Where's all your videos? And I mean the modern ones, not the old ones.
Also dair = anti-grab.
***** ICs, they of course seldom know the MUs.
And one last thing, what are my keys in spacing and stage control?
i mean i RARELY get recorded so eh =/
stage control and spacing-as omari said earlier for stage control sometimes i jus use some mario shenanigans while spacing all my moves at the same time......i normally do alot of...
-empty jumps
-stalling aerials (mindgames xD)
-fireball sparingly
-i also abuse marios buttery smoothness cause mario sexy like dat xD
-have fun
though im still pretty content what u mean by stage control xD
What do you do usually against D3's. I tend to get shield grabbed outta my dair.
Honestly man. I dnt use mario in this matchup i use luigi.....but ill still give u my 2 cents
-huge target
-his weight makes it easy to combo
-he is semi easy to gimp
-we are faster then he is
-He can stay in the game with grabs/CG's
-he is heavy as **** so killing D3 is a mission
-inhale shenanigans
-he has 5 jumps i think? so edgeguarding for him isnt that bad...
Mainly i like to do rising dairs just on his shield,but high enough to the point he cant grab me or punish me with anything OOS.....bair fakeouts also annoy D3 players xD
@Boss: Can you create some random hype on this thread? What's stopping you from doing so?
Okay **** that, seriously? Which plumber do you enjoy playing more (fun)? Honestly, Luigi has been more fun for me than Mario the last few weeks but shhh...................don't tell anyone (whispers).
Random hype? idk brah xD
-i honestly enjoy playing mario more then Weegee....
Boss tell me soon if you need my card for pound 5
already REG =]....but thanks for the help
room hopping again for pound 5?
sry for double post =/