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Dear Midwest, we need to talk *READ 1st POST BEFORE REPLYING*

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
(First, I would like to request that you do NOT move this thread into the Poopchat. This topic is extremely important in the aspect of the growth of the midwest smash scene and it would be inevitable that this thread would be overlooked in the Social Forum. Thank you for your understanding.)

As most of you may know, I’ve done a whole lot of talk about the Midwest “getting better”. That seems to be a tough concept for me to talk about, as well as many other players to grasp. I believe “getting better” and playing to improve first start in the mind. You may have heard many rich people say “To become a millionaire you must first think like a millionaire”. It’s the same concept. I’ve slowly started to understand that not everybody has the same mindset as me. Not everyone is playing to improve. I didn’t have a problem with that at all until I asked myself, “why?” THIS is the primary focus of this post and of this thread.
Many of the following topics I believe you will understand better if you understand where I’m come from and my story when it comes to the game. I’m not going to go into detail(I tried)…I’ll just touch the important points.

The Story
The beginning of my story sounds similar to most’s. When I first got this game in Christmas of ’01 I was hooked. I was beating everyone I knew with gimmicky combos with Falco like dthrow>dtilt haha. Just like the rest of you, I was obviously the best player in the world. The first time I’ve heard anything about competitive melee was in 8th grade. A friend of mine told called me telling me to turn on my TV to MTV (you guessed right, the KillaOR documentary). He saw the small clip of his Falco and told me “His Falco looks like it could be better than yours.” Of course I shrugged it off because I was the best player in the world. A couple years past now and there was a tournament at my high school. I missed it (I forgot why) and then I asked a friend who won. Long story short a friend of mine told me the person who won was better than me and that scared me. When I asked him, “what makes him better?” he showed me this.
This was my first exposure ATs, so I was blown away by the speed. (The music of the video added to my emotional effect haha) This video brought me to watch many others, and I soon learned that I was terrible at the game. From that exact day I started learning ATs, and it was then that I began to discover the layers of depth to the game. This is where is started for me. I was inspired to become great and to improve!
Years past after this point. I was moving in the same fashion of the players I’ve watched on youtube, but I was still getting ***** in tournament. Although I loved the thrill of tournaments, I was still going 0-2. I still had an ego though. I’d post videos on the Falco/Fox/Marth/Samus boards to get critiqued, but I would shut down every single critical response and enjoy responses on praise. Somehow, I convinced myself that I wasn’t doing anything wrong, and other players were just “naturally better” and that maybe if I just kept playing I’d become as good as them. Even though I had the desire to improve, I did not have a desire to learn because I thought there was nothing else to learn.
There came a point where I was “done”. I told myself that I HAD to get better or quit and the ladder option was definitely unappealing lol. For a teen without a car in SoCal(you NEED a car to get places in SoCal fyi lol), I was in a pretty desolate place for smash, so I was forced to teach myself the game. I remembered thinking back to when I watched that old Azen video and thinking “I suck” and it was the PERFECT mentality. When I told myself that I sucked, I put a goal in mind, which was of course to not suck anymore. In order to improve, I told myself what I said before. This is when I started making improvement because I completely dropped my ego. I started talking to Adam (some of you may know him as Neighborhood P) on aim a lot, because he was a pretty experienced player who knew a lot about the game, specifically the mental aspect. I also picked a main (Falco of course), got efficient tech skill with him, learned all of Falco’s matchups, learned how to properly tech chase, learned how to edge guard, and started playing floaty CPUs more. I also worked on getting rid of several bad habits such as attacking from defensive positions too often.
I felt significant improvement at this point. I started placing much higher in tournaments, and actually started winning sets. I no longer felt like I was a “chore” to play against for SoCal’s ranked players. I felt like I wasn’t getting ***** anymore and that was a good feeling. People finally started calling me “good” and that felt amazing.
Even so, I was still very hungry. I wasn’t good enough. Several people suggested a position for me on the next SoCal PR, but I wasn’t satisfied. What was a number good to me for? I needed to be great, so now I play every match with a willingness to learn in order to achieve my goal. To me, the sky is the limit so that’s exactly what I’m shooting for. This is where I am now.

You Guys Are Behind
I feel that every smasher should have a goal in mind; otherwise you are playing without purpose. I came from one of, if not THE strongest smash region in the world, so I was naturally very driven by watching many top players play/playing with them. I received many tips and praise which boosted my confidence. I was also surrounded by many people with a similar passion, so it became easy to find practice buddies to play seriously for hours on end (<3 fiction, sherigami, adam, ben..lol ^_^).
When I came to the Midwest, I was expecting to see many other people with a similar passion that I have. I found a good amount of people that were exactly what I was looking for, but sadly, more that were not.
The first thing I noticed was the skill gap. It is enormous! It’s seriously not even funny. I’m not trying to put the Midwest down or anything (or hype up SoCal), but I feel like it’s something people out here don’t understand. You guys make fun of your region a lot, but unless you’ve traveled outside of your region to EC or WC then you truly don’t understand. You guys are BEHIND.
I have to pick on Dart (lol<3). Dart asked me how well he thinks he would do against Silent Spectre. I told him that he’d get ***** with a big excited grin on my face. He looked surprised when I said it, and then soon after posted on the boards asking why I said what I said, hoping that it wasn’t based off of his set with ORLY. This REALLY shocked me. This was a big reality check for me. From this point I took a step back and realized “Not only are they extremely behind, but they think they are better than they are!” Now this sounds very judgmental, but I am convinced that this is a safe assumption to make.
I’d like to say that I’ve performed decently out here. It’s safe to say, that I’m one of the best Falco mains in the MW, and that’s really sad, because I could not hold a candle in a national tournament. Let me give you guys some perspective. You don’t have to watch these but here are some videos of me vs SoCal’s ranked players.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnYwnCWRvRM Me vs Kira (2-0 Kira)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIbGNgiJZLw Me vs Connor (2-0 Connor)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhQj7qRBrFI Me vs Lovage (2-0 Lovage)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOsYuXcTadM Me vs Connor (2-1 Connor)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVGY4pLWux4 Me vs Smoke2jointz (2-0 s2j)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vtm6U5uqcBA Me vs Fiction. Fiction is NOT RANKED! (2-0 Fiction)
I sense a recurring theme LOL. And then we have
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EigGatL00P0 Me vs Tink (2-0. 1 stock victories, very similar to these guys^. You do the math.)
This is all not to say that I couldn’t hold a candle to SoCal (I’ve taken a few sets) but this is pretty much the norm when it comes to the comparison. Regardless of what Connor tells me…I GET *****. LOL. This is why I was so taken aback when Dart was surprised by saying SS would **** him back and forth.

The Problems

The MW is bad, but this is not the problem.
Problem #1: Kels is the best active player in the MW and therefore he indirectly sets “the standard”. No offense to Kels, but beating him should NOT be the standard; yet it is. This is probably what saddens me the most about the MW. You guys have set a standard so low that you will never be able to compete on a national level. I know this sounds harsh, but that’s the way it is. This leads me to the next point.
Problem #2: The lack of confidence that emits off of some of you guys is extraordinary! I choose my words carefully. Although I’ve never heard anyone say “I just won’t ever be good enough to beat Kels” it has been inferred in various ways on SEVERAL occasions. I’m sick and tired of “well he can do it because he’s Amsah” or “his shield pressure is perfect because he’s Lucky”. NO! They have gotten where they are through practice. All it takes is practice, BUT INSTEAD all I hear is johns! SIT DOWN. SHUT UP. AND PRACTICE IN YOUR ROOM LIKE PHIL.
Problem #3: This is the worst one of them all. Aside from setting a low standard or making an excuse for yourself, there are those who have essential “givin up” and have found comfort in being “bad”. This saddens me the most. Perhaps they have found solace in their current skill level because it is the proverb of Midwest smash. Perhaps they’ve hit a road block and don’t know where to turn. Or worst of all, perhaps they just don’t believe in themselves. These people are the hardest to gain back and the ones that sadden me the most.

Set a Goal

This is why I feel that setting a goal is important. This is the MAIN REASON why I’ve made this post. Some people will read this, not and still not care about getting better, and that is completely fine because at least you have made that clear to me and the rest of the community. If you just want to play to “have fun” or just play on goofy stages all day, more power to you, but this post is not for you. A lot of you guys just want to improve and be a competitive force in Midwest smash and “beat Kels” which although I think is a problem, it is still a goal. However, if your goal is to improve in the first place, why not just shoot for the stars? That’s what I’m doing because great things are achieved when you set high goals. What I’m getting at is, it is important that you play for something. Play for a reason.

Midwest Power Rankings

One of the other things that inspired me when I first started playing competitively was SoCal’s Power Rankings. Although, it may sound “corny” to some of you guys, a region’s PR is in a way a regions pride and glory. It basically says, “here’s what we have to show for” or “come get some”(lol). Some of you might be thinking “He just told us that we suck, what do we have to show for!?” Everybody has something to show for, and you have to start somewhere. As I’ve said in past posts, a PR is a catalyst for competitiveness and a great way to draw in new faces to the scene. We want to embrace that little 15 year old kid who’s desire is to beat Kels in Grand Finals. That’s is how the MW will make its next best players.
Furthermore, I believe a PR would also give the MW a sense of “togetherness”. Although you guys are already a very close bunch of friends, I feel like it would become a strong central unit if you will for Midwest smash. This might also sound “corny” but the Midwest needs something to keep your heads held high, like I said “something to show for”. Like I said, improving is a mindset, and although it is ok to admit the MW is a “bad” region it is NOT ok to become content with that.
In case you hadn’t guessed it, this is my proposal to make an official Midwest PR.
This comes with a problem. The MW is a BIG region. It will be hard to rank players accurately because not everyone gets to play each other that often. We’d have to decide on making one big PR or two PRs(MidNorth and MidSouth). I’ll leave that one up for you guys to discuss.

Sign Here

If you have set a goal to improve, I will help you as best I can. Although I am not a top level player in melee, I understand what it takes to get better and I will help you do so. If I don’t know an answer to a question, I can direct you to the answer. I’ve had quite a few good talks with Anthony (CKit) and I’m sure he is willing to help as well.
If you have made it this far, and you have a goal of improvement, please add “playing to improve” at the end of your post so I can add it to my list. I’ll be glad if I can get at least 25 people to make a pledge to get better.
I’ll start…

“Playing to Improve”
1. Little England
2. Sveet
3. Dart
4. Jayford
5. Quaz
6. Red Ryu
7. Lanceinthepants
9. Bees
10. Oro?!
11. Mars-
12. Ripple
13. Technical Chase
14. Faithkeeper
15. Mooose
16. Juggleguy
17. GooeyBanana
18. Hore
19. john!
20. Derpington
21. Griffard

Now I go to sleep...(yes Lance I stayed up until 8am brainstorming/writing. :laugh:)

And lastly

<333 Midwest


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2005
blah blah blah we will become the best blah blah blah (lots of threads have been made on how to improve)

lol at power rankings bringing a sense of togetherness.


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
Well since i got name dropped i obviously have to make up for my ignorance. i'm playing to improve -_-
i did read the whole post, i like where it's going, i hope it actually gets things started.

- Dart

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This has been my only goal for the past year.

In both Brawl and Melee I want to get better so I can compete and do something in this game scene.

I'll sign to improve.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
poor shonic this somewhat made me think of him. love him :p

but I can't help but argee somewhat my brother wants to be good so bad but he doesn't want to sit down and learn so he's very slowly learning to master his WD and junk and he started relying on somewhat unstable tactics to beat me with like rapid laser camping which caused me to learn how to powersheild so he moved on to prediction which so did I and i'd nair when I know he won't. he tryed tilting me away and smashing me away.

he's combo game is slowly getting better same with teching but at least he's got a decent pressure game.

his problem is I won't sandbag or slow down other than picking falcon and being dumb. My falcon is amazinly bad. when I sit down to fight him as link I quickly learn powerful use of bombs and boomrangs together to totally control him once I knock him out of control.

I learn pretty fast at smash and I play very smart because i play to learn and once I'm so good I can get out of pools a few times i'll play to win and master my gay tactics of chaion throwing and movement camping people like peach and kirby.

yes i'm talking about my pichu.

I always try to keep moving forward and getting smarter in fact I have notenote over 25 pages worth of ideas tactics, and mindgames as pichu.

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
These posts make me happy. Thanks to everyone who has signed.

@Moose: I want to play you as well. Perhaps some Chicago tourney in the future. ;)
@Dart: I picked on you because I thought you could take the heat the best, and I was right! <3
@Jay: That's good to hear. I think it is really important that you pick a character that you CONSISTENTLY enjoy and are comfortable with. Is Puff that character? You need to pick a main and that's the first big step to improvement.
@Quaz: Regardless of what anyone says, you CAN improve in a desolate area for smash. I did it, so can you.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008

I don't know how well a Midwest power ranking would work out. Might wanna divide it up if you actually plan on doing it. I mean your example was SoCal, implying that the whole state of california is divided into two PR's(granted it is a big state but still).


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
I've always played to improve or learn which seems a little closer to the truth. sign me up.

however I doubt i'll be in the midwest for much longer as in i'm most likly going to leave in a year or so. I'll still keep the power of the corn.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.
see, now i read this thread, and its absolutley amazing and all, but i dont entirely agree fully -_-.....i mean, skill wise.....ive seen lucky, socals #2-3?, get raaaaped by m2k 2-0 easily, by many stocks, while me/kels have/can take games in tourny....ive seen kels **** SS....ive, seen him go even with super saiyin wobbles....i def agree we should always focus on getting better, but our tops arnt thaaaat far behind -_-. we could def improve tho.

--tink on Cs account--


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2009
Ann Arbor, MI
let me tell you my story lol
i started getting interested in smash competitively around 08. i had had the game since 03, same old story, i played sheik in free for alls on hyrule, thought i was the best plaer in the world. i had a friend who played zelda who i would have good games with, but i would usually win with some heavy camping. he tells me his friend would **** me, so i go online and find out about at's. i drop sheik, pick up falco and start learning all the at's. i play ALOT with my little brother, who plays fox. a few weeks later, i finally get to play his friend, brainjack, who plays marth. i get absolutely wrecked. but my mentality has always been that i can beat anyone if i put enough work into it. he tells me his crew is having a tournament in a week or so. so i practice alot, play alot. these guys had been playing for about a year, so i was excited to experience their skill levels. the night before the tournament i stay up playing him over and over. i was still getting wrecked, but i felt like i was picking up on some of his habits. he tells me theres one other player in his crew who's better than him. the next day at the tournament, with ~20 people. my first tournament match was terrifying. i kept thinking about the consequences of every mistake i made, and therefore made alot more mistakes. but i actually do quite well, taking 2nd in my pool, losing only to my first smash friend, then winning my first bracket match, against junglefever (who's name you might recognize). then i had to play stratford, the aforementioned best player in the crew. i dont remember the details, but i somehow beat him, and that gave me a rush of confidence. i ended up playing brainjack in winners finals, beating him, then losing to stratford in grand finals. but i was very happy with my performance, and the crew was very supportive and nice to me, and became some of my favorite training partners, and people in general.
so whats next? i hadn't been to a "smashboards tournament", where the best in michigan would play. so brainjack took me to a UM-biweekly in late december 08. at this point, i had been following tournament results. from what i could see, scotu seemed to be the best in michigan. my goal, at this point, was to become the best player in the nation. i would start by becoming the best in michigan, then the best in the midwest, then i would travel around beating everyone in every region. All this would theoreticall occur in under a year. Ambitious? Yes. Cocky? yes. Entirely possible? yes. So i entered my first pools match, against a pikachu player named antoine. We played 3 stocks to save time. I got 3 stocked twice. Only later did i find out i was playing against anther. I ended up placing 5th or 7th, out of 16, not even getting a chance to play scotu in tournament. i did beat a few notable players, like lain and sheepyman. It wasn't horrible, but i wasn't satisfied. I wanted to be the best. But tournaments were few and far in between in michigan, and it wasn't until the summer of 09 when i got a chance to play more people. In the meantime i practiced my tech skill and played against my little brother alot, maybe 2-3 hours every day. I started going to tournaments, doing decently but not great. I met the best players in michigan, like dope, mikey lenetia, bigy, shaeden, velynn and scotu. they became my targets, and still are, my targets. i eventually improved to the point where i was no longer scared of scotu in tournament, and the last time i played mikey l. in tournament i beat him. dope i never had a chance to play. bigy and shaeden and velynn are still at or above my level, and i won't be satisfied until i can not only beat them, but consistently beat them to the point where they almost give up against me in bracket. ambitious? yes. I began attending the University of Michigan in 09, where scotu hosted LOLIS, which drew many great players from around the midwest. i had the chance to play with m2k, vidjo, kels and tink. i learned alot from playing them. they were added to my list of targets. i also had a really unique opportunity to play against teczero for about 10 hours straight for a couple of sessions, due to his friendship with junglefever. The first time i played him, he was the best player i had ever played (including m2k lol) in my opinion, and i lost to all of his characters except his ness LOL. The next time, i did much better, occasionally beating his sheik and peach and marth in friendlies. I love playing against him, because he punishes my habits and spacing mistakes, and he punishes HARD. I like to think of him as my measuring stick, because of his adaptive playstyle, and look forward to playing him again. then this summer, i continued to play, taking home several 2nd place finishes. then i went to my first out of state tournament at scsyn. it reminded me of my first tournament in that i did decently, but im not satisfied unless i got first. i'm proud of my victories against rat and bigd, but i would really like to see moose advance over kels or a moose victory over tink. and i know these are definitely possible, and i promise you guys, i'm coming for you.

however, the main issue right now with smash is that it's simply not as important to me as the other things going on in my life right now. I'd rather be working on homework, or talking to friends, or going to parties than smashing. i started playing smash because i had a huge excess of free time, and that free time is shrinking away right now. i'm not quitting, but i have to think about what's important to me, and how much i'm willing to put into this game.

anyways good for you if you read this wall of text. i've never made a post this long and probably never will again, because i know i rambled alot and i just wasted 30 minutes i could have been spending doing something better.

Little England

Smash Master
Jan 14, 2008
Purdue, W Lafayette IN Rancho Cucamonga, SoCal
@Tink Although I understand your point, I'm sure you understand that that is not the primary focus of the thread. When I talk about the Midwest being behind, I am not specifically talking about its top players.

@Moose Hurray for confidence! <3 the story so far ;D

Just finished reading it. Do not think your time has been wasted. It's awesome to share your stories and I think it will help somebody. 30 minutes time well spent if you ask me.


Smash Champion
Nov 1, 2007
Crystal Lake, IL
yeah this topic makes me a little mad for some reason

you can read everyone's mind and know what they're thinking

yes, out loud they may say "oh i really want to beat kels" when really they're thinking "i want to be the best in the world, and kels is only one brick in the wall i must overcome"

also , kels is not that far behind the top players...you have god tier of m2k/mango/hbox/etc...and then i'd put him in the next tier where a bunch of people are at approximately the same level, so until you can beat kels, you are not going to beat anyone in the god tier

i know what you are saying though, some people in the MW obvioulsy just play and hope they magically get better...you gotta try harder than that if you really want to be good


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2009
Ann Arbor, MI
@Tink Although I understand your point, I'm sure you understand that that is not the primary focus of the thread. When I talk about the Midwest being behind, I am not specifically talking about its top players.

@Moose Hurray for confidence! <3 the story so far ;D

Just finished reading it. Do not think your time has been wasted. It's awesome to share your stories and I think it will help somebody. 30 minutes time well spent if you ask me.
thanks bro
you're on my hitlist too ;)
playing to improve


Smash Champion
Jun 15, 2006
Chicago area
So the point of this thread is that you aren't good and you're one of the best falcos in the MW? Signed.

(that was a joke btw)


Smash Master
Jan 27, 2006
Critical thinking and growing as a community are two things we should all take from this thread. I, for one, know precisely how to make my game more cohesive and dangerous but I am very impatient. :D


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
moose I wish my brother wanted to improve like you. Because he slowly improves and I quickly beat the f*** out of him when he adavnces.

I want to inspire him, but 1st he must straight up **** me he mains mario/falco and he's seen your videos moose. I mean my pichu is way beyond his level not trying to be mean but it really is I can 3 stock his falco fairly easily anymore and it must suck that I take huge leaps and he takes small steps. How can I get him to get better faster so we are both happy?


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2009
Ann Arbor, MI
moose I wish my brother wanted to improve like you. Because he slowly improves and I quickly beat the f*** out of him when he adavnces.

I want to inspire him, but 1st he must straight up **** me he mains mario/falco and he's seen your videos moose. I mean my pichu is way beyond his level not trying to be mean but it really is I can 3 stock his falco fairly easily anymore and it must suck that I take huge leaps and he takes small steps. How can I get him to get better faster so we are both happy?
i wish i had the answer to this. before i came to college, my brother was my greatest resource in terms of improving, but the cost of this is that he no longer loves the game because he feels isn't improving, since i beat him so much. i think first of all your brother needs to have the desire to improve, and that second of all he needs to play people who are at his level or below, so he can feel himself improving. if you only play someone better than you, i can see how easy it is to hit walls and get frustrated. so i guess the best way is for him to find osmeone to play with around his level.


Banned via Warnings
May 14, 2008
I understand walls as a pichu main You have to be stronger than them mentally before you can break them. Hey moose maybe if you pick up someone purly for LOLs and junk for him maaybe roy he can start beating you and getting better. But he is well beyond our friend sometimes plays with us and we'd have to train him 1st to get to his level. captail city sucks :(

But you can understand why I can't improve as fast as you have.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006

although I can't travel nearly as much now to OOS


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2009
Ann Arbor, MI
I understand walls as a pichu main You have to be stronger than them mentally before you can break them. Hey moose maybe if you pick up someone purly for LOLs and junk for him maaybe roy he can start beating you and getting better. But he is well beyond our friend sometimes plays with us and we'd have to train him 1st to get to his level. captail city sucks :(

But you can understand why I can't improve as fast as you have.
yes. i do believe that skill level is a consequence of not just natural talent, but also situation. you need players at least around your skill level in order to improve. i'm not trying to say that if i can do it, anyone can do it. i was lucky to have a brother who was willing to play 2-3 hours with me a day, and i attribute a large part of my growth to it. unfortunately, i don't really have a solution to it. i guess we all just do the best with what we have.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Moose telling it like it is.n Good read dude, you're always welcome to come **** The Dynasty :)

I'd post my story here as well but im pretty sure no one cares.

Juggleguy and I are trying to revive MI melee. Come out and support us and we'll for sure come out and support you!

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Good read, England. I'm fine leaving this in this room for now, I like the purpose it's meant to serve, even though I'm not a melee player. However like Today said, this is as long as it doesn't become a social thread. If it's serving its purpose, then I'm fine leaving it in this room. So just keep things on track and it's fine with me.

Best of luck.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
let me tell you my story lol
i started getting interested in smash competitively around 08. i had had the game since 03, same old story, i played sheik in free for alls on hyrule, thought i was the best plaer in the world. i had a friend who played zelda who i would have good games with, but i would usually win with some heavy camping. he tells me his friend would **** me, so i go online and find out about at's. i drop sheik, pick up falco and start learning all the at's. i play ALOT with my little brother, who plays fox. a few weeks later, i finally get to play his friend, brainjack, who plays marth. i get absolutely wrecked. but my mentality has always been that i can beat anyone if i put enough work into it. he tells me his crew is having a tournament in a week or so. so i practice alot, play alot. these guys had been playing for about a year, so i was excited to experience their skill levels. the night before the tournament i stay up playing him over and over. i was still getting wrecked, but i felt like i was picking up on some of his habits. he tells me theres one other player in his crew who's better than him. the next day at the tournament, with ~20 people. my first tournament match was terrifying. i kept thinking about the consequences of every mistake i made, and therefore made alot more mistakes. but i actually do quite well, taking 2nd in my pool, losing only to my first smash friend, then winning my first bracket match, against junglefever (who's name you might recognize). then i had to play stratford, the aforementioned best player in the crew. i dont remember the details, but i somehow beat him, and that gave me a rush of confidence. i ended up playing brainjack in winners finals, beating him, then losing to stratford in grand finals. but i was very happy with my performance, and the crew was very supportive and nice to me, and became some of my favorite training partners, and people in general.
so whats next? i hadn't been to a "smashboards tournament", where the best in michigan would play. so brainjack took me to a UM-biweekly in late december 08. at this point, i had been following tournament results. from what i could see, scotu seemed to be the best in michigan. my goal, at this point, was to become the best player in the nation. i would start by becoming the best in michigan, then the best in the midwest, then i would travel around beating everyone in every region. All this would theoreticall occur in under a year. Ambitious? Yes. Cocky? yes. Entirely possible? yes. So i entered my first pools match, against a pikachu player named antoine. We played 3 stocks to save time. I got 3 stocked twice. Only later did i find out i was playing against anther. I ended up placing 5th or 7th, out of 16, not even getting a chance to play scotu in tournament. i did beat a few notable players, like lain and sheepyman. It wasn't horrible, but i wasn't satisfied. I wanted to be the best. But tournaments were few and far in between in michigan, and it wasn't until the summer of 09 when i got a chance to play more people. In the meantime i practiced my tech skill and played against my little brother alot, maybe 2-3 hours every day. I started going to tournaments, doing decently but not great. I met the best players in michigan, like dope, mikey lenetia, bigy, shaeden, velynn and scotu. they became my targets, and still are, my targets. i eventually improved to the point where i was no longer scared of scotu in tournament, and the last time i played mikey l. in tournament i beat him. dope i never had a chance to play. bigy and shaeden and velynn are still at or above my level, and i won't be satisfied until i can not only beat them, but consistently beat them to the point where they almost give up against me in bracket. ambitious? yes. I began attending the University of Michigan in 09, where scotu hosted LOLIS, which drew many great players from around the midwest. i had the chance to play with m2k, vidjo, kels and tink. i learned alot from playing them. they were added to my list of targets. i also had a really unique opportunity to play against teczero for about 10 hours straight for a couple of sessions, due to his friendship with junglefever. The first time i played him, he was the best player i had ever played (including m2k lol) in my opinion, and i lost to all of his characters except his ness LOL. The next time, i did much better, occasionally beating his sheik and peach and marth in friendlies. I love playing against him, because he punishes my habits and spacing mistakes, and he punishes HARD. I like to think of him as my measuring stick, because of his adaptive playstyle, and look forward to playing him again. then this summer, i continued to play, taking home several 2nd place finishes. then i went to my first out of state tournament at scsyn. it reminded me of my first tournament in that i did decently, but im not satisfied unless i got first. i'm proud of my victories against rat and bigd, but i would really like to see moose advance over kels or a moose victory over tink. and i know these are definitely possible, and i promise you guys, i'm coming for you.

however, the main issue right now with smash is that it's simply not as important to me as the other things going on in my life right now. I'd rather be working on homework, or talking to friends, or going to parties than smashing. i started playing smash because i had a huge excess of free time, and that free time is shrinking away right now. i'm not quitting, but i have to think about what's important to me, and how much i'm willing to put into this game.

anyways good for you if you read this wall of text. i've never made a post this long and probably never will again, because i know i rambled alot and i just wasted 30 minutes i could have been spending doing something better.

i appreciated this babycakes


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
These posts make me happy. Thanks to everyone who has signed.

@Moose: I want to play you as well. Perhaps some Chicago tourney in the future. ;)
@Dart: I picked on you because I thought you could take the heat the best, and I was right! <3
@Jay: That's good to hear. I think it is really important that you pick a character that you CONSISTENTLY enjoy and are comfortable with. Is Puff that character? You need to pick a main and that's the first big step to improvement.
@Quaz: Regardless of what anyone says, you CAN improve in a desolate area for smash. I did it, so can you.
Well you know i can be as humble as i am cocky sometimes, i don't think i could reach tink status in cockiness though :p


Smash Lord
Jul 2, 2008
Shoot. I think you already know I'm signing this thing.

Although I've got to step this stuff up again. What I told you after your last big post (in the ssbo thread) didn't happen. It will, it will...
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