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DNA Gaming USA #3 - Results


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2008
This just proves I am the greatest troll ever.
I beat BC, which started an avalanche affect....I'm sitting here loling at the drama.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
It seems like it is really hard to like bloodcross.

he talks like he has a disease lol
Stop right now. It's pretty obvious that the kid has a few problems that he can't help. Leave him alone. While his behavior, at times, is completely unacceptable for ANYONE, he doesn't deserve the **** he gets half the time because it's out of his control.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
omg LMFAO at the jg wentworth pics...

all of them make me lol


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2007
i feel like doom and I here are the only ones that get BC. everyone else just be hatin'.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2007
Lawrence, MA
No hatin' on BC on my end. We think he just needs to find his own conduit to help him express his emotions better, but its best for him to figure what it is for himself... don't let anyone else influence what you want with life/smash/etc. BC.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008

1: Fatal - Good **** repping NE at this one. Grand Finals were so hyped. You went into beast mode after Doubles. If only you played like this all the time, you'd be near unstoppable. We've seen some of this at the Smash in Chelmsford Tourney :x.
2: Shadow - Nice seeing you again, good stuff getting 2nd again. I was hoping to play you after Koolaid but didn't get that far.
3: Diem - I always seem to just barely miss playing you in brackets. But thx for coming out again, you're an overall fun guy to be around.
4: Mikeray4 - CPing genius. Totally caught me off guard. I'll be ready for that garbage next time xd. But good stuff beasting people. Pick it up in doubles again tho.
5: Koolaid - Rageeeeeee at game 3 last stock in our set. Other than that, it was a really good set that was massive close. You dunno how tempted I was to go DDD against you dx.
7: Dawall - Even if you got a free win vs BC, still good stuff.
7: Zucco - Bad day. But Mikeray4 deff is legit apparently. He seems to do better at the Lucario matchup than I do.
9: Bloodcross - A break will do you well probably. That big guy was pretty out of line, that's why Diem and I said something. The owner yelled at him though.
9: Hinkage - ya hax r kewl. But Dazzywa hates mine. Sadface.
9: JJ Wolf - I was probably most nervous vs you because you beat me last time we played. I thought I was gunna lose again xd.
9: Doom - Thx for the laptop again, and results and such. Also good stuff in doubles. But step it up in singles again, not used to seeing you this low.
13: Fuzzy - The return of Fuzzy. Good stuff beating Prawn. He johned a lot, but he sux vs Lucas xd.
13: Pelca - You don't know how happy I am to hear you wanna Snake ditto me. I so much would rather do that than fight your Flaco. Don't forget that I have BC experience though, that's how I beat you so bad. Not cuz of you're bad. Cuz you're not.
13: Copacetic - Snake slayer. I love how when you beat me before that Mikeray and Cawesum were like "lulz he's easy how'd you lose" and then you end up ****** both of them. Good **** xd.
17: Peachkid - Not bad, you can still do better. Step it upppp.
17: Prawn Needs a new phone - Crazy upset beating Patg. Learn how to fight Lucas plz. Go friendly Haggs 50 times or something.
17: X-Factor - Uhhhh not bad lmao. More matchup problems I see.
17: Rach - Saw you almost beating Allied. You're getting pretty legit now, keep it up.
17: Allied - Nice seeing you again. Someday we'll team. I just usually are either with Mikeray or another NEer.
17: Bass - Mr. inconsistant
17: Patg - I KNOW you're better than this. ZSS doesn't really win when people figure out the matchup. Just go Lucario xd.
17: Cawesum - ohi captain awesome.
25: Haggs - Nice seeing you
25: Master Kurei - My bad about playing your brother so early. No one told me you guys were brothers. Noted for next time.
25: Watkins - Very nice Marth you have for so little time maining him. Keep it up. If you have a problem vs Snakes with Marth, just friendly me. Just don't CP Snake to FD. It's really stupid. CP BF instead.
25: Soma - Nice seeing you. Step it up tho.
25: Yume - Nice seeing you too. Getting better?
33: Peace - Fun friendlies.
33: Liquid - Fun friendlies, you're good at the matchup.

Quite a few upsets this tourney. Replays will be up eventually.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
1: Fatal- good **** dude. you had a lot of determination to beat me and did it twice. counting those sets, we're 3-2 in my favor now :p. that grand finals set was intense. your grenade game has gotten AMAZING. glad to see you stepped it up!
3: Diem- first place again baby! let's keep it up! our losers finals set was great.
4: Mikeray4- good stuff getting 4th man. definitely stepped it up since last time.
5: Koolaid- 5th without pit? too good! our set was fun. i was glad you decided to go pit, i had been wanting to play it.
5: Bizkit- didn't get to play, but nice seeing you again dude.
7: Zucco- glad you didn't get toooo upset about your losses this time :D. do better next time!
9: Hinkage- we never got to play! XD
9: JJ Wolf- fun friendlies like last time! see ya around.
9: Doom- beat me with falco game 2! good stuff man.
17: Peachkid- great matches! your peach is really good.
17: Prawn- good seeing you again. we didn't money match, but oh well, lol.
17: Allied- you can do so much better man! this was upsetting, but it happens. **** next time!
17: Patg- fun friendly we had. barbie aint viable! XD
17: Cawesum- thanks for rooting for me dude. hadn't seen you in a while!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 13, 2007
Orono, ME

25: Watkins - Very nice Marth you have for so little time maining him. Keep it up. If you have a problem vs Snakes with Marth, just friendly me. Just don't CP Snake to FD. It's really stupid. CP BF instead.
Tee hee, I knew it wasn't the best CP but I'm usually fairly comfortable on FD so I just went with it. On the other hand, my biggest weakness is approaching Snake and platforms would probably have helped with that, derp

thx tho! 8D


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2008
doesnt anyone realize that people handle losses/disappointment in oneself differently? Bloodcross handles it that way. there is nothing wrong with it, and to me is perfectly acceptable as long as he doesn't harm anyone in the process. I dont care if he goes and ****s a tree, nor do I think it should be used as an insult...(koolaid).
you all see BC throwing his controller as not normal. I see BC expressing emotion which IS normal.

but when I think about it nothing in this community is normal

I mean, a 21 year old is dating an 18 year old who both hang out with a 16 year old.
a 23 year old is friends with an 18 year old.

the age differences may not matter in smash, but where would you ever see this type of age diversity in other types of social structures? most likely nowhere.

BC shouldnt feel bad or be looked down on the way he acts or how he treats the game.
I dont wanna see BC prematurely leave the smash community.......nor do I wanna see anyone else leave before their time.

edit: you're all butts


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Society generally does have standards for how people should conduct themselves in public and stuff.

I wasn't there and I'm not criticizing Cross but I think if he has anger issues then he should seek help, not even just for smash sake, but for the sake of later in life. Bloodcross if you wanna talk my AIM is on my profile. :)

So Fatal

Smash Master
Mar 31, 2008
Holbrook, Massachusetts
doesnt anyone realize that people handle losses/disappointment in oneself differently? Bloodcross handles it that way. there is nothing wrong with it, and to me is perfectly acceptable as long as he doesn't harm anyone in the process. I dont care if he goes and ****s a tree, nor do I think it should be used as an insult...(koolaid).
you all see BC throwing his controller as not normal. I see BC expressing emotion which IS normal.

but when I think about it nothing in this community is normal

I mean, a 21 year old is dating an 18 year old who both hang out with a 16 year old.
a 23 year old is friends with an 18 year old.

the age differences may not matter in smash, but where would you ever see this type of age diversity in other types of social structures? most likely nowhere.

BC shouldnt feel bad or be looked down on the way he acts or how he treats the game.
I dont wanna see BC prematurely leave the smash community.......nor do I wanna see anyone else leave before their time.

edit: you're all butts
im 20!!! and who is 23???

Which were the payouts?

Singles was 240 120 40 and doubles was 180 90 60


Smash Master
May 1, 2009
Dmbrandon is like 24 and he static teams with Shadow who is 15. Age doesn't really matter in this community.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
25: Watkins - Very nice Marth you have for so little time maining him. Keep it up. If you have a problem vs Snakes with Marth, just friendly me. Just don't CP Snake to FD. It's really stupid. CP BF instead.
Watkins is too good with Marth xD I suck at this game... but...

I disagree with the FD thing. Snake is my most-hated match-up, but FD isn't that bad for Marth. On BF Snake can control the platforms almost as well as Marth. On SV the moving platform can save Snake more often than not. FD doesn't have any of that, and also afford the Marth some space to camp, if he ever chooses too. ;)

Here's a WC Marth CPing Snake to FD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bkorFIdoWI

doesnt anyone realize that people handle losses/disappointment in oneself differently? Bloodcross handles it that way. there is nothing wrong with it, and to me is perfectly acceptable as long as he doesn't harm anyone in the process. I dont care if he goes and ****s a tree, nor do I think it should be used as an insult...(koolaid).
you all see BC throwing his controller as not normal. I see BC expressing emotion which IS normal.

but when I think about it nothing in this community is normal

I mean, a 21 year old is dating an 18 year old who both hang out with a 16 year old.
a 23 year old is friends with an 18 year old.

the age differences may not matter in smash, but where would you ever see this type of age diversity in other types of social structures? most likely nowhere.

BC shouldnt feel bad or be looked down on the way he acts or how he treats the game.
I dont wanna see BC prematurely leave the smash community.......nor do I wanna see anyone else leave before their time.

edit: you're all butts

I'm sorry, but I couldn't understand any of the words in this post because it was far too serious.

In other words, go back to trolling, please.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
Dmbrandon is like 24 and he static teams with Shadow who is 15. Age doesn't really matter in this community.
yup. i hang out with a lot of people who don't really realize my age >_>. rofl
i think my height and maturity make up for it. i think if younger people are as mature (or almost as mature) as people who are much older than them, there shouldn't be a problem with them hanging out.
it's true about this sort of thing only being accepted by smashers, though, when i tell my friends from school that i'm going over my friend brandon's house, who's 24, they all go O_O. :laugh:


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
yup. i hang out with a lot of people who don't really realize my age >_>. rofl
i think my height and maturity make up for it. i think if younger people are as mature (or almost as mature) as people who are much older than them, there shouldn't be a problem with them hanging out.
it's true about this sort of thing only being accepted by smashers, though, when i tell my friends from school that i'm going over my friend brandon's house, who's 24, they all go O_O. :laugh:
what the fvck ,you're 15? You look like 18 or something. lol xD


dont you tell me what to do *****

K thank you, thats much better.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 13, 2007
Orono, ME
Yeah age doesn't matter etc, I'm 21 and I don't look any older than everyone else. Just sexier.

I saw Mikehaze own Ally on FD but I guess I forgot I wasn't Mikehaze. lol! >B(


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2009
BC it struck me a little when you called the black guy a negro, racist much?

It's like me going, "Man that caucasion is annoying".

Watch your use of words man.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
As a fellow lolicon I highly approve of Zucco's sigs =D

Although it seems he would go even younger than I would.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Wtf Mikeray lmao. 21 and 18 are very close, dating wise. And 23 and 18 for friends is nothing. A 20 year old being friends with a 7 year old, on the other hand, is where it starts getting creepy.
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