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Delta Upsilon VI Results 1/15/11 Full results posted!!!


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2007
Columbus/ NW Ohio
It's 3 AZ iirc. So you wait, PS the eggs, and then punish their getup. It's really not that bad unless you try to preemptively punish.

I'm leaning toward raising the LGL to 30 imo. Oh and we should have 10 min games.
I wasn't sure what the count was, so it was frustrating to figure out when to punish. I thought it was 3, so when I rushed in another egg came out, so I just eventually waited. Instead of mentioning this during the tournament, I just sucked it up and posted it on here to get facts straight. I'm not upset; it's something to keep an eye on in the future.

As for the LGL, I think it should be 30 with everyone IMO. 10 min games sounds a bit long, and unsure how that would benefit.

Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
This is why I believe that we should have a LGL with a 10 min timer. If you are naturally fighting and going to the ledge, that's fine. Let's give you a few more minutes to fight it out at the pace that's comfortable for you. But if it goes to time after extending the clock...then I'd be starting to wonder...


Smash Journeyman
Apr 21, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
He can't egg more than 5 or so times in a row. Then he has to return to the stage, so just run away and wait for him to come back up. After like the 3-4th egg start moving toward the edge so you cover any retreat options. It is a slow game but Yoshi cannot stay on the edge the entire game.
Actually, I could in some cases. You're right we can't throw eggs more then like 5 times, but we don't lose our double jump because of it.

But....I'm not gonna' plank against Jigglypuff. xD


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
Sorasin beating AZ and making me miss getting out of pools kinda ruined the whole night for me. :( I was feeling good about my resurgence being that it's the first time I've been to two tournaments in the same month, let alone two weeks in a row, in a long time but without fail, I'm always on the wrong side of a tiebreaker. Of course, I would've been on top of the 3-way if AZ had won.... But oh well, way to step up broski. I can't wait to see the bracket.

Additional shoutouts to my fellow "Four Guys." :awesome: And **** the Steelers.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
@KB, regardless of your character it is very difficult for anyone to recover onto the stage. Especially if the person is very good at edge-guarding, and we all know you are good at it. Even though MK has tons of options compared to other characters it is still rather difficult to get back on the stage safely against most characters. Yeah MK can just Tornado, or try to jump up and above you, but both of those can still get punished hard even by peach.

I did not see the match, but from what it sounds like is Z was trying to make you commit to something so he could recover safely and punish you. Which resulted in him grabbing the edge multiple times.
Yes I am good at it, but I'm also being realistic here. Every time I edgeguard a Pit/GnW/ROB and in some instances Pikachu, I'm essentially playing at 1-in-3 odds at edgeguarding them successfully or stopping their edge tactics. When I edgeguard a MK, by comparison to the others it is noticeably more...heh...let's just say I'm playing a 1-in-4 odds game, if and only if the MK screws up significantly to be hit by something worthwhile. Why the difference? Easy. I can time turnip tosses from straight above on the other three characters and eventually force them off of the ledge that way, or just time turnip tosses in general on all except MK (and possibly Pit, if he screws up his uair spacing and exposes his upper body).

What happens if I attempt to get above MK to toss the turnip? Shuttle loop or rising uair; descending uair if he wants to remain in his position.

What happens if I get any closer than a smash toss distance away? He can nado my next turnip pull animation, or land quickly, forward roll behind me, and have excellent positioning to do pretty much whatever since I don't have my d-smash, slap, or f-tilt to fall back on in that situation.

What happens if I just walk away (which I've started to adopt after continuously being reminded of the futility of trying to stop him)? Free recovery for MK. Uncontested.

Z didn't really overdo anything on me, he played admirably all around and didn't deliberately plank or anything. Then again I can't really say anything for sure since, again, the futility of it just makes me walk away from the ledge and let him back on uncontested.

The top 3 in Ohio had to play each other 1st and second round. Who exactly did scribbs beat?
I have no idea. xD

also, you can stop any character in the game if they decide to be on the ledge for long periods of time....cept mk. so a rule just on him is good.
Pretty much this. MK is the only one out of the few "strong ledge game" characters that I just cannot touch without risk of utter stock annihilation. This is not only about Peach trying to contest him there either.

It's 3 AZ iirc. So you wait, PS the eggs, and then punish their getup. It's really not that bad unless you try to preemptively punish.

I'm kinda split between this LGL rule. No doubt its effective, but is it particularly unfair against MK? 25 LGL not only prevents MK from planking, but it makes grabbing the edge dangerous. If they get too many grabs early, the opposing player can opt to time out the MK regardless of percent/stock as long as they can survive the 8 min. If the MK realizes what's going on, the MK is forced to approach and finish the game quickly. Now all of us non-MK mains hate MK, but where do we draw the line between preventing planking/timeouts and making MK unviable? Why don't we just say if the game times out the MK auto-loses?

I'm leaning toward raising the LGL to 30 imo. Oh and we should have 10 min games.
A raise in the LGL amount sounds like a good idea. I'm not in agreement with an increase in the timer though. Brawl tournaments already run until the asscrack of dawn as it is.

And believe me, even with these restrictions in place, MK and unviable will never coexist in the same sentence.

diddy should have an "items thrown" limit of 20. I mean, it's a FIGHTING game, not a food fight.
I can't throw MK's ledge play back at him, nor gimp him with it.


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2007
YO MARVEL Lexington, Kentucky
Shout outs to canes for being delicious.
Best shoutout I have ever seen in my life.

Edit: For anyone still debating about the Edge Canceled Eggs (ECE's), Yoshi stops gaining any "bounces" after 5 aerial tosses before he touches the ground again. Yoshis that don't throw their 1st couple eggs correctly will make their basketball sized nose full of hurtboxes vulnerable above the ledge, so that'd be the first thing to look for.

Second, Yoshi's egg doesn't actually come out until the 19th frame, so you do actually have time to punish him for throwing an egg, provided that the egg prior didn't get to bounce on your shield, either putting you through more shield stun, or shield poking you.

Anyways, you all shouldn't really worry about the eggs too much; shield them when you can, and figure out out he's going to come up off the ledge. Most yoshis tend to drop from the ledge and DJ up, making them COMPLETELY vulnerable for a footstool, which is instant death.

Look fo' dem telltale signs.

Edit Edit: Also keep in mind that Yoshi's egg toss "bounce" decreases after each toss. It's refreshed when he touches the ground as well.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
Shoutouts breaker.

1: Shugo ($140.00) - I don't see how people can beat you. I can't find any holes in your game and it drives me nuts. Good seeing you got (some of) your confidence back.
2: Infern ($63.00) - We need to play more, so I can win again lol. Good stuff.
3: DJIskascribble ($40.00) - I make it my goal to beat you, and then you come back and crush my hopes lol. You definitely get better every time I see you, I can't catch up in this race XD.
4: Y.b.M. ($23.00) - I got johns. lol jk make dat money so you can buy me a yacht.
5: Fizzle ($12.00) - Keep beating PR folks. I mad jealous.
5: Kel ($12.00) - Rules shmules. Your good enough to fight uphill battles, although I know you hate it when you have to.
7: Z - You've gotten really good, keep coming to tournies so you can learn more MUs :D.
7: Fonz - I'm so glad I avoided your ganon lol. But honestly I feel like your MK is one of the hardest to play against in OH, you don't fall for most of my BS. Play dumber lol.
9: AlphaZealot - Always fun talking to you, although honestly these rules were a bit extreme. But one step back two steps forward.
9: Sneaky Tako - Meh.
9: Quivo - I love Columbus tournies cause I get to see Columbus folk that don't come to tournies (cough cough). You should stick with TL though, no matter how silly you feel playing him lol.
9: Mr. Eric - We need to step it up, the other ROBs are winning tournies T.T.
13: Sai - I've heard you've gotten way better, we need to play at Chi's tourny.
13: Luminoth - You scared me. Don't do that lol. But seriously if you play with more trickiness and less textbook you'll get waaay better. If I see you before Saturday remind me to elaborate.
13: Sorasin - You got bracket Fed, that really sucks. But this was a really dense tourny, nothing to be ashamed of.
13: KB - You need to stick to peach and never lose the lead lol. MK is terrible for us, but I think both our characters have an opportunity to shut him down. It's just if we get a disadvantage it's really x 100 terrible. But you just have to let it go and keep doing your thing.
---Pools Cut Off---
17: Kassandra - We can do better. And we will do better eventually. Stay positive.
17: Moose - I love seeing this guy no homo. Your fishing for stuff too often though. Stay more basic imo.
17: Mr. E - Those burgers were awesome. So awesome that they made me sleepy lol.
17: MX - Tough games in doubles. Fox is much scarier than I thought, upsmash is very legit.
21: ShyGuy - You've got to work on your recovery as falco. Don't ever phantasm to the stage if I'm too far from the ledge, I'll nair you every time.
21: JT - Fun stuff in melee, my puff still needs work.
25: Kiest - omg keist, too good. Totally my fault we lost against AZ/Z, my ignorance cost us the game. This will not happen again, I can't wait to win money with you :D.
25: Drillbit Sammy - When I knock you in the air on the stage, be careful not to be baited into airdodge as I nair low. I got you like 5 times with nair > Uptilt with this basic trap.
25: Hael Phael - Thanks for coming to OH again, I hope to see you at LAB.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
We both know that your not. You've said that other TL's get to get away with silly stuff, that's because they got the confidence to mindgame people. Trust in your ability to read people and show us the craziness that is Q.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
diddy should have an "items thrown" limit of 20. I mean, it's a FIGHTING game, not a food fight.
Trying to draw a parallel to excessive ledge play using Diddy's bananas makes no sense. If it is such a FIGHTING game, then why run away from the opposition with no intention of FIGHTING? Diddy's bananas are fair game to whomever can get them. Is it easy? No. Can you use them to your advantage? Yes. If MK gets the ledge, you cannot get him off of it without either A) Taking an unnecessary amount of damage or B) Losing a stock. As KB pointed out, Iskascribble had no problems with the LGL. Do you feel like you're unable to win a match without planking someone to death for 8 minutes? Scribz can do it, why can't you?

At first, I didn't care about an MK ban. It was whatever for me. Now, it's getting stupid. Ban him and if people complain, let 'em.


Smash Apprentice
May 17, 2009

No offense to Z, he plays to win and I respect the guy a whole lot. But coming from the perspective of a Peach player who has some good experience playing both sides of the matchup, just...recover. I'm Peach, how can I possibly pressure you into remaining on the ledge and planking until there is an opening? What do I have that is so dangerous? Sure, I can try to time a f-smash or something if and only if you screw up somehow with your nado, 5 jumps, or other options from your large bag of tricks. And even then, it's not like I'm a powered up Lucario or a Falco standing nearby with very dangerous options to contest you or actually pin you down with; they hit like a Mack truck if you screw up, Peach hits like a Prius; again...only if you screw up. I get so frustrated when a MK just hangs there like they're actually scared of my character that I just walk away with her when I'm playing Z (again, no offense, keep doing your thing if it's legal bro) or another MK who will do that say "recover" in a very irritated tone of voice.
I mostly just wanted to instant toss a turnip at you. And I think I had like 6 edge grabs that game.

About the LGL, I thought until after my games were all over that you were DQ'd upon getting 25 grabs regardless of time. So that was a nuisance. If I had known, though, I think I might have actually liked that rule. It sounds like the end result would be "MK can't time out a game."


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2009
Ohio State University
Highlights of this tourney for me:

1.Seeing a kirby&kirby vs Meta&Meta match, where the kirbys out-nado spammed the metas and took the win.

2. Lucario's auraphere. As Y.b.m.(?) put it. "you could kill majin buu with that ****."
"you just spot-dodged the spirit bomb"

3. Melee shenanigans. 'Nuff said

Low points: Lowering myself by abandoning marth and counterpicking pikachu against MX's fox...and still losing. It's not even close to a losing matchup for marth. I just need to get better.

MX, I need a rematch next tourny, and with no pikachu shenanigans.

Edit *Lol wut? image change...
Silly meme generator

On a side note: I'm glad to hear that other people think these pools are tough too. Top 16 Is tough to squeeze into with this competition. My goal is to get into the bracket before I graduate, assuming Delta Upsilon continue that long.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
It's 3 AZ iirc. So you wait, PS the eggs, and then punish their getup. It's really not that bad unless you try to preemptively punish.

I'm kinda split between this LGL rule. No doubt its effective, but is it particularly unfair against MK? 25 LGL not only prevents MK from planking, but it makes grabbing the edge dangerous. If they get too many grabs early, the opposing player can opt to time out the MK regardless of percent/stock as long as they can survive the 8 min. If the MK realizes what's going on, the MK is forced to approach and finish the game quickly. Now all of us non-MK mains hate MK, but where do we draw the line between preventing planking/timeouts and making MK unviable? Why don't we just say if the game times out the MK auto-loses?

I'm leaning toward raising the LGL to 30 imo. Oh and we should have 10 min games.

This is why you increase the timer to 10 minutes like the Japanese have realized to do A LONG *** TIME AGO

but U.S. is too stubborn and will be like "well matches take too long anyway"

when in reality INCREASING THE TIMER WOULD PROBABLY SHORTEN TOURNAMENTS. Because, say there is 1 minute left on the clock but both players are almost dead. Having 1 minute left as opposed to 3 minutes left... they are much more likely to HAVE THE GOAL OF TIMING THEM OUT TO WIN as opposed to fighting normally. Time outs rarely happen anyway and the only way a tourney would increase in length is for people going out of their way (not to be effective, but to attempt to be annoying like overswarm) to make the tournament take longer. Any normal person it would probably take less time because the goal of them timing out wouldn't be nearly nearly as common.

So with that being the ONLY CON of an increased timer WHICH MIGHT ACTUALLY BE A PRO!!!~, the benefits are plentiful for having that and it solves/drastically-improves the LGL problem significantly.

Mister Eric

Twitch.tv/MisterbeepEric Twitter: @MisterbeepEric
Nov 24, 2008
Louisville, KY
yeah. I've been saying the exact same thing M2K and sneaky are saying.
10 min timer would bypass all of this bull****
i do think a LGL should still be in place. because if it goes to time after 10 min...then you're rly just trying to not fight lol


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2008
Does anyone know whose wii was to the right of king beefs? (aka the main station where i played infern/scribbz etc). or the wii that quivo played falco and az used pikachu? if anyone can tell me that'd be great. Thanks :)


Smash Master
Dec 8, 2007
Columbus/ NW Ohio
@ Shugo: i think that was mine. Did you have saved data on there? I can check tomorrow and PM you the lastest matches I have.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2008
There was a match of me vs ybm falco vs kirby on frigate that i wanted uploaded, but if you can't you can send it to me and ill send it to KB if you find it O:

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Sorry for the delay on the vids guys. The vendor was sick last week and ended up shipping my device yesterday instead of me receiving it yesterday...

I should have it by tomorrow or Friday if I'm lucky.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I honestly wouldn't worry about it too much. People might get a quick chuckle out of any 3 stocks that happen, but people tend to pay more serious attention to the matches that aren't complete sweeps. I've also been 3 stocked before, **** happens. xD


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2008
Worthington, Ohio
Actually you guys WANT people to think you suck.... that way when we go to Pund 5... you go up against a scrub who says... "Ain't you that guy who got 3 stocked by Shugo? Man you must SUCK!"

Then from about 2 blocks away... people hear a loud "GOD KAIS!" as that player wished he never picked up a controller.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2008
lmaoooo i need some **** videos online already its been too long. all my vids are outdated as shiz i dont even play like i use to in the old ones. >< none of my good sets get recorded lol. AND INFERN THAT 3 STOCK AINT GONNA HAPPEN LOL I GOT YO A** ON LOCKKKK SONNN.

Infern Angelis

Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
Dallas, TX
Also if people think i suck, Im able to make more upsets, and i can jump spots in the PR! lol

@ Kiest: lol loved the image in my head of it

@Shugo: It will happen , it will...God Kai promise
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