fox is easy for doc. =/
idk why people find it hard.
you can cc dsmash/grab a waveshine, i've done it to raynex.
you can cc grab his best approach options
hes super easy to edge gaurd,
hes combo-able
he can get 0-death'd if you tech chase and be gay,
really if you grab him its not hard to take a stock.
what does he have against you besides speed =/
he cant really camp you, he needs to approach just as much as you do.
he cant uthrow uair,
being edge gaurded vs fox really ISNT that bad.
shine spikes are avoidable. very very avoidable.>_>
not to mention tech-able.
all of his other methods of edgegaurding arent that much better than the rest of the cast imho.
so really, his grabs arent that great against doc, he cant really approach you with out taking risk of getting grabbed, wich can lose him a stock.
idk, thats just me, i've never found fox to be a hard match up, i play raynex a lot, and of course i lose, but its more because hes straight up better than me than because fox ***** doc.