If you mean her neutral B Roll Out, then yes, D3 swallows that up pretty easily, a problem though with Jiggs though is that you may be setting her up in a position where she can start WoPing you.

Really though, Jigglypuff is a pretty easy match. While she does have good combo potential in this match, it loses out due to D3's massive priority compared to her small priority. F-tilt and D3's aerials just have too much on her. All you really need for this match is the ability to time your attacks right. One thing you may want to watch out for though are small stages with platforms because it helps Jiggly a lot in this match. Otherwise, I would say 60:40 D3's advantage or even a little more in his advantage.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
Luc boards are discussing Luc vs. DDD here.


1. Well it's about time.
2. I really don't like it when people put their matchup exports in this thread, but on the other hand the mods are pretty trigger happy when it comes to giving infractions about this sort of thing, so I guess I should stop QQing about it.

Well I guess we should move onto the next discussion.


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
Just a few things -

Your CG only works until like...40%ish, right? I'm not too sure about that.

Your Waddle Doo's can heal us for about 67%. That's a lot of health. Yes, I know you can just get rid of any Waddle Doo's on stage by throwing more. Where do you keep those *******s, anyway?

You're a fatty. Plain and simple, soon as we get in their with our attacks, we're pretty much bound to do about 40 - 50% damage on you. That is what will happen if you let us hit you with a full blown FHdair.

Although because of your fall speed, it makes it quite a bit harder to do on you, we can utilt juggle fatties for a pretty long time, and when doing it correctly, you can't just bair or nair through us, you have to get away. So I'd recommend just jumping away soon as Lucas starts utilt juggling.

I'm sure I'll think of more things to say later, that is it for now.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Just a few things -

Your CG only works until like...40%ish, right? I'm not too sure about that.

Your Waddle Doo's can heal us for about 67%. That's a lot of health. Yes, I know you can just get rid of any Waddle Doo's on stage by throwing more. Where do you keep those *******s, anyway?

You're a fatty. Plain and simple, soon as we get in their with our attacks, we're pretty much bound to do about 40 - 50% damage on you. That is what will happen if you let us hit you with a full blown FHdair.

Although because of your fall speed, it makes it quite a bit harder to do on you, we can utilt juggle fatties for a pretty long time, and when doing it correctly, you can't just bair or nair through us, you have to get away. So I'd recommend just jumping away soon as Lucas starts utilt juggling.

I'm sure I'll think of more things to say later, that is it for now.
Out cg works at any percent...


Smash Lord
Oct 19, 2008
Your CG only works until like...40%ish, right?
This ain't the Falco boards... DeDeDe can CG at any percentage. (even at 900% b/c Dthrow doesn't kills)

So Lucas is most likely screwed about the chaingrab.

lil cj

Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Im actually surprised Lucas has the advantage in this matchup
B/c DDD is such a good character and Lucas is not as good
DDD out ranges Lucas,has a spammable projectile, and his CG affects Lucas to an extent
But not as bad as most characters
Lucas can stop Waddle Dees/etc. with PK fire before it hits him
Also nair is the move to use in this matchup since DDD is such a big target,Nair combos will be easier to
hit with.
Its hard for Lucas to gimp DDD with PKT and PK Freeze due to DDD's great recovery...but we can still spike you easily with bair and dair....PKT will be used as bait to get DDD to use his up B
And while DDD is plowing down to the stage...Lucas' up smash can hit DDD before he lands on him...so watch out for that at mid high percentages.

The numbers in the Lucas matchup thread says 55-45 in Lucas' favor
I think thats about right

Well thats all I have:)


Smash Master
Jan 26, 2008
Baton Rouge, LA
I believe it's possible for Lucas to time PK Fire such that Dedede can't throw Waddle Dees fast enough to break through. This is from ages ago, but I don't see how it could be invalid now, unless my memory's failing me.

An unlikely scenario, but if you end up tossing a Gordo into our fsmash, it'll get reflected. I'm not sure what happens to Dees/Doos.

Already mentioned, but Waddle Doo's laser heals an absurd amount of health if we Magnet it. This is actually due to it being a lot of small hits that don't individually break Magnet's healing cap.

Your ftilt can stop PK Fire in its tracks last I checked.

I may post more later, but that's all I can remember for now.


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2008
Perth, Australia
Battlefield is definatly not good so make sure to ban it, because if u Upb onto the platforms u can get owned by usmash. but the CG is definatly an advantage for DDD. Its also quite easy to gimp a lucas. If the DDD plays smart its imo 55/45 in D3's favor. Although lucas can combo him easily.


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
Long Island, New York
gimping lucas isnt as easy as everyone thinks. most people will think its exactly like gimping ness, when its not.
lucas has several recovery options, which include
-Zap jump and wavezap
-magnet pull
-wave-bounced PKFires
-and finally, PKT2.

my views on this match up- obviously, DDD's chaingrab can hurts lucas but it doesnt cripple him.
like jupz said, lucas can combo DDD easily. his size makes it easy to land every hit of nair, and when it can autocancel into most of lucas ground moves. this includes jabs, utilt, ftilt, fsmash and grabs.

PKFire isnt as great in this matchup because of DDD's Waddledoos/dees/gordos and forward tilt. Also, Gordo's cancel out our PKT if we use it to recover

DDD's size makes it easy to land a bair offstage too. Like Cj said, PKT will be bait for your Up B.

However, D3 hits you like a bus full of fat people. Doesnt his Utilt KO at around 90-100?
he's pretty quick for a big character too. his tilts arent really slow

King Dedede is an amazing character, but i dont think he beats Lucas; and if he does, its not by alot.
i would say the match up is 55-45 in whoever's favor


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
gimping lucas isnt as easy as everyone thinks. most people will think its exactly like gimping ness, when its not.
lucas has several recovery options, which include
-Zap jump and wavezap
-magnet pull
-wave-bounced PKFires
-and finally, PKT2.
Could you explain the first two please? I'm sure a lot of Dedede mains have no idea what those are.


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
Long Island, New York
Could you explain the first two please? I'm sure a lot of Dedede mains have no idea what those are.
of course:)

Zap jump- if lucas immediatly does a PKFire after a jump, it'll send him up about twice the distance of a double jump. the button input has to happen quickly. some of us set L or R to jump
Wavezap- its when u do a wavebounce combined with zapjump. so not only will you go up really high, but it'll be like u wavebounce your PKFire. This is beneficial because you can immediatly do a magnet pull from this spot.

here's a video. if that isnt clear or if something happens that you dont understand, let us know. someone else can probably explain it better than i

lil cj

Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Could you explain the first two please? I'm sure a lot of Dedede mains have no idea what those are.

Edit: Toxi beat me to it lol

1. Zap jump: is PK fire and Lucas' second at the same time causing him to jump extremely high
You have the press both side b and jump at the exact same time for it to work
Great for vertical recovery
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h26ZRc1eCeA

2. Magnet Pull: right after a wave bounce PK fire if you execute Lucas' psi magnet(down b) he will bounce back or forawrd very fast.
Great horizontal recovery
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrcORhFJDoY&feature=related

3. Wavezap: Its pretty much a mixture of Zap jump and Magnet pull.
Great vertical and horizontal recovery
Vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He8Ymh5h2VQ


Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
One thing I've learned against Lucas players:

Try to hit the bolt. When you're off the stage, they'll most likely try to PKT you on your way back. We DDD's have very small jumps both horizontally and vertically, so it's crucial that we not get hit by this attack and risk using an ^B into an usmash.

Play like Ness: always DI up if you can and if that little ******* tries to throw out a bolt, predict where it's going and try to kill it. He can loop it around and trick you, but if you see it coming and swat it out of the air with a fair or uair, you might save yourself a lot of pain.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2008
One thing I've learned against Lucas players:

Try to hit the bolt. When you're off the stage, they'll most likely try to PKT you on your way back. We DDD's have very small jumps both horizontally and vertically, so it's crucial that we not get hit by this attack and risk using an ^B into an usmash.

Play like Ness: always DI up if you can and if that little ******* tries to throw out a bolt, predict where it's going and try to kill it. He can loop it around and trick you, but if you see it coming and swat it out of the air with a fair or uair, you might save yourself a lot of pain.
Or you could try to inhale him? Never know.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
Lucas has an easier time with the King than Ness does...and I still don't see Ness as 6:4 D3...but whatever...

2 frame jab instead of 3...
Nair to jab combos as well...

Lucas' Ftilt comes out on frame 6, has good auto cancel frames IIRC, and has more reach than G&W's Dtilt/Ftilt...in case you wanted a range comparison...it is beat by D3's but that isn't the point...

For example...D3's standing grab has more reach than Ness' Ftilt...but not Lucas'...

I'm just saying...it might be harder to chain grab Lucas overall...


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
ok he can CG us. We can space with PKF and our jab is faster than anything DDD has.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
I think Lucas might have the favor for this by a bit...but whatever


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008

If we can get past Snake grenade camping we can get past PK Thunder camping lol.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
What's the maneuver of "getting past grenades" gates?
Waddle Dee on the ground to prevent pure horizontal camping, approach in at a diagonal using multiple jumps and airdodges. Finish with either a landing bair or a dashgrab. It's alright if you get hit by a few as long as you avoid the explosions.

Now get back on topic.


Smash Champion
Dec 11, 2008
Redondo Beach, California
Lucas relies on his neutral air, and a diagonal down air to keep King Dedede busy while he's on the ground. So we should expect every Lucas to do those two attacks because they sometimes go through King Dedede's actions.
Lucas will abuse PK Fire when at a distance to space himself, so we must expect that too. I am just pointing out the things a normal Lucas will do in this match-up.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2006
He'll also kill you at around 80% if you screw up and land into his Usmash...it isn't Ness' level of screw up KO power...but it is something...


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
Long Island, New York
Lucas relies on his neutral air, and a diagonal down air to keep King Dedede busy while he's on the ground. So we should expect every Lucas to do those two attacks because they sometimes go through King Dedede's actions.
Lucas will abuse PK Fire when at a distance to space himself, so we must expect that too. I am just pointing out the things a normal Lucas will do in this match-up.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
Beef, I thought you just posted that in the vid thread. That would have been fine. But in every thread, all at once. That's a bit much :/ especially the stickies. Come on man, don't get banned.
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