I wont go as far to say it's completely useless, because I can actually tell you a reason why Up+b is bad, and that's if you space it wrong and it allows your opponent to smash DI out of it. (Yeah you read that right, im gunna be uploading a vid within the next few days to show exactly what I mean)
However, 18s is right in that realistically, you're better off doing Up+B in the long run. If you Up+b cancel, you dont knock your opponent far, especially at low %s, but you will be at the same spot, with the same lag, everytime. That's begging to be punished. If you try to up+b cancel near the edge of a stage and miss, you're running the risk of SDing. Only way to even cut that out is to be able to Up+b cancel both directions flawlessly, and I mean, how many of us can really do it consistantly hit or not hit all the time? I've only met ONE guy who could, and last I heard of him, he's not playing Doc anymore.
The main perk about doing Up+b, like 18s implied, is that you can mixup where you're going to be. I have to mess around with something (read: it's going to take a few weeks, cause I need real people to try it on and I only play real people once every blue moon), but I think that you can go as far as to reverse up+b in situations where you would up+b. That'd allow you to have EVEN MORE options of where to go, as opposed to up+b cancel.
So yeah *points to 18s* he knows what he's talkin about.
As for talking about "stuff I need to try", I've been messing around with a bunch of stuff lately, cause well, I get ideas and I get bored.
All the ones Ima put out there right now deal with the ledge, cause me getting back onto the stage from the ledge is historically iffy around here (Some people go as far as to say "If I can get Dogy on the ledge, I can just kinda stand around and watch him **** up.")
So anyway.
Thing 1. After watching Capfal so many times, I always wondered "Man, I wonder if like, him, ganon, fox/falco (etc) are the only characters that can do the kool ledgehop-waveland-dj-*something* move (which I went to the Capfal boards and have unofficially dubbed "America"). So I was messing around with it with Doc. Doc can do America. It's pretty funny. You can do an American D.air, American Cape, or on stages like Dreamland or Battlefield, you can America up to the platform near you. (sorry for non Americans, it's a Capfal move, so.)
Thing 2. This idea came from the whole America thing. How many times have you recovered using your tornado and your cape, and you grab the ledge? Your opponent doesnt move far away from the ledge, but far enough to where ledgehop d.air/u.air wont hit (and I lol at anybody who really trys a ledgehop f.air. That should NEVER hit.) Well, why has nobody ever though ledgehoping and then wavelanding back to the ledge? If they're going to give you enough time/room to come up right by the ledge, or look to move back to move out of your LH d.air/u.air (or again, God forbid if you'll try the f.air), why not just take the time to get all your stuff back incase you get tapped trying to come off the ledge.
**note** For people who dont know, if you use your cape stall or tornado when you recover, you get it back when you hit the ground AND RETURN TO NEUTRAL. This is why you dont get them back when you grab the ledge.
Thing 3. Ledgehop pills. More specifically, low ledgehop pills. I've never liked the idea of ledgehop pills originally because if you do a good, high ledgehop and throw the pill a.s.a.p (which.. you kinda WANT to do, lol), then everybody who's not bowser can pretty much take a wavedash back, duck, and punish you for being right there. You essentially throw a FH pill right in their face, which is never good. So I was messin around and thought "Well. If Falco's have to drop down a bit before they ledgehop double laser, what happens when I try that with pill." Bam. Regular ground pills. Now people have to jump over them or something. Now you've got mixup. Cheer.
That's all Im going to share, I've got one more, but it's pretty crazy. And it's not that I want everybody to see it and be like "Wow that's amazing." I dont want it to really not work and people to get ***** and be like "**** DOGY YOU SAID THIS WOULD WORK."
Welp, that's all I've got.